scholarly journals Ochrona tajemnicy państwowej w Federacji Rosyjskiej. Wybrane regulacje karne i administracyjne

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (24) ◽  
pp. 63-90
Rafał Wądołowski

W artykule omówiono regulacje administracyjne dotyczące udostępniania informacji tajnych i ściśle tajnych oraz przedstawiono przepisy karne dotyczące ujawniania tajemnicy państwowej obowiązujące w Federacji Rosyjskiej wraz z ich interpretacją. Autor w odniesieniu do rosyjskich przepisów konstytucyjnych, administracyjnych i karnych wybiorczo przedstawia adekwatne do nich przepisy prawa polskiego. Ponadto w związku z tym, że przepisy prawa karnego nie zawierają definicji terminów użytych do ich konstrukcji, w artykule zaprezentowano przepisy administracyjne rosyjskiego systemu ochrony tajemnic publicznych, które są niezbędne do rekonstrukcji karnych norm prawnych. Na podstawie opracowania sformułowano wniosek, że w polskim ustawodawstwie brakuje odrębnego przepisu penalizującego uzyskanie informacji tajnej lub ściśle tajnej w wyniku popełnienia odrębnego czynu zabronionego. Powyższe może być podstawą do ewentualnych przyszłych zmian legislacyjnych w tym zakresie. Należy zaznaczyć, że artykuł nie wyczerpuje tematu, a jedynie wskazuje wybrane zagadnienia związane z systemem ochrony tajemnicy państwowej w Rosji. Zainicjowana eksploracja może w przyszłości być wykorzystana do pogłębionych badań porównawczych nad zagadnieniem, o którym mowa. The protection of State Secrets in the Russian Federation. Selected penal and administrative regulations The article discusses the administrative regulations regarding the disclosure of secret and top-secret information in the Russian Federation. Moreover, it presents the effective penal code provisions directed against the disclosure of state secrets in Russia and the interpretation of these provisions. The author does not limit himself only to Russian constitutional, administrative and criminal regulations but gives examples of Polish corresponding laws. Additionally, in connection with the fact that criminal law provisions often contain non-specific references to other legislation, the article presents administrative acts of the protection system of public secrets. On the basis of the formulated conclusions, it was recognised that the Polish legislation lacks an individual provision penalising the fact of obtaining secret or top-secret information as a result of committing a separate unlawful act. It can be the basis to formulate postulates de lege ferenda. It should be noted that the article does not exhaust the topic, but only indicates selected issues of the protection system of state secrets in Russia. Initiated study can be used to carry out in-depth comparative research on this topic in the future.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (25) ◽  
pp. 145-182
Rafał Wądołowski

Protection of classified information in the USA. Selected penal and administrative regulations The article discusses the administrative regulations regarding the classified information protection system in the USA. Moreover, it presents the effective penal code provisions directed against the disclosure of classified information in the USA and their interpretations. What is more, the paper presents the administrative provisions regulating the procedure for carrying out security background investigation of public administration officials in order to issue a security clearance which grants them access to classified information. Further, the reasons for the classification of information and its protection with an adequate classification clause are explained. On the basis of the analysis of US regulations, a conclusion is drawn that Polish legislation does not include a justification for depositaries of secrets who disclose classified information (without obtaining the affirmation from the authorities specified by law) to prosecute the perpetrators of crimes. This could be the basis to formulate postulates de lege ferenda. It should be noted that the article does not exhaust the topic, but only indicates selected issues of the protection system of classified information in the USA. Initiated study can be used to carry out in-depth comparative research in this field in the future. W artykule omówiono regulacje administracyjne związane z organizacją systemu ochrony informacji niejawnych, a także przedstawiono przepisy karne dotyczące ujawniania informacji niejawnych obowiązujące w USA wraz z ich interpretacją. Omówiono również przepisy administracyjne regulujące procedurę realizacji postępowań sprawdzających wobec urzędników administracji publicznej w celu wydania poświadczenia bezpieczeństwa umożliwiającego dostęp do informacji niejawnych. Ponadto wskazano przesłanki klasyfikacji informacji i obejmowania ich ochroną adekwatnej klauzuli niejawności. Na podstawie analizy przepisów USA między innymi sformułowano wniosek, że polskie ustawodawstwo nie obejmuje kontratypu, który uwalniałby od odpowiedzialności karnej depozytariuszy tajemnic przekazujących informacje niejawne (bez uzyskiwania zgody określonych prawem organów) w celu ścigania sprawców przestępstw. Powyższe może być podstawą legislacyjnego postulatu de lege ferenda, przy uwzględnieniu adekwatnych regulacji prawnych USA. Należy zaznaczyć, że artykuł nie wyczerpuje poruszanego tematu, a jedynie wskazuje wybrane zagadnienia ochrony informacji niejawnych USA. Może to zostać wykorzystane do przeprowadzenia w przyszłości pogłębionych badań komparatystycznych dotyczących przedmiotowego zagadnienia.

