scholarly journals Tourism - factor for revival of the national economy

2021 ◽  
pp. 69-72
Grigore Duhlicher ◽  

Due to the specificity of its content, tourism is an important sector in the contemporary world, which includes a huge force of recovery, development and economic prosperity. The recent economic reality shows us that tourism is experiencing a continuous expansion, thus becoming a field of major importance for both developed national economies and developing countries. In the conditions of economic, political and social instability worldwide, phenomena that produce a negative impact on the development of several national economies, tourism has proved, for many countries, to be a good solution to overcome these crises through economic diversification. At the same time, both developing and developed countries pay particular attention to developing strategies to intensify domestic and international tourism as those that contribute to overcoming economic crises. Tourism is a factor that can make an essential contribution to the prosperity, development and improvement of living standards in the Republic of Moldova.

2021 ◽  
Vol ahead-of-print (ahead-of-print) ◽  
Catherine Maware ◽  
Modestus Okechukwu Okwu ◽  
Olufemi Adetunji

Purpose This study aims to comparatively discuss the effect of lean manufacturing (LM) implementation in the manufacturing sectors of developing and developed countries. Design/methodology/approach An in-depth literature review focused on previous research published between 2015 and March 2020. The papers published by the databases such as Google Scholar, Scopus, ProQuest and Web of Science were used in the study. A total of 63 studies that focused on LM application in manufacturing industries in developing and developed countries were used in the research. Findings It was observed that LM improves operational performance for manufacturing organizations in developing and developed countries. Small and medium-sized enterprises in both developed and developing countries have difficulties transforming their organizations into lean organizations compared to large enterprises. Furthermore, the review also found that there seems to have been no paper had reported the negative impact of implementing LM in manufacturing industries in developing and developed countries from 2015 to March 2020. Research limitations/implications The study used research papers written between January 2015 and March 2020 and only considered manufacturing organizations from developed and developing nations. Practical implications The study provides more insight into LM implementation in developing and developed countries. It gives the LM practices and the implications of applying these practices in manufacturing organizations for developing and developed countries. Originality/value A preliminary review of papers indicated that this seems to be the first paper that comparatively studies how LM implementation has affected manufacturing organizations in developed and developing countries. The study also assessed the LM practices commonly used by the manufacturing industries in developing and developed countries.

2020 ◽  
Vol 159 ◽  
pp. 01005
Aigerim Kazhmuratova ◽  
Sandigul Akhmetkaliyeva ◽  
Aigul Boltaeva ◽  
Aisulu Moldabekova

This article discusses the widespread use by countries of environmental innovations and new technologies, which will soon bring serious economic and social changes to the life of all mankind. The need for radical changes in methods and means of environmental protection, which reduce the technological impact on the biosphere of the earth, and contributing to the preservation of human health, is shown. Under the conditions of technoglobalism, the development of environmental innovations brings serious economic and social changes to the life of all mankind, the transition of national economies to a system of qualitatively safe energy and environmental development. This is due to the fact that the planning and implementation of the material progress of society often does not take into account the ecological foundations of the coexistence of society and the environment. The modern concept of quality of life covers all aspects of the interaction between man and the environment, and ecology is becoming a priority for the development of innovative economies in developed countries. In this context, Kazakhstan intends to continue to work to stimulate and encourage innovation and investment in the environmentally friendly production of goods and services, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and apply climate-resilient technologies.

Hani El-Chaarani ◽  

The arrival of COVID-19 has a negative impact on social conditions and economic indicators of many developed and developing countries. SMEs and managers are suffering from the lockdown, health conditions and the difficulty of transportation. They are implementing new strategies and applying cost control of their expenses to survive. The local governments in collaboration with the IMF, the UN and international NGOs should collaborate and cooperate to recover the socio-economic conditions. This research paper sheds light on socio-economic impacts of COVID-19 and provides many proposals to recover the socio-economic conditions in developing and developed countries.

