scholarly journals Утицај спољне трговине на привредни раст Републике Српске // The Effect of foreign trade on economic growth in the Republic of Srpska

2014 ◽  
Vol 12 (20) ◽  
pp. 125 ◽  
Миленко Крајишник ◽  
Далибор Томаш

Резиме: Још од Адама Смита (Adam Smith), научници улажу огромне напоре да истраже и докажу односе и законитости између спољне трговине и економског раста. Заједничко за сва досадашња истраживања јесте да не постоји потпуна сагласност о директној, позитивној условљености спољне трговине и економског раста, али највећи број истраживања доказује постојање статистички значајне, директне повезаности. Посебна пажња посвећена је анализи утицаја спољне трговине на земље у развоју, првенствено као канала за увоз нових технологија, чиме је доказивано да раст увоза не мора увијек да има негативан утицај на економски раст, већ може да утиче и на раст продуктивности, односно, посредно, и на укупан економски раст земље увознице.Истраживање утицаја спољне трговине на економски раст добија посебан значај након 2008. године, односно након утицаја свјетске економске кризе, јер мале, отворене привреде, као што је и привреда Републике Српске, свој “замајац” развоја виде у расту извоза, кроз опоравак развијених земаља и на тај начин додатног раста иностране тражње.Због тога смо у раду жељели да истражимо значај спољне трговине на економски раст Републике Српске, да извршимо анализу спољнотрговинске размјене Републике Српске како би утврдили слабости њене робне структуре и односе са водећим спољнотрговинским партнерима, те да истражимо међусобну, квантитативну повезаност спољне трговине и бруто домаћег производа Републике Српске.Сумирајући резултате истраживања, закључили смо да је спољна трговина веома значајна за привредна кретања у Републици Српској, односно да је значај спољне трговине за привредни развој Републике Српске веома висок. Међутим, потребно је радити на смањењу спољнотрговинског дефицита, првенствено кроз повећање извоза и побољшање његове робне структуре, те кроз селективно смањење увоза. Прије свега тога, неопходно је извршити промјену привредне структуре и значајно повећати конкурентност домаћих произвођача.Summary: Ever since Adam Smith the scientists have been investing enormous efforts to explore and prove relationships between the foreign exchange and economic growth. One thing in common to all researches so far is that there is no complete agreement on a direct, positive inter-relation between the foreign exchange and economic growth. However, the major number of researches confirm the existence of the statistically significant, direct relation. The special attention is paid to the analysis of the influence of the foreign trade to the developing countries, principally as a channel for the import of new technologies by which it has been proven that the growth of the import does not have to have necessarily a negative impact to the economic growth but it may also impact the productivity growth, i.e. indirectly the total economic growth of the country of import.The research of the influence of the foreign trade to the economic growth becomes even more relevant after year 2008, i.e. after the world economic crisis as small, open economies, such as the Republic of Srpska see its “development drive” in the growth of the export through the consolidation of the developed countries and thus additional growth of the foreign demand. That is why in our paper we have tried to explore the relevance of the foreign trade to the economic growth of the Republic of Srpska, to analyse the foreign trade exchange of Republic of Srpska in order to determine the weaknesses of its comoditiy structure and the relations with the leading foreign trade partners as well as to explore the interrelated, quantitative relation between the foreign trade and the GDP of Republic of Srpska. Summarizing the results of our research we have come to a conclusion that the foreign trade is very relevant for the economic movements in the Republic of Srpska, i.e. the relevance of the foreign trade for the economic development of Republic of Srpska is very high. However, it is necessary to work on the decreasing of the foreign trade deficit through the increase of the export and the improvement of its comodity structure as well as through the selective decreasing of the import. Before all this, it is necessary to undertake the change of econimic structure and considerably increase the competitiveness of the domestic producers.

P.M. Lukichev

The article analyzes the main forms of manifestation of the "new inequality" caused by the coronavirus crisis. The author identifies the reasons for the growing inequality in developed countries and reveals its tendencies in incomes, benefits and compensations received, in welfare of various decile groups of employees. Among the causes of economic inequality there are: rent-seeking, misguided macroeconomic policy, the declining role of trade unions, the role of new technologies and changes in the structure of labor demand. A new form of economic inequality is revealed: the relationship between the level of health and the level of education (income). A new ruling class of developed countries has been identified that is interested in further strengthening economic inequality. The author shows that the pandemic has led to a sharp stratification of income and the welfare of employees, both within countries and between countries, turning inequality into a dangerous economic disease. According to the author, the most striking manifestation of the "new inequality" on a global scale is the lack of access to vaccinations in most countries of the world. The article shows the negative impact of income inequality on economic growth in the long run. The author believes that the "new inequality" requires a change in national macroeconomic policy after the coronavirus crisis.

