scholarly journals THEMIS and ground-based observations of successive substorm onsets following a super-long growth phase

2013 ◽  
Vol 31 (5) ◽  
pp. 835-843 ◽  
J.-M. Liu ◽  
Y. Kamide ◽  
B.-C. Zhang ◽  
H.-Q. Hu ◽  
H.-G. Yang

Abstract. We present four successive substorm events, which followed a super-long, as long as 9 h, growth phase on 5 December 2008, observed by the Time History of Events and Macroscale Interaction during Substorms (THEMIS) and the GOES 11 satellite with simultaneous coverage by the Alaska and THEMIS ground magnetometers. Several interesting and unique features were found for these cases. The interplanetary magnetic field was steadily southward and the solar wind speed was slow, less than 450 km s−1, which are thought to drive the long growth phase for the following onsets. At least four substorm expansion onsets occurred, including a double-onset event, which appears to be a challenge to the reconnection hypothesis for double-onset substorm and favored an instability mechanism for the onsets and could not be explained by the two neutral line models. For the onsets at 09:32 UT and 09:42 UT, the dipolarization signature was observed by GOES 11, which was located earthward of THEMIS C and THEMIS B. THEMIS C satellite caught a delayed and much weaker signature 1–3 min after GOES 11. THEMIS B observed no relating signature. These observations provide us with direct evidence that these events initiated at the near-earth region. The observations of THEMIS C and THEMIS B around the onsets favor the near-earth instabilities model for substorm onset.

Ching-Chang Cheng ◽  
Christopher T. Russell ◽  
Ian R. Mann ◽  
Eric Donovan ◽  
Wolfgang Baumjohann

Abstract. A study of the characteristics of double substorm onsets in response to variations of the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) is undertaken with magnetotail and ground observations by the Time History of Events and Macroscale Interactions during Substorms (THEMIS) mission on 18 March 2009 and 3 April 2009 (Kp ~ 0), and on 16 February 2008 and 24 February 2010 (Kp ~ 2–3). During the time of interest, THEMIS probes at −8RE > XGSM > −20RE and 5RE > YGSM > −5RE observed earth-bound flow bursts accompanied by magnetic dipolarizations varying in two stages. The keograms and all sky images close to their footprints showed two consecutive auroral breakups of which the first appeared at lower latitudes than the second. The ground-based magnetometers sensed magnetic bays and perturbations resulting from the formation of substorm current wedge. Two consecutive pulsations in the Pi2-Ps6 band period occurred simultaneously from high to low and very low latitudes. They appeared in the same cycle of growth and then decline in Kyoto-AL. The onset timing of ground pulsations mapped to the solar wind observation just in front of Earth’s magnetopause shows their occurrence under an IMF variation cycle of north-to-south and then north. Their dynamic spectrums have the spectral features of double substorm onsets triggered by northward IMF turning. Hence in response to IMF variations, double substorm onsets can be characterized with two-stage magnetic dipolarizations in the magnetotail, two auroral breakups of which the first occurring at lower latitudes than the second, and two consecutive Pi2-Ps6 band pulsations.

2007 ◽  
Vol 25 (4) ◽  
pp. 989-999 ◽  
H. Wang ◽  
H. Lühr ◽  
S. Y. Ma ◽  
H. U. Frey

Abstract. Based on 2760 well-defined substorm onsets in the Northern Hemisphere and 1432 in the Southern Hemisphere observed by the FUV Imager on board the IMAGE spacecraft, a detailed statistical study is performed including both auroral regions. This study focuses on the hemispheric comparisons. Southward pointing interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) is favorable for substorm to occur, but still 30% of the events are preceded by northward IMF. The magnetic latitude (MLat) of substorm onset depends mainly on the merging electric field (Em) with a relationship of |dMLat|= −5.2 Em0.5, where dMLat is the deviation from onset MLat. In addition, seasonal effects on onset MLat are also detected, with about 2 degrees higher latitudes during solstices than equinoxes. Both IMF By and solar illumination have a significant influence on the magnetic local time (MLT) of onsets. An average relation, dMLT=0.25 By between IMF By and the deviation from onset MLT, was found. The By dependence varies slightly with the onset latitude. At lower latitudes (higher activity) it is reduced. After removal of the relationship with IMF By a linear relationships remains between the solar zenith angle and onset MLT with dMLT=1 min/deg. Therefore, both solar illumination and IMF By can contribute to hemispheric longitudinal displacements of substorm onset locations from conjugacy. No indications for systematic latitudinal displacements between the hemispheres have been found.