E. V. Blagov

The article considers the reason, adequate cause, justifying exemption from criminal responsibility. In the criminal law literature there are numerous decisions on this issue, but their main body alone can not explain why a person is exempted from criminal responsibility. The author concludes that the basis for such liberation must be sought in the personality of the culprit. Under current criminal legislation, justifying the exemption from criminal responsibility can only be elimination or significant reduction in the public danger of the person who committed the crime. In the future, it is necessary to formulate the relevant provisions of the criminal law so that the basis for this exemption is only elimination of the public danger caused by the individual. Accordingly, Art. 76. 2 and part 1 of Art. 90 are subject to exclusion from the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation and, on the contrary, inclusion in the chapter on the exemption from criminal responsibility of the relevant provisions of Art. 80.1 and part 1 of Art. 81 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (3) ◽  
pp. 155-163

Objectives. The goal of scholarly research is to develop proposals for amendments in criminal law General and Special part of Criminal code of the Russian Federation governing self-defense. The scientific article identifies legislative gaps and contradictions that hinder the effective implementation of the necessary defense and require prompt solutions. Methods. The article analyzes such concepts as “self-defense”, “public assault”, “excess of limits of necessary defense”, “violation of the conditions of lawfulness of necessary defense”, “surprise assault”, “rights defending or other persons, interests of the state”. The use of logical and comparative legal methods allowed us to develop proposals for making changes to the criminal law norms that establish the necessary defense. Conclusions. The article shows the conflicts and gaps legislative recognition of self-defense and, in this regard, the complexity of its implementation in the articles of the Special part of the Criminal code of the Russian Federation and practical application. Changes are proposed to the criminal law norms regulating the necessary defense, both in the General and in the Special part of the Criminal code of the Russian Federation. Sense. The content of the scientific article can be used by the teaching staff of higher educational institutions when teaching the course “Criminal law”. The results of the work can be useful to persons who carry out legislative activities in the field of criminal law. The leitmotif of the article can be used in the preparation of dissertation research.

2019 ◽  
Vol 19 (1) ◽  
pp. 307-322
Václav Pravda

Summary This article elaborates on the issue of recognition and enforcement of foreign arbitral awards in the Russian Federation. It is common knowledge that foreign companies seeking R&E in Russia suffered damage because of the broad interpretation of Russian public policy in the past decades. However, it is uncertain how the present judicial development appears like and where it will lead in the future. The article specifically considers two basic ideas on the issue at hand: one is slightly critical (Karabelnikov) while the second is rather optimistic in regard with the recent development (Zykov). The main goal is to introduce the issue to the respective readers and to try to inflame a discussion.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 ◽  
pp. 66-79
S. L. Morozov ◽  

The advent of the electronic currency and the effecting of electronic payments has caused new forms of thefts and types of acquisitive crimes. The judicial investigative practice of criminal cases of embezzlement committed using bank cards and other types of electronic payments has encountered problems with the qualification of such acts. The author identifies the most common enforcement problemsand their causesby a retrospective study of judicial practice, the changing norms of the criminal law. At the same time, a ten-year period of work of the judicial investigating authorities was studied. On the basis of traditional general scientific methods of cognition, as a result of a system-legal analysis of the considered set of specific situations, the author gives an author's view of the complex of causes that cause a lack of uniformity in judicial investigative practice. Using the hermeneutic approach, the author paid special attention to the application by the courts of the interpretation of the criminal law by the Plenum of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation in different years. In conclusion, ways of resolving contentious issues of qualification of thefts and fraud in the field of electronic means of payment are proposed. It has been ascertained that high-quality and uniform law enforcement can provide additional clarification on the delimitation of related and competing theft from the Plenum of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation. It is concluded that in general, the current concept of the Plenum of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation does not contain contradictions with the novels of the criminal law, but can be improved. The rationale and edition of possible additions to the relevant decision of the Plenum of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation are given.

Сергей Иванович Вележев ◽  
Антон Михайлович Седогин

В статье рассмотрены актуальные вопросы уголовно-правовой охраны нефтяной отрасли Российской Федерации от преступных посягательств корыстной направленности. Иллюстрирован существенный ущерб, причиняемый преступными группами охраняемым общественным отношениям на национальном и международном уровнях. Проведен статистический и сравнительно-правовой анализ наиболее эффективных норм законодательства России и Казахстана, применяемых в ходе борьбы с подобной противоправной деятельностью. Предложено направление дальнейшего совершенствования российского уголовного закона. Нефтяная промышленность является одной из ведущих отраслей Российской Федерации, структурными сегментами которой являются в том числе объекты добычи, хранения, переработки и транспортировки нефти, а также объекты транспортировки, хранения и сбыта нефтепродуктов. Данные обстоятельства требуют принятия мер по ее защите от противоправных действий по хищению нефти и нефтепродуктов. Наряду с охранными, режимными и организационными мерами, которые осуществляют хозяйствующие субъекты, немаловажное значение имеет защита отрасли от преступных посягательств уголовно-правовым способом. В статье указывается необходимость совершенствования законодательства по обеспечению безопасности деятельности нефтяной отрасли, учитывая ее значение для экономики страны. Отмечается, что положительные результаты в поиске возможных путей совершенствования законодательства дает применение сравнительно-правового анализа уголовных норм СНГ по борьбе с преступностью в этой сфере деятельности. The article examines current issues of the criminal law protection of the oil industry of the Russian Federation from criminal attacks for mercenary reasons. The considerable damage caused by criminal groups to protected public relations at the national and international levels is illustrated. A statistical and comparative legal analysis of the most effective norms of the legislation of Russia and the Republic of Kazakhstan applied in the fight against such illegal activities has been carried out. The direction of further improvement of the Russian criminal law is proposed. The oil industry is one of the leading industries of the Russian Federation, the structural segments of that are the objects of oil production, storage, refining and transportation, as well as the objects of transportation, storage and marketing of oil product. Under these circumstances it is required totake measures for protection it from unlawful actions connected with stealing of oil and oil products. Along with security, safeguards and organizational measures that are implemented by business entities, protection of the industry from criminal attacks by a criminal law method is of no small importance. The article indicates the need to improve legislation to ensure the safety of the oil industry, based on its importance for the country's economy. It is noted that positive results in the search for possible ways to improve the legislation are provided by the use of a comparative legal analysis of the criminal norms of the CIS in the fight against crime in this area of activity.

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