Conditions Supporting Entrepreneurship and Sustainable Growth

Luís Farinha ◽  
Joao J. Ferreira ◽  
Sara Nunes ◽  
Vanessa Ratten

There are a variety of different conditions that support entrepreneurship and affect sustainable development. The aim of this paper is to focus on the issue of territorial advantage, based on the dimensions analysed by the World Economic Forum (WEF). This helps to assess the sustainable competitiveness of different geographic regions in the world based on the variables of the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM). The geographic regions the authors focus on in the analysis are 1) Asia and Oceania, 2) Europe and 3) Latin America and the Caribbean. From the analysis they analyse which variables best explain the socio-economic development of these geographic regions and whether there are any major differences. The results based on partial least squares structural equation modelling (PLS-SEM) show the variables within each group of countries, which best explain the regional development. This helps to understand the association between competitiveness and entrepreneurship variables with sustainable growth in order to help explain best interventionist priorities to use in order to foster entrepreneurship.

2018 ◽  
Vol 16 (2) ◽  
pp. 85-98
Jairo Alonso Orozco Triana ◽  
Luis Carlos Arraut Camargo

This article explains the impact of entrepreneurs’ expectations on countries economic growth, considering the public policies that foster the development. Using data from Global Entrepreneurship Monitor and the World Economic Forum a descriptive analysis is done, then with the application of ordinary least squares (OLS) the effects are explained by groups of countries: efficiency-driven and innovation-driven. Ultimately in innovation-driven countries is clear the relationship between expectations of entrepreneurs and economic growth, while, with some exceptions, in efficiency-driven countries public policy should be focused on break the barrier that halt the momentum of entrepreneurs with high expectations.ResumenEste artículo explica el impacto de las expectativas que tienen los emprendedores en etapas tempranas sobre el crecimiento económico de los países, teniendo en cuenta las políticas públicas que ambientan el desarrollo. Esta investigación utiliza variables del Global Entrepreneurship Monitor y del World Economic Forum para realizar un análisis descriptivo. Luego utilizando del método de mínimos cuadrados ordinarios se explican los efectos por grupos de países: impulsados por la eficiencia e impulsados por la innovación. En definitiva, en los países impulsados por la innovación es clara la relación expectativa de los emprendedores y crecimiento, salvo algunas excepciones, en los países impulsados por la eficiencia se debe trabajar la política pública para que las instituciones no sean la barrera que frene el ímpetu de los emprendedores con altas expectativas.ResumoEste artigo explica o impacto das expectativas dos empresários no crescimento econômico dos países, considerando as políticas públicas que fomentam o desenvolvimento. Usando dados do Global Entrepreneurship Monitor e do Fórum Econômico Mundial, uma análise descritiva é feita, depois, com a aplicação de mínimos quadrados ordinários (OLS), os efeitos são explicados por grupos de países: impulsionados pela eficiência e orientados pela inovação. Em última análise, nos países impulsionados pela inovação está clara a relação entre as expectativas dos empresários e crescimento econômico, enquanto, com algumas exceções, em países orientados para a eficiência política pública deve ser focada em romper a barreira que parar o ímpeto de empresários com expectativas elevadas.

Maria Manuela Santos Natário

This chapter reflects upon factors that influence nascent entrepreneurship across countries. Correlation analysis is applied using various explanatory variables derived from different approaches. Clusters analysis is applied to verify how different countries are positioned in terms of nascent entrepreneurship. Scheffe's test of mean differences distinguish the unique characteristics of each cluster and assess the principal determinants of the nascent entrepreneurship capacity. The chapter uses the global entrepreneurship monitor (GEM) database and nascent entrepreneurship rates for 52 countries (in 2015), as well as the competitiveness database (2015-16) of the World Economic Forum and Hofstede's cultural dimensions. Analysis from the different approaches assumes that nascent entrepreneurship depends upon the competitive level of the country. In addition, it assumes that nascent entrepreneurship is a cultural phenomenon.

2017 ◽  
pp. 127
Silvio Da Rosa Paula ◽  
Daniel De Abreu Pereira Uhr ◽  
Júlia Gallego Ziero Uhr

O objetivo deste artigo é investigar a influência do empreendedorismo no crescimento econômico. Utiliza-se três variáveis de empreendedorismo extraídas do Global Entrepreneurship Monitor juntamente com o índice de competitividade global elaborado pelo World Economic Forum, um indicador que captura o conjunto de instituições, políticas e fatores que definem o níveis atuais e médio prazo sustentáveis de prosperidade econômica. Para o modelo empírico utiliza-se o método de dados em painel com controle para efeitos fixos, para o período entre 2006 a 2014. Os resultados demonstram que o empreendedorismo é um fator importante para explicar o crescimento econômico, todavia seu impacto depende do estágio do desenvolvimento econômico dos países.

2009 ◽  
pp. 85-96 ◽  
E. Rustamov

The article considers strategic issues of modernization of the transition economy. The analysis is based on the methodology of the World Economic Forum where special attention is paid to the sequence of the transformation stages. The main conclusion is that modernization should combine implementation of the governance mechanisms with the beneficial use of comparative advantages of the national culture. In fact, modernization of the transition economy should be evolutionary. It is precisely this course of development that is relevant for Azerbaijan which has successfully upgraded its economy in the recent years.