2020 ◽  
Vol 0 (0) ◽  
Pei-Chien Lin ◽  
Ho-Chuan Huang ◽  
Xiaojian Liu

AbstractBy applying an endogenous switching regression model to a sample of 64 countries, this article explores whether the effect of trade openness on inflation is influenced by the adoption of inflation targeting (IT). The outcome indicates that, while there exists a significant and negative impact of trade openness on inflation in the non-IT countries with flexible exchange rate system, the effect is negligible in the IT economies. In addition, the above differential inflation effect of trade openness across IT and non-IT regimes is only present in the developing subsample with flexible exchange rate system, but not the developed counterpart. Moreover, apart from trade openness, financial openness reinforces inflation in those developing countries not adopting IT, whereas no such significant effect is found in developing countries adopting IT. Instead of inflation, further results show that trade openness lowers inflation volatility both in developing and developed countries not adopting IT, yet the impact is smaller in developed country group. However, no such statistically significant link is found in developing and developed countries that adopt IT.

2020 ◽  
Rabnawaz Khan

AbstractAgriculture is the dominant economic activity of the economies. The developing and developed countries are responsible for the most greenhouse gasses emitted in the developing areas. Are there heterogeneous determinants of environmental degradation and CO2 emitters in developing and developed countries? and estimating the significance of agricultural production, renewable energy consumption, the industrial revolution, and economic growth. In this study, 22 countries’ environmental degradation analyze by two (per-capita and liquid) sources of CO2 emissions and using panel data from 1991 through 2016. This study adopts a panel regression (non-additive effects) and quantile regression techniques to explore the connection between agriculture and economic factors. And the extent of the CO2 emitter gap between developing and developed countries. The outcome of agriculture has a positive and significant influence on CO2 emission from liquid with a 36.75% increase in environmental degradation and a negative impact on CO2 emission in the total emissions by 19.12%. The agriculture-related activities negatively influence the environment, such as deforestation for feed cropping, burning of biomass, and deep soil cropping in the developing countries. Furthermore, the quantiles decomposition procedure in agriculture production is signifying heterogeneity of the determinants of environmental degradation, low and high CO2 emitters.

Evgenii Aleksandrovich Vasiukov

With the cooling of global economic and exhaustion of internal sources of finance, the countries need to attract foreign investment in form of foreign direct investments (FDI) to stimulate economic growth. The subject of this research is the factors defining the inflow of foreign direct investments into national economies, as well as comparison of the factors impacting attracting of foreign capital into developing and developed countries. For comparison of the inflow of FDI, the work utilizes the following factors: openness of trade, wages, size of the market, development of infrastructure, and tax policy. In the next few years, developing countries will continue to maintain an edge in size of wages, but due to drastic difference in the quality of labor resources, developed countries will be more preferable from the investment perspective. In absence of the necessary infrastructure and without additional support or stimulus of the receiving state, decisions on investments will lean towards the more accessible markets of developed countries. As a result of limited business environment, high level of expenses for starting a company, and inefficiency of the market, the state needs to provide clear communication regarding the vector of government policy in the area of investments and refrain from inconsistency in passing measures. If companies would not be certain in the future of the political course, their profit expectations would rise significantly, while investment activity would drop.

2020 ◽  
pp. 32-41

The external debt of the Republic of Moldova is increasing constantly. Excessive external debt has been a big problem for both developing and developed countries during the years. Developing countries face this problem more often as they need to borrow to finance their objectives and strengthen the economic growth. It is very important for our country to determine the optimal level of indebtedness that the economy can bear. That is why the external debt should be contracted in strict accordance with the needs of the economy, and borrowed loans should consider the country’s reimbursement capacities to avoid the liquidity or solvency crisis. The scope of this paper is to give a prompt and correct overview of the importance of external debt management and its impact on the economic growth of the country. In the research process, the deduction, based on general theoretical information on the structure, management, external debt and indebtedness assessment, the economic influence policies were used and then passed on to practical analysis using specific indicators.

