scholarly journals Exploring the role of hydrological pathways in modulating North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) teleconnection periodicities from UK rainfall to streamflow

2020 ◽  
William Rust ◽  
Mark Cuthbert ◽  
John Bloomfield ◽  
Ron Corstanje ◽  
Nicholas Howden ◽  

Abstract. An understanding of multi-annual behaviour in streamflow allows for better estimation of the risks associated with hydrological extremes. This is can enable improved preparedness for streamflow-dependant services such as freshwater ecology, drinking water supply and agriculture. Recently, efforts have focused on detecting relationships between long-term hydrological behaviour and oscillatory climate systems (such as the NAO). For instance, the approximate 7-year periodicity of the NAO has been detected in groundwater level records in the North Atlantic region, providing a degree of forecasting for future water resource extremes due to their repeating, periodic nature. However, the extent to which these 7-year NAO-like signals are propagated to streamflow, and the catchment processes that modulate this propagation, are currently unknown. Here, we show statistically significant evidence that these 7-year periodicities are present in streamflow (and associated catchment rainfall), by applying multi-resolution analysis to a large dataset of streamflow and associated catchment rainfall across the UK. Our results provide new evidence for spatial patterns of NAO periodicities in UK rainfall with areas of greatest NAO signal found in south west England, South Wales, Northern Ireland and central Scotland, and that NAO-like periodicities account for a greater proportion of streamflow variability in these areas. Furthermore, we show that subsurface pathway contribution, as characterised by the Baseflow Index (BFI), and the response times of subsurface pathways, as characterised by Groundwater response Time (GRT), are influential factors for streamflow sensitivity to these NAO-like cycles. Our results provide critical process understanding for the screening and use of streamflow teleconnections for the improving the practice and policy of long-term streamflow resource management.

2021 ◽  
Vol 25 (4) ◽  
pp. 2223-2237
William Rust ◽  
Mark Cuthbert ◽  
John Bloomfield ◽  
Ron Corstanje ◽  
Nicholas Howden ◽  

Abstract. An understanding of multi-annual behaviour in streamflow allows for better estimation of the risks associated with hydrological extremes. This can enable improved preparedness for streamflow-dependant services, such as freshwater ecology, drinking water supply and agriculture. Recently, efforts have focused on detecting relationships between long-term hydrological behaviour and oscillatory climate systems (such as the North Atlantic Oscillation – NAO). For instance, the approximate 7 year periodicity of the NAO has been detected in groundwater-level records in the North Atlantic region, providing potential improvements to the preparedness for future water resource extremes due to their repetitive, periodic nature. However, the extent to which these 7-year, NAO-like signals are propagated to streamflow, and the catchment processes that modulate this propagation, are currently unknown. Here, we show statistically significant evidence that these 7-year periodicities are present in streamflow (and associated catchment rainfall), by applying multi-resolution analysis to a large data set of streamflow and associated catchment rainfall across the UK. Our results provide new evidence for spatial patterns of NAO periodicities in UK rainfall, with areas of greatest NAO signal found in southwest England, south Wales, Northern Ireland and central Scotland, and show that NAO-like periodicities account for a greater proportion of streamflow variability in these areas. Furthermore, we find that catchments with greater subsurface pathway contribution, as characterised by the baseflow index (BFI), generally show increased NAO-like signal strength and that subsurface response times (as characterised by groundwater response time – GRT), of between 4 and 8 years, show a greater signal presence. Our results provide a foundation of understanding for the screening and use of streamflow teleconnections for improving the practice and policy of long-term streamflow resource management.

K.A. Godovanyuk

Against the background of Brexit, UK foreign policy-makers seriously consider the changes in international environment determined by emerging of new centers of power and high competition of global actors in Africa, Asia and Indo-Pacific. The designers of “Global Britain” concept - the new foreign policy strategy aimed at strengthening the UK position in the world after its exit from the European Union - take into consideration the climate changes which in the upcoming decades can lead to the geopolitical competition in Arctic. The latter comprises not only the hard power and ecology issues but the interest to get access to the Northern Sea Route and natural resources. The author analyzes the UK Arctic policy and concludes that the UK government ambition to perform as a leader in Arctic can become a long-term tendency which will determine the UK strategy towards Russia, China and the allies within NATO in the North Atlantic.

