El contrato de arrendamiento rústico en las legislaciones autonómicas


LABURPENA: Landa-errentamenduaren kontratua arautzen du estatuko 49/2003 Legeak, 26/2005 Legearen bidez aldatuak, baina ez da aplikagarria Zuzenbide zibil berezi bat daukaten autonomia-erkidegoetan. Euskal Autonomia Erkidegoan orain arte ez da kontratu mota horri buruzko araurik hartu, baina Galizian eta Katalunian legegilea bere eskumenez baliatu eta xedapenak hartu ditu, kontuan hartuz zer nolakoak diren lurraldea, bertako ondasunak, eta errenta-emaileen eta errenta-hartzaileen beharrak. Halaber, aipagarria da beste autonomia-erkidego batzuetako arautegia, non landa-errentamenduarekin harreman estua duten nekazaritza-kontratuak agertzen diren. RESUMEN: El contrato de arrendamiento rustico queda regulado, a nivel estatal, por la Ley 49/2003, modificada mediante la Ley 26/2005, si bien la misma no resulta aplicable en aquellas comunidades autonomas que disponen de un Derecho civil propio escrito en la materia. A diferencia de lo que ocurre en el Pais Vasco, donde, hasta la fecha, no se ha adoptado norma alguna relativa a este tipo contractual, en Galicia y Cataluna el legislador ha ejercido la competencia que ostenta en la materia y ha adoptado disposiciones que tienen muy presentes las caracteristicas de su territorio, de los bienes sitos en el mismo y de las necesidades de sus arrendadores y arrendatarios. Asimismo, resulta destacable la normativa existente en otras comunidades autonomas, en la que se regulan distintos contratos agrarios que guardan una estrecha relacion con el arrendamiento rustico. ABSTRACT: The contract of land tenancy is regulated at the state level by Act 49/2003 amended by Act 26/2005 even though it is not applicable to those autonomous communities with their own written civil law on the subject. Unlike in the Basque Country, where no regulation has been adopted regarding this type of contract so far, in Galicia and Cataluna the legislators have exercised their competence on the subject and have adopted provisions that have the characteristics of their territories, goods placed therein and the needs of tenants and lessors very present. Likewise, it is remarkable the existing normative in other autonomous communities where different agrarian contracts with a close connection with land tenancy are regulated.


LABURPENA: Lau urte dira Administrazio Publikoko Langileen Oinarrizko Estatutua indarrean sartu zela, baita horren 13. artikulua ere. Artikulu horretan gobernuei (estatukoa eta autonomia erkidegoetakoak) deia egin zitzaien, nahi izanez gero, zuzendaritzako langileen araubidea ezar zezaten. Arrazoi batzuengatik edo beste batzuengatik (aukera politikoa, administrazioaren erresistentzia, kontrako egoera ekonomikoak, eta abar), dei hori ez du aintzat hartu ez estatuko indar legegileak ez estatuko gobernuak. Zenbait autonomia erkidegotako legegileek eta gobernuek, ordea, kontuan izan dute; horiek Administrazio Publikoko Langileen Oinarrizko Estatutua garatu dute —edo garatzeko izapideak egiten ari dira— eta zuzendaritzako langileen araubidea ezarri dute (Valentzian eta Gaztela-Mantxan, esate baterako, onartu dituzte dagoeneko enplegu publikoaren legeak). Horrez gain, horietako batzuek, hemen G10 deitutako taldea osatzen dutenek hain zuzen ere, berrikuntza asko egin dituzte gai honetan. Funtsezko edukietan, Balear Uharteetako Autonomia Erkidegoa eta Euskal Autonomia Erkidegoa nabarmendu dira gainontzekoen gainetik. Horiei buruz mintzatzen da bereziki, bada, azterlana. RESUMEN: Hace ya más de cuatro años que el EBEP entró en vigor y también su artículo 13. Un artículo en el que se hacía una llamada a los ejecutivos (estatal y autonómicos) para que, sí así lo deseaban, estableciesen un régimen del personal directivo. Pues bien, lo cierto es que, por unas razones u otras (de oportunidad política, de resistencias administrativas, de coyunturas económicas desfavorables, etc.), aquella llamada no ha sido atendida por el legislador o el ejecutivo estatal. Pero sí por los legisladores y ejecutivos de varias Comunidades Autónomas que, no sólo no han dudado en desarrollar el EBEP —o están en trámite de hacerlo— y establecer un régimen de su personal directivo (caso de Valencia o de Castilla-La Mancha, con sus leyes de empleo público ya aprobadas), sino que algunas de ellas (las que integran el aquí llamado G10) han innovado de forma considerable en la materia. Destacando en lo sustantivo y por encima del resto, la Comunidad de las Islas Baleares y el País Vasco. A las cuales está dedicado de manera especial este estudio. ABSTRACT: The Basic Statute for Civil Servants (EBEP in Spanish) came into force more than four years ago, and also its article 13. This article 13 made a call to (state and regional) executives to establish a regime for the managerial staff, if they so wished. Well then the truth is that due to different reasons (political opportunity, administrative culture and others related to economic crisis), that call was not taken into account at the State level. However, Legislators and Executives from different Autonomous Communities have responded to this call. On the one hand, by developing the EBEP (or they are in the process of doing so) and by establishing a regime for managerial staff (the case of Valencia and Castilla-La Mancha, whose public employment acts had already been passed). Also and in addi tion, some of them (those members of the so called G10) have made remarkable innovations on the matter. The Communities of the Balearic Islands and Basque Country stand out above the rest, to which this study is specially devoted.

