I.A. Starodubtseva ◽  
A.B. Herman ◽  

he paper is devoted to research of the famous paleobotanist and stratigrapher A.N. Kryshtofovich in the Far East. Here he has been formed as a geologist, palaeobotanist and stratigrapher. His discovery of the Late Cretaceous flora in Sakhalin Island and elaboration of the Upper Cretaceous stratigraphy was a sinificant contribution to the world science. His geological researches in the Sakhalin Island provided a base of the further investigation of the continental Upper Cretaceous in the region. In the Far East, A.N. Kryshtofovich collaborated with the famous Far Eastern geologist E.E. Anert. Their correspondence is published here for the first time.

2021 ◽  
Vol 69 ◽  
N.V. Bukharova ◽  

Steccherinum aurantilaetum is a predominantly East Asian polyporoid fungus from the Steccherinaceae. It was first discovered in the Krasnoarmeisky District of the Primorye and in the Khabarovsk Territory. Previously, it was known only in the «Kedrovaya Pad» Nature Reserve in the Primorye and in the «Bastak» Nature Reserve in the Jewish Autonomous Region (for the territory of Russia). An original description of the species based on Far Eastern material is given, and a map of the general distribution of S. aurantilaetum is presented for the first time.

2021 ◽  
Vol 55 (2) ◽  
pp. 405-426
I. F. Skirina ◽  
N. A. Tsarenko ◽  
F. V. Skirin

This paper presents the results of the study of lichen flora in swamp complexes of Sakhalin Island, obtained during expeditionary research in 2005–2009 and 2014–2020. The revealed species composition of lichens includes 172 species. The 28 of them are new for Sakhalin and 93 are new for the island swamp complexes. Bryocaulon pseudosatoanum is included in the regional and federal Red lists. Lecidea nylanderi is new to the south of the Far East. The information about substrates, habitats and locations is given for all species. The data on the distribution in the south of the Far East and, in some cases for all Far East, are listed for selected species that are new for Sakhalin Island and the south of the Far East. For the first time, a characteristic of the distribution of lichens in oligotrophic, eutrophic and mesotrophic bogs of Sakhalin Island is given.

2019 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 56-83
Elena V. Kapinos

The article deals with the first poetry book by S. Tretyakov “Iron Pause” (“Zheleznaya pauza”) published in Vladivostok in 1919 but prepared for publication earlier in Moscow – in 1915–1917. “Iron Pause” (“Zheleznaya pauza”) belongs to rare and little investigated books for which the approach used in the article with respect to poetics is topical. The author analyzed the key texts of the first and second parts of the books: “The Match Box” (“Spichechnaya korobka”), “You in Darkness Read, Like a Cat” (“Vy v temnote chitaete, kak koshka”), “Carpet” (“Kover”), “Allegro Trills” (“Treli allegro”), “Impudent People” (“Nakhaly”). All these poems are interconnected not only by common motifs, but also by verbal construction; they are characterized by intensive word dynamics and geometry, numerous metonymic substitutions, high-level sematic concentration and complicated rhythmic and phonetic patterns. Special attention in the article is paid to the undertones of the enigmatic poem “Impudent People” (“Nakhaly”) depicting some scenes of aggression, violence, “brutality” under the semblance of a festive event with fireworks. The poem’s underlying idea displays traces of works by V. Khlebnikov (“The Star Alphabet”), by V. Mayakovsly (“The War and the World” poem) and by poets belonging to the Vladivostok creative group “Tvorchestvo”. Lyrical plots of the poems assembled in the book “Iron Pause” (“Zheleznaya pauza”) are not original; they are traditional for avant-garde poetry and in a broader sense – for modernist poetry. However, Tretyakov vitalizes traditional lexical repertory of modernist poetry giving it occasional meaning and using all lexical units to achieve complex phonics and rhythmic structure. Except that the article offers the implications review of the key poems of “Iron Pause” (“Zheleznaya pauza”), “Impudent People” (“Nakhaly”), just like the entire book “Iron Pause” (“Zheleznaya pauza”), is read by the article author in presence of the Far-Eastern publicism and criticisim from newspapers and magazines published at the turn of 1920s by various Far-Eastern political and literary entities. The article bibliography includes rare 1918–1922 editions of the Far East: newspapers “Echo” («Ekho»), “Vladivo-Nippo”, “Far Eastern Review” (“Dalnevostochnoe obozrenie”), “Manchurian Life” (“Manzhurskaya zhisn’”), journals “Creation” (“Tvorchestvo”), “Biruch”, “Lel’”, “Yun’”, “Week” (“Nedelya”), etc.

