scholarly journals In situ observed relationships between skin temperatures and 2 m air temperatures in the Arctic

Pia Nielsen-Englyst ◽  
Jacob L. Høyer ◽  
Kristine S. Madsen ◽  
Gorm Dybkjær ◽  
Rasmus Tonboe ◽  

Abstract. To facilitate the combined use of traditional 2 m air temperature (T2m) observations from weather stations in the Arctic and skin temperature (Tskin) observations from satellites the relationship between high latitude snow and ice Tskin and T2m is quantified. Multiyear data records of simultaneous Tskin and T2m from 20 different in situ sites have been analysed, covering the Greenland Ice Sheet (GrIS), sea ice in the Arctic Ocean, and coastal snow covered land in North Alaska. The diurnal and seasonal temperature variabilities and the impacts from clouds and wind on the T2m-Tskin differences are quantified. Considering all stations, T2m is on average 1.37 °C warmer than Tskin, with the largest differences at the GrIS stations (mean of diff. of 1.64 °C). Tskin and T2m are often highly correlated, and the two temperatures are almost identical (

2017 ◽  
Vol 48 (3) ◽  
pp. 616-633 ◽  
G. Farina ◽  
S. Alvisi ◽  
M. Franchini

This paper presents a procedure for estimating discharge in a river cross-section based on the combined use of dimensionless isovels and point velocity measurements. Specifically, taking the Biot–Savart law on the magnetic field induced by an electric current in a wire as their basis as already done by other researchers, the authors propose a new formulation of the relationship characterizing the effect of the wetted perimeter on the range of velocities in a cross-section in order to take explicit account of roughness, expressed by means of Manning's coefficient. Once appropriately nondimensionalized, the isoeffect contours can be read as dimensionless isovels. Assuming in situ velocity measurements are available, discharge at a cross-section can be computed using two different methods. The proposed procedure was applied to six case studies characterized by river cross-sections which differed greatly from one another. The results show that the two methods proposed for estimating discharge lead to equivalent outcomes, and in all the cases the procedure as a whole enables a sufficiently accurate estimation of discharge, even when it is based on a limited number of velocity measurements or on the measurement of maximum surface-water velocity alone.

2016 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 477-496 ◽  
Marco Tedesco ◽  
Sarah Doherty ◽  
Xavier Fettweis ◽  
Patrick Alexander ◽  
Jeyavinoth Jeyaratnam ◽  

Abstract. The surface energy balance and meltwater production of the Greenland ice sheet (GrIS) are modulated by snow and ice albedo through the amount of absorbed solar radiation. Here we show, using space-borne multispectral data collected during the 3 decades from 1981 to 2012, that summertime surface albedo over the GrIS decreased at a statistically significant (99 %) rate of 0.02 decade−1 between 1996 and 2012. Over the same period, albedo modelled by the Modèle Atmosphérique Régionale (MAR) also shows a decrease, though at a lower rate ( ∼ −0.01 decade−1) than that obtained from space-borne data. We suggest that the discrepancy between modelled and measured albedo trends can be explained by the absence in the model of processes associated with the presence of light-absorbing impurities. The negative trend in observed albedo is confined to the regions of the GrIS that undergo melting in summer, with the dry-snow zone showing no trend. The period 1981–1996 also showed no statistically significant trend over the whole GrIS. Analysis of MAR outputs indicates that the observed albedo decrease is attributable to the combined effects of increased near-surface air temperatures, which enhanced melt and promoted growth in snow grain size and the expansion of bare ice areas, and to trends in light-absorbing impurities (LAI) on the snow and ice surfaces. Neither aerosol models nor in situ and remote sensing observations indicate increasing trends in LAI in the atmosphere over Greenland. Similarly, an analysis of the number of fires and BC emissions from fires points to the absence of trends for such quantities. This suggests that the apparent increase of LAI in snow and ice might be related to the exposure of a "dark band" of dirty ice and to increased consolidation of LAI at the surface with melt, not to increased aerosol deposition. Albedo projections through to the end of the century under different warming scenarios consistently point to continued darkening, with albedo anomalies averaged over the whole ice sheet lower by 0.08 in 2100 than in 2000, driven solely by a warming climate. Future darkening is likely underestimated because of known underestimates in modelled melting (as seen in hindcasts) and because the model albedo scheme does not currently include the effects of LAI, which have a positive feedback on albedo decline through increased melting, grain growth, and darkening.

