scholarly journals Legal Protection of Good Faith Buyer in Land Sale and Purchase Disputes

Debora Tambunan ◽  
Hulman Panjaitan ◽  
L. Elly. Pandiangan
2017 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 99
Widodo Dwi Putro ◽  
Ahmad Zuhairi

ABSTRAKSengketa jual beli tanah dalam perkara ini menyeret pihak penjual yang telah menjual objek yang sama kepada dua pembeli dalam dua kali transaksi. Pembeli kedua (penggugat) melayangkan gugatannya terhadap pembeli pertama (tergugat II). Posisi hukumnya dilematis. Kedua pembeli sama-sama merasa mempunyai hak atas tanah sengketa karena telah membeli objek yang sama dari penjual. Untuk membuktikan siapa pembeli yang berhak, hakim perlu mempertimbangkan asas "iktikad baik" (good faith), sebagai dasar untuk menentukan pembeli yang patut mendapat perlindungan hukum. Permasalahannya, kedua pembeli sama-sama mengklaim dirinya adalah pembeli yang beriktikad baik. Sehingga, untuk menilai siapa pembeli yang patut mendapat perlindungan hukum, hakim berpegangan pada prinsip duty of care, dengan mempertimbangkan siapa pembeli yang berhati-hati dan cermat memeriksa data yuridis dan data fisik sebelum dan saat jual beli dilakukan. Prinsip duty of care ini bersifat abstrak, maka metode penulisan yang digunakan, menelusuri dan mengkaji pendapat para ahli hukum perdata dan agraria untuk didialogkan dengan putusan-putusan hakim. Perkembangan putusan-putusan pengadilan mengenai pembeli beriktikad baik yang mengadopsi prinsip duty of care, seharusnya menjadi 'pegangan' para hakim dalam menangani kasus yang serupa, untuk menilai kapan pembeli dikategorikan sebagai pembeli beriktikad baik.Kata kunci: iktikad baik, perlindungan hukum, duty of care, data yuridis dan fisik.ABSTRACTThe dispute of land sale and purchase in this case drag the seller who had sold the same object to two buyers in two transactions. The second buyer (plaintiff) filed a lawsuit against the first buyer (defendant II). Its legal standing created a dilemma. Both buyers felt equally entitled to be the owner of the disputed land, which is the same object purchased from the seller. In providing evidence of the most eligible buyer, the judge should take into consideration the principle of "good faith" as the basis for determining the buyer deserving legal protection. The problem is that both buyers claimed that they were buyers of good faith. Therefore, to appraise which buyer deserving the legal protection, the judges adhered to principle of "duty of care" by taking into account which one of them was carefully and meticulously reading-through the juridical and physical data prior to and during the sale and purchase of the land was conducted. Given the abstract nature of the principle of "duty of care" the analysis method used in this discussion is exploring and studying the opinions of the experts of civil and agrarian law as to be juxtaposed with the decisions of the judges. The development of court decisions related to the issue of good faith buyers adopting the principle of "duty of care" should serve as a reference for the judges in handling similar cases to determine a good faith buyer.Keywords: good faith, legal protection, duty of care, juridical and physical data.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (4) ◽  
Zaldi Pratama Bagus Putra

The legal consequences of the issuance of the land title certificate whose application is made by a party who is not the right holder / owner is legally flawed. Issuance of a legally invalid certificate and no binding force and cancellation by the court. The defendant obtains a parcel of land through an auction, the auction is proven by photocopies of the auction object certificate, according to Article 21 of the 2016 Bidding Guidelines that the registered land auction must include an original certificate, so The Defendant did not go through the correct legal procedures. For the issuance of a double certificate for the same land field, the buyer of the land field loses the ownership certificate that is purchased by another party as a buyer with good intentions, because it has been carried out in accordance with the correct legal procedure, which means that the purchaser's certificate is guaranteed legal certainty. Legal protection for the purchaser of good land rights, that the buyer as a buyer has good intentions, with the issuance of the HGB certificate Number 181 Village / Cicau Village covering an area of ​​26,700 m2 in the name of the Defendant, is impaired, so that legal protection provided to the Plaintiff is filing an objection to the issuance HGB certificate to the Land Office as a preventive legal protection. 