Francisca Villalba Pérez

<p align="justify">Con el fin de garantizar la aplicación de la Directiva 89/665/CEE modificada por la Directiva 2007/66/CE, la Ley 34/2010, introduce en el ámbito estatal la creación de un órgano administrativo independiente de carácter especializado para resolver el recurso especial en materia de contratación, las cuestiones de nulidad y las reclamaciones en los procedimientos de adjudicación en los sectores del agua, energía, transportes y servicios postales. En el ámbito de las Comunidades Autónomas, el artículo 41.3 del TRLCSP encomienda la creación de dicho órgano a la respectiva normativa autonómica. En cumplimiento de la normativa comunitaria y estatal aludida, el Consejo de Gobierno de la Junta de Andalucía crea el Tribunal Administrativo de Recursos Contractuales de la Junta de Andalucía a través del Decreto 332/2011, de 2 de noviembre, objeto de este trabajo.</p> <p align="justify"><b>In order to ensure the implementation of Directive 89/665/EEC amended by Directive 2007/66/EC, the Law 34/2010, introduced at the state level to create an independent administrative body of a specialized nature to solve the resource particular procurement, the issues of invalidity and complaints procedures for the award in the water, energy, transport and postal services. In the area of the Autonomous Communities, Article 41.3 of TRLCSP entrusted the creation of that body to the relevant regional rules. In compliance with EU regulations and state aforementioned, the Governing Council of the Andalusian creates the Administrative Tribunal of Contract Resources of the Andalusian by Decree 332/2011 of 2 November, the subject of this work.</p>

2019 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 253
Nerea Magallon Elósegui

