Pedagogical education: theory and practice. Psychology. Pedagogy
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Published By Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University


І. Leontieva

In recent years, the education sector has been a key player in nation- and state-building, a leading social institu- tion responsible for innovative human development, the formation of competitive human capital, so the leading task of the Ukrainian state was and remains a functioning and self-sufficient national education system. would progressive traditions of the past, correspond to new social relations and accumulate innovative potential for fur- ther development. However, despite a number of positive developments in national education in recent years, the historically accumulated inconsistency of domestic education and science with best European and world practice is still acute. The article attempts to theoretically investigate the evolution of scientific views on the development and reform of education in Ukraine through the prism of publications of authors-researchers on the pages of the scientific professional publication «Pedagogical education: theory and practice. Psychology. Pedagogy» and the results of a comprehensive analysis of the state and development of national education for the 30-year period of indepen- dence of Ukraine, presented in analytical publications of the NAPS of Ukraine: White Book of National Education (2010), National Report on the state and prospects of education in Ukraine (2011, 2016, 2021). Attention is paid to the continuum of current problems in the educational sphere, assessment of the current state and short- term prospects of Ukrainian education and scientific substantiation of ways to modernize national education in the cross section of two planes — the position of leading NAPS scientists and practitioners. Building the concept of research of evolution of views, ideas, positions, beliefs of educational community on actual questions of development of education through a prism of scientific publications of authors of the researched edition, we outlined for ourselves two strategic vectors of the analysis: features of formation of the national self- sufficient integral system of education of the sovereign country for the periods 2001-2010, 2011-2015 and 2016- 2021 and the analytical characteristic of a focus of scientific attention of educators-contributors of magazine «Pedagogical education: theory and practice. Psychology. Pedagogy» in the studied periods.

T. Ponomarenko ◽  
O. Kuzina

The study identifies the relevance of effective professional training of future teachers in the field of preschool education, in particular, the preparation for using media space in the educational process of preschool education institution. The content of one of the main concepts of the study — “media space”, which is defined by us as the space of a set of individual, collective entities, social institutions in the production, existence, circulation of audiovisual (electronic) information, is clarified. Modern media space includes television (terrestrial, cable, satellite, etc.), radio, printed media, movies and videos, DVDs, CD-ROMs, e-mail, computer channels and the Internet. The content of the basic concept of the study “readiness of teachers for using the media space in the educational process of preschool education institution”, which we consider as a holistic integrative, rather embedded in content personality quality, which is a set of values, motives, knowledge, skills, personal professional qualities that determine the effectiveness of the use of media space in the educational process of preschool education institution. The peculiarities of the organization of media space in the conditions of preschool education institution are outlined. On the basis of the analysis of curricula and work programs of educational disciplines of a number of Ukrainian universities, the state of formation of researched readiness of future teachers in the field of preschool education in the conditions of university pedagogical training is investigated. Based on the analysis of the educational activities of teachers of preschool education, the features of their readiness regarding the use of media space in the educational process of preschool education have been studied. The need for further improvement of the educational process to form the readiness of future teachers to use the media space in the educational process of preschool education institution and optimize their independent activities in order to effectively develop the studied professional quality.

L. Soloviova

The article considers the problem of a child’s readiness for school in the conditions of modern educational changes. Works of scientists are presented, in which the role of arbitrary regulation of the behavior of a preschool child in the formation of readiness for school is determined. Methods of studying the development of children’s ability to arbitrary regulation proposed by psychologists are analyzed. They determine the ability of children to subordinate their actions to verbal instructions, patterns, rules of the game and build these actions accordingly; identify the level of development of voluntary attention and perception, the ability to purposefully find a solution; establish opportunities for preschoolers to focus on goals, actively achieve meaningful goals, overcome difficulties. It is emphasized that the best results of the development of arbitrary regulation of behavior children demonstrate during the diagnosis, organized in the form of story-role play, play with rules or game task. Regulatory component of activity is singled out as criterion of comprehensive assessment of child’s readiness for school life. Essence of the concept is revealed and indicators of its manifestation in children’s activity are determined. The mechanism of conscious regulation is based on the ability to control psychical activities and behavior — to direct actions in accordance with the task or requirement, to subordinate them to specific goals. The regulatory component of the activity as a criterion of the child’s readiness for school life characterizes the child’s ability to actively implement the acquired experience in the activity, to manage behavior. Following achievements in the volitional sphere will be considered as indicators of manifestation of a regulatory component of activity of the child of senior preschool age: — ability to perform actions according to the sample; — ability to perform actions according to the verbal instructions (follow rules of the game and relationships, your own design); — ability to show purposefulness, activity in achieving the goal, willingness to overcome difficulties. These indicators have their characteristic manifestations in each of the specific children’s activities, organized by children independently and with the support of an adult: play, communication, speech, health, household, artistic and creative, cognitive and research. It is noted, that a comprehensive assessment of child’s readiness for school life will reflect the results of studying regulatory, emotional, cognitive, creative content components of activities, which together will create a real picture of the child’s personal development, bases of the formed key competencies of senior preschoolers.