2016 ◽  
Vol 95 ◽  
Iwan Permadi ,

Abstract The certifikate issued for te beneficiary, intended it can be easily proved the land tenure,the onging disputes of land tenure even thought land registration has been done. Many people’s with good faith in the practice of land transaction in indonesia were deveived because the land have two or more certificates. Double certificates can be caused due of intent,not accidental and wrong administrative,both internal or external.A dispute settlement of land tenure (double certificates) trought by national land agency (BPN) and litigation (court) Keywords: Legal Protection, Certificate of Ganda, a Goodwill Abstrak Penerbitan Sertifikat diberikan kepada yang berhak, bertujuan agar pemegang hak dapat dengan mudah membuktikan kepemilikan tanahnya, dalam pelaksanaannya walaupun pendaftaran tanah sudah dilakukan, namun masih sering terjadi sengketa-sengketa hak-hak atas tanah. Banyak orang dengan itikad baik dalam praktek jual beli tanah di Indonesia yang tertipu karena tanah yang dibelinya mempunyai dua atau lebih sertifikat. Penyebab terjadinya sertifikat ganda bisa dikarenakan adanya unsur kesengajaan, ketidaksengajaan dan dikarenakan kesalahan administrasi baik secara internal maupun ekternal.Mekanisme penanganan sengketa hak atas tanah (sertifikat ganda) penyelesaianya dapat melalui Instansi Badan Pertanahan Nasioanl (BPN) dan melalui pengadilan Kata Kunci : Perlindungan Hukum, Sertifikat Ganda, Itikad Baik

Gabriella Talenta Sekotibo

The purpose of this study is to provide legal certainty and to resolve disputes over land rights ownership for buyers who are acting in good faith when purchasing and selling inheritance. The research method is normative juridical, employing both a statutory and case-based approach. According to the study's findings, buyers with good intentions receive legal protection in the form of compensation. However, when parties with bad intentions violate Article 1267 of the Civil Code, the legal consequences of buying and selling inherited land are null and void, as they contain elements of fraud, oversight, and ignorance. additional heirs. Keeping in mind that the property being traded is inheritance land that already possesses permanent legal standing and cannot be traded without the approval of other heirs.Keywords: Legal Protection; Good Faith Buyers; and Inheritance Land.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-18
Putu Eka Trisna Dewi

When the bank debtors did not make the payment, the bank as the holder of the mortgage is bound in the credit agreement by obtaining fulfillment of the debtor's credit through an auction process as mandated by law. Problems will arise if the auction winner cannot own or control what he has won because the debtor uses the auction process on the collateral. Then the winner of the auction is a buyer with ‘good faith’ who must be protected by law, and legal protection for the buyer with ‘good faith’ as stated in article 584 of the Civil Code of ‘good faith’ exists if the property rights are obtained through one of the means to obtain property rights, where from that article It is known that some of the transfer of existing property rights cannot be separated from the existence of the agreement law in the Civil Code. Legal remedies that can be taken by the injured parties during the auction execution by the court if there is a rebuttal due to the lawsuit made by the original owner which is later won by the court's decision of the original owner, then the auction holder can submit legal remedies to the high court to resolve the problem by way of an appeal to the Supreme Court. This is because selling through an auction is a civil selling effort and legal remedies that can be taken within the scope of civil law.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (4) ◽  
pp. 617
Aleksejs Jelisejevs

When unilaterally closing a customer’s account due to so-called de-risking, the customer’s interests are not only ignored by the bank but their human rights, including respect for his private life and presumption of innocence, are also severely violated De facto, de-risking stigmatizes discarded consumers as being involved in criminal activity without a court conviction. As a result of the unfair account closure, both the consumer's social and psychological integrity can suffer. Their rights to establish and develop relationships with other human beings and the outside world and respect for reputation are put in jeopardy. In order to overcome the above collision of interests, this study proposes a doctrinal assessment of consumer's interests that should limit the bank's right to unilaterally terminate the contract by the systemic and teleological interpretation of regulating rules in combination with the general civil principle of good faith. By analogy with the original source of the problem, this tool has been called the “Good Faith-Based Approach". Therefore, in view of states' affirmative obligations under the European Convention on Human Rights, this research shows that the consumers' conflicting interests should take priority in legal protection until the consumer's involvement in money laundering and terrorist financing is established and proven. A certain level of restrictions imposed on the consumers' fundamental rights could be considered justifiable to prevent money laundering as long as the business relationship with the bank continues. However, when rupturing contractual relations within the de-risking paradigm, only close adherence to the good faith principles can guarantee that the bank's rights are not applied by the bank formally and unreasonably, that is, against the sense, meaning, and goals established by the regulating authorities or contrary to the general idea of law. Keywords: Good faith, De-risking, Bank account closure, Unilateral termination of contract, Human rights