Resumen: A través de la Ley de Derecho civil vasco 5/2015 se crea la vecindad civil vasca lo que supone un cambio automático de ley aplicable de todos aquellos que tuvieran vecindad civil en alguno de los territorios de la Comunidad Autónoma del País Vasco. Su creación reaviva de nuevo el debate sobre la competencia entre las CCAA y el Estado en materia de resolución de conflictos de leyes internos; y al mismo tiempo comporta la potencial multiplicación de los problemas adheridos al conflicto móvil en materia sucesoria. En este trabajo se analizará en primer lugar la adecuación de la nueva vecindad civil a los parámetros constitucionales y, en segundo lugar, los problemas de Derecho intertemporal que origina; todo ello ilustrado con la Resolución de l a Dirección General de Registros el Notariado de 12 de junio de 2017 que proyecta esta nueva realidad sobre la práctica.Palabras clave: Derecho Interregional, conflictos internos, Ley de Derecho Civil vasco, vecindad civil vasca, art. 9.8 CC, conflicto móvil, sucesiones, legitimas y preterición.Abstract: Through the Basque Civil Law Act 5/2015 the Basque civil neighbourhood is created, which implies an automatic change of civil neighbourhood of all those who have a civil neighbourhood in one of the territories of the autonomous Community of the Basque Country. Its creation revives again the discussion on the competition between the CCAA and the State to respond to conflicts arising from interaction between various territorial legislative systems or internal conflicts. At the same time this creation involves the potential multiplication of the problems adhering to the mobile conflict in successions. This paper will first analyze the adequacy of the new civil neighbourhood to the constitutional parameters and, secondly, the problems of intertemporal law that originates, illustrated through the Resolution of the Directorate General of Registries The Notarized, of June 12, 2017, which projects this new reality on the practice.Keywords: Interregional law, internal conflicts, Basque.


En la presente crónica se exponen el contenido de las seis ponencias tratadas en la Jornada de estudio sobre «Reformas en el derecho laboral: nuevos estatutos, nuevas leyes de régimen local» que se celebró el 14 de mayo de 2009 en Vitoria-Gasteiz. A lo largo del texto puede observarse que tras la aparente pluralidad de los temas planteados subyace una idea común: la conveniencia de reducir la normativa básica del Estado a una verdadera ley de mínimos que dé protagonismo a las Comunidades Autónomas en la fijación del marco organizativo de las Entidades Locales. En este sentido se tratan tanto el Estatuto Andaluz como el Estatuto Catalán, y en la Mesa Redonda con la que finalizó el acto se establece la necesidad de un cambio similar en el País Vasco. Kronika honetan, 2009ko maiatzaren 14an Gasteizen egin zen azterketa-jardunaldian («Lan-merkatuko erreformak: estatutu berriak, toki-araubideko lege berriak») jorratutako sei txostenen edukia azaltzen da. Testuan barna ikus daiteke plazaratzen diren gaien itxurazko askotarikotasunaren atzean ideia bakar bat datzala: Estatuaren oinarrizko araudia gutxienekoen benetako lege batera murriztu beharra, toki-araubideen antolaketa-esparrua finkatzerakoan protagonismoa autonomia-erkidegoei emango diena, hain zuzen ere. Hori dela eta, Andaluziako Estatutua zein Kataluniako Estatutua jorratu dira, eta ekitaldia amaitzeko egin zen mahainguruan aipatu zen beharrezkoa dela antzeko aldaketa bat Euskal Autonomia Erkidegoan. This chronicle sets out the content of the six papers addressed in the Workshop carried out last May 14, 2009 in Vitoria-Gazteiz with the title of «Amendments in Labour Law: new Statutes of Autonomy, new Acts for Local Entities». Along the text, it can be seen that behind the apparent plurality of topics discussed a common idea was underlying: the convenience of reducing the State basic normative to a true de minimis Act which would allow the Autonomous Communities to play a central role in fixing the organizational frame of Local Entities. In that respect, both the Statute of Andalucia and the Statute of Cataluña are studied, and the pannel that put end to the Workshop did also show the need for a similar change for the Basque Country.