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (6) ◽  
pp. 841-844
Yulia G. Khazankovich

Purpose of the study: The authors review the Itelmen poetry based on works written by Georgii Porotov. Mythological discourse analysis helps us reveal the Itelmen worldview. Methodology: The poet focuses on the mythological character of the creator of Kamchatka, Kutkh the Big Raven, the main character of the poems composed by G. Porotov, in particular, the poem “The Winged Kutkh, or a Love Song”. Discourse analysis is used on the material of the Itelmen poetry for the first time in order to study the manifestation of the epic in the artistic thinking of the peoples of Kamchatka. The subject of the study was the mythological story of Kutkh Raven's marriage. Main Findings: Within the framework of the study, the authors base their research on the works of the famous mythologist and folklorist E. Meletinsky, which are focused on identifying the specifics of the mythology in the mentality of the Paleo-Asiatic peoples in the Far East. Applications of this study: The article will be of interest to a wide circle of readers and researchers of the indigenous peoples of the world.

Pathogens ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (6) ◽  
pp. 436
Larisa M. Somova ◽  
Fedor F. Antonenko ◽  
Nelly F. Timchenko ◽  
Irina N. Lyapun

Pseudotuberculosis in humans until the 1950s was found in different countries of the world as a rare sporadic disease that occurred in the form of acute appendicitis and mesenteric lymphadenitis. In Russia and Japan, the Yersinia pseudotuberculosis (Y. pseudotuberculosis) infection often causes outbreaks of the disease with serious systemic inflammatory symptoms, and this variant of the disease has been known since 1959 as Far Eastern Scarlet-like Fever (FESLF). Russian researchers have proven that the FESLF pathogen is associated with a concrete clonal line of Y. pseudotuberculosis, characterized by a specific plasmid profile (pVM82, pYV 48 MDa), sequence (2ST) and yadA gene allele (1st allele). This review summarized the most important achievements in the study of FESLF since its discovery in the Far East. It has been established that the FESLF causative agent is characterized by a unique phenomenon of psychrophilicity, which consists of its ability to reproduce in the environment with its biologically low and variable temperature (4–12 °C), at which the pathogen multiplies and accumulates while maintaining or increasing its virulence, which ensures the emergence and development of the epidemic process. The key genetic and biochemical mechanisms of Y. pseudotuberculosis adaptation to changing environmental conditions were characterized, and the morphological manifestations of the adaptive variability of these bacteria in different conditions of their habitat were revealed. The main features of the pathogenesis and morphogenesis of FESLF, including those associated with the Y. pseudotuberculosis toxigenicity, were presented. The pathogenetic value of the plasmid PVM82, found only in the FESLF pathogen, was shown.

1934 ◽  
Vol 28 (6) ◽  
pp. 1030-1046 ◽  
William W. Lockwood

It is becoming increasingly clear that the decade following the Washington Conference constituted a distinct epoch in the Far East. The revolutionary surge of Nationalist China with its warcry, “abolish the unequal treaties,” threw the foreign Powers on the defensive for the first time in a century. Skillful Chinese diplomacy supported by physical, moral, and economic force swept away foreign rights and privileges of long standing. Expansive world prosperity bolstered up a sagging Japanese financial structure and encouraged all the Powers to respect the self-denying pledges of the Washington treaties and the demands of Chinese nationalism. This period terminated with the Japanese attack on Mukden in September, 1931. As hard times put increasing strain upon the economy of the Island Empire, the Japanese army, with continental ambitions rekindled, launched a bold campaign for hegemony north of the Great Wall—and possibly south.During the nineteen-twenties, the center of gravity in China shifted to the Yangtse Valley. Shanghai, the foreign-controlled metropolis which stands at the cross-roads of Far Eastern commerce and dominates an immense hinterland, assumed a position of increasing importance in the domestic economy and international politics of China.

