La prohibición de realizar aportaciones a planes de pensiones de empleo en la Ley de Presupuestos Generales del Estado para el año 2012


LABURPENA: Estatuko Aurrekontu Orokorren Legeak sektore publikoko herriadministrazio eta erakunde guztiei debekatu egiten die ekarpenik egitea enpleguko pentsio-planetan edo aseguru kolektiboko kontratuetan, erretiroagatiko estaldura jasotzen badute. Hain zuzen ere, debeku hori aztertzen da lan honetan. Azterketa Enplegatu Publikoaren Oinarrizko Estatutua eta EK-ko 149.1.13. nahiz 156. artikuluen inguruko doktrina konstituzionala oinarri hartuta egituratzen da, eta debeku haren konstituziokontrakotasuna ondorioztatzen du. Adibidez, Euskal Autonomia Erkidegoaren kasuan, debekuak Euskal Herriko Autonomia Estatutuko 10.4 artikulutik ondorioztatzen den berezko eskumen-esparru esklusiboan dauka eragina. RESUMEN: Este trabajo analiza la prohibición que impone la Ley de Presupuestos Generales del Estado a todas las Administraciones Públicas y entidades integrantes del sector público de realizar aportaciones a planes de pensiones de empleo o contratos de seguro colectivos que incluyan la cobertura de la contingencia de jubilación. El análisis se vertebra a partir del Estatuto Básico del Empleado Público y de la doctrina constitucional en torno a los artículos 149.1.13.ª CE y 156 CE, concluyendo en la inconstitucionalidad de aquella prohibición, que en la Comunidad Autónoma de Euskadi incide en el ámbito competencial propio y exclusivo que deriva del artículo 10.4 del Estatuto de Autonomía del País Vasco. ABSTRACT: This work analyzes the prohibition imposed by the State Budget’s Act to every public administration and entity part of the public sector to contribute to pension plans or collective insurance policies that cover the retirement contingency. This analysis has as essential structure the Basic Statute of the Public Employee and the constitutional doctrine regarding articles 149.1.13 and 156 of the Constitution and it concludes with the unconstitutionality of that prohibition which in the Autonomous Community of Euskadi has an impact on the very own and exclusive powers that derive from article 10.4 of the Statute of Autonomy of the Basque Country.

2021 ◽  
Vol 28 (96) ◽  
pp. 164-186
Suélem Viana Macedo ◽  
Josiel Lopes Valadares

Abstract Corruption is a recurring phenomenon throughout history, so different conceptions seek to formulate a concept that defines it. This theoretical essay aims to introduce a perspective that broadens the understanding of corruption beyond the currents of thought that prevail in studies about Brazilian public administration. This study indicates that the epistemic reconstruction of the meaning of corruption should derive from the conception of public interest as a result of deliberative processes between citizens and the State. Such perspective contributes to the debate about the importance of participation of the civil society in controlling corruption and creating public interest itself. This study also highlights that more efficient control is not only restricted to legislation reforms but it also relies on the enhancement civic virtues.


LABURPENA: Artikulu honetan, aditzera ematen zaigu zer nolako esperientzia izan duen Euskal Autonomia Erkidegoak sektore publikoko ustelkeriaren aurkako borrokan. Hasieran, borroka horretan zer tresna erabil daitezkeen adierazten da, eta zenbait neurri azpimarratzen dira: besteak beste, Etika Kodeak eta Jokabide Kodeak. Jarraian, Euskal Herriko egoera zein den zehazte aldera, Eusko Jaurlaritzan erabiltzen den Etika eta Jokabide Kodea aztertzen da, baita Etika Publikorako Batzordearen funtzionamendua eta jarduna ere. Horietan guztietan, kontuan izan da ekainaren 26ko 1/2014 Legea, Kargu Publikodunen Jokabide Kodea eta haien Interes Gatazkak arautzen dituena. RESUMEN: El artículo presenta la experiencia de la Comunidad Autónoma del País Vasco en materia de lucha contra la corrupción en el sector público. Se exponen inicialmente los instrumentos a los que se puede recurrir, haciendo hincapié en medidas como los Códigos Éticos y los Códigos de Conducta. A continuación y para fijar el estado de la cuestión en el País Vasco, se analiza el Código Ético y de conducta empleado en el Gobierno Vasco, así como el funcionamiento y la actividad de la Comisión de Ética Pública en los que también se tiene en cuenta la Ley 1/2014, de 26 de junio, reguladora del Código de conducta y de los conflictos de intereses de los cargos públicos. ABSTRACT: The article presents the experience of the Basque Country in the fight against corruption in the public sector. The instruments that can be used are initially described, emphasizing measures such as codes of ethics and codes of conduct. Next and to set the state of affairs in the Basque Country, the Ethics and Conduct Code used in the Basque Government is discussed, as well as the operation and activities of the Commission on Public Ethics, which also takes into account Act 1/2014, that regulates the code of conduct and conflict of interest of persons holding a public office.