Sabrina Bruno

Climate change is a financial factor that carries with it risks and opportunities for companies. To support boards of directors of companies belonging to all jurisdictions, the World Economic Forum issued in January 2019 eight Principlescontaining both theoretical and practical provisions on: climate accountability, competence, governance, management, disclosure and dialogue. The paper analyses each Principle to understand scope and managerial consequences for boards and to evaluate whether the legal distinctions, among the various jurisdictions, may undermine the application of the Principles or, by contrast, despite the differences the Principles may be a useful and effective guidance to drive boards' of directors' conduct around the world in handling climate change challenges. Five jurisdictions are taken into consideration for this comparative analysis: Europe (and UK), US, Australia, South Africa and Canada. The conclusion is that the WEF Principles, as soft law, is the best possible instrument to address boards of directors of worldwide companies, harmonise their conduct and effectively help facing such global emergency.

2020 ◽  
pp. 54-62
Oleksii V. Lyulyov ◽  
Oleksandra I. Karintseva ◽  
Andrii V. Yevdokymov ◽  
Hanna S. Ponomarova ◽  
Oleksandr O. Ivanov

The article describes the situation of gender equality in Ukraine and in the world during the last 5 years, identifies the leading countries in moving towards gender equality in various fields of life by analyzing the indicators of the Global Gender Gap Report of the World Economic Forum. These indicators include: Economic Participation and Opportunity, Educational Attainment, Health and Survival, Political Empowerment, which are the part of a single index that determines the position of countries in the overall ranking. Based on the results of this analysis, Ukraine has improved value of gender equality index, although in the overall ranking of countries Ukraine has lost its position and dropped 11 ranks lower than in 2014. This means that, among all the countries surveyed by the World Economic Forum, there are countries that are moving much faster towards gender equality than Ukraine. In addition, the article includes the investigation of the gender representation among the board members of 5 enterprises of Ukraine for 2014-2017, which represent the leading sectors of the Ukrainian economy. The dynamics of changes in the level of performance of these enterprises using the return on assets (ROA) indicator is analyzed, the relationship between the leadership of the enterprises and the value of the ROA indicator is graphically presented. The obtained results do not give a clear answer about the gender impact on the enterprise performance. The reason for this is a number of factors, such as: insufficient statistical sampling of enterprises; the selected performance indicator of enterprise activities does not fully reflect the impact of the gender factor on enterprise activities; the methodology used in the work needs improvements, or it is necessary to choose a totally new approach to the analysis of the investigated issue under study. Gender representation among board members and its impact on enterprise performance should be investigated further. Key words: gender, gender equality, enterprise board members, return on assets.

Stephen K. Reed

Cognitive Skills You Need for the 21st Century begins with the Future of Jobs Report 2018 of the World Economic Forum that describes trending skills through the year 2022. To assist with the development of these skills, the book describes techniques that should benefit everyone. The 20 chapters occupy 6 sections on acquiring knowledge (comprehension, action, categorization, abstraction), organizing knowledge (matrices, networks, hierarchies), reasoning (visuospatial reasoning, imperfect knowledge, strategies), problem-solving (problems, design, dynamics), artificial intelligence (data sciences, explainable AI, information sciences, general AI), and education (complex systems, computational thinking, continuing education). Classical research, recent research, personal anecdotes, and a few exercises provide a broad introduction to this critical topic.

Maryna Nochka ◽  

The article is devoted to the analysis tools for assessing human capital based on world rankings in the context of sustainable development. The most famous world rankings of human capital, studied by such international organizations as the World Bank, the United Nations, the World Economic Forum, the University of Groningen in collaboration with the University of California at Davis and others, are considered. Quantifying human capital as the economic and social value of a skill set is measured through an index. Each organization makes measurements according to its own method. The application of different criteria and indicators for assessing human capital at the macroeconomic level is analyzed. The considered assessment methodologies are overwhelmingly based on statistical approaches. Analyzed the position of Ukraine in the world rankings in recent years in dynamics. It has been confirmed that these international ratings can be considered as a reflection of the state of human capital in Ukraine. Revealed quite high rating positions of Ukraine in comparison with other countries. The results allow us to conclude that there is insufficient government funding for the development of human capital. It is concluded that Ukraine needs to improve the quality of human capital as a leading factor in increasing the efficiency of the country's economy in the context of sustainable development. The study showed that the use of high-quality, highly qualified human capital leads to an improvement in the country's position in the world rankings.

Luis Farinha ◽  
Sara Nunes ◽  
João J. Ferreira ◽  
António Fernandes

Purpose This paper focuses on the issue of global competitive advantage of nations, based on the dimensions analyzed by the World Economic Forum in assessing the economic competitiveness of a large sample of countries. From the different stages of development of the countries, this study aims to help us to recognize what variables better explain the global competitive advantage of economies. Design/methodology/approach Following quantitative analysis, results based on PLS show what dimensions within each economic development stage best explain the global competitive advantage of economies. Findings Beyond the institutions, infrastructure and regulation of the markets, higher education and training, the technological readiness, the business sophistication and innovation contribute greatly to explain the competitive advantage of economies. Originality/value Understanding the drivers of global competitive advantage of nations, this study may help academics to conduct new studies, as well as politicians to define intervention priorities.

2021 ◽  
Vol 93 ◽  
pp. 05004
Dmitry Rodnyansky ◽  
Ivan Makarov ◽  
Evgeniya Korotayeva ◽  
Vadim Kovrigin ◽  
Vladislav Nazarenko

In modern conditions, issues related to the effectiveness of the regulation of the oil industry by the state are becoming increasingly important. In January 2018, the World Economic Forum was held in Davos, which, in particular, noted the impact of the growth of protectionist trends in the global trade in hydrocarbons, and the impact of climate change on the planet on the export of hydrocarbons. As a result of the forum, the key ways of adjusting the policy of states in the relevant area were identified. At the same time, a significant number of states are already seeing the process of changing state regulation of the industry. In this article, the authors analyzed the systems of state regulation of the oil industry in different countries, and also gave assessments of the possibility of integrating new mechanisms into the system of sectoral management in Russia in the conditions of post-covid reality

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