scholarly journals The Case of the Eleven-Inch Fish: A Study in Administrative Discretion

1999 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 51
Don Jaccard

The complex, yet vague nature, of legislation being generated by lawmakers in Washington, DC requires that public administrators be afforded administrative discretion in carrying out their respective duties. It is no longer possible for policymakers to be fully informed regarding the multitude of variables that exist in the offshore fishing environment, nor is it possible to articulate that spectrum of variables in codified laws and regulations. The academic debate between controlling the exercise of administrative discretion on the one hand and extending the leash of judgment on the other has been around as long as the profession of public administration. In the case of the eleven-inch fish (the fish is one inch shy of being a legal catch), the public administrator on the scene of the infraction has a choice to make. The administrator can choose to overlook the incident, issue a warning, or issue a $100 notice of violation and seize the fish. I know which alternative I chose. The question is, which alternative would you choose?

2021 ◽  
pp. 37-44
P. P. Bylik ◽  
I. A. Osadcha

The article focuses on the relationship between public administration and legal deontology. Public administration is a renewed form of public administration. The difference is that public administration is a more democratic process of state-authoritative impact on social relations. This democracy is manifested in the forms and methods of managerial activity used. Among the forms and methods of public administration, a softer set of forms is selected – an appropriate combination of legal and non-legal forms, the method of persuasion and coercion. The very activity has an executive and administrative nature. The executive orientation implies the call of public administrations to promote the practical implementation of laws. Orders – to adopt and implement legal acts of administration. Forms and methods together constitute the tools of activity of public administrations. Executive-administrative activity is carried out through appropriate managerial procedures. The basis of activity is administrative discretion. It consists in the possibility at one’s own risk to use forms and methods in their totality depending on the choice of the public administrator himself. This requires its appropriate level of professional training and the necessary level of compliance of the activity of a public administrator with increased moral and ethical parameters. Given the lack of administrative and procedural legislation, it is proposed to consider the use of discretionary powers as permissible with the possibility of expanding their limits within the law. But this is only on condition of introducing into the normative regulation of public administrators’ activity the code of their professional conduct. Such a code should contain an ideal model of professional conduct of public administrators. Conformity of professional conduct of an official of public administration body to the requirements of the code is a prerequisite for the implementation of its social mission. The code of ethics of a public administrator should contain a set of requirements of moral and ethical nature, compliance with which in the activities of the public administrator will contribute to the implementation of constitutional requirements on the social orientation and conditionality of the activities of the state and all its bodies.

Mª Concepción CAMPOS ACUÑA

Laburpena: Azterlan honen helburua da administrazio publikoaren eredu berriari buruzko ikuspegia ematea, bi ardatz oinarri hartuta: berrikuntza eta adimen artifiziala. Alde batetik, berrikuntza delako administrazioak bilatu behar duen balio erantsia, bere jarrera tradizionala alde batera utzita, eta, bestetik, teknologien abangoardiarekin bat egiteko premia larritik abiatuta (adimen artifiziala) kasu honetan, gainera, berrikuntzaren eragile izanik . Hori guztia, sortzen diren eztabaida etiko sakonak ikuspegi juridikotik aztertuta, eta erronkei aurre eginez, bai zerbitzu publikoa bermatzeko eta bai herritarrek beren eskubideak libreki baliatzeko eta administrazioarekin dituzten harremanetan bazterketarik ez jasateko. Resumen: En el presente estudio pretende ofrecerse un enfoque del nuevo modelo de administración pública sobre dos ejes: innovación e inteligencia artificial. Por un lado, desde la perspectiva de la innovación como valor añadido que la administración debe buscar frente a su posición tradicional y, por otro, desde la imperiosa necesidad de sumarse a la vanguardia de las tecnologías en clave de inteligencia artificial, en este caso, además, como motor de innovación. Todo ello desde un análisis en perspectiva jurídica, desde los retos que se plantean para garantizar no sólo el servicio público, sino el libre ejercicio de sus derechos por la ciudadanía y la no discriminación en su relación con la administración, ante los profundos debates éticos que aparecen. Abstract: In the present study, we intend to offer an approach to the new model of public administration on two axes: innovation and artificial intelligence. On the one hand, from the perspective of innovation as an added value that the administration must seek in the face of its traditional position and, on the other, from the imperative need to join the vanguard of technologies in the key of artificial intelligence, in this case, also as an innovation engine. All this from an analysis in legal perspective, from the challenges that are posed to guarantee not only the public service, but the free exercise of their rights by citizenship and non-discrimination in their relationship with the administration, before the profound ethical debates that appear.