2015 ◽  
Vol 9 (3) ◽  
pp. 905-923 ◽  
S. E. Moustafa ◽  
A. K. Rennermalm ◽  
L. C. Smith ◽  
M. A. Miller ◽  
J. R. Mioduszewski ◽  

Abstract. Surface albedo is a key variable controlling solar radiation absorbed at the Greenland Ice Sheet (GrIS) surface and, thus, meltwater production. Recent decline in surface albedo over the GrIS has been linked to enhanced snow grain metamorphic rates, earlier snowmelt, and amplified melt–albedo feedback from atmospheric warming. However, the importance of distinct surface types on ablation area albedo and meltwater production is still relatively unknown. In this study, we analyze albedo and ablation rates using in situ and remotely sensed data. Observations include (1) a new high-quality in situ spectral albedo data set collected with an Analytical Spectral Devices Inc. spectroradiometer measuring at 325–1075 nm along a 1.25 km transect during 3 days in June 2013; (2) broadband albedo at two automatic weather stations; and (3) daily MODerate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) albedo (MOD10A1) between 31 May and 30 August 2012 and 2013. We find that seasonal ablation area albedos in 2013 have a bimodal distribution, with snow and ice facies characterizing the two peaks. Our results show that a shift from a distribution dominated by high to low albedos corresponds to an observed melt rate increase of 51.5% (between 10–14 July and 20–24 July 2013). In contrast, melt rate variability caused by albedo changes before and after this shift was much lower and varied between ~10 and 30% in the melting season. Ablation area albedos in 2012 exhibited a more complex multimodal distribution, reflecting a transition from light to dark-dominated surface, as well as sensitivity to the so called "dark-band" region in southwest Greenland. In addition to a darkening surface from ice crystal growth, our findings demonstrate that seasonal changes in GrIS ablation area albedos are controlled by changes in the fractional coverage of snow, bare ice, and impurity-rich surface types. Thus, seasonal variability in ablation area albedos appears to be regulated primarily as a function of bare ice expansion at the expense of snow, surface meltwater ponding, and melting of outcropped ice layers enriched with mineral materials, enabling dust and impurities to accumulate. As climate change continues in the Arctic region, understanding the seasonal evolution of ice sheet surface types in Greenland's ablation area is critical to improve projections of mass loss contributions to sea level rise.

2015 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 691-701 ◽  
C. Cox ◽  
N. Humphrey ◽  
J. Harper

Abstract. On the Greenland ice sheet, a significant quantity of surface meltwater refreezes within the firn, creating uncertainty in surface mass balance estimates. This refreezing has the potential to buffer seasonal runoff to future increases in melting, but direct measurement of the process remains difficult. We present a method for quantifying refreezing at point locations using in situ firn temperature observations. A time series of sub-hourly firn temperature profiles were collected over the course of two melt seasons from 2007 to 2009 along a transect of 11 sites in the accumulation zone of Greenland. Seasonal changes in temperature profiles combined with heat flux estimates based on high-temporal-resolution temperature gradients enable us to isolate the heat released by refreezing using conservation of energy. Our method is verified from winter data when no refreezing takes place, and uncertainty is estimated using a Monte Carlo technique. While we limit our method to a subsection of firn between depths of 1 and 10 m, our refreezing estimates appear to differ significantly from model-based estimates. Furthermore, results indicate that a significant amount of refreezing takes place at depths greater than 1 m and that lateral migration of meltwater significantly complicates the relationship between total surface melt and total refreezing.