2000 ◽  
Vol 18 (9) ◽  
pp. 1097-1107 ◽  
E. Borälv ◽  
P. Eglitis ◽  
H. J. Opgenoorth ◽  
E. Donovan ◽  
G. Reeves ◽  

Abstract. We have investigated the time delay between substorm onset and related reactions in the dawn and dusk ionospheric electrojets, clearly separated from the nightside located substorm current wedge by several hours in MLT. We looked for substorm onsets occurring over Greenland, where the onset was identified by a LANL satellite and DMI magnetometers located on Greenland. With this setup the MARIA magnetometer network was located at dusk, monitoring the eastward electrojet, and the IMAGE chain at dawn, for the westward jet. In the first few minutes following substorm onset, sudden enhancements of the electrojets were identified by looking for rapid changes in magnetograms. These results show that the speed of information transfer between the region of onset and the dawn and dusk ionosphere is very high. A number of events where the reaction seemed to preceed the onset were explained by either unfavorable instrument locations, preventing proper onset timing, or by the inner magnetosphere's reaction to the Earthward fast flows from the near-Earth neutral line model. Case studies with ionospheric coherent (SuperDARN) and incoherent (EISCAT) radars have been performed to see whether a convection-induced electric field or enhanced conductivity is the main agent for the reactions in the electrojets. The results indicate an imposed electric field enhancement.Key words: Ionosphere (auroral ionosphere; electric fields and currents) - Magnetospheric physics (storms and substorms)

2016 ◽  
Vol 34 (11) ◽  
pp. 985-998 ◽  
Galina Korotova ◽  
David Sibeck ◽  
Mark Engebretson ◽  
John Wygant ◽  
Scott Thaller ◽  

Abstract. We use magnetic field and plasma observations from the Van Allen Probes, Time History of Events and Macroscale Interactions during Substorms (THEMIS) and Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite system (GOES) spacecraft to study the spatial and temporal characteristics of long-lasting poloidal Pc4 pulsations in the dayside magnetosphere. The pulsations were observed after the main phase of a moderate storm during low geomagnetic activity. The pulsations occurred during various interplanetary conditions and the solar wind parameters do not seem to control the occurrence of the pulsations. The most striking feature of the Pc4 magnetic field pulsations was their occurrence at similar locations during three of four successive orbits. We used this information to study the latitudinal nodal structure of the pulsations and demonstrated that the latitudinal extent of the magnetic field pulsations did not exceed 2 Earth radii (RE). A phase shift between the azimuthal and radial components of the electric and magnetic fields was observed from ZSM  =  0.30 RE to ZSM  =  −0.16 RE. We used magnetic and electric field data from Van Allen Probes to determine the structure of ULF waves. We showed that the Pc4 magnetic field pulsations were radially polarized and are the second-mode harmonic waves. We suggest that the spacecraft were near a magnetic field null during the second orbit when they failed to observe the magnetic field pulsations at the local times where pulsations were observed on previous and successive orbits. We investigated the spectral structure of the Pc4 pulsations. Each spacecraft observed a decrease of the dominant period as it moved to a smaller L shell (stronger magnetic field strength). We demonstrated that higher frequencies occurred at times and locations where Alfvén velocities were greater, i.e., on Orbit 1. There is some evidence that the periods of the pulsations increased during the plasmasphere refilling following the storm.