Laburpena: Adimen artifiziala da gaur egungo teknologien artean bultzadarik handiena duenetako bat. Azterlan honen xedea da horren erronka batzuen hausnarketa bat eskaintzea Administrazio Publikoan aplikatzeko. Alde batetik, abiadura-palanka gisa duen gaitasunaren ikuspuntutik, sektore publikoa den bezalako ekosistema juridikoan; beste alde batetik, administrazio-sistemetan bere garapena bideragarri egiteko suertatzen diren galderei erantzuteko beharretik. Horretarako, aztertuko da nola aldaketa teknologiko berriek lege-moldaketekin batera etorri diren maila publikoan bideragarritasuna emateko; aurkeztuko dira algoritmoen aukera eta ziurgabetasun batzuk Administrazioaren teknologia eraldatzaile bezala; azkenik, deskribatuko dira aspektu juridiko batzuk beharrezkoak direnak Administrazioan bere ezapen ziurra eta etikoa lortzeko eta aztertuko dira administrazio-prozedura automatizatu posible baten elementurik aipagarrienak. Resumen: La inteligencia artificial es ya hoy una de las tecnologías con mayor potencial. El presente estudio tiene por objeto ofrecer una reflexión sobre algunos de los retos para su aplicación en la Administración pública. Por un lado, desde el punto de vista de su capacidad como palanca de cambio en un ecosistema jurídico como el sector público; por otro, desde la necesidad de abordar algunos de los interrogantes que surgen para hacer viable su desarrollo en los sistemas administrativos. Para ello, se analizará cómo los recientes cambios tecnológicos han venido acompañados de modificaciones legales para dotarles de viabilidad en el ámbito público, se mostrarán algunas de las oportunidades e incertidumbres de los algoritmos como tecnologías transformadoras en la Administración, se describirán algunos de los aspectos jurídicos que es necesario abordar para su segura implantación ética y jurídica en la Administración y se analizarán algunos de los elementos más destacados de un posible procedimiento administrativo automatizado. Abstract: Artificial intelligence is already today one of the technologies with greatest potential. The purpose of this study is to offer a reflection on some of the challenges for its implementation in public administration. On the one hand, from the standpoint of its capacity as a lever of change and transformation in a legal ecosystem such as the public sector; on the other, from the need to address some of the questions that arise to make viable its development in administrative systems. For that purpose, it will be analyzed how recent technological changes have been accompanied by legal modifications to make them viable in the public sphere, some of the opportunities and uncertainties of algorithms as transformative technologies in administration will be shown, some of the legal aspects that need to be addressed for its legal and ethical secure implementation in the Administration will be described, and some of the most outstanding elements of a possible automated administrative procedure will be analyzed.

James Svara

Woodrow Wilson’s early writings contributed to the emerging effort in the 1880s to redefine and reform the field of public administration and to clarify its relationship to elected officials. Wilson envisioned an active and independent administration that was accountable to elected officials for carrying out the policies they established. Administrators should display expertise and operate efficiently, yet they should be attuned to the views of the public and not seek to determine the content of public policy. Elected officials should stop intervening in determining the detailed decisions made by administrators. The central interpretation of Wilson’s views is that politics and policy, on the one hand, and administration, on the other, were not strictly divided in a dichotomous relationship. They were two distinct but interconnected parts of a duality. There was clear support for the view espoused by Wilson in the next half century and a recognition that administrators assisted elected officials in the formulation of policy. The view that the ideal relationship between elected officials and administrators was a dichotomy took hold, and some claimed that Wilson advocated this strict separation. Subsequent theorizing and empirical research by public administration scholars have clearly supported a dualistic view of the relationship and have recognized Wilson’s contribution to establishing a model for the field that would stress complementarity between elected officials and administrators, rather than dichotomy.


