scholarly journals The Basics of Good Faith and Good Intention in Land Purchase System in Indonesia

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (4) ◽  
Zaldi Pratama Bagus Putra

The legal consequences of the issuance of the land title certificate whose application is made by a party who is not the right holder / owner is legally flawed. Issuance of a legally invalid certificate and no binding force and cancellation by the court. The defendant obtains a parcel of land through an auction, the auction is proven by photocopies of the auction object certificate, according to Article 21 of the 2016 Bidding Guidelines that the registered land auction must include an original certificate, so The Defendant did not go through the correct legal procedures. For the issuance of a double certificate for the same land field, the buyer of the land field loses the ownership certificate that is purchased by another party as a buyer with good intentions, because it has been carried out in accordance with the correct legal procedure, which means that the purchaser's certificate is guaranteed legal certainty. Legal protection for the purchaser of good land rights, that the buyer as a buyer has good intentions, with the issuance of the HGB certificate Number 181 Village / Cicau Village covering an area of ​​26,700 m2 in the name of the Defendant, is impaired, so that legal protection provided to the Plaintiff is filing an objection to the issuance HGB certificate to the Land Office as a preventive legal protection. 

Gabriella Talenta Sekotibo

The purpose of this study is to provide legal certainty and to resolve disputes over land rights ownership for buyers who are acting in good faith when purchasing and selling inheritance. The research method is normative juridical, employing both a statutory and case-based approach. According to the study's findings, buyers with good intentions receive legal protection in the form of compensation. However, when parties with bad intentions violate Article 1267 of the Civil Code, the legal consequences of buying and selling inherited land are null and void, as they contain elements of fraud, oversight, and ignorance. additional heirs. Keeping in mind that the property being traded is inheritance land that already possesses permanent legal standing and cannot be traded without the approval of other heirs.Keywords: Legal Protection; Good Faith Buyers; and Inheritance Land.

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 57
Bayu Setiawan Hendri Putra ◽  
Arief Suryono

<p>Abstract<br />This article aims to find out the position and legal protection of holders of land title certificates as a material guarantee. This normative legal research is prescriptive and applied. The types and sources of material for this study include primary legal materials and secondary legal materials. Data collection techniques used are literature studies or document studies. Data analysis techniques are carried out by examining research from literature studies or secondary data studies. The results of this study explain that the position of Land Rights as collateral is regulated in the Basic Agrarian Law which states that land rights can be used as collateral for debt by encumbering Mortgage Rights. Land rights that can be used as Mortgage Rights objects must fulfill two elements, namely, must be registered with the Land Office and according to their nature must be transferable. Creditors have a strong position against collateral objects. Legal protection for the holder of the land rights certificate as a material guarantee if the debtor defaults, the creditor has the right to sell collateral for repayment of the receivables regulated in the Mortgage Right Act. The Mortgage Rights Act is a manifestation of the objectives of the Basic Agrarian Law in providing and guaranteeing legal certainty and legal protection in preventive and repressive forms.<br />Keywords: Collateral; Mortgage Right; Legal Protection; Land Right</p><p>Abstrak<br />Artikel ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kedudukan dan perlindungan hukum terhadap pemegang sertifikat hak atas tanah sebagai suatu jaminan kebendaan. Penelitian hukum normatif ini bersifat preskriptif dan terapan. Jenis dan sumber bahan penelitian ini meliputi bahan hukum primer dan bahan hukum sekunder. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan yaitu studi kepustakaan atau studi dokumen. Teknik analisis data dilakukan dengan cara mengkaji penelitian dari studi kepustakaan atau studi data sekunder. Hasil penelitian ini menjelaskan bahwa kedudukan Hak Atas Tanah sebagai jaminan diatur dalam UU Pokok Agraria yang menyatakan bahwa hak atas tanah dapat dijadikan jaminan utang dengan dibebani Hak Tanggungan. Hak Atas tanah yang dapat dijadikan obyek Hak Tanggungan harus memenuhi dua unsur yaitu, wajib didaftarkan pada Kantor Pertanahan dan menurut sifatnya harus dapat dipindah tangankan. Kreditur memiliki kedudukan yang kuat terhadap benda jaminan. Perlindungan hukum terhadap pemegang sertifikat hak atas tanah sebagai suatu jaminan kebendaan apabila debitur wanprestasi, kreditur berhak menjual benda jaminan untuk pelunasan piutangnya yang diatur dalam UU Hak Tanggungan. UU Hak Tanggungan merupakan wujud dari tujuan UU Pokok Agraria dalam memberikan dan jaminan kepastian hukum dan perlindungan hukum dalam bentuk preventif dan represif. <br />Kata Kunci: Jaminan; Hak Tanggungan; Perlindungan Hukum; Hak Atas Tanah</p>