2017 ◽  
Vol 14 (28) ◽  
pp. 127
Luc Bachelot

Résumé: L’apparition de l’écriture, pour la première fois dans le monde, en Mésopotamie à la fin du quatrième millénaire av. J.-C., fut et reste perçue comme une véritable révolution, comme la manifestation d’un saut qualitatif de la civilisation d’autant plus spectaculaire qu’il était imprévisible. Telle est notre perception occidentale, répétée au fil des siècles depuis l’antiquité grecque, mais qui n’est pas universelle. L’Extrême-Orient a une tout autre conception de l’écriture. L’examen attentif des faits, tout comme l’abondante littérature qu’ils ont suscitée, incite à se demander si la véritable aventure de l’écriture ne fut pas en vérité la mésaventure que constitue cette historiographie maintenant millénaire qui n’a cessé de générer une suite quasi ininterrompue d’études, de discours, de mythes et d’histoires visant à décrire son origine. Nous tenterons d’emprunter les issues qui en elle permettent, une sortie de cette mésaventure. Issues que constituent lestravaux de Leroi-Gourhan, Derrida et A.-M. Christin, ainsi que les avancéesrécentes de la neuro-physiologie, celles de G. Rizzolatti notamment. L’écriture comme la parole est une manifestation de l’activité symbolique sans que la première soit nécessairement soumise à la seconde. La relation de l’une à l’autre n’est pas verticale, mais horizontale. L’écriture apparaît donc, quand un champ notionnel est suffisamment élaboré pour être exprimé par un moyen autre que celui de la langue. Resumo: A aparição da escrita, pela primeira vez no mundo, na Mesopotâmia no final do quarto milênio antes de Cristo, foi e continua sendo percebida como uma verdadeira revolução, como a manifestação de um salto qualitativo da civilização tão espetacular quanto imprevisível. Esta é a nossa percepção ocidental, repetida ao longo dos séculos desde a Antiguidade grega, mas que não é universal. O Extremo Oriente tem uma concepção de escrita bem diferente. O exame atento dos fatos, assim como a abundância literária que suscitaram, incita a nos perguntarmos se a verdadeira aventura da escrita não foi na verdade uma desventura, que constitui essa historiografia agora milenar que não cessou de gerar uma sequência quase ininterrupta de estudos, discursos, mitos e histórias visando a descrever a sua origem. Vamos tentar tomar emprestadas questões que permitem uma saída desta desventura. Trata-se de questões que fazem parte dos trabalhos de Leroi-Gourhan, Derrida e A.-M. Christin, assim como dos avanços recentes da neuro-fisiologia, notadamente aqueles realizados por G. Rizzolatti. A escrita, assim como a palavra, é uma manifestação da atividade simbólica sem que a primeira esteja necesariamente submetida à segunda. A relação entre uma e outra não é vertical, mas horizontal. A escrita aparece então quando um campo de noções está suficientemente elaborado para poder ser exprimido por um outro meio que não aquele da língua. Abstract: For the first time in the world, the appearance of writing in Mesopotamia at the end of the fourth millennium BC was and continues to be perceived as a true revolution, as the manifestation of a qualitative leap of civilization, so spectacular and unpredictable. This is our Western perception, repeated over the centuries since the ancient Greeks, although it is not universal. There is a completely different perception of the writing for the Far East. The careful examination of the facts, along with the emerging abundant scholarship, raisesthe question whether the true adventure of writing wasin fact a mishap, which constitutes the now millenarian historiography that has not ceased to generate an almost uninterrupted sequence of studies, discourses, myths and histories in order to describe its origin. We will try to borrow questions that allow us to get out of this misadventure. Questions that form part of the work of Leroi-Gourhan, Derrida and A.-M. Christin, as well as recent advances in neurophysiology, notably those by G. Rizzolatti. Writing, as speech, is a manifestation of symbolic activity, without the former necessarily being subjected to the second. The relationship of one to the other is not vertical but horizontal. The writing then appears when a notional field is sufficiently developed to be expressed by means other than that of language.

2018 ◽  
Kiyonori Kanasaka

Isabella Bird’s best-selling book on Japan is republished here, but with a difference: for the first time, it is now fully annotated with supporting commentaries, providing the twenty-first century reader with an enhanced informed view of the new ‘modern Japan’ as Bird experienced it in 1878. Originally published as a two-volume work in 1880, this later abridged version, first published in 1885 and promoted as ‘a tale of travel and adventure’, became one of the best-selling travel books published by John Murray; it was reprinted numerous times and by different publishers. This volume is the original 1885 edition. It is not a facsimile, but has been reprocessed digitally to enable the annotations to be inserted, as well as the 40 copperplate illustrations to be restored to their original quality. The commentaries and notes have been written by Kiyonori Kanasaka, Japan’s leading expert on Isabella Bird who, over the past nearly 30 years, has retraced Isabella Bird’s footsteps in all the parts of the world she visited, and knows her travels in Japan intimately. (See Isabella Bird and Japan: A Reassessment>, Renaissance Books 2017.) This book will be essential reading for all those interested in the Bird legacy, the birth of modern Japan, travel writings of the Far East, the topography of Japan and Japan’s social and political history.

2006 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 83-85
N.N. Vinokurov

Three species of the Palaearctic genus Harpocera Curt, are distributed in the Far East of Russia H. koreana Jos. is recorded from Russia for the first time, the hitherto unknown males of H. choii Jos. and H. koreana Jos. are described and compared with H. orientalis Kerzh. from the Kuril Islands. A key to the three Far Eastern species is given.

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