LABURPENA: Administrazio Publikoen Administrazio Prozedura Erkidearen urriaren 1eko 39/2015 Legearen 56. artikuluak berrikuntza batzuk sartu ditu behinbehineko neurrien erregulazioan. Labur-labur esan dezakegu, batetik, 39/2015 Legeak murrizketa arautzaile batzuk sartu dituela behin-behineko neurriak hartzeko eremuan. Orain, prozedura oro har hasi aurretik har daitezke neurri horiek. Era berean, Administrazio Publikoen Administrazio Prozedura Erkidearen Legeak jasotzen duen administrazio-prozedura erkidearen ikuskera berriaren ondorioz, kasu bakoitzean behar diren behin-behineko neurriak hartu ahalko dira prozedura zehatzaileetan, araudi erregulatzailean aurreikuspen espezifikorik egon beharrik gabe. Beste alde batetik, eskakizun gehigarri batzuk ezartzen ditu erregulazio berriak, kontuan hartu behar direnak administrazio-prozedura hori hasi aurretiko edo hasi ondorengo behin-behineko neurriak hartzean. Horrela, administrazioak neurri horiek hartzean duen irizpidezkotasuna murrizten lagunduko da. Beste leku batetik begiratuta, nabarmendu egin behar da legegileak sartu dituen aldaketek hainbat inspirazio-iturriri erantzuten dietela, edo hori ematen duela; izan ere, Administrazio Publikoen Administrazio Prozedura Erkidearen Legeak Prozedura Zibilaren Legea hartu nahi izan du erreferentziatzat har daitezkeen behinbehineko neurriak zeintzuk diren adieraztean, baina, neurri horiek hartzeko modua arautzen duten printzipioei dagokienean, legegileak aurreko araudian prozedura zehatzaileetako behin-behineko neurriak hartzeko araubidea ezaugarritzen zuten zenbait berezitasuni begiratu diela dirudi. RESUMEN: El art. 56 de la Ley 39/2015, de 1 de octubre, de Procedimiento Administrativo Común de las Administraciones Públicas (LPAC) ha introducido algunas novedades en la regulación de las medidas provisionales. De forma resumida puede decirse que, por una parte, la Ley 39/2015 ha eliminado algunas restricciones normativas relativas a la adopción de las medidas provisionales, de manera que ahora éstas pueden ser acordadas antes del inicio del procedimiento con carácter general. A su vez, a consecuencia de la nueva concepción del procedimiento administrativo común que recoge la LPAC, en los procedimientos sancionadores podrán adoptarse las medidas provisionales precisas en cada caso, sin necesidad de previsión específica en la normativa reguladora. Por otra parte, la nueva regulación establece una serie de exigencias adicionales que deben observarse al acordar las medidas provisionales previas o posteriores a la iniciación del procedimiento administrativo de referencia, contribuyendo así a reducir la discrecionalidad administrativa en su adopción. Desde otra perspectiva, cabe destacar que los cambios introducidos por el legislador parecen responder a distintas fuentes de inspiración pues, mientras que en lo relativo a la enunciación de las medidas provisionales de posible adopción la LPAC ha pretendido tomar como referencia la Ley de Enjuiciamiento Civil, en lo que respecta a los principios que ordenan la adopción de las medidas señaladas el legislador parece haber tenido en cuenta, principalmente, algunas singularidades que, en la normativa precedente, caracterizaban al régimen de adopción de las medidas provisionales en los procedimientos sancionadores. ABSTRACT: Article 56 of Act 39/2015 of October 1st, on the Common Administrative Procedure by the Public Administrations provided some novelties in the regulation of interim measures. In brief we can consider that on the one hand Act 39/2015 has lifted some normative restrictions regarding the adoption of interim measures so that they now can be agreed in general before the beginning of the procedure. At the same time, as a consequence of the new common administrative procedure conception established by the LPAC, in penalty procedures interim measures specific to each case might be adopted without the need to be specifically stated by the governing regulation. On the other hand, the new regulation has established a number of additional requirements to be observed when agreeing previous or subsequent interim measures to the beginning of the administrative procedure of reference, contributing to reduce administrative discretion at the time of their adoption. From another angle, it should be noted that changes introduced by the legislator seem to respond to several sources of inspiration since whilst the establishment of interim measures to be adopted the LPAC intended to take as reference the Civil procedure law, concerning the principles that govern the adoption of the aforementioned measures, the legislator seem to have taken into account mainly some particular features that in the previous legislation characterized the system of adoption of interim measures in penalty procedures.