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 38-55
Irman Widi Kurniawan ◽  
Etty Mulyati ◽  
Betty Rubiati

ABSTRAKDi dalam bagian kedua UUPA mengatur tentang pelaksanaan konversi hak atas tanah menjadi wujud kepastian hukum sebagaimana ketentuan Pasal 33 ayat (3) UUD 1945. Namun kepastian hukum terhadap konversi Hak atas tanah barat terutama sertifikat Hak Eigendom Verponding masih menjadi problematika tersendiri bagi masyarakat yang memiliki bukti kepemilikan hak atas tanah barat tersebut apabila dijadikan sebuah jaminan guna memperoleh fasilitas kredit. Metode penelitian yang digunakan ialah yuridis normatif dengan kajian bahan hukum primer, sekunder serta tersier. Berdasarkan pembahasan tersebut bahwa Kepastian Hukum terkait konversi hak Eigendom Verponding telah memiliki kekuatan hukum mengikat dengan ketentuan diperlukan konversi sehingga dapat dijadikan objek jaminan namun dalam prakteknya masih terdapat objek jaminan dengan tidak memperhatikan asal mula objek jaminan tersebut serta akibat hukum terhadap konversi hak atas tanah tersebut adalah pemberlakuan UUPA menjadi dasar bahwasanya prinsip status quo hak atas tanah terdahulu memberikan jaminan kepastian hukum dengan ketentuan hak-hak lama menjadi tidak diakui keberadaannya. Kata Kunci: hak atas tanah; hak barat; kepastian hukum jaminan; konversi ABSTRACTIn the second section of the UUPA regulates the conversion of land rights into a form of legal certainty as stipulated in Article 33 paragraph (3) of the 1945 Constitution. But the legal certainty of the conversion of the Right to western land, especially the Eigendom Verponding Rights certificate, remains a problem for people who have proof of ownership of the western land if it is used as a guarantee to obtain credit facilities. The research method used is normative juridical with the study of primary, secondary and tertiary legal materials. Based on the discussion that legal certainty related to the conversion of rights Eigendom Verponding has had a binding legal force with the necessary provisions of conversion so that it can be used as an object of guarantee but in practice there is still an object of guarantee by not taking into account the origin of the object of the guarantee and the legal consequences of the conversion of the right to land is the enactment of the UUPA being the basis that the principle of the status quo of the former land rights provides a guarantee of legal certainty with the provisions of old rights to be unclaimed civility. Keywords: conversion; guarantee legal certainty; land rights; western rights

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 379-383
I Komang Edy Susanto ◽  
Ida Ayu Putu Widiati ◽  
Ni Gusti Ketut Sri Astiti

Basically, notaries also serve as Land Deed Making Official (hereafter called PPAT) after they carry out a test. Thus, in carrying out their role as PPAT, they are entitled to make deeds of transferring land rights. Based on this background, this research was conducted with the aim of describing how the position of the notary and PPAT in transferring land rights and how legal protection for parties who transfer land through sale and purchase. The research method used in this research was a normative legal method. The results of this study indicated that the position of a notary in the transfer of land rights as an official deed maker is mentioned in article 2 paragraph (1) of Law No. 2/2014 concerning the Position of Notary, which states that a notary is a public official who is authorized to make authentic deeds and has other powers as referred to in this Law or based on other Prevailing Laws. The position of the PPAT in essence has the task of carrying out land registration by making deeds as evidence and having carried out certain legal actions regarding land rights. Legal protection for parties transferring land through sale and purchase is stated in the 1945 Constitution, namely Article 27 paragraph (1) which states that each person has the right to recognition, guarantee, protection, and legal certainty that is just and equal treatment before the law.

