scholarly journals Cirrus clouds triggered by radiation, a multiscale phenomenon

2010 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 1135-1166 ◽  
F. Fusina ◽  
P. Spichtinger

Abstract. In this study, the influence of radiative cooling and small eddies on cirrus formation is investigated. For this purpose the non-hydrostatic, anelastic model EULAG is used with a recently developed and validated ice microphysics scheme (Spichtinger and Gierens, 2009a). Additionally, we implemented a fast radiation transfer code (Fu et al., 1998). Using idealized profiles with high ice supersaturations up to 144% and weakly stable stratifications with Brunt-Vaisala frequencies down to 0.018 s−1 within a supersaturated layer, the influence of radiation on the formation of cirrus clouds is remarkable. Due to the radiative cooling at the top of the ice supersaturated layer with cooling rates down to -3.5 K/d, the stability inside the ice supersaturated layer decreases with time. During destabilization, small eddies induced by Gaussian temperature fluctuations start to grow and trigger first nucleation. These first nucleation events then induce the growth of convective cells due to the radiative destabilization. The effects of increasing the local relative humidity by cooling due to radiation and adiabatic lifting lead to the formation of a cirrus cloud with IWC up to 33 mg/m3 and mean optical depths up to 0.36. In a more stable environment, radiative cooling is not strong enough to destabilize the supersaturated layer within 8 h; no nucleation occurs in this case. Overall triggering of cirrus clouds via radiation works only if the supersaturated layer is destabilized by radiative cooling such that small eddies can grow in amplitude and finally initialize ice nucleation. Both processes on different scales, small-scale eddies and large-scale radiative cooling are necessary.

2010 ◽  
Vol 10 (11) ◽  
pp. 5179-5190 ◽  
F. Fusina ◽  
P. Spichtinger

Abstract. In this study, the influence of radiative cooling and small eddies on cirrus formation is investigated. For this purpose the non-hydrostatic, anelastic model EULAG is used with a recently developed and validated ice microphysics scheme (Spichtinger and Gierens, 2009a). Additionally, we implemented a fast radiative transfer code (Fu et al., 1998). Using idealized profiles with high ice supersaturations up to 144% and weakly stable stratifications with Brunt-Vaisala frequencies down to 0.0018 s−1 within a supersaturated layer, the influence of radiation on the formation of cirrus clouds is remarkable. Due to the radiative cooling at the top of the ice supersaturated layer with cooling rates down to −3.5 K/d, the stability inside the ice supersaturated layer decreases with time. During destabilization, small eddies induced by Gaussian temperature fluctuations start to grow and trigger first nucleation. These first nucleation events then induce the growth of convective cells due to the radiative destabilization. The effects of increasing the local relative humidity by cooling due to radiation and adiabatic lifting lead to the formation of a cirrus cloud with IWC up to 33 mg/m3 and mean optical depths up to 0.36. In a more stable environment, radiative cooling is not strong enough to destabilize the supersaturated layer within 8 h; no nucleation occurs in this case. Overall triggering of cirrus clouds via radiation works only if the supersaturated layer is destabilized by radiative cooling such that small eddies can grow in amplitude and finally initialize ice nucleation. Both processes on different scales, small-scale eddies and large-scale radiative cooling are necessary.

2009 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 707-719 ◽  
P. Spichtinger ◽  
K. M. Gierens

Abstract. A recently developed and validated bulk microphysics scheme for modelling cirrus clouds (Spichtinger and Gierens, 2009), implemented into the anelastic non-hydrostatic model EULAG is used for investigation of the impact of dynamics on the evolution of an arctic cirrostratus. Sensitivity studies are performed, using variation of large-scale updraughts as well as addition of small-scale temperature fluctuations and wind shear. The results show the importance of sedimentation of ice crystals on cloud evolution. Due to non-linear processes like homogeneous nucleation situations can arise where small changes in the outer parameters have large effects on the resulting cloud structure. In-cloud ice supersaturation is a common feature of all our simulations, and we show that dynamics is as least as important for its appearance than is microphysics.

