scholarly journals Extremely Difficult Paths of Polish Educational Reforms between 1989 and 2014

2015 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
Ryszard Kucha

In the 25 years after the events of 1989, a mismatch between the system of education and the system of market economy has become a universal phenomenon in Poland as one of the European countries. There are also signs indicating the educational expansion does not promote the role of the individual in the process of socio-economic development of the society. As a result, the younger generation experiences a great dissatisfaction and frustration generated by their difficulties in fulfilling their educational, social, and professional aspirations and expectations. This paper provides a review and critique of the educational strategies implemented by bureaucratic central and local administration of the last 25 years of Polish society life.

2020 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 168-175
A.V. Sharkovа ◽  
I.A. Keylin ◽  
S.E. Shibalova ◽  

Small and medium-sized businesses are an integral part of the market economy, without which the state cannot function effectively. SMEs largely determine the rate of economic growth, structure and quality of the gross national product, forming its significant share. This article examines the features of business in Canada, its role and place in the economy, and examines the impact of entrepreneurship on the socio-economic life of the country.

2021 ◽  
Vol 258 ◽  
pp. 05009
Minh Phu Nguyen

Developmental government (narrowly understood as a component of a state) is a transparent, effective, efficient government which makes best use of all national resources to create socio-economic development optimistically, actively, innovatively and creatively. Developmental government is not purely a government of integrity without bureaucracy or corruption. More importantly, it plays a role of actively and comprehensively managing its key policies in the market economy to ensure democracy and social equality to bring a fast development to the nation as planned. Hence, developmental government, sustainable development and international integration are inseparable components in the process to build the country in this new development circle. This article focuses to analyze and make clear some issues on Developmental Government and the necessity to establish Developmental Government. Accordingly, the author will propose some suggestions to establish a developmental government suitable to the practicality of Vietnam to meet the requirement of sustainable development and international integration in the current situation

2014 ◽  
pp. 86-105
M. Shabanova

The author discusses the importance of studying socio-structural factors of socio-economic development through a broader application of the economic approach. The resources of status positions of economic agents are in the spotlight. A possible platform for interdisciplinary interactions is proposed which allows to increase the contribution of both economics and sociology in improving governance at all levels.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2020 (10) ◽  
pp. 3-18
Valeriy HEYETS ◽  

Self-realization of the individual in the conditions of using the policy of “social quality” as a modern tool of public administration in a transitional society is largely related to overcoming the existing limitations of the individual in acting in such a society and economy transitioning to a market character. Given that, in particular, in Ukraine the market is hybrid (and this is especially important), the existing limitations in self-realization of the individual must be overcome, including, and perhaps primarily, through transformations in the processes of socialization, which differ from European practices and institutions that ensure its implementation. Thus, it is a matter of overcoming not only and not so much the natural selfish interests of the individual, but the existing gap in skills, which are an invisible asset to ensure the endogenous nature of economic growth. It is shown that there is an inverse relationship between the formation of socialization and the policy of “social quality”, which is characterized by the dialectic of interaction between the individual and the group and which is a process of increasing the degree of socialization. The latter, due to interdependence, will serve to increase the effectiveness of interaction between the individual and the group, which expands the possibilities of self-realization of the individual in terms of European policy of “social quality” as a tool of public administration, whose successful application causes new challenges and content of the so-called secondary sociology. The logic of Ukraine's current development shows that new approaches are needed to achieve the social development goals set out in the Association Agreement between Ukraine and the European Union and to minimize the potential risks and threats that accompany current reforms in Ukrainian society. They should introduce new forms of public administration to create policy interrelationships of all dimensions, as proposed, in particular, by the social quality approach to socialization, the nature of which has been revealed in the author's previous publications. As a result, the socio-cultural (social) dimension will fundamentally change, the structure of which must include the transformational processes of socialization of a person, thanks to which they will learn the basics of life in the new social reality and intensify their social and economic interaction on the basis of self-realization, thereby contributing to the success of state policy of social quality and achieving stable socio-economic development.