2021 ◽  
Pia Nielsen-Englyst ◽  
Jacob L. Høyer ◽  
Kristine S. Madsen ◽  
Rasmus T. Tonboe ◽  
Gorm Dybkjær ◽  

Abstract. The Arctic region is responding heavily to climate change, and yet, the air temperature of ice covered areas in the Arctic is heavily under-sampled when it comes to in situ measurements, resulting in large uncertainties in existing weather- and reanalysis products. This paper presents a method for estimating daily mean clear sky 2 meter air temperatures (T2m) in the Arctic from satellite observations of skin temperature, using the Arctic and Antarctic ice Surface Temperatures from thermal Infrared (AASTI) satellite dataset, providing spatially detailed observations of the Arctic. The method is based on a linear regression model, which has been tuned against in situ observations to estimate daily mean T2m based on clear sky satellite ice surface skin temperatures. The daily satellite derived T2m product includes estimated uncertainties and covers clear sky snow and ice surfaces in the Arctic region during the period 2000–2009, provided on a 0.25 degree regular latitude-longitude grid. Comparisons with independent in situ measured T2m show average biases of 0.30 °C and 0.35 °C and average root mean square errors of 3.47 °C and 3.20 °C for land ice and sea ice, respectively. The associated uncertainties are verified to be very realistic for both land ice and sea ice, using in situ observations. The reconstruction provides a much better spatial coverage than the sparse in situ observations of T2m in the Arctic, is independent of numerical weather prediction model input and it therefore provides an important supplement to simulated air temperatures to be used for assimilation or global surface temperature reconstructions. A comparison between in situ T2m versus T2m derived from satellite and ERA-Interim/ERA5 estimates shows that the T2m derived from satellite observations validate similar or better than ERA-Interim/ERA5 in the Arctic.

2020 ◽  
Alden Adolph ◽  
Wesley Brown ◽  
Karina Zikan ◽  
Robert Fausto

<p>As Arctic temperatures have increased, the Greenland Ice Sheet has exhibited a negative mass balance, with a substantial and increasing fraction of mass loss due to surface melt. Understanding surface energy exchange processes in Greenland is critical for our ability to predict changes in mass balance. In-situ and remotely sensed surface temperatures are useful for monitoring trends, melt events, and surface energy balance processes, but these observations are complicated by the fact that surface temperatures and near surface air temperatures can significantly differ due to the presence of inversions that exist across the Arctic. Our previous work shows that even in the summer, very near surface inversions are present between the 2m air and surface temperatures a majority of the time at Summit, Greenland. In this study, we expand upon these results and combine a variety of data sources to quantify differences between surface snow/ice temperatures and 2m air temperatures across the Greenland Ice Sheet and investigate controls on the magnitude of these near surface temperature inversions. In-situ temperatures, wind speed, specific humidity, and albedo data are provided from automatic weather stations operated by the Programme for Monitoring of the Greenland Ice Sheet (PROMICE). We use the Clouds and the Earth's Radiant Energy System (CERES) cloud area fraction data to analyze effects of cloud presence on near surface temperature gradients. The in-situ temperatures are compared to Modern-Era Retrospective analysis for Research and Applications Version 2 (MERRA-2) and Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectrometer (MODIS) ice surface temperature data to extend findings across the ice sheet. Using PROMICE in-situ data from 2015, we find that these 2m temperature inversions are present 77% of the time, with a median strength of 1.7°C. The data confirm that the presence of clouds weakens inversions. Initial results indicate a RMSE of 3.9°C between MERRA-2 and PROMICE 2m air temperature, and a RMSE of 5.6°C between the two datasets for surface temperature. Improved understanding of controls on near surface inversions is important for use of remotely sensed snow surface temperatures and for modeling of surface mass and energy exchange processes.</p>

