EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking
Latest Publications





Published By Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.)

1687-1499, 1687-1472

Hussein Baalbaki ◽  
Hassan Harb ◽  
Ameer Sardar Kwekha Rashid ◽  
Ali Jaber ◽  
Chady Abou Jaoude ◽  

AbstractThe oceans play an important role in our daily life and they form the lungs of our planet. Subsequently, the world ocean provides so many benefits for humans and the planet including oxygen production, climate regulation, transportation, recreation, food, medicine, economic, etc. However, the oceans suffer nowadays from several challenges ranging from pollution to climate change and destruction of underwater habitat. Hence, the use of remote sensing technologies, like sensor networks and IoT, is becoming essential in order to continuously monitor the wide underwater areas and oceans. Unfortunately, the limited battery power constitutes one of the major challenges and limitations of such technologies. In this paper, we propose an efficient LOcal and GlObal data collection mechanism, called LOGO, that aims to conserve the energy in remote sensing applications. LOGO is based on the cluster scheme and works on two network stages: local and global. The local stage is at the sensor node and aims to reduce its data transmission by eliminating on-period and in-period data redundancies. The global stage is at the autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) level and aims to minimize the data redundancy among neighboring nodes based on a spatial-temporal node correlation and Kempe’s graph techniques. The simulation results on real underwater data confirm that LOGO mechanism is less energy consumption with high data accuracy than the existing techniques.

Ghassen Ben Brahim ◽  
Nazeeruddin Mohammad ◽  
Wassim El-Hajj ◽  
Gerard Parr ◽  
Bryan Scotney

AbstractA critical requirement in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks (MANETs) is its ability to automatically discover existing services as well as their locations. Several solutions have been proposed in various communication domains which could be classified into two categories: (1) directory based, and (2) directory-less. The former is efficient but suffers from the amount of control messages being exchanged to maintain all directories in an agile environment. However, the latter approach attempts to reduce the amount of control messages to update directories, by simply sending broadcast messages to discover services; which is also a non-desirable approach in MANETs. This research work builds on top of our prior work (Nazeeruddin et al. in IFIP/IEEE international conference on management of multimedia networks and services, Springer, Berlin, 2006)) where we introduced a new efficient protocol for service discovery in MANETs (MSLD); a lightweight, robust, scalable, and flexible protocol which supports node heterogeneity and dynamically adapts to network changes while not flooding the network with extra protocol messages—a major challenge in today’s network environments, such as Internet of Things (IoT). Extensive simulations study was conducted on MSLD to: (1) initially evaluate its performance in terms of latency, service availability, and overhead messages, then (2) compare its performance to Dir-Based, Dir-less, and PDP protocols under various network conditions. For most performance metrics, simulation results show that MSLD outperforms Dir-Based, Dir-less, and PDP by either matching or achieving high service availability, low service discovery latency, and considerably less communication overhead.

Clement Nartey ◽  
Eric Tutu Tchao ◽  
James Dzisi Gadze ◽  
Bright Yeboah-Akowuah ◽  
Henry Nunoo-Mensah ◽  

AbstractThe integration of Internet of Things devices onto the Blockchain implies an increase in the transactions that occur on the Blockchain, thus increasing the storage requirements. A solution approach is to leverage cloud resources for storing blocks within the chain. The paper, therefore, proposes two solutions to this problem. The first being an improved hybrid architecture design which uses containerization to create a side chain on a fog node for the devices connected to it and an Advanced Time-variant Multi-objective Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm (AT-MOPSO) for determining the optimal number of blocks that should be transferred to the cloud for storage. This algorithm uses time-variant weights for the velocity of the particle swarm optimization and the non-dominated sorting and mutation schemes from NSGA-III. The proposed algorithm was compared with results from the original MOPSO algorithm, the Strength Pareto Evolutionary Algorithm (SPEA-II), and the Pareto Envelope-based Selection Algorithm with region-based selection (PESA-II), and NSGA-III. The proposed AT-MOPSO showed better results than the aforementioned MOPSO algorithms in cloud storage cost and query probability optimization. Importantly, AT-MOPSO achieved 52% energy efficiency compared to NSGA-III. To show how this algorithm can be applied to a real-world Blockchain system, the BISS industrial Blockchain architecture was adapted and modified to show how the AT-MOPSO can be used with existing Blockchain systems and the benefits it provides.