Melky Kurniawan Menra ◽  
Kurnia Warman ◽  
Rembrandt Rembrandt

The current global economic development makes people who have businesses need a lot of capital to achieve profits, this encourages people to borrow money from banks by providing collateral. The guarantee is in the form of a certificate of land title, and the bank will charge a mortgage for the certificate of land title, and the bank will keep the certificate of land title that has been encumbered with the mortgage until the customer's credit is paid off. The bank keeps the certificate of land rights in order to overcome the urgency that will occur if the customer defaults, and the bank will be faster in executing the collateral execution process, therefore the bank keeps the certificate of land title. The bank is also fully responsible for the storage of the land certificate, if the land certificate is lost by the bank, the bank will be responsible for managing the issuance of a new certificate, which in the process must obtain approval from the right holder whose name is recorded in the land book, as well as the parties the bank is responsible for costs incurred in the process of processing the issuance of the new certificate. In accordance with applicable regulations and with interviews that have been conducted with the bank and also the customer. The bank is very careful in settling customer credit and also in the process of storing land title certificates, and the bank has also anticipated default by customers by keeping land certificates as a form of urgency for the bank in settling customer credit, and also the bank is fully responsible for keep the land certificate in the event that the land certificate is lost, the bank is responsible for arranging the issuance of the new certificate.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 39-56
Randa Iolanda Putra

ABSTRACT The registration of land rights concerning title status, right subject, and right object is intended to guarantee legal certainty, legal protection, utility. According to UUPA, PP on Land Registration, and its derivation, it is one of the activities of safeguarding the land. The change in physical data and/or juridical data include the coverage of land registration data by transaction which can be proved with PPAT certificate. In reality, in Nagari Ranah Palabi, the transaction is done underhendedly on land title of the transmigrant settlement. The research problem is how about the cause, legal standing, and registration of the transfer of underhanded land transaction on the land right of transmigrant settlement. The research theories are the theory of legal certainty, theory of legal protection, and theory of utility. The research used juridical empirical and descriptive analytic method by analyzing primary data obtained directly from the people in the field. It wa done in Nagari Ranah Palabi, Timpeh Sub-district, Dharmasraya Regency, West Sumatera Province. The result of the reseacrh shows that underhanded transaction of the land of transmigrant settlement includes inexpensive cost, quick process, and easy to do. Legal standing of the transactiondoes not meet material requiment since it is not a certificate made before a PPAT even thougt it is allowed materially. Consequently, it cannot be registered in the Land Office and filing the claim to Court cannot do the proceeding because there is no dispute in it. Therefore, the request for the right for the land cannot be accepted by the Court. It is recommended thet legal counseling about legal consequense of underhanded transaction of the land for residence be provided. Accurate regulation for the people on land right for residence concerning formal preprequisite should be made – certificate made before a PPAT for registering land title transfer. Concerning the absence of the seller or ‘afwezigheid’ the buyer has the right to lodge a request the land right in the transmigrant land. Keywords : Land Transaction;Land for Residence;Transmigrant.

Abdul Muthallib

This article discusses legal certainty as one of the objectives of Law No. 5 of 1960 concerning Agrarian (Undang-Undang Nomor 5 Tahun 1960 tentang Pokok-Pokok Agraria) Principles and the influence of land rights certificates as a strong means of proof of land registration. The provision of guarantees of legal certainty to holders of land rights is accommodated in Law Number 5 of 1960 concerning Agrarian Principles and further regulated in Government Regulation Number 24 of 1997 concerning Land Registration (Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 24 Tahun 1997 tentang Pendaftaran Tanah). Using a normative legal view, this article refers to regulations on agrarian. The discussion of the article looks at the role of the government in providing opportunities for all citizens to register land with the aim of obtaining legal certainty and minimizing disputes. This article looks at the purpose of issuing certificates in land registration activities so that right-holders can easily prove that they are the right-holders. This is done so that rights holders can obtain legal certainty and legal protection. However, the land rights certificate issued is considered to be still lacking in minimizing disputes and it is assumed that it has not affected the land rights owners to protect their rights.