Robert H. Ellison

Prompted by the convulsions of the late eighteenth century and inspired by the expansion of evangelicalism across the North Atlantic world, Protestant Dissenters from the 1790s eagerly subscribed to a millennial vision of a world transformed through missionary activism and religious revival. Voluntary societies proliferated in the early nineteenth century to spread the gospel and transform society at home and overseas. In doing so, they engaged many thousands of converts who felt the call to share their experience of personal conversion with others. Though social respectability and business methods became a notable feature of Victorian Nonconformity, the religious populism of the earlier period did not disappear and religious revival remained a key component of Dissenting experience. The impact of this revitalization was mixed. On the one hand, growth was not sustained in the long term and, to some extent, involvement in interdenominational activity undermined denominational identity; on the other hand, Nonconformists gained a social and political prominence they had not enjoyed since the middle of the seventeenth century and their efforts laid the basis for the twentieth-century explosion of evangelicalism in Africa, Asia, and South America.

2010 ◽  
Vol 23 (6) ◽  
pp. 1291-1307 ◽  
Tim Woollings ◽  
Abdel Hannachi ◽  
Brian Hoskins ◽  
Andrew Turner

Abstract The distribution of the daily wintertime North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) index in the 40-yr ECMWF Re-Analysis (ERA-40) is significantly negatively skewed. Dynamical and statistical analyses both suggest that this skewness reflects the presence of two distinct regimes—referred to as “Greenland blocking” and “subpolar jet.” Changes in both the relative occurrence and in the structure of the regimes are shown to contribute to the long-term NAO trend over the ERA-40 period. This is contrasted with the simulation of the NAO in 100-yr control and doubled CO2 integrations of the third climate configuration of the Met Office Unified Model (HadCM3). The model has clear deficiencies in its simulation of the NAO in the control run, so its predictions of future behavior must be treated with caution. However, the subpolar jet regime does become more dominant under anthropogenic forcing and, while this change is small it is clearly statistically significant and does represent a real change in the nature of NAO variability in the model.

2015 ◽  
Vol 12 (17) ◽  
pp. 15223-15244
M. L. Breeden ◽  
G. A. McKinley

Abstract. The North Atlantic is the most intense region of ocean CO2 uptake. Here, we investigate multidecadal timescale variability of the partial pressure CO2 (pCO2) that is due to the natural carbon cycle using a regional model forced with realistic climate and pre-industrial atmospheric pCO2 for 1948–2009. Large-scale patterns of natural pCO2 variability are primarily associated with basin-averaged sea surface temperature (SST) that, in turn, is composed of two parts: the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation (AMO) and a long-term positive SST trend. The North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) drives a secondary mode of variability. For the primary mode, positive AMO and the SST trend modify pCO2 with different mechanisms and spatial patterns. Warming with the positive AMO increases subpolar gyre pCO2, but there is also a significant reduction of dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) due primarily to reduced vertical mixing. The net impact of positive AMO is to reduce pCO2 in the subpolar gyre. Through direct impacts on SST, the net impacts of positive AMO is to increase pCO2 in the subtropical gyre. From 1980 to present, long-term SST warming has amplified AMO impacts on pCO2.

2019 ◽  
Vol 47 (2) ◽  
pp. 246-265
A. K. Ambrosimov ◽  
N. A. Diansky ◽  
A. A. Kluvitkin ◽  
V. A. Melnikov