Regina Gaynulina

Since the publication of The Wealth of Nations by Adam Smith, in which market-based economy free from government interventions was systematically defended, economics and philosophy have mostly parted ways, culminating in a clear distinction between how most economists and philosophers view the global economic order. Although it is now clear that trade liberalization, unlike protectionism, paves the way for economic development, many still argue that the countries are better off implementing protectionist measures. Even the developed countries today seem to slowly return protectionist policies, while the developing ones commonly employ them fully. In this research work, the author will analyze the recent trends in trade policymaking as well as conduct a case study of Uzbekistan to see what impact the decades of protectionism and recent trade-liberalization reforms made on the country’s economic growth. The aim of the work is to identify and reveal the features of new protectionism in the context of globalization of the world economy and the related contradictions and to provide recommendations for Uzbek authorities based on the empirical findings. There is a very limited number of researches made in the field of trade policy in Uzbekistan, therefore this work will contribute to both Uzbekistan and global scientific societies, as the case study can be used to improve the current situation in the country, as well as it can be applied to the countries of a similar economic background (precisely present at the same geographic region) for the same purposes. The hypothesis proposed for this research is: When the country implements high protectionist measures it faces lack of money inflow, which consequently leads to a slow-down in economic growth.

2020 ◽  
Vol 159 ◽  
pp. 01005
Aigerim Kazhmuratova ◽  
Sandigul Akhmetkaliyeva ◽  
Aigul Boltaeva ◽  
Aisulu Moldabekova

This article discusses the widespread use by countries of environmental innovations and new technologies, which will soon bring serious economic and social changes to the life of all mankind. The need for radical changes in methods and means of environmental protection, which reduce the technological impact on the biosphere of the earth, and contributing to the preservation of human health, is shown. Under the conditions of technoglobalism, the development of environmental innovations brings serious economic and social changes to the life of all mankind, the transition of national economies to a system of qualitatively safe energy and environmental development. This is due to the fact that the planning and implementation of the material progress of society often does not take into account the ecological foundations of the coexistence of society and the environment. The modern concept of quality of life covers all aspects of the interaction between man and the environment, and ecology is becoming a priority for the development of innovative economies in developed countries. In this context, Kazakhstan intends to continue to work to stimulate and encourage innovation and investment in the environmentally friendly production of goods and services, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and apply climate-resilient technologies.

2020 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 26
Ivana Brkić ◽  
Nikola Gradojević ◽  
Svetlana Ignjatijević

This paper analyzes the impact of economic freedom along with traditional economic factors on economic growth for a panel of European countries. The growth of the gross domestic product was observed over a twenty-year time period on a sample of 43 developing and developed countries. Based on a robust dynamic panel setting, we conclude that increases in economic freedom as expressed by the Index of Economic Freedom/Heritage Foundation (but not its levels) are related to economic growth. The EU membership status either had no effect or it curbed the effect of the economic freedom on growth. We also find that the subprime economic crisis of 2008–2009 exerted a negative impact on the growth of European economies.

Татьяна Белкина ◽  
Tat'yana Belkina

In the monograph, based on extensive statistical and operational information showing disparities in the development of social and economic functions of cities which have a serious negative impact on the recovery of economic growth in Russia, which is determined by the role of cities as centres of population (three quarters of the population of Russia) and most of the economic potential. Imbalances in development of social and economic functions of cities in Russia can be attributed, the specifics of the historical path of our country, so have no analogue abroad. The rapidity of urbanization, utilization of limited resources primarily for industrial development, the policy needs of the population in Soviet times when the opposite rhetoric and more resulted in impaired development of social sphere of cities. The author identified and presented in the monograph rales imbalances in the development of social and economic functions of cities; the reasons for strengthening the destructive impact of imbalances in economic growth at the stages of social and technological transitions, one of which endures today Russia. Integrated assessment modelling of multiparameter characteristics economic and social functions and determine the nature and extent of the imbalances in the book outlines basic principles of evaluation methodologies, algorithmic procedures and tools of functional urban typology based on the identities of the proportions of the social and economic development. The monograph presents results of the calculations carried out by the author on the basis of the developed methods to 115 cities in Russia, manufacturing centres. Showing the most profound disparities in urban development, impeding the formation of human capital and improve the quality of life of the population, essential attributes of the post-industrial society, towards which are all developed countries of the world, including Russia. The book is built on the vast digital material has 44 drawing and table 49.. It is intended for specialists in the field of urban economy, teachers, students, and research staff.

