Lyudmila Koroliova

The study is devoted to the problem of training future teachers for the development of creative abilities of pupils during the educational activities in primary school. It is determined that the crucial professional modernization of higher education, the transition to the newest activity paradigm of the pedagogical process guide towards radical redefining of existing ideological strategies and confirmation of new ideological strategies for the training of a new generation of teachers for primary school. They are professionals capable of finding and mastering new knowledge, with the purpose of generating new ideas and initiatives to implement them for improving both their own social status and welfare, and the development of society and the Ukrainian state as a whole. The conceptual foundations of the training of future teachers for the development of creative abilities of pupils of primary schools, as well as the role of this profession in the context of historical development of education are revealed. The contradictions that impede the training of future teachers are outlined. The domestic and foreign experience of primary-school education and the current state of professional training of future specialists of the initial level in Ukraine, European countries and Great Britain are analyzed; the tasks and perspectives of solving the issues of future teachers training for the development of pupils’ creative abilities in educational activities during the process of their professional training are determined. It is proved that the significant potential in solving the above tasks can be found in a creative-oriented paradigm of teaching of future primary-school teachers: the significant strengthening of their professional training, the creation and the construction of a platform on which the interpersonal subject-subject interaction of the teacher and the student will be developed on the principles of «creative development». The analysis of scholarly publications on the subject of the research shows that the readiness of future specialists to develop the creative abilities of pupils in the educational activity of primary school is an important element of the professional formation and professional ascent of future primary-school teachers to the heights of his/her mastery and competence; it is one of the parameters of his/her professional readiness, which significantly influences the effectiveness of the pedagogical process and the results of the specialist’s activity.

Marianna Ostrovska

The introduction of the Concept of the New Ukrainian School, first of all the implementation of the competency paradigm in the school, brought the process of teacher training to one of the central places in higher education institutions. This problem became especially relevant with the introduction of the new Professional Standard for Teachers. This requires a review of ways to train future primary school teachers, taking into account the development of senior specialized school and the needs of the modern labor market in specialists who have developed general and professional competencies. The purpose of the article is to specify the methods and means of preparing future teachers for effective educational activities in the reforming primary school. Research methods used: analysis and synthesis of scientific literature (to clarify the basic concepts of research), systematization (in order to identify scientific approaches to solving this problem), theoretical generalization of research results (to formulate recommendations and conclusions). The article considers the current problems of training primary school teachers in higher education institutions to implement the main tasks of the Concept «New Ukrainian School», taking into account the new Professional Standard of Teachers.  It is shown that the training of a competent teacher in higher education institutions and his further effective innovative and humanistic educational activities at school is one of the leading tasks of education reform in Ukraine. The main attention is focused on the features of innovative educational activities of higher education institutions of pedagogical orientation in the training of teachers of the new generation and the role of disciplines of the psychological and pedagogical cycle in the system of professional training of future teachers.

M. M. Mashovets ◽  
N. Golota ◽  
A. Karnaukhova

The task of vocational education at the present stage of development of society is to train competitive professionals with professional mobility, skills of rapid adaptation to changing conditions of society, methods of self-education, improving the quality of their own professional activities and its product. The article analyzes the modern model of practical training of teachers, namely: future educators of preschool education and primary school teachers in the educational process of the Pedagogical Institute of Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University. The current modernization of the domestic education system creates increased requirements for the quality of training of modern teachers, which is not only to modernize the content of profile-oriented disciplines, but also requires appropriate organization of various types of pedagogical practice. The authors investigate various aspects of training future teachers to carry out professional activities in preschool and primary schools. In particular, the activities of the Center for Self-Knowledge and Self-Development, the Center for Innovative Educational Technologies (ICR), the Educational Laboratory of Creative Pedagogy are substantiated, providing a combination of scientific achievements and practice in the educational process. It is in the process of training in these centers that students have the opportunity to model different components of future pedagogical activities and choose different ways to solve them given the proposed features of the pedagogical situation, which will further contribute to the formation of future teachers holistic perception of professional activity. all participants in the educational process, the ability to make independent decisions and respond quickly to the challenges of everyday teaching. The peculiarities of students’ work in the centers in classroom and extracurricular classes are revealed, in the process of which future preschool educators and primary school teachers have the opportunity to participate in interdisciplinary projects, trainings, master innovative and digital teaching tools. component of the educational process and ensures the competitiveness of young professionals. The article identifies tools for information and educational environment that should be used in working with students (STEAM-education, storytelling, kahoot, answergarden), which will promote the development of future teachers’ ability to self-presentation, the effective formation of their professional competence. Key words: preschool institution, general secondary education institution, model, practical training, pedagogical production practice, professional activity, students.