2021 ◽  
pp. 52-62
P. P. Bilyk ◽  
I. A. Osadcha

SummaryIn the process of implementing the functions and objectives of the state to ensure therealization of human rights and freedoms Officials of the public administration authoritiesbased on the concept of building competent administrative legislation оften face the needto make management decisions, based on their administrative discretion. Effectiveness andfeasibility of adopted and implemented in such conditions managerial decisions directlydepends on the professional level of the public administrator. The level of professionalismdepends not only on the level of knowledge and skills of the public administrator, but alsodepends a considerable extent from its desire and desire to properly blame its professionalvocation. Legal deontology contributes to the regulatory definition of the optimal crime ofmoral and ethical requirements compliance with which testifies to the readiness of the publicadministration authorities system to implement the functions and objectives of the state asappropriate. The article analyzes the concept of public administration and is concluded aboutits identity of the Public Administration category. Both administrative and legal categoriesare manifested as the process of developing, making and implement management decisions.Administrative legislation is constructed in such a way that its procedural part based onopportunities based on and within the Constitution and Laws of Ukraine, it is based on publicadministration based on administrative discretion. In public administration, the result of theimplementation of the administrative discretion is the formation of an appropriate managementstyle, as the result of the use and variation association of permissible forms and managementmethods. The public administrator is a representative of the state in a relationship with aperson. The level of rights and freedoms proclaimed by law depends on his managementdecisions. Given the need to appeal when making decisions to administrative discretion, thedeontological component of the professional characteristics of the public administrator seemsto be significant.

APRIA Journal ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 11-16
José Teunissen

In the last few years, it has often been said that the current fashion system is outdated, still operating by a twentieth-century model that celebrates the individualism of the 'star designer'. In I- D, Sarah Mower recently stated that for the last twenty years, fashion has been at a cocktail party and has completely lost any connection with the public and daily life. On the one hand, designers and big brands experience the enormous pressure to produce new collections at an ever higher pace, leaving less room for reflection, contemplation, and innovation. On the other hand, there is the continuous race to produce at even lower costs and implement more rapid life cycles, resulting in disastrous consequences for society and the environment.

Public Voices ◽  
2016 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 61
Pamela A Gibson

To have a dis/ability opens the possibilities for seeing (understanding) something different because of difference in the disabled’s lens or worldview. Public administration is awash in self-doubt, discomfort and confusion. As it struggles with setting, moving and removing academic boundaries of the discipline, public administration reveals its own dyslexia. The disabling of public administration offers a view from the balcony (or orchestra pit) granting a greater appreciation of ‘the other’ in the public administration student, public administration theory and public administration practices. The dyslexic individual and institution can suffer and celebrate contradiction, paradox, irony, and other delimiting arenas of learning without resistance. Successful learning and understanding can come not in spite of but because of apparent disabilities.

Mohammad Al-Bsheish ◽  
Mu’taman Jarrar ◽  
Amanda Scarbrough

The outbreak of COVID-19 has placed a heavy burden on society, threatening the future of the entire world as the pandemic has hit health systems and economic sectors hard. Where time moves fast, continuing curfews and lockdown is impossible. This paper assembles three main safety behaviors, social distancing, wearing a facemask, and hygiene in one model (PSC Triangle) to be practiced by the public. Integrating public safety compliance with these behaviors is the main recommendation to slow the spread of COVID-19. Although some concerns and challenges face these practices, the shifting of public behaviors to be more safety-centered is appropriate and available as an urgent desire exists to return to normal life on the one hand and the medical effort to find effective cure or vaccine that has not yet succeeded on the other hand. Recommendations to enhance public safety compliance are provided.

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