scholarly journals Ten years of MIPAS measurements with ESA Level 2 processor V6 – Part I: retrieval algorithm and diagnostics of the products

2013 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 461-518 ◽  
P. Raspollini ◽  
B. Carli ◽  
M. Carlotti ◽  
S. Ceccherini ◽  
A. Dehn ◽  

Abstract. The MIPAS instrument on the ENVISAT satellite has provided vertical profiles of the atmospheric composition on a global scale for almost ten years. The MIPAS mission is divided in two phases, the full resolution phase, from 2002 to 2004, and the optimized resolution phase, from 2005 to 2012, which is characterized by a finer vertical and horizontal sampling attained through a reduction of the spectral resolution. While the description and characterization of the products of the ESA processor for the full resolution phase has been already described in previous papers, in this paper we focus on the performances of the latest version of the ESA processor, named ML2PP V6, which has been used for reprocessing the entire mission. The ESA processor had to perform the operational near real time analysis of the observations and its products needed to be available for data assimilation. Therefore, it has been designed for fast, continuous and automated analysis of observations made in quite different atmospheric conditions and for a minimum use of external constraints in order to avoid biases in the products. The dense vertical sampling of the measurements adopted in the second phase of the MIPAS mission resulted in sampling intervals finer than the instantaneous field of view of the instrument. Together with the choice of a retrieval grid aligned with the vertical sampling of the measurements, this made ill-conditioned the retrieval formalism of the MIPAS operational processor. This problem has been handled with minimal changes to the original retrieval approach but with significant improvements nonetheless. The Levenberg-Marquardt method, already present in the retrieval scheme for its capability to provide fast convergence for non-linear problems, is now also exploited for the reduction of the ill-conditioning of the inversion. An expression specifically designed for the regularizing Levenberg-Marquardt method has been implemented for the computation of the covariance matrices and averaging kernels of the retrieved products. The regularization of the Levenberg-Marquardt method is controlled by the convergence criteria and is deliberately kept weak. The resulting oscillations of the retrieved profile are a-posteriori damped by an innovative self-adapting Tikhonov regularization. The convergence criteria and the weakness of the self-adapting regularization ensure that minimum constraints are used and the best vertical resolution obtainable from the measurements is achieved in all atmospheric conditions. Random and systematic errors, as well as vertical and horizontal resolution are compared in the two phases of the mission for all products, namely: temperature, H2O, O3, HNO3, CH4, N2O, NO2, CFC-11, CFC-12, N2O5 and ClONO2. The use in the two phases of the mission of different optimized sets of spectral intervals ensures that, despite the different spectral resolutions, comparable performances are obtained in the whole MIPAS mission in terms of random and systematic errors, while the vertical resolution and the horizontal resolution are significantly better in the case of the optimized resolution measurements.

2013 ◽  
Vol 6 (9) ◽  
pp. 2419-2439 ◽  
P. Raspollini ◽  
B. Carli ◽  
M. Carlotti ◽  
S. Ceccherini ◽  
A. Dehn ◽  

Abstract. The MIPAS (Michelson Interferometer for Passive Atmospheric Sounding) instrument on the Envisat (Environmental satellite) satellite has provided vertical profiles of the atmospheric composition on a global scale for almost ten years. The MIPAS mission is divided in two phases: the full resolution phase, from 2002 to 2004, and the optimized resolution phase, from 2005 to 2012, which is characterized by a finer vertical and horizontal sampling attained through a reduction of the spectral resolution. While the description and characterization of the products of the ESA processor for the full resolution phase has been already described in previous papers, in this paper we focus on the performances of the latest version of the ESA (European Space Agency) processor, named ML2PP V6 (MIPAS Level 2 Prototype Processor), which has been used for reprocessing the entire mission. The ESA processor had to perform the operational near real time analysis of the observations and its products needed to be available for data assimilation. Therefore, it has been designed for fast, continuous and automated analysis of observations made in quite different atmospheric conditions and for a minimum use of external constraints in order to avoid biases in the products. The dense vertical sampling of the measurements adopted in the second phase of the MIPAS mission resulted in sampling intervals finer than the instantaneous field of view of the instrument. Together with the choice of a retrieval grid aligned with the vertical sampling of the measurements, this made ill-conditioned the retrieval problem of the MIPAS operational processor. This problem has been handled with minimal changes to the original retrieval approach but with significant improvements nonetheless. The Levenberg–Marquardt method, already present in the retrieval scheme for its capability to provide fast convergence for nonlinear problems, is now also exploited for the reduction of the ill-conditioning of the inversion. An expression specifically designed for the regularizing Levenberg–Marquardt method has been implemented for the computation of the covariance matrices and averaging kernels of the retrieved products. The regularization of the Levenberg–Marquardt method is controlled by the convergence criteria and is deliberately kept weak. The resulting oscillations of the retrieved profile are a posteriori damped by an innovative self-adapting Tikhonov regularization. The convergence criteria and the weakness of the self-adapting regularization ensure that minimum constraints are used and the best vertical resolution obtainable from the measurements is achieved in all atmospheric conditions. Random and systematic errors, as well as vertical and horizontal resolution are compared in the two phases of the mission for all products, namely: temperature, H2O, O3, HNO3, CH4, N2O, NO2, CFC-11, CFC-12, N2O5 and ClONO2. The use in the two phases of the mission of different optimized sets of spectral intervals ensures that, despite the different spectral resolutions, comparable performances are obtained in the whole MIPAS mission in terms of random and systematic errors, while the vertical resolution and the horizontal resolution are significantly better in the case of the optimized resolution measurements.