2017 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 45
Wahyuni Safitri

This was a normative-judicial research on consumer legal protection in purchasing motorcycles by instalment through Federal International Finance (FIF) in Samarinda. It was aimed at investigating to what extend the purchasing of motorcycles by instalment through FIF is legally protected. The research collected both primary and secondary data. The primary data was collected by field survey conducted through semi-structured interview, while the secondary data was obtained by means of literature review. It was concluded, firstly, that the position of consumers in making instalment credits for motorcycles at FIF Samarinda was very weak. This was because the sale contract or credit agreement has been prepared in advance by the FIF. Legally, such a condition is acceptable because FIF is having good faith based on consumers’ agreement as stipulated in Article 1320 of KUH Perdata. Secondly, whenever the objets of the contract or agreement were in force majeure condition, the consumers were hardly protected.


This Research entitled "Legal Protection Against Blogger Good Faith Domine Name Of Alleged Deception Famous Brand Reputation (Passing Off)". The problem of this study was, first: How does the domain name in a legal setting in Indonesia. Second: What is the legal protection of domain name for blogger’s good faith if there are similarities with the domain name famous brand. This research method using normative methods, the legal research done by examining library materials. Which refers to the legal norms contained in the legislation, international conventions, international agreements and court decisions. The results showed, first: The domain name has been linked closely with the brand and copyright but the domain name is not synonymous with the brand and copyright, as it has a system and registration requirements as well as the recognition of the existence differently. So far there are kekososngan norms that specifically regulate the domain name issue in Indonesia. Until now, the settings used by the international ICANN (Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers), the competent authority dealing with internet IP Addres, and domain name system management. Second: Legal protection for bloggers acting in good faith if there are similarities regarding the domain name can be a famous brand is preventive legal protection and the protection of repressive laws which refers to the settlement of a litigation matter (referring to the legal protection of IPR, Civil, Criminal and Law ITE) and non-litigation (both ADR and UDRP).

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 817
Livia Cindy Ariella ◽  
Endang Pandamdari

A sale and purchase agreement is one of the most frequently made agreements. One of the most traded objects is land. According to customary law, land sale and purchase is a legal act of transferring land rights. The legal act of sale and purchase is carried out by a land deed official who has the authority to make a sale and purchase deed. Sometimes, the sale and purchase deed cannot be made because there are conditions that have not been fulfilled, so the parties first make a preliminary agreement called the binding sale and purchase agreement. Usually, the binding sale and purchase agreement is followed by power of attorney to sell. The formulation of the problem in this thesis is whether the inclusion of the power of attorney to sell is permissible, and if the recipient of the power of attorney misuses the power, what form of legal protection can be given to the authorizer. The author uses normative legal research methods that are supported by interviews to answer these problems. The inclusion of a power of attorney to sell within the binding sale and purchase agreement is permitted as long as it is not an absolute power that is prohibited by law. Legal protection that can be given to the authorizer is divided into two forms: preventive protection, a legal protection aimed at preventing the occurrence of disputes, and repressive protection, a protection that serves to resolve in the event of a dispute.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 381
Arfi Azhari ◽  
Siti Nurbaiti

Consumer Finance is a financing activity for the procurement of goods based on consumer needs with payment in installments. In consumer financing, the parties must have good intentions for the smooth running of the agreement, but in practice the principle of good faith is often violated by the parties such as in the Decision of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Indonesia No. 1041 / K-Pdt.Sus-BPSK/2017 decides to grant a request from Martha Sitorus (consumer) with consideration of Article 2 of the UUPK and the principle of good faith, which in this case with the existence of the decision clearly has harmed PT. Toyota Astra Financial Service Medan (business actor) for consumer financing agreements. The problem studied is how the legal protection of business actors carried out by consumers in consumer financing and how the RI Decision No. 1041 / K-Pdt.Sus-BPSK/2017 towards legal protection of business actors carried out by consumers in consumer financing. The research method used is a normative method supported by interview data. The results of the writing illustrate that the business actor does not receive legal protection as stipulated in Article 6 letter (b) UUPK and in the Decision of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Indonesia No. 1041 / K-Pdt.Sus-BPSK/2017 The Panel of Judges is not right in making decisions.

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