scholarly journals Skopje: Time, Narrative, and Politics

2015 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 7-18
Jacques Rancière ◽  
Drew S. Burk

I would like to recall several ideas that have supported the entirety of my work for the past 40 years: forms of worker emancipation and the regimes of the identification of art; the transformations of literary fiction and the principles of democracy; the presuppositions of historical science and the forms of consensus by today’s dominant apparatuses. What unites all these areas of research is the attention to the way in which these practices and forms of knowledge imply a certain cartography of the common world. I have chosen to name this system of relations between ways of being, doing, seeing, and thinking that determine at once the common world and the ways in which everyone takes part within it the “distribution of the sensible.” But it must also be said that temporal categories play an important role in this as well. By defining a now, a before and an after, and in connecting them together within the narrative, they predetermine the way in which the common world is given to us in order to perceive it and to think it as well as the place given to everyone who occupies it and the capacity by which each of us then has to perceive truth. The narrative of time at once states what the flow of time makes possible as well as the way in which the inhabitants of time can grasp (or not grasp) these “possibles.” This articulation is a fiction. In this sense, politics and forms of knowledge are established by way of fictions including as well works that are deemed to be of the imagination. And the narrative of time is at the heart of these fictions that structure the intelligibility of these situations, which is to say as well, their acceptability. The narrative of time is always at the same time a fiction of the justice of time. Author(s): Jacques Rancière Title (English): Skopje: Time, Narrative, and Politics Translated by (French to English): Drew S. Burk Journal Reference: Identities: Journal for Politics, Gender and Culture, Vol. 11, No. 1 (Summer 2015) Publisher: Institute of Social Sciences and Humanities – Skopje  Page Range: 7-18 Page Count: 11 Citation (English): Jacques Rancière, “Skopje: Time, Narrative, and Politics,” translated from the French by Drew S. Burk, Identities: Journal for Politics, Gender and Culture, Vol. 11, No. 1 (Summer 2015): 7-18.

2012 ◽  
Vol 12 (3) ◽  
pp. 232-249 ◽  
Tracey J Potts

This article aims to interrogate the framing of New York’s Ground Zero as a ‘dark tourist’ destination, with particular reference to the entanglement of notions of kitsch in academic discussions of the events of 11 September 2001. What makes Ground Zero contentious, even scandalous, for many scholars is the presence of a conspicuous commodity culture around the site in the form of tourist souvenirs, leading to accusations of kitschification of memory and the constitution of visitors as ‘tourists of history’. Drawing upon theoretical ideas of Jacques Rancière, Bruno Latour and W. J. T. Mitchell around image politics, the alignment of kitsch with the figure of the tourist will be questioned, along with the conviction that the so-called teddy-bearification of 9/11 threatens the formation of dangerous political subjectivities. In attempting to rid the debates of their default settings, and reliance on essentialist notions of kitsch, it is hoped that that the way will be cleared for the sociological, ethnographic and empirical work necessary to consider the cultural and political significance of the Ground Zero souvenir economy.

Sublime Art ◽  
2017 ◽  
pp. 202-240
Stephen Zepke

The work of Jacques Rancière is concerned with the sublime, but in a negative sense. He hates it. And as well, he hates the way thinkers such as Deleuze and Lyotard (and in fact them in particular, his colleagues in the Philosophy department at Paris VIII) have constructed both an aesthetics and an ethics from it. And as well, how this sublime aesthetics draws upon a politics (which is also an ontology) of otherness. In fact, he is even going to accuse Derrida of this, although without roilling him up with the problems of the sublime. So Rancière is going to be very useful to us as a critical reflection on those who have gone before, but as well he will because he is the one who speaks most about contemporary art. But his place here is not entirely negative, despite his constant and methodological disagreements. Rancière also offers an aesthetics based upon Kant’s Third Critique, but one that begins from the beautiful rather than the sublime. This will be a useful addition to the aesthetics we have already examined that emerge from Kant’s work, and another possible way to understand its political possibilities.

2021 ◽  
pp. 194675672110255
Liam Mayo ◽  
Shamim Miah

This article does three things: first, it explores the erosions of traditional forms of knowledge and how this is impacting the way change is approached and understood; second, it expands on Ziauddin Sardar’s notion that imagination is central to unlocking new ways of being and knowing the world—and in particular, explores Marcus Bussey’s anticipatory imagination further; and third, we address notions of agency and suggest how, through a reimagining, an ontological shift from Enlightenment notions of Being to new notions of Becoming is available to us, which we believe is worth consideration given our postnormal context.

Philosophy ◽  
1997 ◽  
Vol 72 (279) ◽  
pp. 5-18
Anthony Quinton

In setting out to discuss the trouble with Kant I may seem to be suggesting that there is only one. I do think that there is one fundamental one, which is that he is a wild and intellectually irresponsible arguer. Any innate leaning that way must have been enhanced by the intellectual isolation of Konigsberg, which preserved him from serious criticism. I shall be sticking to one particular example of this failing. It is the account he gives of the way in which the common world of experience is constructed or synthesized by applying some piece of mental apparatus—the forms of intuition and the categories—to what he calls the manifold of sensation. The rather elementary question I want to raise about this theory is that of how the claim can be made good that the outcome of this process is just one, single world; for all of us, for each of us at different times, even for any one of us at a particular time.

