Fractal Characteristics of Motion Trace Curve of Landslide Monitoring Points

2011 ◽  
Vol 90-93 ◽  
pp. 1285-1290 ◽  
Xian Ming Hu ◽  
E Chuan Yan ◽  
Kun Lv ◽  
Ting Ting Zhang

According to the analysis of the landslide monitoring data, it is revealed that the amount of the cumulative displacement of the landslide depends on the monitoring cycle. And the trajectory curve of monitoring point has the fractal characteristics. The fractal dimension of the landslide internal points’ movement direction is various with the landslide development, which is decreased from the generation to the deformation and then to the damage. Meanwhile, based on the fractal boxing counting theorem, the program in Matlab is created to calculate the box dimension of the curve. Take a reviving landslide in Three-Gorge as an example, the fractal dimensions of the surface GPS monitoring points’ trajectory curves from 2007 to 2009 are obtained, and the dimension of each point is close to 1. The result indicates that this landslide is in the plastic deformation stage. It is the same with the landslide actual deformation. Therefore, the fractal theory has a great significance in the effective use of the monitoring data, the reorganization of the evolving stage and the prediction of the deformation trend for the landslide.

2018 ◽  
Vol 159 ◽  
pp. 01006
Bagus Hario Setiadji ◽  
Supriyono ◽  
Djoko Purwanto

Several studies have shown that fractal theory can be used to analyze the morphology of aggregate materials in designing the gradation. However, the question arises whether a fractal dimension can actually represent a single aggregate gradation. This study, which is a part of a grand research to determine aggregate gradation based on known asphalt mixture specifications, is performed to clarify the aforementioned question. To do so, two steps of methodology were proposed in this study, that is, step 1 is to determine the fractal characteristics using 3 aggregate gradations (i.e. gradations near upper and lower bounds, and middle gradation); and step 2 is to back-calculate aggregate gradation based on fractal characteristics obtained using 2 scenarios, one-and multi-fractal dimension scenarios. The results of this study indicate that the multi-fractal dimension scenario provides a better prediction of aggregate gradation due to the ability of this scenario to better represent the shape of the original aggregate gradation. However, careful consideration must be observed when using more than two fractal dimensions in predicting aggregate gradation as it will increase the difficulty in developing the fractal characteristic equations.

2012 ◽  
Vol 204-208 ◽  
pp. 1923-1928
Bo Tan ◽  
Rui Hua Yang ◽  
Yan Ting Lai

The paper presents the fractal dimension formula of distribution of asphalt mixture aggregate diameter by the deducing mass fractal characteristics function. Taking AC-20 and SMA-20 as examples, selected 6 groups of representative grading curves within the grading envelope proposed by the present specification, and calculated their fractal dimensions. The asphalt mixture gradation has fractal dimension D (D∈(1,3)), and the fractal of continuous gradation is single while the fractal of gap-gradation shows multi-fractal with 4.75 as the dividing point. Fractal dimension of aggregate gradation of asphalt mixture reflect the structure characteristics of aggregate distribution, that is, finer is aggregate, bigger is the fractal dimension.

2014 ◽  
Vol 578-579 ◽  
pp. 359-368 ◽  
Peng Fei Geng ◽  
Lin Zhu Sun ◽  
Fang Yang ◽  
Wei Li

Vertical bearing capacity experiments were conducted with circular double-layer stirrup confined concrete columns as study objects, data acquisition was carried out using acoustic emission (AE) equipment and the AE parameters and graphs acquired during the experiments were analyzed to obtain the damage evolution of steel reinforced concrete columns under compression. The correlation between fractal dimension of AE graphs and curve was studied using the fractal theory, and the results show that the AE parameter graphs have fractal characteristics and the box dimension of each AE parameter graph constantly increases with the increase in stress, with a positive correlation exhibited between the fractal dimension and stress level. The loss variable expressed with fractal dimension was defined to establish actual equivalent stresses and the equivalent stress curves and experimental curves were compared; the results show that the fractal dimension of acoustic emission parameter graph can characterize the damage laws of the concrete member.