Based on time series of near-bottom current velocities and temperatures obtained in the period June, 2016 to July, 2017, at three points in the Atlantic Subarctic Front, along with the use of multi-year (since 1993 up to now) satellite ocean surface sounding data, multi-scale fluctuations of ocean surface and near-bottom flows over the western and eastern flanks of the Reykjanes ridge, as well as near Hatton Rise, on the Rokoll plateau, are studied. Hydrological profiles were carried out from the ocean surface to the bottom with readings every 10 m, when setting and retrieving the buoy stations. Using data from the Bank of hydrological stations (WOD13), SST satellite arrays (Pathfinder), long-term sea level and geostrophic velocities time series (AVISO), and bottom topography (model ETOPO-1), features of longterm cyclical fluctuations of SST, sea level, geostrophic currents on the ocean surface were defined in the sub-polar North Atlantic. It is shown that, in accordance with the large-scale thermohaline structure of the Subarctic front, two branches of the North Atlantic Current are detected on the ocean surface.One is directed from the Hatton towards the Icelandic-Faroese Rise, and the other – alomg the western flank of the Reykjanes Ridge toward Iceland. For the first branch, which is the main continuation of the North Atlantic Current, the average (for 25 years) water drift at a speed of 9.1±0.1 cm/s is determined to the northeast. The second branch, which forms the eastern part of the Subarctic cyclonic gyre, has the average water drift at a speed of 4.0±0.1 cm/s is directed north-northeast, along the western flank of the Reykjanes Ridge. In the intermediate waters of the frontal zone, an average water flow is observed at a speed of 2.7±0.1 cm/s to the north-northeast, along the eastern slope of the Reykjanes ridge.Due to the multy-scale components of the total variability, the average kinetic energy densities(KED) of total currents (109, 45, 97, (±3) erg/cm3, at station points from east to west) are much greater than the mean drift KED. The near-bottom flows on the Reykjanes ridge flanks are opposite to the direction of the North Atlantic Current. Outside the Subarctic gyre, the direction of average transport is maintained from the ocean surface to the bottom. The average (per year) KED of near-bottom currents are 31, 143, 27 (±3 erg/cm3), for three stations from east to west, respectively. In the intermediate waters of the frontal zone, above the eastern slope of the Reykjanes Ridge, there is a powerful reverse (relative to the North Atlantic Current) near-bottom water flow to the south-west, with a high average speed of ~ 15 cm/s. The KED of the currents during the year varies widely from zero to ~ 600 erg/cm3. The overall variability is due to cyclical variations and intermittency (“flashes”) of currents. Perennial cycles, seasonal variations, synoptic fluctuations with periods in the range of 30–300 days, as well as inertial oscillations and semi-diurnal tidal waves are distinguished. The intermittency of oscillations is partly due to changes in low-frequency flows, which can lead to a dopler frequency shift in the cyclic components of the spectrum. The amplitude of temperature fluctuations in the bottom layer for the year was (0.07–0.10) ± 0.01°C by the standard deviation. The seasonal changes of the bottom temperature are not detected. However, a linear trend with a warming of ~ (0.10–0.15) ± 0.01°С per year is noticeable.

2021 ◽  
Terhi K. Laurila ◽  
Victoria A. Sinclair ◽  
Hilppa Gregow

<p>The knowledge of long-term climate and variability of near-surface wind speeds is essential and widely used among meteorologists, climate scientists and in industries such as wind energy and forestry. The new high-resolution ERA5 reanalysis from the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) will likely be used as a reference in future climate projections and in many wind-related applications. Hence, it is important to know what is the mean climate and variability of wind speeds in ERA5.</p><p>We present the monthly 10-m wind speed climate and decadal variability in the North Atlantic and Europe during the 40-year period (1979-2018) based on ERA5. In addition, we examine temporal time series and possible trends in three locations: the central North Atlantic, Finland and Iberian Peninsula. Moreover, we investigate what are the physical reasons for the decadal changes in 10-m wind speeds.</p><p>The 40-year mean and the 98th percentile wind speeds show a distinct contrast between land and sea with the strongest winds over the ocean and a seasonal variation with the strongest winds during winter time. The winds have the highest values and variabilities associated with storm tracks and local wind phenomena such as the mistral. To investigate the extremeness of the winds, we defined an extreme find factor (EWF) which is the ratio between the 98th percentile and mean wind speeds. The EWF is higher in southern Europe than in northern Europe during all months. Mostly no statistically significant linear trends of 10-m wind speeds were found in the 40-year period in the three locations and the annual and decadal variability was large.</p><p>The windiest decade in northern Europe was the 1990s and in southern Europe the 1980s and 2010s. The decadal changes in 10-m wind speeds were largely explained by the position of the jet stream and storm tracks and the strength of the north-south pressure gradient over the North Atlantic. In addition, we investigated the correlation between the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) and the Atlantic Multi-decadal Oscillation (AMO) in the three locations. The NAO has a positive correlation in the central North Atlantic and Finland and a negative correlation in Iberian Peninsula. The AMO correlates moderately with the winds in the central North Atlantic but no correlation was found in Finland or the Iberian Peninsula. Overall, our study highlights that rather than just using long-term linear trends in wind speeds it is more informative to consider inter-annual or decadal variability.</p>