Shixun Wu ◽  
Min Li ◽  
Miao Zhang ◽  
Kai Xu ◽  
Juan Cao

AbstractMobile station (MS) localization in a cellular network is appealing to both industrial community and academia, due to the wide applications of location-based services. The main challenge is the unknown one-bound (OB) and multiple-bound (MB) scattering environment in dense multipath environment. Moreover, multiple base stations (BSs) are required to be involved in the localization process, and the precise time synchronization between MS and BSs is assumed. In order to address these problems, hybrid time of arrival (TOA), angle of departure (AOD), and angle of arrival (AOA) measurement model from the serving BS with the synchronization error is investigated in this paper. In OB scattering environment, four linear least square (LLS), one quadratic programming and data fusion-based localization algorithms are proposed to eliminate the effect of the synchronization error. In addition, the Cramer-Rao lower bound (CRLB) of our localization model on the root mean-square error (RMSE) is derived. In hybrid OB and MB scattering environment, a novel double identification algorithm (DIA) is proposed to identify the MB path. Simulation results demonstrate that the proposed algorithms are capable to deal with the synchronization error, and LLS-based localization algorithms show better localization accuracy. Furthermore, the DIA can correctly identify the MB path, and the RMSE comparison of different algorithms further prove the effectiveness of the DIA.

Jiawei Zhang ◽  
Teng Li ◽  
Qi Jiang ◽  
Jianfeng Ma

AbstractWith the assistance of emerging techniques, such as cloud computing, fog computing and Internet of Things (IoT), smart city is developing rapidly into a novel and well-accepted service pattern these days. The trend also facilitates numerous relevant applications, e.g., smart health care, smart office, smart campus, etc., and drives the urgent demand for data sharing. However, this brings many concerns on data security as there is more private and sensitive information contained in the data of smart city applications. It may incur disastrous consequences if the shared data are illegally accessed, which necessitates an efficient data access control scheme for data sharing in smart city applications with resource-poor user terminals. To this end, we proposes an efficient traceable and revocable time-based CP-ABE (TR-TABE) scheme which can achieve time-based and fine-grained data access control over large attribute universe for data sharing in large-scale smart city applications. To trace and punish the malicious users that intentionally leak their keys to pursue illicit profits, we design an efficient user tracing and revocation mechanism with forward and backward security. For efficiency improvement, we integrate outsourced decryption and verify the correctness of its result. The proposed scheme is proved secure with formal security proof and is demonstrated to be practical for data sharing in smart city applications with extensive performance evaluation.

Zhiyong Yang ◽  
Jing Wen ◽  
Kaide Huang

AbstractThere is a wide demand for people counting and pedestrian flow monitoring in large public places such as scenic tourist areas, shopping malls, stations, squares, and so on. Based on the feedback from the pedestrian flow monitoring system, resources can be optimally allocated to maximize social and economic benefits. Moreover, trampling accidents can be avoided because pedestrian guidance is carried out in time. In order to meet these requirements, we propose a method of pedestrian flow monitoring based on the received signal strength (RSS) of wireless sensor networks. This method mainly utilizes the shadow attenuation effect of pedestrians on radio frequency (RF) signals of effective links. In this paper, a deployment structure of RF wireless sensor network is firstly designed to monitor the pedestrians. Secondly, the features are extracted from the wavelet decomposition of RSS signal series with a short time. Lastly, the support vector machine (SVM) algorithm is trained by an experimental data set to distinguish the instantaneous number of pedestrian passing through the monitoring point. In the case of dense and sparse indoor personnel density, the accuracy of the SVM model is 88.9% and 94.5%, respectively. In the outdoor environment, the accuracy of the SVM model is 92.9%. The experimental results show that this method can realize the high precision monitoring of the flow of people in the context of real-time pedestrian flow monitoring.