Olha Komar ◽  
Yevhenii Harashchuk

The article analyses the state of modern research on professional training of future primary school teachers to form students' skills to work with a graphic editor. The study uses scientific methods of analysis, synthesis, and comparison to identify the state of modern research on this topic. The authors analyse the views of leading Ukrainian scientists and Ukrainian and foreign founding teachers on the professional training of future teachers. The study highlights the basic definitions of training and vocational training. The content of the concepts of training and professional training is specified. The graphic editor as a component of information and communication competence is described by the authors. Some peculiarities and differences of pupils’ and students’ usage of the graphic editor in primary school are mentioned in the article. The authors describe the main stages of studying the graphic editor by primary school students and analyse the works of outstanding scientists on the professional training of future primary school teachers for students to study the graphic editor. The main mistakes of teachers in studying the graphic editor by students are described, and the further prospects of studying the researched problem is determined. As a result, it is outlined that the works of domestic and foreign scientists are mainly focused on the history of the concepts but not on the disclosure of the main features of training. It is determined that the professional training of future teachers has been studied quite widely, but there are many aspects of training, in particular, the preparation of future teachers for the use of graphic editors by students has not been studied enough. Keywords: training, professional training, professional training of future teacher, professional skills, pedagogical activity, primary school, formation of skills, computer graphics, graphic editor.

2017 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 81-86
Olha Berladyn

AbstractThe article deals with peculiarities of primary schools teachers’ professional training in the UK (late 20th – early 21st century) in terms of European integration, analyses development priorities, substantiates the possibilities to use the ideas of the British experience in the training of local primary schools teachers in rural areas. The ideas which have been determined as leading are: development of unified system of standards and teachers training in the context of general integrated requirements for its competence; teachers’ skills to manage their teaching and training activities; modernizing the content of professional training; ensuring continuity of professional training for primary school teachers and their close cooperation with universities, schools and local education system, etc. The results of theoretical research confirm that the development of primary schools in Great Britain has always being and remains a leading factor in the modernization of teacher training. Teacher Education in UK has considerable experience in combining traditional and modern innovation in the time of reforms in that sector, updating the organizational and semantic principles taking into account the European dimension of education. The experience of Great Britain as an active member of formation processes in common European education space, with a rich history, cultural traditions and innovative achievements in terms of professional training of primary school teachers will provide an opportunity to identify and use positive ideas to upgrade the pedagogical education in Ukraine and present its achievements in the European education space. The UK has implemented its own national approach to the modernization of primary school teachers’ professional training on the basis of common European integration processes and changes.