CISM journal ◽  
1988 ◽  
Vol 42 (1) ◽  
pp. 7-16 ◽  
G. Lachapelle ◽  
M. Dennler ◽  
D. Neufeldt ◽  
R. Tanaka

A brief description is presented of the Rogers Pass area where the 9-mile Mount MacDonald Tunnel is being built by the Canadian Pacific Railway. The two phases of the positioning task, which were conducted by Nortech Surveys (Canada) Incorporated, are described. The first phase consisted of the establishment of a surface control network, and was carried out in the summer of 1983. The exceptional positioning problems of this phase, due to the ruggedness of the area, are described together with the methods used for their solutions. The second phase consisted of the underground horizontal and vertical positioning, and was conducted during the period 1984-1987. The vertical positioning was performed using special order leveling techniques. The horizontal positioning was performed using a combination of distance, direction, and precise gyrotheodolite measurements. Related problems encountered, ranging from gyrotheodolite malfunctioning to the presence of unexpectedly large systematic errors during the last few miles of excavation, are described. The results of a post-breakthrough horizontal survey, conducted to further analyze the underground traverses, are described.

2010 ◽  
Vol 2010 ◽  
pp. 1-12 ◽  
D. G. Kaskaoutis ◽  
N. Sifakis ◽  
A. Retalis ◽  
H. D. Kambezidis

Satellite data of moderate spatial resolution (MODIS and MERIS) were used to retrieve the aerosol optical depth (AOD) over the urban area of Athens. MODIS products were obtained at a horizontal resolution of 10 by 10 km2centered over Athens, while the differential textural analysis (DTA) code was applied to MERIS images to retrieve relative-to-reference AOD with a resolution of 260 m by 290 m. The possibility of exploiting the full resolution of MERIS data in retrieving AOD over a grid of a few hundreds metres was thereby investigated for the first time. MERIS-based AOD, centred at 560 nm, showed strong positive correlation to ground-basedPM10data (R2= 0.85), while MODIS AOD products were in agreement with both MERIS andPM10. Back trajectories were used to study the impact of atmospheric conditions prevailing during the examined days. Days associated with Saharan air masses corresponded to enhanced AOD and predominance of coarse-mode particles. The results suggest that, at least for the case of Athens, AOD retrieved by MERIS images using the DTA code over cloud-free areas can be related toPM10. The accuracy of retrieval mainly depends on the successful selection of the reference satellite data, namely, an image being least contaminated by tropospheric aerosols.

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 236-247
Divya Srivastava ◽  
Rajitha B. ◽  
Suneeta Agarwal

Diseases in leaves can cause the significant reduction in both quality and quantity of agricultural production. If early and accurate detection of disease/diseases in leaves can be automated, then the proper remedy can be taken timely. A simple and computationally efficient approach is presented in this paper for disease/diseases detection on leaves. Only detecting the disease is not beneficial without knowing the stage of disease thus the paper also determine the stage of disease/diseases by quantizing the affected of the leaves by using digital image processing and machine learning. Though there exists a variety of diseases on leaves, but the bacterial and fungal spots (Early Scorch, Late Scorch, and Leaf Spot) are the most prominent diseases found on leaves. Keeping this in mind the paper deals with the detection of Bacterial Blight and Fungal Spot both at an early stage (Early Scorch) and late stage (Late Scorch) on the variety of leaves. The proposed approach is divided into two phases, in the first phase, it identifies one or more disease/diseases existing on leaves. In the second phase, amount of area affected by the disease/diseases is calculated. The experimental results obtained showed 97% accuracy using the proposed approach.