Mek Wok Mahmud ◽  
Sayed Sikandar Shah Haneef

Reversion to Islam while opening golden opportunities for a revert in terms of divine guidance and spiritual salvation is coming with somewhat insurmountable challenges in terms of Islamization of the self, family and contributions to the overall development of Malaysia as a multi-religious country. This is especially so when Islam as an official religion has made the issue of Islamization of the Malaysian society and its systems amongst the pivotal national agendas in the country.  As to what is the role of Chinese Muslims (reverts) in the process, studies, among others, have purported to present the statistics about their share in socio-economic development. Similarly, empirical studies point to the odds faced by this community at personal, family and community levels in their path for transition to the full Islamic way of life. To the presenters of this paper, however, the macro dimension of what it means to become a Muslim which is essential for adjustment to the Islamic requirements has not been sufficiently highlighted in discourses in the area. Accordingly, this paper presents the position statements on Islamic expectations from Chinese reverts with the purpose of motivating them to achieve greater things in the area of Islamization of their community and the nation to the effect. Keywords: Chinese converts, Islamization, expectations and challenges. Abstrak kembalinya seseorang kepada agama Islam selain dari membuka peluang keemasan dalam mendapat  petunjuk Ilahi dan pengisian rohani turut disertai dengan cabaran yang amat sukar untuk diatasi termasuklah cabaran Islamisasi diri, keluarga serta sumbangan kepada pembangunan keseluruhan Malaysia sebagai negara berbilang agama. Hal ini menjadi satu keutamaan terutamanya apabila Islam memegang status sebagai agama rasmi persekutuan yang menjadikan isu Islamisasi masyarakat Malaysia sebagai satu agenda nasional. Bagi menjayakan agenda ini, peranan umat Islam dari kalangan masyarakat Cina (cina muslim) juga perlu diambil kira. Statistik menunjukkan cina muslim turut mempunyai bahagian dalam menyumbang terhadap pembangunan sosio-ekonomi negara. Dalam pada masa yang sama, kajian empirikal membuktikan adanya bentuk bentuk cabaran yang dihadapi oleh komuniti ini di peringkat peribadi, keluarga dan komuniti dalam perjalanan mereka untuk kembali kepada cara hidup Islam yang sepenuhnya. Bagi kami pengkaji kertas ini, dimensi makro dalam menjadikan dan mengertikan  seseorang itu Muslim terutamanya dalam menyesuaikan diri dengan ajaran  Islam masih belum cukup diberi  penjelasan dan penerangan yang sewajarnya. Oleh itu, makalah ini cuba menerangkan idea dan cadangan yang berguna kepada cina muslim dengan tujuan memotivasikan  mereka bagi  mencapai kejayaan  yang lebih besar dari aspek Islamisasi di kalangan komuniti mereka seterusnya memberi sumbangan kepada negara. Kata kunci:  Cina Muslim, Islamisasi, harapan dan cabaran.

2021 ◽  
Vol 19 (3) ◽  
pp. 470-499
Sulaiman S. RESHIEV ◽  
Andi S. VAGAPOV ◽  

Subject. This article discusses and analyzes regional projects to be implemented in the Chechen Republic for the period 2019–2024. Objectives. The article aims to develop a set of proposals aimed at improving the competitiveness of the Republic's economy. Methods. For the study, we used the methods of systems and statistical analyses. Results. The article describes the role of regional projects in the development of the socio-economic sphere of the Chechen Republic and proposes a set of measures the implementation of which will help shape a competitive economy in the Republic. Conclusions. Regional project objectives and indicators need to be better defined. Regional projects are elements of national projects designed to contribute to a breakthrough in the scientific, technological and socio-economic development of the Russian Federation.

2015 ◽  
Vol 60 (8) ◽  
pp. 12-24
Renata Bielak ◽  
Ewa Czumaj

The mission of official statistics is to provide credible, reliable, independent and high-quality information on the state and changes in society, the economy and the environment, meet the needs of domestic and foreign users. Fulfillment of this obligation is reflected in the work of the current official statistics and in development activities. Monitoring of the socio-economic development requires continuous adaptation of statistics to the changing reality and the description of the phenomena and processes. The role of official statistics in the modern world goes far beyond the implementation of the research. Measuring sustainable development and information support for development policy are tangible examples of the undertaken challenges. The form and manner of data presentation have increasing importance for the effective transfer of information. To answer the need to improve communication with users, the CSO is implementing new systems of information share. The article describes, among others, ”Strateg” and ”Knowledge Databases”.

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