2019 ◽  
Laura Vuorinen ◽  
Heli Hietala ◽  
Ferdinand Plaschke

Abstract. Magnetosheath jets are localized regions of plasma that move faster towards the Earth than the surrounding magnetosheath plasma. Due to their high velocities, they can cause indentations when colliding into the magnetopause and trigger processes such as magnetic reconnection and magnetopause surface waves. We statistically study the occurrence of these jets in the subsolar magnetosheath using measurements from the five Time History of Events and Macroscale Interactions during Substorms (THEMIS) spacecraft and OMNI solar wind data from 2008–2011. We present the observations in the BIMF-vSW plane and study the spatial distribution of jets during different interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) orientations. Jets occur downstream of the quasi-parallel bow shock approximately 9 times as often as downstream of the quasi-perpendicular shock, suggesting that foreshock processes are responsible for most jets. For oblique IMF, with 30°–60° cone angle, the occurrence increases monotonically from the quasi-perpendicular side to the quasi-parallel side. This study offers predictability for the numbers and locations of jets observed during different IMF orientations allowing us to better forecast the formation of these jets and their impact on the magnetosphere.

2020 ◽  
Laura Vuorinen ◽  
Heli Hietala ◽  
Ferdinand Plaschke

<p>Downstream of the Earth's quasi-parallel shock, transients with higher earthward velocities than the surrounding magnetosheath plasma are often observed. These transients have been named magnetosheath jets. Due to their high dynamic pressure, jets can cause multiple types of effects when colliding into the magnetopause. Recently, jets have been linked to triggering magnetopause reconnection in case studies by Hietala et al. (2018) and Nykyri et al. (2019). Jets have been proposed to affect magnetopause reconnection in multiple ways. Jets can compress the magnetopause and make it thin enough for reconnection to occur. Jets could also affect the magnetic shear either by indenting the magnetopause or via the magnetic field of the jets themselves. Here we want to study whether the magnetic field of jets can statistically affect magnetopause reconnection. In particular, we are interested in whether jets could enhance reconnection during more quiet northward IMF conditions.</p><p>We statistically study the magnetic field within jets in the subsolar magnetosheath using measurements from the five Time History of Events and Macroscale Interactions during Substorms (THEMIS) spacecraft and OMNI solar wind data from 2008–2011. We investigate jets next to the magnetopause and find that the magnetic field within jets is statistically different compared to the non-jet magnetosheath. Our results suggest that during southward IMF, the non-jet magnetosheath magnetic field itself has more variation than the jets. This suggests that jets should have no statistical, neither enhancing nor suppressing, effect on reconnection during southward IMF. However, during northward IMF, the magnetic field within jets is statistically favorable for enhancing magnetic reconnection at the subsolar magnetopause as around 70 % of these jets exhibit southward fields close to the magnetopause.</p>

2019 ◽  
Guang Qing Yan ◽  
George K. Parks ◽  
Chun Lin Cai ◽  
Tao Chen ◽  
James P. McFadden ◽  

Abstract. A train of Kelvin–Helmholtz (K–H) vortices with plasma transport across the magnetopause has been observed by the Time History of Events and Macroscale Interactions during Substorms (THEMIS) when the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) abruptly turns northward. This unique event occurred without pre-existing denser boundary layer to facilitate the instability. Two THEMIS spacecraft, TH-A and TH-E, separated by 3 Re, periodically encountered the duskside magnetopause and the low-latitude boundary layer (LLBL) with a period of 2 minutes and tailward propagation of 194 km/s. There was no high-velocity low-density feature, but the rotations in the bulk velocity observation, distorted magnetopause with plasma parameter fluctuations and the magnetic field line stretching, indicate the formation of rolled-up K–H vortices at the duskside magnetopause. A mixture of magnetosheath ions with magnetospheric ions and enhanced energy flux of hot electrons is identified in the K–H vortices. This mixture region appears more periodic at the upstream spacecraft and more dispersive at the downstream location, indicating a significant transport can occur and evolve during the tailward propagation of the K–H waves. There is still much work to fully understand the Kelvin–Helmholtz mechanism. The observations of direct response to the northward turning of the IMF, the unambiguous plasma transport within the vortices, involving both ion and electron fluxes can provide additional clues to the K–H mechanism.