Paulo César Antonini de Souza ◽  
Derick Trindade Bezerra

ResumoTendo por campo de investigação o Festival da América do Sul Pantanal (FASP) em 2018, na cidade de Corumbá (Brasil), objetiva-se identificar a materialidade e conceitos que permeiam as manifestações artísticas bidimensionais nesta região de fronteira, a partir da percepção de artistas da Bolívia. A pesquisa se organizou em duas fases: na primeira foi realizado um levantamento em plataformas online de produções acadêmicas em artes visuais, com foco no trabalho bidimensional, utilizando os descritores “arte popular” e “estética latina” resultando em três artigos. Na segunda fase foram selecionados dois trabalhos de uma artista da Bolívia, participante da mostra “Conexão Santa Cruz”, realizada durante o FASP 2018, que foram analisados em seus níveis representacional e simbólico. Pela interpretação das imagens foi possível construir uma leitura sobre a perspectiva da artista a respeito de suas condições culturais dentro da ordenação social em que se encontra situada.Palavras-chave: Artes Visuais. Arte Popular. Arte Regional. América Latina. Representation and symbolism: visual arts on the Brazil/Bolivia frontierAbstractHaving as research field the Festival da América do Sul Pantanal (FASP) in 2018, in the city of Corumbá (Brazil), the objective is to identify the materiality and concepts that permeate the two-dimensional artistic manifestations in this border region, from the perception of artists from Bolivia. The research was organized in two phases: in the first, a survey was carried out on online platforms of academic productions in visual arts, focusing on two-dimensional work, using the descriptors “arte popular” and “estética latina” resulting in three articles. In the second phase, two works were selected by an artist from Bolivia, participating in the exhibition “Conexão Santa Cruz”, held during FASP 2018, which were analyzed at their representational and symbolic levels. Through the interpretation of the images, it was possible to construct a reading on the artist’s perspective regarding her cultural conditions within the social order in which she is located.Keywords: Visual Arts. Folk Art. Regional Art. Latin America.Representación y simbolismo: artes visuales en la frontera de Brasil/BoliviaResumenTeniendo como campo de investigación el Festival de Sudamérica Pantanal (FASP) en 2018, en la ciudad de Corumbá (Brasil), el objetivo es identificar la materialidad y conceptos que permean las manifestaciones artísticas bidimensionales en esta región fronteriza, desde la percepción de artistas de Bolivia. La investigación se organizó en dos fases: en la primera, se realizó una encuesta en plataformas online de producciones académicas en artes visuales, con foco en el trabajo bidimensional, utilizando los descriptores “arte popular” y “estética latina” dando como resultado tres artículos. En la segunda fase, dos obras fueron seleccionadas por un artista de Bolivia, participante de la exposición “Conexão Santa Cruz”, realizada durante FASP 2018, que fueron analizadas en sus niveles representativos y simbólicos. A través de la interpretación de las imágenes, fue posible construir una lectura sobre la perspectiva de la artista sobre sus condiciones culturales dentro del orden social en el que se ubica.Palabras clave: Artes Visuales. Arte Popular. Arte Regional. América Latina.

A. Geerinck ◽  
C. Beaudart ◽  
J.-Y. Reginster ◽  
M. Locquet ◽  
C. Monseur ◽  

Abstract Purpose To facilitate the measurement of quality of life in sarcopenia, we set out to reduce the number of items in the previously validated Sarcopenia Quality of Life (SarQoL®) questionnaire, and to evaluate the clinimetric properties of this new short form. Methods The item reduction process was carried out in two phases. First, information was gathered through item-impact scores from older people (n = 1950), a Delphi method with sarcopenia experts, and previously published clinimetric data. In the second phase, this information was presented to an expert panel that decided which of the items to include in the short form. The newly created SFSarQoL was then administered to older, community-dwelling participants who previously participated in the SarcoPhAge study. We examined discriminative power, internal consistency, construct validity, test–retest reliability, structural validity and examined item parameters with a graded response model (IRT). Results The questionnaire was reduced from 55 to 14 items, a 75% reduction. A total of 214 older, community-dwelling people were recruited for the validation study. The clinimetric evaluation showed that the SF-SarQoL® can discriminate on sarcopenia status [EWGSOP2 criteria; 34.52 (18.59–43.45) vs. 42.86 (26.56–63.69); p = 0.043], is internally consistent (α = 0.915, ω = 0.917) and reliable [ICC = 0.912 (0.847–0.942)]. A unidimensional model was fitted (CFI = 0.978; TLI = 0.975; RMSEA = 0.108, 90% CI 0.094–0.123; SRMR = 0.055) with no misfitting items and good response category separation. Conclusions A new, 14-item, short form version of the Sarcopenia Quality of Life questionnaire has been developed and shows good clinimetric properties.

Kui Xu ◽  
Ming Zhang ◽  
Jie Liu ◽  
Nan Sha ◽  
Wei Xie ◽  

Abstract In this paper, we design the simultaneous wireless information and power transfer (SWIPT) protocol for massive multi-input multi-output (mMIMO) system with non-linear energy-harvesting (EH) terminals. In this system, the base station (BS) serves a set of uplink fixed half-duplex (HD) terminals with non-linear energy harvester. Considering the non-linearity of practical energy-harvesting circuits, we adopt the realistic non-linear EH model rather than the idealistic linear EH model. The proposed SWIPT protocol can be divided into two phases. The first phase is designed for terminals EH and downlink training. A beam domain energy beamforming method is employed for the wireless power transmission. In the second phase, the BS forms the two-layer receive beamformers for the reception of signals transmitted by terminals. In order to improve the spectral efficiency (SE) of the system, the BS transmit power- and time-switching ratios are optimized. Simulation results show the superiority of the proposed beam-domain SWIPT protocol on SE performance compared with the conventional mMIMO SWIPT protocols.

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