Y. Volynets

Improving the quality of education in preschool education institution is a socially significant problem of nowadays, which faces pedagogical science and practice. Today, pedagogical education is a means of self-development andself-realization, whichchangesthegoalsofeducation, itsmotives, forms, methods, andtheroleofthepreschool teacher. And the purpose of pedagogical education is high-quality training of highly qualified and competitive pedagogical staff for the entire field of education, able to masterfully carry out professional activities and be able to use modern information technologies. One of the tasks of modern pedagogical education is the formation of a person with an innovative type of thinking, pedagogical culture, and developed readiness for innovative activities, professional in his field. Only the active life position of a preschool teacher, improving his professional skills will help him ensure one of the most important rights of students — the right to quality education. There are many facts that affect the quality of pedagogical education: material and technical support of the educational process, information and methodological, financial, etc., but the most important thing is the staffing of teachers in the educational process, who have professional competencies, information technology and apply them in the educational process of the preschool education institutions. The article analyzes the problem of motivation of professional development of preschool teachers as a condition for improving the quality of preschool education in the context of European integration. The concepts of «postgraduate education», «continuing preschool education», and«pedagogicalexcellence» are defined. The article substantiates the need of a comprehensive study of the experience of professional training of preschool teachers in the UK and its use to create an effective system of pedagogical education in Ukraine, also presents the features of the model of pedagogical education in the UK.

A. Voznyuk ◽  
A. Dubasenyuk ◽  
V. Kopetchuk

The proposed article analyzes the types of personality and scientific-professional orientation of higher education institutions teachers, characterized by a high level of competence and creative productivity. The relevance of this study stems from the fact that teachers’ scientific and pedagogical activities are connected with their creative developmentandprofessionalself-improvement. Therefore, theobjectives of thearticle are tostudythepersonality and psychological characteristics of the relevant cohort of high school teachers, the leading types of personality orientationandscientificandpedagogicalactivitiesoftheseteachers. Inaddition, animportanttaskofourresearch is to analyze the relevant types in the context of systems research, which allows to deepen the understanding of this scientific problem. With the help of Yu.A. Urmantsev’s general systems theory the systematic correlation of the main categories of pedagogy in the context of the scientific orientation of the teacher is clarified. It is shown that the personality-oriented, subjective orientation of the teacher is realized in the context of the interaction of epistemological and axiological ways of mastering the world by man and humanity. Acmeological orientation is realized in the system-functional plane of interaction of epistemology and praxeology. Creative innovation orientation is realized in the focus of combination of axiological and praxeological ways of mastering the world by a man.

O. Melnychenko

The article is devoted to the problem of forming the intellectual potential of society due to the system of higher education and its quality. The author considers the factors, mechanisms, levels and stages of formation of the intellectual potential of society, as well as the relationship between the concepts of intellectual potential of society and intellectual culture, intellectual capital and scientific capital. Particular attention is paid to the role of university education in the process of forming the intellectual potential of society and ensuring the quality of education. The author analyzes the effectiveness of teaching an integrated, interdisciplinary course “Educology” for the development of intellectual potential of future professionals in education, emphasizes its theoretical and practical importance for understanding education in its dynamic development and promoting knowledge about achievements and contradictions in theory and practice of modern educational systems. The contribution of studying the course “Educology” in the study of the concept of “intellectual potential” as the ability of the social system to realize its potential, as well as the characteristics of its influence as a factor in creating a competitive society. The term “intellectual culture” is directly related to the concept of “intellectual potential”. It begins to be considered from the personality (microlevel), and then pass to another level (mesolevel), where the interaction of a set of individuals, i.e. groups. At this mesolevel, the intellectual potential of the team, institution, region, industry is already being formed. Ascending to the macro level, we determine the intellectual potential of the state, nation and society. If we talk about the intellectual potential of society, firm, enterprise, educated person, then it can be considered as available to society, enterprises, organizations stock of knowledge and information and its implementation through all components of “self-growth of value” and income by owners of knowledge and information». Intellectual potential is often understood as a set of opportunities to achieve certain goals through the systematic formation and use of intellectual resources for the analysis of economic and financial problems, development of creative ways to solve them, reasonable choice and implementation of management decisions. In a broad sense, the intellectual potential (of man, society) is a set of intellectual qualities (intellectual resources) that can be used by the system to solve problems of self-preservation and development. In a narrow sense, intellectual potential is identified either with the intellectual potential of man and the conditions of its reproduction, or with intellectual capital, in particular with its structural (organizational) component, which includes organizational and managerial experience, knowledge, skills, intellectual capital, corporate culture and others.