2021 ◽  
Vol 39 (4) ◽  
pp. 599-612
Andrei Runov ◽  
Maxime Grandin ◽  
Minna Palmroth ◽  
Markus Battarbee ◽  
Urs Ganse ◽  

Abstract. We present results of noon–midnight meridional plane global hybrid-Vlasov simulations of the magnetotail ion dynamics under a steady southward interplanetary magnetic field using the Vlasiator model. The simulation results show magnetotail reconnection and formation of earthward and tailward fast plasma outflows. The hybrid-Vlasov approach allows us to study ion velocity distribution functions (VDFs) that are self-consistently formed during the magnetotail evolution. We examine the VDFs collected by virtual detectors placed along the equatorial magnetotail within earthward and tailward outflows and around the quasi-steady X line formed in the magnetotail at X≈-14RE. This allows us to follow the evolution of VDFs during earthward and tailward motion of reconnected flux tubes as well as study signatures of unmagnetized ion motion in the weak magnetic field near the X line. The VDFs indicate actions of Fermi-type and betatron acceleration mechanisms, ion acceleration by the reconnection electric field, and Speiser-type motion of ions near the X line. The simulated VDFs are compared and show good agreement with VDFs observed in the magnetotail by the Time History of Events and Macroscale Interactions during Substorms (THEMIS) and Acceleration, Reconnection, Turbulence and Electrodynamics of Moon's Interaction with the Sun (ARTEMIS) spacecraft. We find that the VDFs become more gyrotropic but retain transverse anisotropy and counterstreaming ion beams when being convected earthward. The presented global hybrid-Vlasov simulation results are valuable for understanding physical processes of ion acceleration during magnetotail reconnection, interpretation of in situ observations, and for future mission development by setting requirements on pitch angle and energy resolution of upcoming instruments.

1997 ◽  
Vol 15 (12) ◽  
pp. 1515-1531 ◽  
A. Belehaki ◽  
E. T. Sarris ◽  
G. Tsiropoula ◽  
R. W. McEntire ◽  
S. Kokubun ◽  

Abstract. Geotail energetic particle, magnetic field data and plasma observations (EPIC, MGF and CPI experiments) have been examined for a number of energetic particle bursts in the distant tail (120Re<|XGSM|< 130 Re), associated with moving magnetic field structures, following substorm onsets. The features obtained from this data analysis are consistent with the distant magnetotail dynamics determined first by ISEE3 observations and explained in terms of the neutral line model. At the onset of the bursts, before plasma sheet entrance, energetic electrons appear as a field-aligned beam flowing in the tailward direction, followed by anisotropic ions. Within the flux rope region, suprathermal ions exhibit a convective anisotropy, which allows determination of the plasma flow velocity, assuming that the anisotropy arises from the Compton-Getting effect. The velocities thus determined in the plasma sheet are estimated to be 200–650 km/s, and compare favourably with the velocities derived from the CPI electron and proton experiment. The estimated length of magnetic field structures varies between 28 and 56 Re and depends on the strength of the westward electrojet intensification. Finally, the three structures reported here show clear magnetic field signatures of flux rope topology. The existence of a strong magnetic field aligned approximately along the Y-axis and centred on the north-to-south excursion of the field, and the bipolar signature in both By and/or Bz components, is consistent with the existence of closed field lines extending from Earth and wrapping around the core of the flux rope structure.Key words. Magnetospheric configuration and dynamics · Magnetotail

2019 ◽  
Vol 37 (4) ◽  
pp. 689-697 ◽  
Laura Vuorinen ◽  
Heli Hietala ◽  
Ferdinand Plaschke

Abstract. Magnetosheath jets are localized regions of plasma that move faster towards the Earth than the surrounding magnetosheath plasma. Due to their high velocities, they can cause indentations when colliding into the magnetopause and trigger processes such as magnetic reconnection and magnetopause surface waves. We statistically study the occurrence of these jets in the subsolar magnetosheath using measurements from the five Time History of Events and Macroscale Interactions during Substorms (THEMIS) spacecraft and OMNI solar wind data from 2008 to 2011. We present the observations in the BIMF–vSW plane and study the spatial distribution of jets during different interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) orientations. Jets occur downstream of the quasi-parallel bow shock approximately 9 times as often as downstream of the quasi-perpendicular shock, suggesting that foreshock processes are responsible for most jets. For an oblique IMF, with 30–60∘ cone angle, the occurrence increases monotonically from the quasi-perpendicular side to the quasi-parallel side. This study offers predictability for the numbers, locations, and magnetopause impact rates of jets observed during different IMF orientations, allowing us to better forecast the formation of these jets and their impact on the magnetosphere.

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