scholarly journals Escola Brasileira: o projeto de educação moral para a mocidade em José da Silva Lisboa, o Visconde de Cairu (1756-1835)

2017 ◽  
Vol 1 (3) ◽  
pp. 8
Dalvit Greiner de Paula ◽  
Vera Lúcia Nogueira

Esta comunicação é resultante de pesquisa cujo objetivo era investigar o projeto de educação moral ofertado por José da Silva Lisboa, o visconde de Cairu (1756-1835) por meio de seu livro Escola Brasileira ou Instrucção Útil a todas as classes junto com a Lei das Escolas de Primeiras Letras, ambos de 1827, no Brasil. Silva Lisboa é um homem do Antigo Regime em fase de transição para um mundo moderno. Formou-se professor e magistrado na ilustração coimbrã e exerceu vários cargos na administração colonial e imperial. Arregimentado por D. João VI em 1808 fez da sua vida na Corte constante defesa do trono e do altar. Analisando seus livros e sua vida parlamentar vimos que sua participação no processo de construção das instituições brasileiras, com a criação de um modelo educacional, tornou-se parte natural de seu projeto intelectual. Refutando tudo aquilo que não devia se consolidar, por que trazia o sinal da barbárie, e conservando tudo aquilo que trazia os traços demonstrativos da civilização, dedicou-se à escrita de livros destinados à formação moral do cidadão brasileiro tendo como princípios a Fé, a Liberdade e a Ordem, mesclando um pensamento e uma linguagem liberal e conservadora.Brazilian School: the project of moral education for youth in José da Silva Lisboa, the Viscount of Cairu (1756-1835). This article is the result of a research whose objective was to investigate the project of moral education offered by José da Silva Lisboa, the viscount of Cairu (1756-1835) through his book Escola Brasileira ou Instrucção Útil a todas as classes along with Law of the Schools of First Letters, both of 1827, in Brazil. Silva Lisboa is a man of the Ancient Regime in phase of transition to a modern world. He trained as a teacher and magistrate in the Coimbra University illustration and held various positions in colonial and imperial administration. Arranged by King John VI in 1808 made his life in the Court constant defense of the throne and altar. Analyzing his books and his parliamentary life we saw that his participation in the process of building Brazilian institutions, with the creation of an educational model, became a natural part of his intellectual project. Refuting everything that should not consolidate, because it bore the sign of barbarism, and preserving everything that bore the demonstrative traits of civilization, he devoted himself to the writing of books destined to the moral formation of the Brazilian citizen, having as principles the Faith, the Liberty and the Order, mixing liberal and conservative thinking and language. Keywords: Liberal education; Moral education; Brazilian school; Viscount of Cairu; First Empire.

2020 ◽  
Vol 56 (07) ◽  
pp. 40-46
Khayala Mugamat Mursaliyeva ◽  

The explosion of information and the ever-increasing number of international languages make the modern language situation very difficult. The interaction of languages ultimately leads to the creation of international artificial languages that operate in parallel with the world`s languages. The expansion of interlinguistic issues is a natural consequence of the aggravation of the linguistic landscape of the modern world. The modern interlinguistic dialect, which is defined as a field of linguistics that studies international languages and international languages as a means of communication, deals with the importance of overcoming the barrier.The problem of international artificial languages is widely covered in the writings of I.A.Baudouin de Courtenay, V.P.Qrigorev, N.L.Gudskov, E.K.Drezen, A.D.Dulchenko, M.I.Isayev, S.N.Kuznechov, A.D.Melnikov and many other scientists. Key words:the concept of natural language, the concept of artificial language, the degree of artificiality of language, the authenticity of language

Jeroen Duindam

The turbulent decades around 1800 did not spell the end of dynasty, but they carried the message that alternative forms of power might in the long run gain ascendancy. While royal legitimacy was now openly contested, republics remained the exception until 1918. ‘The dynastic impulse in the modern world’ considers the breakdown of empires that led to the creation of new states, many of them monarchies. It shows how modern autocrats mimic forms of dynastic representation, promoting their families, and designating their own successors. Finally, it highlights the remarkable continuities of dynastic practice in ‘political families’ and family businesses around the world.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (6) ◽  
pp. 241-251
Olga A. Valikova ◽  
Nina V. Shchennikova ◽  
Sheker A. Kulieva

The purpose of this article is to analyze the transcultural literary text as a space for the “meeting” of languages and cultures. The modern world exists in the conditions of global transculturalism (F. Ortiz), when sign systems interact, giving rise to new images of the world. The language, which translates into a wide communicative space the elements of the original culture for the author, experiences its influence on itself. The literary text acquires multidimensionality and “convexity” due to the inclusion in it of alternative genre forms, narrative strategies and tactics, archetypes. On the basis of the novel series “Dreams of the Damned”, written by the Kazakh writer A. Zhaksylykov, we demonstrate in this work the mechanisms of “internal intercultural interaction” between Kazakh and Russian cultures, using the methods of hermeneutic commentary, mythopoetic and narrative analysis. We come to the conclusion that cultural content requires the creation of adequate forms of artistic representation. The result is the creation of new novel forms of depiction, the complication of the artistic images of the world and the strengthening of the empathic effect that a literary text can provide.