2021 ◽  
pp. 40-48
Олеся Евгеньевна Рыбина

Организация профессиональной подготовки студентов в вузе ориентирована на социальные запросы общества и обусловлена теми требованиями, которые предъявляются к учителю начальных классов. В рамках профессиональной подготовки акцент делается на ее методическую составляющую, в основе которой – вовлечение будущего учителя в процесс построения собственного образования, осознанное отношение к овладению профессией. Целью исследования является рассмотрение такого способа вовлечения будущих учителей начальных классов в процесс собственной методической подготовки, как совместное проектирование урока. В качестве материалов изучения были использованы работы, посвященные рассмотрению вопросов организации профессиональной подготовки будущих учителей и их дальнейшей профессиональной деятельности. На базе Алтайского государственного педагогического университета был проведен опрос студентов «Моя методическая подготовка», который позволил определить понимание будущими учителями начальных классов собственной подготовки и своей роли в ней. Результаты анализа проведенного опроса показали, что наибольшую значимость студенты придают разработке уроков, при этом для них важно быть включенными в эту деятельность, а не просто получить методическую информацию. На основе полученных данных, а также с учетом специфики организации совместной деятельности в процессе методической подготовки будущих учителей начальных классов были разработаны и реализованы различные варианты совместного проектирования уроков в рамках дисциплины «Методика обучения русскому языку и литературному чтению»: совместное проектирование с преподавателем, совместное проектирование в парах и совместное проектирование в группах. Подробно рассмотрен вариант совместного проектирования в парах на примере организации деятельностной игры «Совместное проектирование: разработчик и эксперт». Участники игры в течение нескольких недель взаимодействовали друг с другом, создавая, анализируя и корректируя конспект урока. Совместное проектирование уроков позволяет вовлечь будущих учителей в процесс собственной методической подготовки, сделав его более осознанным, рефлексивным и методически открытым. The organization of professional training of students at the university is focused on the social needs of society and is conditioned by the requirements that are imposed on the primary school teacher. Within the framework of professional training, the emphasis is on its methodological component, which is based on the involvement of the future teacher in the process of building their own education, a conscious attitude towards mastering the profession. The goal is to consider such a way of involving future primary school teachers in the process of their own methodological preparation, as a joint lesson design. As materials for the study, we used works devoted to the consideration of the organization of professional training of future teachers and their further professional activities. On the basis of the Altai State Pedagogical University, a survey of students “My methodical training” was conducted, which made it possible to determine the understanding of future primary school teachers of their own training and their role in it. The results of the analysis of the survey showed that students attach the greatest importance to the development of lessons, while it is important for them to be involved in this activity, and not just to receive methodological information. Based on the data obtained, as well as taking into account the specifics of the organization of joint activities in the process of methodological training of future primary school teachers, various options for joint design of lessons were developed and implemented within the discipline “Methods of teaching the Russian language and literary reading”: joint design with a teacher, joint design in pairs and collaborative design in groups. This article discusses in detail the option of joint design in pairs – on the example of organizing the activity game “Joint design: developer and expert”. The participants of the game interacted with each other for several weeks, creating, analyzing and correcting the outline of the lesson. Collaborative design of lessons allows future teachers to be involved in the process of their own methodological preparation, making it more conscious, reflective and methodically open.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 182-192
Mariia Oliiar ◽  
Kateryna Fomin

The urgency of the problem of formation of communicative-strategic competence of future primary school teachers is substantiated in the article. The importance of implementing a communicative approach in the professional training of students in terms of reforming the education system in accordance with the Concept of the New Ukrainian School is emphasized. The authors of the article emphasized the specifics of pedagogical discourse as strategically planned and aimed at achieving a certain communicative goal. The results of the survey of graduate students majoring in “Primary Education” are revealed, which proved the necessity of developing a special methodology for the formation of future teachers’ communicative-strategic competence. The essence of the transdisciplinary approach as the basis of the specified technique is revealed. The characteristics, basics and the overarching purpose of the method are given. It is substantiated that in the conditions of the organization of pedagogical discourse the purpose becomes a process of educational work, ways and methods of knowledge acquiring and mastering of skills in the specific intersubjective communicative-dialogic space created by the teacher which students join as equal participants of communication among other participants with common  considering of social situation, specifics of the future profession, professional language. The communicative concepts of navigation character are defined and conceptual fields of interconnected communicative concepts for providing transdisciplinary connections are characterized. The principles of realization of the offered technique are revealed: conformity of the modeled educational process to the final purpose of future teachers’ training for work in the conditions of the communicative environment of modern primary school; taking into account specifics of future professional activity; considering psychological features of future teachers' acquisition of communicative knowledge and skills; optimal combination of theoretical knowledge and practical skills; selection of the most effective forms, methods, technologies of formation of communicative-strategic competence.

Olena Beskorsa

The processes of digital transformation of all the spheres of life activities in the modern society and implementation of emergency distance learning in the conditions of the Covid-19 pandemic cause new challenges in future teachers’ professional training. One of them is to develop skills to learn life long and conduct effective professional self-development. The purpose of the paper is to theoretically analyse the content and the structure of mass open online courses that can be used in the professional training of future primary school teachers of English, which contribute to developing their digital and methodological competences. For achieving the purpose set, we use a number of theoretical research methods (analysis, synthesis, comparison, generalisation, etc.). Based on the analysis of MOOC platforms, which are available at the national and international Internet market of educational services, it is found out that Coursera, Prometeus, EdEra are the most popular among educators. It is highlighted that all the courses, developed on MOOC platforms, have the similar structure that include such components: interactive video lectures, learning resources, online tests, forum for discussing different questions. It is noted that MOOC courses are getting commercialised and only some of them give an opportunity to participate in them as listeners without getting certificates. However, MOOC courses have a great potential for developing future teachers’ digital competence, communicative and collaborative skills by using information and communication technologies, improving some aspects of professional and methodological competence. It is proved that an optimal way of implementing MOOC courses in professional training of future primary school teachers’ professional training is to combine them with traditional distance learning within university LMS courses or with traditional methods and forms of offline learning.