2014 ◽  
Vol 14 (14) ◽  
pp. 7341-7365 ◽  
A. Cirisan ◽  
B. P. Luo ◽  
I. Engel ◽  
F. G. Wienhold ◽  
M. Sprenger ◽  

Abstract. Observations of high supersaturations with respect to ice inside cirrus clouds with high ice water content (> 0.01 g kg−1) and high crystal number densities (> 1 cm−3) are challenging our understanding of cloud microphysics and of climate feedback processes in the upper troposphere. However, single measurements of a cloudy air mass provide only a snapshot from which the persistence of ice supersaturation cannot be judged. We introduce here the "cirrus match technique" to obtain information about the evolution of clouds and their saturation ratio. The aim of these coordinated balloon soundings is to analyze the same air mass twice. To this end the standard radiosonde equipment is complemented by a frost point hygrometer, "SnowWhite", and a particle backscatter detector, "COBALD" (Compact Optical Backscatter AerosoL Detector). Extensive trajectory calculations based on regional weather model COSMO (Consortium for Small-Scale Modeling) forecasts are performed for flight planning, and COSMO analyses are used as a basis for comprehensive microphysical box modeling (with grid scale of 2 and 7 km, respectively). Here we present the results of matching a cirrus cloud to within 2–15 km, realized on 8 June 2010 over Payerne, Switzerland, and a location 120 km downstream close to Zurich. A thick cirrus cloud was detected over both measurement sites. We show that in order to quantitatively reproduce the measured particle backscatter ratios, the small-scale temperature fluctuations not resolved by COSMO must be superimposed on the trajectories. The stochastic nature of the fluctuations is captured by ensemble calculations. Possibilities for further improvements in the agreement with the measured backscatter data are investigated by assuming a very slow mass accommodation of water on ice, the presence of heterogeneous ice nuclei, or a wide span of (spheroidal) particle shapes. However, the resulting improvements from these microphysical refinements are moderate and comparable in magnitude with changes caused by assuming different regimes of temperature fluctuations for clear-sky or cloudy-sky conditions, highlighting the importance of proper treatment of subscale fluctuations. The model yields good agreement with the measured backscatter over both sites and reproduces the measured saturation ratios with respect to ice over Payerne. Conversely, the 30% in-cloud supersaturation measured in a massive 4 km thick cloud layer over Zurich cannot be reproduced, irrespective of the choice of meteorological or microphysical model parameters. The measured supersaturation can only be explained by either resorting to an unknown physical process, which prevents the ice particles from consuming the excess humidity, or – much more likely – by a measurement error, such as a contamination of the sensor housing of the SnowWhite hygrometer by a precipitation drop from a mixed-phase cloud just below the cirrus layer or from some very slight rain in the boundary layer. This uncertainty calls for in-flight checks or calibrations of hygrometers under the special humidity conditions in the upper troposphere.

2003 ◽  
Vol 3 (5) ◽  
pp. 1791-1806 ◽  
W. Haag ◽  
B. Kärcher ◽  
J. Ström ◽  
A. Minikin ◽  
U. Lohmann ◽  

Abstract. Factors controlling the microphysical link between distributions of relative humidity above ice saturation in the upper troposphere and lowermost stratosphere and cirrus clouds are examined with the help of microphysical trajectory simulations. Our findings are related to results from aircraft measurements and global model studies. We suggest that the relative humidities at which ice crystals form in the atmosphere can be inferred from in situ measurements of water vapor and temperature close to, but outside of, cirrus clouds. The comparison with concomitant measurements performed inside cirrus clouds provides a clue to freezing mechanisms active in cirrus. The analysis of field data taken at northern and southern midlatitudes in fall 2000 reveals distinct differences in cirrus cloud freezing thresholds. Homogeneous freezing is found to be the most likely mechanism by which cirrus form at southern hemisphere midlatitudes. The results provide evidence for the existence of heterogeneous freezing in cirrus in parts of the polluted northern hemisphere, but do not suggest that cirrus clouds in this region form exclusively on heterogeneous ice nuclei, thereby emphasizing the crucial importance of homogeneous freezing. The key features of distributions of upper tropospheric relative humidity simulated by a global climate model are shown to be in general agreement with both, microphysical simulations and field observations, delineating a feasible method to include and validate ice supersaturation in other large-scale atmospheric models, in particular chemistry-transport and weather forecast models.