2019 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 253
Nerea Magallon Elósegui

Resumen: A través de la Ley de Derecho civil vasco 5/2015 se crea la vecindad civil vasca lo que supone un cambio automático de ley aplicable de todos aquellos que tuvieran vecindad civil en alguno de los territorios de la Comunidad Autónoma del País Vasco. Su creación reaviva de nuevo el debate sobre la competencia entre las CCAA y el Estado en materia de resolución de conflictos de leyes internos; y al mismo tiempo comporta la potencial multiplicación de los problemas adheridos al conflicto móvil en materia sucesoria. En este trabajo se analizará en primer lugar la adecuación de la nueva vecindad civil a los parámetros constitucionales y, en segundo lugar, los problemas de Derecho intertemporal que origina; todo ello ilustrado con la Resolución de l a Dirección General de Registros el Notariado de 12 de junio de 2017 que proyecta esta nueva realidad sobre la práctica.Palabras clave: Derecho Interregional, conflictos internos, Ley de Derecho Civil vasco, vecindad civil vasca, art. 9.8 CC, conflicto móvil, sucesiones, legitimas y preterición.Abstract: Through the Basque Civil Law Act 5/2015 the Basque civil neighbourhood is created, which implies an automatic change of civil neighbourhood of all those who have a civil neighbourhood in one of the territories of the autonomous Community of the Basque Country. Its creation revives again the discussion on the competition between the CCAA and the State to respond to conflicts arising from interaction between various territorial legislative systems or internal conflicts. At the same time this creation involves the potential multiplication of the problems adhering to the mobile conflict in successions. This paper will first analyze the adequacy of the new civil neighbourhood to the constitutional parameters and, secondly, the problems of intertemporal law that originates, illustrated through the Resolution of the Directorate General of Registries The Notarized, of June 12, 2017, which projects this new reality on the practice.Keywords: Interregional law, internal conflicts, Basque.

SEEU Review ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 169-184
David Berat ◽  
Agush Demirovski

AbstractThis article is about the rights of the Roma in North Macedonia and the level of discrimination that Roma are facing while employed in the public sector in the Republic of North Macedonia. The aims and objectives of the article are theoretical and practical understanding of the situation of Roma and the violation of their rights through direct and indirect discrimination at work. The data was collected during the period from May-July 2019 via 52 collected questionaries from a total of 70 public servants who were asked to be a part of the research.The article shows new data we have collected from employed Roma as public servants in different institutions in the state. The surveyed public servants were 52 in total, from which 34 are employees with secondary education, 17 are with university education and only 1 has a masters degree.The questionnaire is composed out of 17 questions about the forms of discrimination, feeling or witnesing discrimination at their workplace, who caused the discrimination, witnessing the spread of prejudices and stereotypes about the Roma, rejection of colleagues to share an office with Roma, and who caused the discrimination. One of the results shows that 55% of the surveyed Roma did not have a single training from their employer in the last 12 months and that 69% of those surveyed stated that they felt discrimination in the last 12 months on everyday basis.