2021 ◽  
Vol 34 (70) ◽  
pp. 175-191
Paulo Henrique Fernandes Silveira

O lugar próprio no espaço impróprio: o negro, o judeu e o comum Resumo: No pós-guerra, uma série de intelectuais que residiam na França, alguns deles, como exilados ou expatriados, travaram um intenso debate a respeito das condições do negro e do judeu. Jean-Paul Sartre formulou uma das questões centrais desse debate: haveria uma essência da negritude ou do judaísmo? Para Frantz Fanon, Maurice Blanchot, Jacques Derrida e Edmond Jabès, a negritude e o judaísmo podem ser compreendidos a partir das experiências do exílio e da expatriação. Esse artigo pretende reconstruir esse debate e analisar a importância do não-pertencimento para as concepções de comunidade e comum desenvolvidas por Jean-Luc Nancy, Giorgio Agamben e Jacques Rancière. Palavras-chave: Negro. Judeu. Expatriação. Não-pertencimento. Comum. El lugar propio en el espacio impropio: el negro, el judío y el común Resumen: En la pos-guerra, una serie de intelectuales que vivían en Francia, algunos de ellos, como exilados o expatriados, trabaran un intenso debate a respecto de las condiciones del negro y del judío. Jean-Paul Sartre formuló una de las preguntas centrales de ese debate: ¿habría una esencia da negritud o de judaísmo? Para Frantz Fanon, Maurice Blanchot, Jacques Derrida y Edmond Jabès, la negritud y el judaísmo pueden ser comprendidos a partir de las experiencias de exilio y de la expatriación. Ese artículo pretende reconstruir ese debate y analizar la importancia del no-pertenencia a las conceptos de comunidad y común desarrolladas por Jean-Luc Nancy, Giorgio Agamben y Jacques Rancière. Palabras-clave: Negro. Judío. Expatriación. No-pertenencia. Común. The proper place in the improper space: the black, the jewish and the common Abstract: In the postwar period, a number of intellectuals residing in France, some of them as exiles or expats, the intellectuals engaged in an intense debate about the conditions of the black and the jewish. Jean-Paul Sartre formulated one of the key questions of this debate: Is there an essence of blackness or judaism? For Frantz Fanon, Maurice Blanchot, Jacques Derrida, and Edmond Jabès, blackness and judaism can be understood from the experiences of exile and expatriation. This article aims to reconstruct this debate and analyze the importance of non-belonging to the conceptions of community and common developed by Jean-Luc Nancy, Giorgio Agamben, and Jacques Rancière. Keywords: Black. Jewish. Expatriation. Non-belonging. Common. Data de registro: 11/12/2019 Data de aceite: 26/08/2020

Problemos ◽  
2007 ◽  
Vol 71 ◽  
Mintautas Gutauskas

Straipsnyje nagrinėjamas dialogo problemos apmąstymo procesas E. Levino filosofijoje. Rekonstruojama dialogo samprata, susiformavusi Vakarų tradicijoje, kuri dialogą tapatina su komunikacija ir yra grindžiama dalykine etika. Daugiausia dėmesio skiriama fenomenologijos kritikai, labiausiai išryškinančiai Levino nuostatas. Levino pozicija pirmiausia nagrinėjama kaip opozicija fenomenologijai, pabrėžianti santykio ir sakymo momentus, kurie yra „anapus patirties“ ir remiasi „sužlugusiu intencionalumu“. Tiriama, kokiu būdu E. Husserlio fenomenologijoje keliamas klausimas apie kitą ir kaip Husserlio įžvalgomis grindžiamas trinaris dialogo modelis: aš, kitas ir dalykas bendro pasaulio kontekste. Nagrinėjama, kaip tokia dialogo struktūra veikia dalykinę etiką, realizuojamą sokratiškame dialoge, aptartame H.-G. Gadamerio darbuose. Levino žingsnis fiksuojamas kaip perėjimas nuo komunikacijos –susikalbėjimo prie etinio santykio. Nagrinėjama, kaip tokį perėjimą sąlygoja atpažįstama prievarta, užslėpta pažintiniame-dalykiniame dialoge. Levino išryškinta sakymo plotmė trakuojama kaip dialogas prieš dialogą, t. y. kaip sluoksnis, liekantis neapčiuoptas, kol dialogo problema sprendžiama tik perduodamos reikšmės lygmenyje. Sakymo plotmė traktuojama kaip artimo artumas, leidžiantis perduoti reikšmę. Pabaigoje keliamas klausimas, kaip sakymo matmens išryškinimas gali būti vėl integruotas į dialogo aprašymą. Daroma išvada, kad Levino kritikuojama patirties samprata paties Levino dėka prasiplečia, dialogo aprašymas įtraukia ir patirties lūžius, o kartu pats dialogo esmės klausimas išsiskaido į dialogų daugybės klausimą. Pagrindiniai žodžiai: Levinas, dialogas, komunikacija, intencionalumas, patirtis.Dialog Prior to Dialog in Levinas’ Thought Beyond Experience Mintautas Gutauskas SummaryThe article deals with Levinas’ approach to the problem of the dialogue. The conception of the dialogue, which has been formed in the Western tradition of thought, identifies the dialogue with communication and is grounded in the ethics of the “things themselves” is analysed in the context of Levinas’ criticism of the Western thought. The author focuses on the criticism of phenomenology which highlights Levinas’ position. His position is analysed first of all as an opposition to phenomenology. Levinas emphasizes the moments of relation and saying that are “beyond experience” and are grounded in the “blasted intentionality”. The way the question about the other raised in Husserl’s phenomenology and also the trinomial structure of the dialogue (I, other and the thing in the context of the common world) realized in the early works of M. Theunissen and B. Waldenfels are questioned. The article investigates how this structure of the dialogue influences the ethics of Socratic communication about the “things themselves”, which has been explicated in the works of H. G. Gadamer. Levinas’ motion is understood as a shift from the concept of the dialogue as communication to the ethical relation. Author analyses how this shift is determined by violence recognized as hidden under such dialogue as cognitive communication. The dimension of saying, emphasized by Levinas, is treated as a dialogue prior to the dialogue, i.e. as the dimension of the dialogue which is left out by the theories that treat dialogue as sheer communication. The dimension of saying is approached as the proximity of the near, which enables the meaning in communication. In the end, the question is raised how this dimension of saying can be reinterpreted in the description of the dialogue. The conclusion is that Levinas’ criticism of the conception of experience expands this conception; the description of the dialogue includes the ruptures of experience, and at the same time the questionabout the essence of the dialogue dissolves into the question about the multiplicity of the dialogue. Keywords: Levinas, dialogue, communication, intentionality, experience.ight: 18px;"> 