Oktaviia Fizeshi

An important condition for reforming pedagogical education is the training of highly qualified teachers of higher education institutions who are able to implement program objectives and implement the requirements of professional, industry standards and educational programs in the educational process of pedagogical education institutions. Article’s purpose is to generalize the features of training future teachers of pedagogy to teach the course «Didactics» in the system of professional education of future primary school teachers. Methods applied: the method of theoretical analysis of normative educational documents and educational-methodical literature on methods of teaching pedagogy in institutions of higher pedagogical education; methods of generalization, systematization for formulating the conclusions of scientific research. Most educational programs for the training of specialists at the second (master's) level in pedagogical specialties provide for the assignment of the qualification «teacher of pedagogy», which requires his thorough theoretical and methodological and practical preparation for teaching pedagogical disciplines. Therefore, it is important in this context determination of methods of teaching the section of pedagogy «Didactics», which includes acquaintance of future teachers of pedagogy with the main goals and objectives of the course, its structure, features of the work program on the discipline, a list of sections and topics recommended for future primary school teachers; mastering the most rational forms and methods of organizing classroom (lectures, seminars, micro-teaching, modeling of pedagogical situations, etc.) and extracurricular (pedagogical observation of the real pedagogical process in primary school, acquaintance with pedagogical and methodological literature, study of advanced pedagogical experience, etc.) work of students, features of diagnostics of results of educational achievements from a course «Didactics». Preparation for teaching «Didactics» is an important component of professional training of future teachers of pedagogy in higher pedagogical education, which provides targeted, systematic and comprehensive mastery of knowledge of didactics and methods of its teaching in higher education and training the teacher's personality with a high level of scientific knowledge. organization of the process of knowledge transfer to applicants for institutions of higher pedagogical education.

T. Shanskova ◽  
I. Konovalchuk ◽  
N. Rudnytska ◽  
N. Kolesnyk ◽  
S. Maksymets

Abstract. The article analyzes the trends in the change of key competencies required by the labor market. It is stated that these changes determine the new competencies that must be formed in the pupils of the school, which in turn changes the requirements for the competencies of the teacher. The directions of economic reforms of the Ukrainian school are studied and it is shown that these reforms will lead to an increase in the requirements for primary school teachers and increase the level of control over his activities from communities, whose funds will be used to finance educational institutions of each community. Therefore, as a priority area of reforming the Ukrainian school, a systematic approach to the training of future teachers was proposed, details of the reassessment of the components of this approach, the content of components and outlined new requirements for the components of primary school teacher competence. It is proved that the psychological and pedagogical principles of primary school teacher training and acquisition of professional competence are a set of interconnected components of the educational process, which form the need for improvement and interest in the profession; stimulate the education of the individual. Not only the importance of knowledge and skills, but also the qualities that will ensure an effective pedagogical process; form a proper self-assessment of the teacher and his objective assessment of students. Negative factors that may reduce the effectiveness of complex psychological and pedagogical principles of future teacher training have also been studied. It is stated that the key prerequisite for these principles should be the formation of a teacher as a person who loves children, enjoys communication and friendship with them, is able to share their joys and sorrows, and does not forget how she was a child. The system of methodical approaches of teacher training is considered and it is specified that it should aim at formation at the future teacher of aspiration of innovative pedagogical work as a basis of its self-realization. The structure of methodical approaches in modern conditions is estimated and its transience is indicated. That is, methodological approaches are only tools in the work of a teacher, and the constant search for pedagogical innovations for the desire to improve will allow him to choose the right tools from the set offered to him. The results of the study and the developed proposals will increase the effectiveness of reforming the New Ukrainian school. Keywords: competencies, system approach, education reform, professional training, future primary school teachers. JEL Classification M53 Formulas: 0; fig.: 2; tabl.: 2; bibl.: 20.

Pedro Palhares ◽  
Alexandra Gomes

Virtual laboratories are increasing for all areas of scientific domains. However, the concept of such laboratories can be extended to include educational activities. But the point is, how to do it? We have been involved in the development of a virtual laboratory on mathematics education for the past 15 months. Our institution is involved in the training of primary school teachers. On their final year, our students go to primary schools and teach there in some supervised classes. Our idea is to create an instrument that can be used with primary school children by our students, during the earlier-mentioned practice in schools. Therefore it has to be an instrument with features that include being appealing to children, easy to use, and helpful to novice primary school teachers.

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