2020 ◽  
pp. 106-112
Adriána Gogová

The public sector is part of social reality based on state, communal ownership. The point is to provide public services that are financed from public funds. Public administration is an activity performed by state administration bodies, self-governments and public institutions in performing public tasks. Its main objective is the pursuit of public welfare through the strengthening of civil society and social justice. The article aims to identify the state of public administration in the 21st century with the aim to point out the possibilities of effective setting with justification for the future. The obtained information comes from the analysis of secondary sources. Slovakia needs a quality public sector as a product of public policy of the state, which, within the efficient management of public resources, will ensure quality and well-functioning systems of education, health care and social security. Only a well-functioning and sufficiently efficient public sector can effectively support the qualitative development of society, the socio-economic balance and the life security of the population.

2012 ◽  
Vol 30 (2) ◽  
pp. 76-91 ◽  
Peter Barberis

By examining issues concerning the role and nature of the state together with the character of public bureaucracy, this article shows that, as a practical activity, public administration retains a distinct identity. Notwithstanding the many changes that have taken place in the public sector during recent years, programmes of study in the subject still have much to offer. Such programmes should reassert their place within the social sciences. Their virtues should be proclaimed with confidence, while resisting misplaced calls for more narrowly focused vocationalism.


LABURPENA: Etxebizitzarako eskubidearen garapenean legeria deszentralizatzeak duen inpaktua jorratzen da lan honetan; zehazki, alderdi subjektiboari dagokionez. Hurbilketa honetan, etxebizitzarako eskubidearen garapenaren ikuspegi historikoa hartzen da abiapuntutzat, eta eremu konparatuan alderatzen da eredua. Era berean, Andaluzian, Kanarietan, Nafarroan, Katalunian, Euskal Autonomia Erkidegoan, Valentzian, Extremaduran eta Balear irletako lege-proiektuan etxebizitza-arloan onartu diren arau autonomikoen edukia aztertzen da, eta Konstituzio Auzitegiaren maiatzaren 14ko 93/2015 Epaiaren zuzenbide-oinarrien azterketarekin alderatzen dira arau autonomiko horiek. Epai horretan, Andaluziako Etxebizitzaren Legearen kontra formulatu zen konstituzio-kontrakotasuneko errekurtsoa ebatzi zen. Ondorioa honako hau da: eskumen-esparru deszentralizatuek, orain artean eta baliteke etorkizunean ere hala izatea, mesede egin diote Administrazio Publikoaren eta Administrazioarekiko Auzi Epaitegien aurrean etxebizitzarako eskubidea galdagarri egiten duten tresnak eratzeari. RESUMEN: Este trabajo se aproxima al impacto de la descentralización legislativa en el desarrollo del derecho a la vivienda, en concreto de su aspecto subjetivo. En esta aproximación se toma una perspectiva histórica de dicho desarrollo y se contrasta el modelo en el ámbito comparado. Se analiza, así mismo, el contenido de las normas autonómicas en materia de vivienda aprobadas en Andalucía, Canarias, Navarra, Cataluña, País Vasco, Valencia, Extremadura y el proyecto de ley balear y se contrastan con el análisis de los fundamentos de derecho de la Sentencia del Tribunal Constitucional 93/2015 de 14 de mayo que resuelve el recurso de inconstitucionalidad formulado contra la ley andaluza de vivienda. Se llega a la conclusión de que los marcos competenciales descentralizados han favorecido, hasta ahora, y podrían seguir favoreciendo en un futuro, la articulación de instrumentos que vuelven exigible el derecho a la vivienda ante la Administración Pública y los Juzgados de lo Contencioso-administrativo. ABSTRACT: This work draws closer to the impact of legislative decentralization in the development of the right to housing, particularly of its subjective aspect. On this approach a historical perspective is taken regarding such development and the model is set against in the comparative area. Likewise, the content of rules in force in the Autonomous Communities in the field of housing passed in Andalusia, Canary Islands, Navarra, Cataluña, Basque Country, Valencia, Extremadura and the bill of Balearic Islands are analyzed and they are set against the analysis of the legal basis of the Constitutional Court judgment 93/2014 of May 14th which determines the action on unconstitutionality made against the Andalusian Act on housing. It was concluded that the decentralized competence framework have so far favoured and could further in the future the articulation of legal tools that could make effective the right to housing before the Public Administration and the Contentious-Administrative courts.