2021 ◽  
Johannes Schmidt ◽  
Cathleen Kertscher ◽  
Markus Reichert ◽  
Helen Ballasus ◽  
Birgit Schneider ◽  

<p>The Western Mediterranean region including the North African desert margin is considered one of the most sensitive areas to future climate changes. In order to refine long-term scenarios for hydrological and environmental responses to future climate changes in this region, it is important to improve our knowledge about past environmental responses to climatic variability at centennial to millennial timescales. During the last two decades, the recovery and compilation of Holocene records from the subtropical North Atlantic and the Mediterranean Sea have improved our knowledge about millennial-scale variability of the Western Mediterranean palaeoclimate. The variabilities appear to affect regional precipitation patterns and environmental systems in the Western Mediterranean, but the timescales, magnitudes and forcing mechanisms remain poorly known. To compare the changes in Holocene climate variability and geomorphological processes across temporal scales, we analysed a 19.63-m long sediment record from Lake Sidi Ali (33°03’ N, 5°00’ W, 2080 m a.s.l.) in the sub-humid Middle Atlas that spans the last 12,000 years (23 pollen-based radiocarbon dates accompanied with <sup>210</sup>Pb results). We use calibrated XRF core scanning records with an annual to sub-decadal resolution to disentangle the complex interplay between climate changes and environmental dynamics during the Holocene. Data exploration techniques and time series analysis (Redfit, Wavelet) revealed long-term changes in lake behaviour. Three main proxy groups were identified (temperature proxies: 2ky, 1ky and 0.7ky cycles; sediment dynamic proxies: 3.5ky, 1.5ky cycles; hydrological proxies: 1.5ky, 1.2ky, 0.17ky cycles). For example, redox sensitive elements Fe and Mn show 1ky cycles and higher values in the Early Holocene and 1.5ky cycles and lower values in the Mid- to Late Holocene. All groups show specific periodicities throughout the Holocene, demonstrating their particular climatic and geomorphological dependencies. Furthermore, we discuss these periodicities relating to global and hemispheric drivers, such as the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO), El-Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO), Innertropical Convergence Zone variability (ITCZ) and North Atlantic cold relapses (Bond events).</p>

2021 ◽  
pp. 1-38
Xi Guo ◽  
James P. Kossin ◽  
Zhe-Min Tan

AbstractTropical cyclone (TC) translation speed (TCTS) can affect the duration of TC-related disasters, which is critical to coastal and inland areas. The long-term variation of TCTS and their relationship to the variability of the mid-latitude jet stream and storm migration are discussed here for storms near the North Atlantic coast during 1948-2019. Our results reveal the prominent seasonality in the long-term variation of TCTS, which can be largely explained by the seasonality in the covariations of the mid-latitude jet stream and storm locations. Specifically, significant increases of TCTS occur in June and October during the past decades, which may result from the equatorward displacement of the jet stream and poleward migration of storm locations. Prominent slowdown of TCTS is found in August, which is related to the weakened jet strength and equatorward storm migration. In September, the effects of poleward displacement and weakening of the jet stream on TCTS are largely compensated by the poleward storm migration, therefore, no significant change in TCTS is observed. Meanwhile, the multidecadal variability of the Atlantic may contribute to the multidecadal variability of TCTS. Our findings emphasize the significance in taking a seasonality view in discussing the variability and trends of near-coast Atlantic TCTS under climate change.

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