Geosciences ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (11) ◽  
pp. 436
Maria Migliazza ◽  
Maria Teresa Carriero ◽  
Andrea Lingua ◽  
Emanuele Pontoglio ◽  
Claudio Scavia

Geostructural rock mass surveys and the collection of data related to discontinues provide the basis for the characterization of rock masses and the study of their stability conditions. This paper describes a multiscale approach that was carried out using both non-contact techniques and traditional support techniques to survey certain geometrical features of discontinuities, such as their orientation, spacing, and useful persistence. This information is useful in identifying the possible kinematics and stability conditions. These techniques are extremely useful in the case study of the Elva valley road (Northern Italy), in which instability phenomena are spread across 9 km in an overhanging rocky mass. A multiscale approach was applied, obtaining digital surface models (DSMs) at three different scales: large-scale DSM of the entire road, a medium-scale DSM to assess portions of the slope, and a small-scale DSM to assess single discontinuities. The georeferenced point cloud and consequent DSMs of the slopes were obtained using an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) and terrestrial photogrammetric technique, allowing topographic and rapid traditional geostructural surveys. This technique allowed us to take measurements along the entire road, obtaining geometrical data for the discontinuities that are statistically representative of the rock mass and useful in defining the possible kinematic mechanisms and volumes of potentially detachable blocks. The main purpose of this study was to analyse how the geostructural features of a rock mass can affect the stability slope conditions at different scales in order to identify road sectors susceptible to different potential failure mechanisms using only kinematic analysis.

C. David Whiteman

Winds associated with mountainous terrain are generally of two types. Terrain-forced flows are produced when large-scale winds are modified or channeled by the underlying complex terrain. Diurnal mountain winds are produced by temperature contrasts that form within the mountains or between the mountains and the surrounding plains and are therefore also called thermally driven circulations. Terrain-forced flows and diurnal mountain winds are nearly always combined to some extent. Both can occur in conjunction with small-scale winds, such as thunderstorm inflows and outflows, or with large-scale winds that are not influenced by the underlying mountainous terrain. Terrain forcing can cause an air flow approaching a mountain barrier to be carried over or around the barrier, to be forced through gaps in the barrier, or to be blocked by the barrier. Three factors determine the behavior of an approaching flow in response to a mountain barrier: •the stability of the air approaching the mountains, •the speed of the air flow approaching the mountains, and •the topographic characteristics of the underlying terrain. Unstable or neutrally stable air (section 4.3) is easily carried over a mountain barrier. The behavior of stable air approaching a mountain barrier depends on the degree of stability, the speed of the approaching flow, and the terrain characteristics. The more stable the air, the more resistant it is to lifting and the greater the likelihood that it will flow around, be forced through gaps in the barrier, or be blocked by the barrier. A layer of stable air can split, with air above the dividing streamline height flowing over the mountain barrier and air below the dividing streamline height splitting upwind of the mountains, flowing around the barrier (figure 10.1), and reconverging on the leeward side (section 10.3.2). A very stable approaching flow may be blocked on the windward side of the barrier (section 10.5.1). Moderate to strong cross-barrier winds are necessary to produce terrain-forced flows, which therefore occur most frequently in areas of cyclogenesis (section 5.1) or where low pressure systems (figure 1.3) or jet streams (section are commonly found. Whereas unstable and neutral flows are easily lifted over a mountain barrier, even by moderate winds, strong cross-barrier winds are needed to carry stable air over a mountain barrier.