LABURPENA: Euskal Autonomia Erkidegoko Administrazioarekiko Auzietako Salak hainbat auziri heldu die, Euskal Autonomia Erkidegoko Jarduera Ekonomikoetarako Lurzorua Sortzeko eta Saltoki Handiak Antolatzeko Lurraldearen Arloko Planak merkataritza-gune handiei ezarritako mugen inguruan (plan hori abenduaren 21eko 262/2004 Dekretuaz onartu zen). RESUMEN: La Sala de lo Contencioso-administrativo del Tribunal Superior de Justicia del Pais Vasco ha abordado una serie de conflictos surgidos por las limitaciones impuestas a los Grandes Centros Comerciales por el Plan Territorial Sectorial de Creacion Publica de Suelo para Actividades Economicas y de Equipamientos Comerciales de la Comunidad Autonoma del Pais Vasco, aprobado por Decreto 262/2004, de 21 de diciembre. ABSTRACT: The administrative-contentious chamber of the High Court of Justice of the Basque Country has dealt with a series of conflicts that arose by the limitations imposed to large shopping centres by the Sectional Territorial plan for the Public creation of soil for economic activities and commercial equipments in the Autonomous Community of the Basque Country approved by the Decree 262/2004 of December 21st.

2021 ◽  
Vol 92 ◽  
pp. 01059
Maria Zilincikova ◽  
Jana Stofkova

Research background: The digitization of public administration processes has helped the functioning of the public sector at a time when the health of citizens is threatened by the virus. The economic sustainability of public administration has its place in government programs as an important means of modernizing, supporting, and optimizing the functioning of the public sector, improving public services. It focuses on a sustainable state in an emergency, or in times of crisis. Purpose of the article: The aim of the paper is to analyze and compare electronic services provided by public administration to citizens, businesses before and after the corona virus. The above analysis was supplemented by a questionnaire survey among citizens, entrepreneurs of the Slovak Republic focusing on the satisfaction of electronic public administration services at the time of the corona virus. Methods: The article applied the analysis and comparison of the state of provided electronic services before and after the corona virus. Prediction of future development was determined based on available data, by ex-ante analysis using the method of simple moving averages. An additional method of research was primary research satisfaction. Findings & Value added: An important milestone in the time of the coronary virus pandemic is the optimization of systems, services, and the strengthening of intervention capacities for emergency management. The findings presented in the paper point to changes related to the economic development of the state economy, changes in employment in the labor market and planned measures to rehabilitate the damage caused by COVID 19.

Alcides Antúnez Sánchez

Desde principios del siglo XXI la modernización del sector público impulsado por las Tic ha desencadenado una serie de aspectos positivos y negativos para los ciudadanos; entre las reformas más innovadoras que ha sufrido el ambiente gubernamental ante el fomento de los procesos electrónicos a través del gobierno electrónico. El uso de las Tic busca reformar algunos procesos de la gestión pública y vincular activamente a los ciudadanos con la Administración para que se convierta en una herramienta que disminuya la carga burocrática en los trámites, promover la participación ciudadana, fortalecer la confianza en el Estado, viabilizar e incrementar la transparencia y la rendición de cuentas. Su implementación ha traído la modificación de modelos y políticas de gobierno por los Estados. Las actividades que los ciudadanos realizan con la Administración Pública se efectúan de forma electrónica desde finales del siglo XX, suceso que ha avanzado con la smart city. From the beginning of the century XXI the modernization of the public sector encouraged by the Tic has triggered a series of positive aspects and negatives for the citizens; Enter the most innovative reforms that you have suffered the governmental environ- ment in front of the fomentation of the electronic processes through the electronic Government. The use of the Tic attempts to reform some processes of the public step and to link the citizens with Administration in order that that you decrease the bureaucratic load in the steps, to promote convert in a tool the civic participation itself actively, to strengthen the confidence in the State, viabilizar and to increment the transparency and accountability. The modification of models and governmental policies for the States has brought his implementation. XX, event make the activities that citizens accomplish with the Public Administration themselves of electronic form since late the century that city has advanced with smart.

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