LABURPENA: Estatuko Aurrekontu Orokorren Legeak sektore publikoko herriadministrazio eta erakunde guztiei debekatu egiten die ekarpenik egitea enpleguko pentsio-planetan edo aseguru kolektiboko kontratuetan, erretiroagatiko estaldura jasotzen badute. Hain zuzen ere, debeku hori aztertzen da lan honetan. Azterketa Enplegatu Publikoaren Oinarrizko Estatutua eta EK-ko 149.1.13. nahiz 156. artikuluen inguruko doktrina konstituzionala oinarri hartuta egituratzen da, eta debeku haren konstituziokontrakotasuna ondorioztatzen du. Adibidez, Euskal Autonomia Erkidegoaren kasuan, debekuak Euskal Herriko Autonomia Estatutuko 10.4 artikulutik ondorioztatzen den berezko eskumen-esparru esklusiboan dauka eragina. RESUMEN: Este trabajo analiza la prohibición que impone la Ley de Presupuestos Generales del Estado a todas las Administraciones Públicas y entidades integrantes del sector público de realizar aportaciones a planes de pensiones de empleo o contratos de seguro colectivos que incluyan la cobertura de la contingencia de jubilación. El análisis se vertebra a partir del Estatuto Básico del Empleado Público y de la doctrina constitucional en torno a los artículos 149.1.13.ª CE y 156 CE, concluyendo en la inconstitucionalidad de aquella prohibición, que en la Comunidad Autónoma de Euskadi incide en el ámbito competencial propio y exclusivo que deriva del artículo 10.4 del Estatuto de Autonomía del País Vasco. ABSTRACT: This work analyzes the prohibition imposed by the State Budget’s Act to every public administration and entity part of the public sector to contribute to pension plans or collective insurance policies that cover the retirement contingency. This analysis has as essential structure the Basic Statute of the Public Employee and the constitutional doctrine regarding articles 149.1.13 and 156 of the Constitution and it concludes with the unconstitutionality of that prohibition which in the Autonomous Community of Euskadi has an impact on the very own and exclusive powers that derive from article 10.4 of the Statute of Autonomy of the Basque Country.

2008 ◽  
Vol 56 (3) ◽  
pp. 519-543 ◽  
Neil Walker

In recent years, the idea that constitutional modes of government are exclusive to states has become the subject both of sustained challenge and of strong defence. This is due to the development at new regional and global sites of decision-making capacities of a scale and intensity often associated with the demand for constitutional governance at state level, to the supply at these same new sites of certain regulatory institutions and practices of a type capable of being viewed as meeting the demand for constitutional governance, as well as to a growing debate over whether and in what ways these developments in decision-making capacity and regulatory control should be coded and can be constructively engaged with in explicitly constitutional terms. The aim of the article is threefold. It asks why taking the idea and associated ethos and methods of constitutionalism ‘beyond the state’ might be viewed as a significant and controversial innovation, and so in need of explanation and justification – a question that requires us to engage with the definition of constitutionalism and with the contestation surrounding that definition. Secondly, taking account of the various arguments that lie behind these definitional concerns, it attempts to develop a scheme for understanding certain key features of constitutionalism and of its post-state development that is able to command broad agreement. Thirdly, and joining the concerns of the first two sections, it seeks to identify the key current tensions – or antinomies – surrounding the growth of post-state constitutionalism with a view to indicating what is at stake in the future career of that concept.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 83-100
Katarzyna Zalasińska

Ownership of finds – selected issues related to the civil law situation of a monument finder The subject of this paper is the analysis of the civil law situation applying to those who acquire a find in Poland (i.e. finders). Legislators have differentiated the civil and legal situation of a finder depending on whether the find is, in particular, a historical monument or an archaeological monument. The regulations governing the ownership of finds have a direct impact on the level of their legal protection. This applies especially to archaeological monuments owned by the State Treasury. The elimination of risks associated with the illegal export and transfer of ownership of archaeological artefacts acquired as a result of an illegal search should result not only from regulations of an administrative and legal nature, which are discussed in the article, but also to ensure the security of the trade in cultural goods by regulating the functioning of the art market in Poland.