1996 ◽  
Vol 118 (4) ◽  
pp. 824-828 ◽  
O. Likhachev ◽  
A. Tumin

The flow of a plane, laminar, subsonic perfect gas wall jet with heat transfer through the wall was investigated theoretically. For the case under consideration the entire surface was maintained at a constant temperature which differed from the temperature of the ambient gas. The velocity and temperature distribution across the flow were calculated for a variety of temperature differences between the ambient gas and the surface. The boundary layer equations representing these flows were solved by using the Illingworth-Stewartson transformation, thus extending the classical Glauert’s solution to a thermally non-uniform flow. The effects of heat transfer on the linear stability characteristics of the wall jet were assessed by making the local parallel flow approximation. Two kinds of unstable eigenmodes coexisting at moderate Reynolds numbers are significantly affected by the heat transfer. The influence of cooling or heating on the stability of the flow was expected in view of the experience accumulated in incompressible boundary layers, i.e. heating destabilizes and cooling stabilizes the flows. Cooling of the wall affects the small scale disturbances more profoundly, contrary to the results obtained for the large scale disturbances.

2016 ◽  
David L. Mitchell ◽  
Anne Garnier ◽  
Melody Avery ◽  
Ehsan Erfani

Abstract. There are two fundamental mechanisms through which cirrus clouds form; homo- and heterogeneous ice nucleation (henceforth hom and het). The relative contribution of each mechanism to ice crystal production often determines the microphysical and radiative properties of a cirrus cloud. A new satellite remote sensing method is described in this study to estimate cirrus cloud ice particle number concentration and the relative contribution of hom and het to cirrus cloud formation as a function of altitude, latitude, season and surface type (e.g. land vs. ocean). This method uses co-located observations from the Infrared Imaging Radiometer (IIR) and from the CALIOP (Cloud and Aerosol Lidar with Orthogonal Polarization) lidar aboard the CALIPSO (Cloud-Aerosol Lidar and Infrared Pathfinder Satellite Observation) polar orbiting satellite, employing IIR channels at 10.6 μm and 12.05 μm. The method is applied here to single-layered clouds of visible optical depth between about 0.3 and 3. Two years of Version 3 data have been analyzed for the years 2008 and 2013, with each season characterized in terms of 532 nm cirrus cloud centroid altitude and temperature, the cirrus cloud ice particle number concentration, effective diameter, layer-average ice water content and visible optical depth. Using a conservative criterion for hom cirrus, on average, the sampled cirrus clouds formed through hom occur about 43 % of the time in the Arctic and 50 % of the time in the Antarctic, and during winter at mid-latitudes in the Northern Hemisphere, hom cirrus occur 37 % of the time. Elsewhere (and during other seasons in the Northern Hemisphere mid-latitudes), this hom cirrus fraction is lower. Processes that could potentially explain these observations are discussed, as well as the potential relevancy of these results to ice nucleation studies, climate modeling and jet-stream dynamics.

H. Bondi

1. Introduction. A considerable amount of attention has been paid to the problem of determining the conditions which decide whether a liquid heated from below is stable or unstable. The motion consequent upon the disturbance of an unstable ideal gas does not, however, seem to have been treated so far, and this problem forms the subject of the present paper. Heat conduction and viscosity are at first neglected, and we are therefore dealing with the small motions of a gas slightly disturbed from a position of equilibrium under the influence of gravity. The condition for the stability of such a gas is well known, namely, the temperature gradient must be less than the adiabatic gradient. Furthermore, it is known that there is a sharp distinction between slow large-scale (meteorological) and rapidly varying small-scale (acoustical) phenomena. The present paper confirms these points and derives the time scale of meteorological phenomena. Heat conduction and viscosity are then shown to set a lower limit to the dimensions of such disturbances, while the effect of the earth's rotation is shown to be negligible.

1988 ◽  
Vol 1 (21) ◽  
pp. 157
J.W. Van der Meer ◽  
K.W. Pilarczyk

A number of large scale tests on stability of rock slopes and gravel beaches is described and compared with small scale test results. The following topics are treated: the stability of a rock armour layer, the profile formation of a berm breakwater, the profile formation of gravel beaches, including ripple formation, and reflection and overtopping on rock slopes. The general conclusion is that scale effects could not be found.

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