2010 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
Agus Mardianto

The right of a trademark is an exclusive right granted by government. A registered trademark can be cancelled from the General List of Trademark. Cancellation of registration of a trademark can be claimed by a third party through a dispute to a Commercial Court based on article 61 paragraph (2) letter b of Trademark Law 2001. This research is aimed at studying the use of article 61 paragraph (2) letter b of Trademark Law 2001 as the base of dispute for cancelation of the registration of a trademark by a third party, and studying the legal consequences of a trademark cancelation. A qualitative juridicial normative method with descriptive analyses approaches was used to analyze secondary data derived from documents of decisions of Commercial Court of Central Jakarta Number 06/Merek/205/PN.Niaga.JKT.PST and documents of decisions of Supreme Court of the Republic of Indonesia Number 031K/N/HaKI2005. The result of the research showed that the application of article 61 paragraph (2) letter b of Trademark Law 2001 for the base of decision of the judges of Commercial Court of Central Jakarta was inappropritate. In judging at the use of a trademark, the judges only looked at the inconsistency of writtting styles or fonts or colours, but not taking into considerations of the purpose and intention of the parties that claimed the dispute. Cancelation of regitration of a trademark based on the dispute of a third party automatically resulted in the termination of legal protection of the related trademark.Keywords: trademark, cancelation of a trademark, third party, good intention, Commercial Court

Jurnal Akta ◽  
2017 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
Ika Rahma Wanti ◽  
Munsyarif Abdul Chalim

The law states that if a person has an excess of absent land then the land must be released or the sanction will be imposed. In fact, although this prohibition applies, the ownership or control of agricultural land in absente or drags is found in many sub-districts in kendal district, in the kendal district, there are many owners of agricultural land owned by persons or legal entities that are not only outside the kecamatan but sometimes Outside areas such as, Semarang city, and even those who are domiciled outside the province.The problems studied in this study are as follows: (1) how the concept of transition of absente land rights due to the heirs whose domicile heirs are outside the district area, (2) how the legal protection for the heirs of absente land owners who live outside District area.This study uses empirical juridical approach, empirical juridical approach in this research means that in analyzing the problem is done by combining legal materials (which is secondary data) with primary data obtained in the field.The results of this study indicate the following: (1) The ownership of Asbsentee land rights due to inheritance issues the right to the heirs to obtain the rights to the absentee land, and for the transition of absentee land to legal certainty, (2) Protection for the heirs of land owners Absentees residing outside the sub-district may occur if the inheritance has been in accordance with the legislation in the true sense of being the heir of the absentee landowner and the heirs residing outside the sub-district work on their own farmland.Keywords: Absente Land / Guntai, Heirs, Land Rights Transfer.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 101-106
I Gede Raka Ramanda ◽  
Made Wiryani ◽  
Ni Luh Mahendrawati

This research is based on the provisions of law No. 42 of 1999 on fiduciary, in particular in article 34, and the provisions of article 27 paragraph 3 regulation of the Financial Services Authority No. 33/POJK. 03/2018. There is a conflict of norms between debtors and creditors. The purpose of this study is to find out the legal consequences for debtors who have been voluntarily submitted to the creditor for a voluntary warranty and to find out the legal protection of a debtor who is in good faith hand over a fiduciary guarantee. The theory used in analyzing data is the theory of the Norms (Stufenbau Theorie), the theory of legal certainty and the legal protection theory. Meanwhile, the method used is normative research with a statutory approach. The result of this study showed that Financial Services Authority Regulation Number 33 /Pojk.03/2018 Regarding Quality of Earning Assets and Formation of Allowance for Earning Assets of Rural Credit Banks, regulating the issue of Collateral Foreclosed can be overridden or become not valid, or at least a material test by the Supreme Court. If violated, it results in being null and void. Furthermore, based on legal protection theory, that Article 15 paragraph (2) of Law Number 42 Year 1999 does not provide legal certainty and justice for debtors.  

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