2010 ◽  
Vol 56 (198) ◽  
pp. 735-741 ◽  
Lora S. Koenig ◽  
Dorothy K. Hall

AbstractCurrent trends show a rise in Arctic surface and air temperatures, including over the Greenland ice sheet where rising temperatures will contribute to increased sea-level rise through increased melt. We aim to establish the uncertainties in using satellite-derived surface temperature for measuring Arctic surface temperature, as satellite data are increasingly being used to assess temperature trends. To accomplish this, satellite-derived surface temperature, or land-surface temperature (LST), must be validated and limitations of the satellite data must be assessed quantitatively. During the 2008/09 boreal winter at Summit, Greenland, we employed data from standard US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) air-temperature instruments, button-sized temperature sensors called thermochrons and the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) satellite instrument to (1) assess the accuracy and utility of thermochrons in an ice-sheet environment and (2) compare MODIS-derived LSTs with thermochron-derived surface and air temperatures. The thermochron-derived air temperatures were very accurate, within 0.1 ± 0.3°C of the NOAA-derived air temperature, but thermochron-derived surface temperatures were ∼3°C higher than MODIS-derived LSTs. Though surface temperature is largely determined by air temperature, these variables can differ significantly. Furthermore, we show that the winter-time mean air temperature, adjusted to surface temperature, was ∼11°C higher than the winter-time mean MODIS-derived LST. This marked difference occurs largely because satellite-derived LSTs cannot be measured through cloud cover, so caution must be exercised in using time series of satellite LST data to study seasonal temperature trends.

2019 ◽  
Vol 13 (3) ◽  
pp. 1005-1024 ◽  
Pia Nielsen-Englyst ◽  
Jacob L. Høyer ◽  
Kristine S. Madsen ◽  
Rasmus Tonboe ◽  
Gorm Dybkjær ◽  

Abstract. To facilitate the construction of a satellite-derived 2 m air temperature (T2 m) product for the snow- and ice-covered regions in the Arctic, observations from weather stations are used to quantify the relationship between the T2 m and skin temperature (Tskin). Multiyear data records of simultaneous Tskin and T2 m from 29 different in situ sites have been analysed for five regions, covering the lower and upper ablation zone and the accumulation zone of the Greenland Ice Sheet (GrIS), sea ice in the Arctic Ocean, and seasonal snow-covered land in northern Alaska. The diurnal and seasonal temperature variabilities and the impacts from clouds and wind on the T2 m–Tskin differences are quantified. Tskin is often (85 % of the time, all sites weighted equally) lower than T2 m, with the largest differences occurring when the temperatures are well below 0 ∘C or when the surface is melting. Considering all regions, T2 m is on average 0.65–2.65 ∘C higher than Tskin, with the largest differences for the lower ablation area and smallest differences for the seasonal snow-covered sites. A negative net surface radiation balance generally cools the surface with respect to the atmosphere, resulting in a surface-driven surface air temperature inversion. However, Tskin and T2 m are often highly correlated, and the two temperatures can be almost identical (<0.5 ∘C difference), with the smallest T2–Tskin differences around noon and early afternoon during spring, autumn and summer during non-melting conditions. In general, the inversion strength increases with decreasing wind speeds, but for the sites on the GrIS the maximum inversion occurs at wind speeds of about 5 m s−1 due to the katabatic winds. Clouds tend to reduce the vertical temperature gradient, by warming the surface, resulting in a mean overcast T2 m–Tskin difference ranging from −0.08 to 1.63 ∘C, with the largest differences for the sites in the low-ablation zone and the smallest differences for the seasonal snow-covered sites. To assess the effect of using cloud-limited infrared satellite observations, the influence of clouds on temporally averaged Tskin has been studied by comparing averaged clear-sky Tskin with averaged all-sky Tskin. To this end, we test three different temporal averaging windows: 24 h, 72 h and 1 month. The largest clear-sky biases are generally found when 1-month averages are used and the smallest clear-sky biases are found for 24 h. In most cases, all-sky averages are warmer than clear-sky averages, with the smallest bias during summer when the Tskin range is smallest.

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