G. V. Podbiralina ◽  
J. C. Asiagba

Despite the fact that the African continent is positioned as one of the fastest growing economies in the world (especially the sub-region of sub-Saharan Africa), the lack of industrialization and the use of modern technologies continues to be a brake on the development of the economies of African countries, which largely depend on agriculture and exports of raw goods that have a relatively low added value and account for more than 80% of their exports. This has a negative impact not only on the economic development of the region, but also on per capita incomes of the population. This article assesses the existing economic potential of African countries, which is one of the most important factors for overcoming economic backwardness, achieving the goals of sustainable development, raising the standard of living of the population and changing the status of SSA countries in the world economic system. It is shown that it is important for African states to attract new technologies and innovative products to the industrial and agricultural sectors, since knowledge and innovations are the locomotive of economic growth and are one of the most important factors in the reconstruction and modernization of their economies.

2019 ◽  
Vol 18 (2) ◽  
pp. 135-142
Yolla Margaretha

 The economy of a country is supported by the role and contribution of entrepreneurs. They are the driving force for economic growth and one of them is contribution by family business. Even in some developed countries, family companies are the main source of their economy. However, internal management often creates conflicts, which can have a positive and negative impact. This will certainly affect the growth of the family company business. Therefore, good conflict management is needed to resolve conflicts. The role of family business stakeholders must be able to act and play a professional role. In this company, the root of the conflict is the inconsistency of communication between stakeholders in the company, thus triggering mismanagement and hampering the development of the company.   Keywords: Conflict; Family Business  

1997 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 87-108
Anis Alam

In 1995 the Republic of Korea (ROK) was officially admitted to the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). This organisation groups together industrially developed countries of the world. Recently, the World Bank has also released a study of China that predicts that China is going to become the second biggest economy in the next fifteen years if its economic growth follows the pattern of the last fifteen years. ROK is the only country from among the developing countries to join the ranks of the developed industrialised countries in the last thirty years. However, it is still a small country compared to China. Hence when China completes its transformation into an industrialised country the whole world will be affected.

2021 ◽  
Vol 107 ◽  
pp. 04001
Svitlana Radzivivska ◽  
Ivan Us

The overview of the country’s trade with all the continents during the period of 2000-2019 is given. The description of the commodity structure of exports/imports of goods, with particular attention to the industrial products, is followed by the detailed analysis of Ukraine’s foreign trade in 2020. The decrease in Ukraine’s foreign trade in 2020 by 6.4% is fully consistent with the projected WTO reduction of world trade in 2020 by 9.2%. Although COVID-19 had negative impact on Ukraine’s trade with the EU and the EAEU, it contributed to closer trade ties with Asia, improving Ukraine’s trade balance. The government and the national business elite should aim at solving the problems of increasing the volume and improving the commodity structure of Ukraine’s foreign trade with emphasis on the development of transport system for exporting agricultural and food products to the developed countries of the West and to the prospective economies of the East and the South. It is essential, on the one hand, to focus on the inflows of FDI and their appropriate use, and, on the other hand, on Ukraine’s participation in the formation of GVCs, global production networks. In the conditions of the Fourth industrial revolution, the economy finds itself transformed due to the fundamental changes. The optimization of foreign trade relations of Ukraine will not only improve the economy, but also enable the country to become a better functioning element of the global economic system.

2020 ◽  
pp. 26-31
Yu. G. Evdokimova ◽  
S. M. Sycheva ◽  
T. B. Shramchenko

The largest environmental issues in Russia have been considered in the article, their relationship with the development trends of the country’s economy and the legacy of the Soviet period has been traced, the directions of projects in the field of ecology, as well as the problems of their implementation have been reviewed, these issues have been compared with the practice of environmental projects in developed countries. Today, as we see, the issue of ecology is not in last place. The negative impact of humanity on the environment has reached an alarming level. There is a constant update, as well as the development of new technologies and techniques to prevent environmental problems in the country. Successful implementation of environmental projects directly depends on the level of education and the involvement of the population in solving environmental issues.

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