Jinsong Gui ◽  
Yao Liu

AbstractMillimeter Wave (mmWave) technology has been regarded as a feasible approach for future vehicular communications. Nevertheless, high path loss and penetration loss raise severe questions on mmWave communications. These problems can be mitigated by directional communication, which is not easy to achieve in highly dynamic vehicular communications. The existing works addressed the beam alignment problem by designing online learning-based mmWave beam selection schemes, which can be well adapted to high dynamic vehicular scenarios. However, this kind of work focuses on network throughput rather than network energy efficiency, which ignores the consideration of energy consumption. Therefore, we propose an Energy efficiency-based FML (EFML) scheme to compensate for this shortfall. In EFML, the energy consumption is reduced as far as possible under the premise of meeting the basic data rate requirements of vehicle users, and the users requesting the same content in close proximity can be organized into the same receiving group to share the same mmWave beam. The simulation results demonstrate that, compare with the comparison method with best energy efficiency, the proposed EFML improves energy efficiency by 17–41% in different scenarios.

Ricard Abelló ◽  
Marco Baldi ◽  
Filipe Carvalho ◽  
Franco Chiaraluce ◽  
Ricardo Fernandes ◽  

AbstractThe Consultative Committee for Space Data Systems, followed by all national and international space agencies, has updated the Telecommand Coding and Synchronization sublayer to introduce new powerful low-density parity-check (LDPC) codes. Their large coding gains significantly improve the system performance and allow new Telecommand services and profiles with higher bit rates and volumes. In this paper, we focus on the Telecommand transmitter implementation in the Ground Station baseband segment. First, we discuss the most important blocks and we focus on the most critical one, i.e., the LDPC encoder. We present and analyze two techniques, one based on a Shift Register Adder Accumulator and the other on Winograd convolution both exploiting the block circulant nature of the LDPC matrix. We show that these techniques provide a significant complexity reduction with respect to the usual encoder mapping, thus allowing to obtain high uplink bit rates. We then discuss the choice of a proper hardware or software platform, and we show that a Central Processing Unit-based software solution is able to achieve the high bit rates requested by the new Telecommand applications. Finally, we present the results of a set of tests on the real-time software implementation of the new system, comparing the performance achievable with the different encoding options.

Alexandra Rivero-García ◽  
Iván Santos-González ◽  
Candelaria Hernández-Goya ◽  
Pino Caballero-Gil

AbstractThis proposal presents an optimized, efficient and secure system designed to improve healthcare staff management in emergency situations through a complete tool to classify victims in a emergency situation according the severity of their condition, providing at the same time their location and the best route to reach them. The developed tool consists on a mobile application (assigned to medical and healthcare staff), a web service and Near Field Communication tags (assigned to victims). The mobile application supports secure communication among health staff and implements triage algorithms which result is stored in NFC tags. Apart from this, it helps to indicate which should be the next victim to be treated. The developed web service provides a global view of the emergency status and the current position of victims and staff. Data security is a key objective, overall in health applications; for this reason, tokens are used to protect the triage results before being stored in NFC tags, and the use of IDentity-Based Signcryption provides confidentiality and authentication to communications. Two different signcryption methods are used depending on the communication mode (peer-to-peer or broadcast mode).

Hongxia Zhang ◽  
Yanhui Dong ◽  
Yongjin Yang

AbstractWith the proliferation of smartphones and an increasing number of services provisioned by clouds, mobile edge computing (MEC) is emerging as a complementary technology of cloud computing. It could provide cloud resources and services by local mobile edge servers, which are normally nearby users. However, a significant challenge is aroused in MEC because of the mobility of users. User trajectory prediction technologies could be used to cope with this issue, which has already played important roles in service recommendation systems with MEC. Unfortunately, little attention and work have been given in service recommendation systems considering users mobility. Thus, in this paper, we propose a mobility-aware personalized service recommendation (MPSR) approach based on user trajectory and quality of service (QoS) predictions. In the proposed method, users trajectory is firstly discovered by a hybrid long-short memory network. Then, given users trajectories, service QoS is predicted, considering the similarity of different users and different edge servers. Finally, services are recommended by a center trajectory strategy through MPSR. Experimental results on a real dataset show that our proposed approach can outperform the traditional recommendation approaches in terms of accuracy in mobile edge computing.

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