S. Palamar ◽  
L. Nezhyva

The study reveals the possibilities of using the word cloud in the linguistic and literary field of primary education. The authors consider the possibility of using a cloud of words to visualize important educational information on the Ukrainian language and emphasize the semantic categories, the main idea, the features of the images of the work of art in the lessons of literary reading in primary school. The aim of the study is to substantiate the importance of using the word cloud as a didactic tool in the language and literature of primary education, to develop methodological support for reading activities of primary school students by intensifying their work with visualized keywords in the weighted list. The study implemented the following tasks: analyzed scientific sources on the problem of using the word cloud in education; the possibilities of using the word cloud in work with junior schoolchildren in Ukrainian language and reading lessons are characterized. The authors suggest using the word cloud from the standpoint of didactic heuristics, in particular for conducting a heuristic conversation, presenting the results of a school project, as a means of identifying the lesson topic, as visual material for associations, as accentuation of key words to explain new material. The article characterizes the didactic tool “cloud of words”, proves its effectiveness in the development of speech of primary school children, in particular in compiling descriptions, stories, arguments, as well as in editing their own tests. Visualization of language material, as well as images and the main idea of the work of art with the help of a cloud of words helps to establish associative connections, create a problem situation in the classroom, activate critical thinking and creativity of students. Reproduction of keywords in the form of a weighted list on a symbolic image on a certain topic contributes to the success of solving educational tasks, activates the cognitive activity of junior high school students, promotes the easy acquisition of knowledge.

H. Vaskivska ◽  
H. Skyba

The article examines innovative aspects of distance learning of a foreign language using ICT in current epidemiological realities. The authors have analysed advantages of the introduction of ICT in distance learning of foreign languages as an effective technical visual and auditory tool and a mean of educational and cognitive activity of students, which helps to increase the motivation and desire of students to learn a foreign language. Means of increasing interactive and communicative activity in the process of learning foreign languages have been researched. The use of ICT in the educational process (foreign language teaching) makes it possible to bring something new to the usual forms of work of a teacher of higher education institution and a teacher of general secondary education, which contributes to discovering more interesting, more comprehensive and more complete innovative potential of distance learning. In this context, the use of ICT contributes to a clearer presentation of even complex learning material and thus allows to reduce learning time for successful mastering of topics. With the implementation of ICT (Zoom, Skype, Teams, etc.) in the process of distance learning of a foreign language, you can not only create an artificial foreign language environment, but also bring it closer to the natural, through the organization of communication with native speakers. Thanks to ICT in the process of distance learning it is possible to solve problems of learning foreign languages in cooperation, as well as individualization and differentiation of learning considering various factors: level of foreign language proficiency, speed of learning, time limits, learning style, personal educational needs and learning pathways etc.

N. Kysil ◽  
J. Malach

The paper deals with the definition of current problems of the development of creativity and entrepreneurship of music education teacher and their solution. Creativity is a phenomenon to which more and more attention is paid, it is a universally applied key competence, according to which, abilities, motivation and environmental influences should be taken into account. It is emphasized that the creativity of a teacher is reflected in his professional activity and has a productive effect on student education and training. New markets need managers and educated teachers with key competencies. Professional activities have a number of functions for the implementation of which business qualities are required. Attention is paid to the main types of entrepre- neurial and pedagogical activities.

N. Chernukha ◽  
A. Slabkovska

The article summarises scientific work on social responsibility. It is emphasised that the social responsibility of the state is one of the mechanisms for ensuring the quality and efficiency of public administration. The functions of the state that reproduce social responsibility are represented, they include: fulfillment of international obligations, achievement of priority national interests and strategic goals of state development, formation of decent living conditions and prospects for human development, etc. The structure of social responsibility is considered. There are two main types (real and potential) of social responsibility. Under real social responsibility should be perceived responsibility in terms of personal factors. By potential social responsibility we mean the presence of effective social control that can ensure that each perpetrator is brought to the appropriate type of social responsibility in cases of violation of social norms, and in personal — a person’s awareness of responsibility for the consequences of personal activities. The purpose of this publication is to summarize the results of a study on social responsibility and highlight the main features of social responsibility of adoptive parents. The system of measures for child protectionin Ukraine is represented, including: determination of basic legal, economic, organizational, cultural and social principles for child protection, improvement of legislation on legal and social protection of children, bringing it in line with international legal norms in this area. It is concluded that the presence of social responsibility of adoptive parents is a guarantee of strategic and tactical goals of the adoption process. It is emphasized that untimely social responsibility, and even more so its absence, significantly weakens the resource of normative social relations, unbalances the established mechanisms of social control, can lead to anarchy, unpredictability, instability, ochlocracy, anomie of society as a whole system or its destruction.

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