O. Pavlovskyi

In accordance with Part 2 of Art. 17 of the Constitution of Ukraine, military units, first of all, are the bearers of power and act in public relations as subjects of realization of the goal set by the state in the form of repulse of possible aggression from outside, and therefore the main tasks, internal structure, subordination, reporting and control in this area is governed by constitutional and administrative law. However, in some cases, the military unit for the implementation of its tasks may act as an independent entity in civil law, and therefore, certain relations are governed not only by constitutional, administrative, economic, but also civil law. This paper will deal with contractual obligations. The supply contract is extremely important in providing Ukraine, its subjects and state entities with the necessary goods, performance of works, provision of services. In essence, the institute of contract law is a legal means of implementing state policy in the field of industrial production, construction, national defense, social assistance, science, culture, the implementation of basic social and production tasks. Currently, there is a trend aimed at increasing the budget funds used through public procurement. In this regard, an urgent problem is the effective legal regulation of public relations related to the supply of goods for public use. The regulatory framework governing these legal relations must be transparent, understandable to all participants in trade and procurement operations, operational on changes in socio-economic conditions in the country, have an anti-corruption orientation. The quality of goods purchased for the state also remains a long-standing problem. One of the topical issues for the science of civil law is the question of the subject of the contract, with which the Central Committee of Ukraine connects the conclusion of the contract, its validity and some other significant circumstances. According to case law, disputes arising from the contract are usually complicated by non-compliance by the parties with the provisions of the Civil Code of Ukraine on the subject of the contract. The article analyzes the subject of the contract for the supply of material resources to military units. Military units are considered by the author as legal entities of a subject of public law.

Joan Oliver Araujo

La tesis que acabamos de exponer y que consideramos acertada, esto es, que el Estado autonómico español debe transformarse en un Estado federal siguiendo el modelo alemán, quedaría, sin embargo, muy incompleta si no pusiéramos sobre la mesa el hecho de que los nacionalistas catalanes y vascos consideran totalmente insuficiente el modelo federal, que está lejos de dar satisfacción a sus deseos de autogobierno. Cataluña y el País Vasco, se quiera o no se quiera, guste o no guste, son Comunidades Autónomas (ahora el nombre es lo de menos) distintas a las otras quince. Son verdaderas naciones que, a diferencia de aquellas, quieren un grado de autonomía (siempre) mayor. Resulta evidente, en estos momentos, la manifiesta insuficiencia del modelo federal clásico para aquellos dos territorios, por una parte, y la necesidad de buscar con urgencia una fórmula realista de convivencia estable dentro del Estado español, por otra. Nuestra propuesta —a través de una reforma constitucional— se puede concretar en la fórmula del «federalismo asimétrico» o «federalismo dual», que implicaría el reconocimiento constitucional de un estatus jurídico específico a Cataluña y al País Vasco a modo de Estados-libres-asociados, que les otorgase a ambos el máximo autogobierno compatible con el Estado español. De este modo, el Estado Federal español estaría integrado, por una parte, por quince «Estados-miembros» o Estados-federados de régimen común y, por otra, por dos «Estados-libres-asociados».The aforementioned thesis is right, since the Spanish autonomic state should become a federal state, following the German model. Nonetheless, we cannot forget the fact that Catalan and Basque nationalists consider that, far from satisfying their self-government expectations, the federal model is utterly insufficient. Whether we like or not, Catalonia and the Basque Country are different from the other fifteen autonomous communities. Unlike the rest, they are true nations, which (always) aim at a higher degree of self-government. The inadequacy of the traditional federal model with regard to those two territories is quite evident, as well as the need to urgently find a realistic formula to ensure a stable coexistence within the Spanish state. Our proposal, which demands a constitutional reform, settles on the formula of «asymmetric federalism » or «dual federalism». This formula would imply the constitutional recognition of a specific legal status for Catalonia and the Basque Country as free associated states, granting the maximum degree of self-government compatible with the Spanish state. Thereby, the Spanish federal state would consist, for one thing, of fifteen «member states» or common federated states and, there again, two «free associated states».

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (11) ◽  
pp. 4-15
V. N. POPOV ◽  

The subject of the research is General trends and changes in the field of resource conservation occurring in the economy at the national level, in the aspect of state regulation. The purpose of the work is to determine the level of resource efficiency of the Russian economy, to formulate the key directions of state policy implementation for activating resource-oriented projects. The basic approaches to the interpretation of the category “resource saving” are worked out, the content essence of the definition is established. The analysis of foreign experience in implementing and supporting resource-saving measures at the state level is carried out. Determined main tasks of implementation of resource-saving policy of the state; developed tools to enhance and regulate the resources; formed and grounded conceptual positions of methodical maintenance of transition of the national economy of Russia to the path of sustainable development.

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