Fractals ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 27 (01) ◽  
pp. 1940014 ◽  
YU LIU ◽  

Pore structure in shale controls the gas storage mechanism and gas transport behaviors. Since nanoscale pores in shale matrix have fractal characteristics, fractal theory can be used to study its structure. In addition, fractal method has its own advantages to investigate nanopores in shale, especially for the heterogeneity and irregularity of nanopores in shale. In this work, fractal features of nanoscale pores and the implication on methane adsorption capacity of shale were investigated by employing low pressure nitrogen adsorption, scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and methane adsorption experiments. Frenkel–Halsey–Hill (FHH) model was also used to calculate the fractal parameters of nanoscale pores in shale. The results showed that nanoscale pores in 12 shale samples have obvious fractal features. All the fractal curves of these shale samples can be divided into two segments, which are cut off by [Formula: see text], and the fractal dimensions of these two segments vary from 2.48 to 2.92 [Formula: see text] and 2.42 to 2.80 [Formula: see text], respectively. Based on SEM images, it is found that self-similarity of organic pore systems in shales refers to two aspects. One is that relatively large-scale and small-scale pores have similar formation properties and types, which are of elliptical shape with rough surface. The other is that some small-scale pores are formed by rough surface of relatively large pores. The results also demonstrate that methane adsorption capacity of shale samples increase with increasing total organic carbon (TOC) contents. This is mainly because organic matter is rich in pores and has relatively large fractal dimension values. Larger fractal dimensions indicate rougher pore surfaces and could form more small-scale organic pores. These organic pores would provide more space for methane adsorption.

2012 ◽  
Vol 193-194 ◽  
pp. 323-328
Bing Qin Zhao ◽  
Zhen Yao Xia ◽  
Wen Nian Xu ◽  
Zheng Jun Zhou

The roots can significantly increase the soil reinforcement of vegetation, and the fractal theory provides a new perspective for vegetation roots studies. This article applied the Fractal Fox software to calculate the fractal dimension of medicago sativa and cynodon dactylon roots in different growth periods and proved that the two species show fractal characteristics. The conclusions from the analysis are as follows: ①The fractal dimensions of the two plant roots tend to be stable with the increase of growth period; ②The fractal characteristic value of cynodon dactylon root is more significant than medicago sativa root; ③Compared with medicago sativa root, cynodon dactylon root is more effective in increasing the shear strength of soil.

2011 ◽  
Vol 250-253 ◽  
pp. 1818-1822 ◽  
Hong Quan Sun ◽  
Jun Ding ◽  
Jian Guo ◽  
Dong Liang Fu

Under the concentrated loads, the crack evolutions of reinforced concrete experimental beams (RCEB) with three different aggregate sizes are studied. Using fractal theory, the generation, development and distribution of the cracks on the RCEB are analyzed. The results show that the cracks on the RCEB have fractal characteristics obviously. By studying the fractal dimension of the cracks, the aggregate sizes have significant effect to the cracks on the RCEB. The relationships of the fractal dimensions of the crack evolution in loading processing and loads meet the power function laws. The researching results of this paper provide a new theoretical basis for selecting the appropriate aggregate size to improve the strength of reinforced concrete beams.

2011 ◽  
Vol 374-377 ◽  
pp. 1843-1847
Ming Tang ◽  
Hong Liang Liu ◽  
Jing Qi Li ◽  
Ning Chen

The fractal characteristics of concrete materials microstructure are analyzed with fractal theory. The fractal dimension of concrete materials microstructure in the different conditions are tested and counted by code and box Dimension. The result shows that the fractal characteristics of concrete materials microstructures are highly notable, as interface of cement clinker mineral, dispersed state of unhydrated cement particles, crack of hardened cement paste, hydration product and pore structure of hydrated cement paste section. Proving it is effective to measure surface of cement clinker mineral, figures of hydration C-S-H grains and outlines, pore structure of concrete section. Using box dimension is effective to test microcracks and pore structure of section of motor samples and fiber-hydrate. In the course of fractal analysis, the dimensions of fractal are bigger than their topologic dimension, and they are smaller than their space dimension, they are keeping with the fractal theory.