2018 ◽  
pp. 106-118
Johan Heinesen

The article traces ways in which the historiography of British voyaging and exploration has configured the relationship between shipboard communities and words. This is argued to be a ‘political’ issue in the sense bestowed upon the word by Jacques Rancière. He sees the kernel of politics to be the struggle about speech and the ability of speaking beings to designate what is ‘common’ to community. Taking its clues from Rancière’s poetics of knowledge the article explores how historiography has dealt with the ship’s community of speaking beings. It identifies a strategy through which the narration of the ship distinguishes between good speech and bad speech and lets the former be the foundation of a proper community, while the later becomes a transgression of the boundaries of community. Historical science later supplemented this displacement of speech by tying the truth of community to hidden structures, thereby disabling the actor’s ability to narrate the common.

Soft Power ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 188-205
Massimo Villani

Actuality works in a medial dimension, in which the real only expresses itself, without referencing anything else. That of medium is a spurious space, loaded with cognitive and libidinal stains that the subjects leave behind in their relationships. Politics, in the neoliberal period, wears itself out in this context that has no links with stable facts, that is not shielded from human affairs. Starting from some of Hannah Arendt’s considerations about the relational character of truth, it is possible to think of political praxis in this rigorously post-foundational context. With Jacques Rancière, we will then observe how the real, in order to be thought, needs to be turned into fiction: politics is a dispute about fiction of the common space, about how its material and symbolic configuration is imagined. But faking equality of anyone with everyone means in fact practicing it.

2020 ◽  
Vol 29 (1) ◽  
pp. 117
Victor Da Rosa

Resumo: O artigo indaga a literatura de João Gilberto Noll a partir de uma dinâmica entre as figuras do vazio e da evasão, que permeiam alguns dos principais debates em torno da literatura do autor desde os anos 1980, de Silviano Santiago a Reinaldo Laddaga, mas que se procura reinterpretar a partir de um diálogo com o pensamento de Jacques Rancière e Georges Didi-Huberman, assim como da leitura que Deleuze e Guattari realizam da obra de Kafka. Nesse sentido, analisa-se a maneira como três das principais chaves de leitura da obra de Noll – corpo, voz e território – se articulam e desarticulam por meio de um sintoma específico, o de orfandade, que expõe seus primeiros sinais, não por acaso, no conto inaugural do autor, “Alguma coisa urgentemente”.Palavras-chave: evasão; letra órfã; animalidade; abandono; João Gilberto Noll.Abstract: Abstract: The article investigates João Gilberto Noll’s literature from an identified dynamics between the figures of emptiness and evasion, which permeate some of the main debates around the author’s works since the 1980s, from Silviano Santiago to Reinaldo Laddaga. This article however seeks to propose a reinterpretation of this issue in a dialogue with Jacques Rancière and Georges Didi-Huberman, as well as Deleuze and Guattari’s reading of Kafka’s work. The paper then analyzes the way in which three of the main keys to Noll’s work - body, voice and territory - are articulated and disarticulated through a specific symptom: the orphanage, which exposes its early traces in the author’s opening tale, “Something urgently”.Keywords: evasion; orphan letter; animality; abandonment; João Gilberto Noll.

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