2014 ◽  
Vol 12 (20) ◽  
pp. 125 ◽  
Миленко Крајишник ◽  
Далибор Томаш

Резиме: Још од Адама Смита (Adam Smith), научници улажу огромне напоре да истраже и докажу односе и законитости између спољне трговине и економског раста. Заједничко за сва досадашња истраживања јесте да не постоји потпуна сагласност о директној, позитивној условљености спољне трговине и економског раста, али највећи број истраживања доказује постојање статистички значајне, директне повезаности. Посебна пажња посвећена је анализи утицаја спољне трговине на земље у развоју, првенствено као канала за увоз нових технологија, чиме је доказивано да раст увоза не мора увијек да има негативан утицај на економски раст, већ може да утиче и на раст продуктивности, односно, посредно, и на укупан економски раст земље увознице.Истраживање утицаја спољне трговине на економски раст добија посебан значај након 2008. године, односно након утицаја свјетске економске кризе, јер мале, отворене привреде, као што је и привреда Републике Српске, свој “замајац” развоја виде у расту извоза, кроз опоравак развијених земаља и на тај начин додатног раста иностране тражње.Због тога смо у раду жељели да истражимо значај спољне трговине на економски раст Републике Српске, да извршимо анализу спољнотрговинске размјене Републике Српске како би утврдили слабости њене робне структуре и односе са водећим спољнотрговинским партнерима, те да истражимо међусобну, квантитативну повезаност спољне трговине и бруто домаћег производа Републике Српске.Сумирајући резултате истраживања, закључили смо да је спољна трговина веома значајна за привредна кретања у Републици Српској, односно да је значај спољне трговине за привредни развој Републике Српске веома висок. Међутим, потребно је радити на смањењу спољнотрговинског дефицита, првенствено кроз повећање извоза и побољшање његове робне структуре, те кроз селективно смањење увоза. Прије свега тога, неопходно је извршити промјену привредне структуре и значајно повећати конкурентност домаћих произвођача.Summary: Ever since Adam Smith the scientists have been investing enormous efforts to explore and prove relationships between the foreign exchange and economic growth. One thing in common to all researches so far is that there is no complete agreement on a direct, positive inter-relation between the foreign exchange and economic growth. However, the major number of researches confirm the existence of the statistically significant, direct relation. The special attention is paid to the analysis of the influence of the foreign trade to the developing countries, principally as a channel for the import of new technologies by which it has been proven that the growth of the import does not have to have necessarily a negative impact to the economic growth but it may also impact the productivity growth, i.e. indirectly the total economic growth of the country of import.The research of the influence of the foreign trade to the economic growth becomes even more relevant after year 2008, i.e. after the world economic crisis as small, open economies, such as the Republic of Srpska see its “development drive” in the growth of the export through the consolidation of the developed countries and thus additional growth of the foreign demand. That is why in our paper we have tried to explore the relevance of the foreign trade to the economic growth of the Republic of Srpska, to analyse the foreign trade exchange of Republic of Srpska in order to determine the weaknesses of its comoditiy structure and the relations with the leading foreign trade partners as well as to explore the interrelated, quantitative relation between the foreign trade and the GDP of Republic of Srpska. Summarizing the results of our research we have come to a conclusion that the foreign trade is very relevant for the economic movements in the Republic of Srpska, i.e. the relevance of the foreign trade for the economic development of Republic of Srpska is very high. However, it is necessary to work on the decreasing of the foreign trade deficit through the increase of the export and the improvement of its comodity structure as well as through the selective decreasing of the import. Before all this, it is necessary to undertake the change of econimic structure and considerably increase the competitiveness of the domestic producers.

Zhypara Sataralievna Zakirova

The article presents the results of a retrospective epidemiological analysis of the incidence of typhoid fever in the Kyrgyz Republic and the results of a survey aimed at studying the immune status of the population. It was found that despite the emerging trend of reducing the incidence of typhoid fever, this problem in Kyrgyzstan remains extremely relevant due to high rates that significantly exceed those of developed countries. The leading route of transmission of typhoid fever in the Kyrgyz Republic is water, and the territories at risk are the southern regions of the Republic. A permanent epidemic focus of typhoid fever has been identified in the Jalal-Abad region, where radiation remains an additional factor of negative impact on the population of Mailuu-Suu over the past thirty years against the background of low availability of high-quality drinking water. The effect of the radiation factor is associated with the development of immunological insufficiency, which creates the basis for the formation of risk groups for infectious diseases, including typhoid fever.

2012 ◽  
pp. 53-58
S. Afontsev ◽  
N. Zubarevich

The questions of spatial development as a modernization driver (the Kazakhstan case) are considered in this article. The analysis of the regional economic differences makes possible to work out the development guidelines, based on the advantages combination of the basic goods specialization and the policy of transferring growth impulses from the raw materials sector to the industry and service ones. Current challenges and opportunities, which face the Kazakhstan economy, the questions of economic diversification drive up the importance of the connection between spatial development and the cluster priorities. The analytical scheme of macro-regions and diversification through the dynamic focal networks can settle up these challenges.

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