2018 ◽  
Vol 2018 (2) ◽  
Vera Sadarviana ◽  
Hasanuddin Zainal Abidin ◽  
Irwan Gumilar ◽  
Nunghatta S W ◽  
Achmad R T

ABSTRAKDesa Mukapayung Kidangpananjung Kecamatan Cililin mengalami bencana longsor pada tahun 2013. Bukit yang mengelilingi desa menjadi morfologi yang terganggu kestabilannya pada saat terjadi hujan lebat semalaman. Bukit tersebut memiliki tingkat kemiringan yang curam dan berpotensi mengalami pergerakan tanah atau longsor. Apabila potensi kerentanan dipicu oleh getaran/gempa dan peningkatan volume air, seperti hujan maka bukit tersebut dapat mengalami kembali pergerakan tanah/longsoran. Untuk itu, pemantauan gerakan tanah perlu dilakukan dalam upaya mitigasi bencana lanjutan. Pemantauan gerakan tanah dilakukan menggunakan Total Station Robotik yang menghasilkan vektor pergerakan tanah dari titik-titik pantau yang dipasang di lereng bukit. Dari hasil vektor tiga periode pengamatan diketahui bahwa arah pergerakan tanah berbeda untuk di suatu titik pantau. Hal tersebut mengindikasikan bahwa lereng yang diamati memiliki bidang gelincir lebih dari satu. Sehingga pada saat terjadi longsor maka arah pergerakan tanah/material lereng dapat bergerak sesuai dengan bidang gelincir yang mengalami tekanan yang paling besar. Kata kunci: longsor, pemantauan, robotikABSTRACTMukapayung Kidangpananjung Village, Cililin Subdistrict experienced a landslide disaster in 2013. The hills that surround the village become morphologically disturbed when heavy rain occurs overnight. The hill has a steep slope and has the potential to experience land movement or landslides. If the potential for the vulnerability is triggered by vibrations/earthquakes and an increase in the volume of water, such as rain, the hill can re-experience land movement/landslides. For this reason, monitoring of land movements needs to be carried out in further disaster mitigation efforts. Soil movement monitoring is carried out using a Robotic Total Station which produces a vector of ground movement from monitoring points mounted on the hillside. From the results of the vector of three observation periods, it is known that the direction of ground movement is different for each monitoring point. This indicates that the observed slope has more than one slip plane. When a landslide occurs, the movement direction of land/slope material can move in accordance with the slip plane which is experiencing the greatest pressure. Keywords: landslide, monitoring, robotic

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
Bing Sun ◽  
Shun Liu ◽  
Sheng Zeng ◽  
Shanyong Wang ◽  
Shaoping Wang

AbstractTo investigate the influence of the fissure morphology on the dynamic mechanical properties of the rock and the crack propagation, a drop hammer impact test device was used to conduct impact failure tests on sandstones with different fissure numbers and fissure dips, simultaneously recorded the crack growth after each impact. The box fractal dimension is used to quantitatively analyze the dynamic change in the sandstone cracks and a fractal model of crack growth over time is established based on fractal theory. The results demonstrate that under impact test conditions of the same mass and different heights, the energy absorbed by sandstone accounts for about 26.7% of the gravitational potential energy. But at the same height and different mass, the energy absorbed by the sandstone accounts for about 68.6% of the total energy. As the fissure dip increases and the number of fissures increases, the dynamic peak stress and dynamic elastic modulus of the fractured sandstone gradually decrease. The fractal dimensions of crack evolution tend to increase with time as a whole and assume as a parabolic. Except for one fissure, 60° and 90° specimens, with the extension of time, the increase rate of fractal dimension is decreasing correspondingly.

2008 ◽  
Vol 16 (2-3) ◽  
pp. 205-216
Bartosz Balis ◽  
Marian Bubak ◽  
Bartłomiej Łabno

Scientific workflows are a means of conducting in silico experiments in modern computing infrastructures for e-Science, often built on top of Grids. Monitoring of Grid scientific workflows is essential not only for performance analysis but also to collect provenance data and gather feedback useful in future decisions, e.g., related to optimization of resource usage. In this paper, basic problems related to monitoring of Grid scientific workflows are discussed. Being highly distributed, loosely coupled in space and time, heterogeneous, and heavily using legacy codes, workflows are exceptionally challenging from the monitoring point of view. We propose a Grid monitoring architecture for scientific workflows. Monitoring data correlation problem is described and an algorithm for on-line distributed collection of monitoring data is proposed. We demonstrate a prototype implementation of the proposed workflow monitoring architecture, the GEMINI monitoring system, and its use for monitoring of a real-life scientific workflow.

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