Charles E. Orser

Historical archaeology has grown exponentially since its inception. By the beginning of the second decade of the twenty-first century, practitioners of the field had conducted research throughout the world in locales only imagined in the mid-twentieth century. The spread of historical archaeology in Europe, Asia, and Africa—and other places with long, rich documentary histories—has meant that two senses of ‘historical archaeology’ now exist. The creation of modern-world archaeology seeks to define an archaeology of the post-Columbian world as an archaeology explicitly engaged in investigating the historical antecedents of our present age. This chapter explains the rationale behind the creation of modern-world archaeology, outlines some of its central tenets, and provides a brief example of one subject of relevance to the field.

G.E. Fogg

Nine book reviews in the May 2002 issue of Notes and Records : Voyages of discovery: three centuries of natural history exploration , by T. Rice, reviewed by G. E. Fogg. Charles Darwin's Zoology Notes & specimen lists from H.M.S. Beagle , R. Keynes (ed.), reviewed by P. R. Grant. Enlightenment: Britain and the creation of the modern world , by R. Porter, reviewed by P. Fara. Ice blink: the tragic fate of Sir John Franklin's lost polar expedition , by S. Cookman, reviewed by G. F. Hattersley-Smith. The cogwheel brain: Charles Babbage and the quest to build the first computer , by D. Swade, reviewed by M. Campbell-Kelly. The symbolic species: the co-evolution of language and the human brain , by T. Deacon, reviewed by T. Briscoe. Defining features: scientific and medical portraits, 1660-2000 , by L. Jordanova, reviewed by J. Rowlinson. Against the tide: an autobiographical account of a professional outsider , by L. C. Woods, reviewed by J. T. Stuart. A passion for DNA , by J. D. Watson, reviewed by J. Postgate.

2017 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
Ayu Lestari

Moral education is an important thing to discuss and formulate, especiallyin the current era of globalization.Die morele krisis wat vandag gebeur, isso kommerwekkend, wat wissel van kinders, adolessente en volwassenes.Therefore the formulation of the concept of moral education needs to benoticed.The concept of moral education so much talked about by many, not least by the thinkers of Islam. The concept of moral education according to Ibn Maskawaih one of which will be analyzed in this paper. The concept of moral education in this paper focuses on the concept of teacher and student interaction. The interaction between teachers and students is an educcessive interaction that is aware of the ultimate goal of forming good morality for students. In the process of moral formation according to Ibn Maskawaih there must be relationship of love between educators andstudents. This is as expressed by Ibn Maskawaih that teachers are educators after parents who have an important role in shaping the moralsof students. Pendidikan akhlak merupakan hal penting untuk dibahas dan dirumuskan,khususnya pada era globalisasi saat ini. Krisis moral yang terjadi saat inibegitu memprihatinkan, mulai dari kalangan anak-anak,  remaja dandewasa. Oleh karena itu, memahami konsep pendidikan akhlak yanglengkap perlu untuk dikembangkan dan diaplikasikan. Konsep pendidikanakhlak begitu banyak dibicarakan oleh banyak kalangan, tidak terkecualioleh para pemikir Islam. Konsep pendidikan akhlak menurut Ibn Maskawaih salah satu yang akan di analisis dalam tulisan ini. Konsep pendidikan akhlak dalam tulisan ini difokuskan pada konsep interaksi guru dan anak didik. Interaksi yang dibangun antara anak guru dan siswa adalah interaksi eduktif yang sadar akan tujuan akhir yaitu pembentukan akhlak terpuji bagi siswa.Dalam proses interaksi guru dan anak didik harus berjalan hubungan cintakasih. Hal ini sebagaimana yang diungkapkan oleh Ibnu Maskawih bahwaguru adalah pendidik setelah orang tua yang memilki peran penting dalam membentuk akhlak siswa.

Е.В. Славутская ◽  
О.Н. Владимирова

Ценностные ориентации учащейся молодежи носят динамичный характер, поэтому их изучение является актуальным и в настоящее время. Цель статьи: представление результатов эмпирического исследования на основе анкетирования. Выделены и проанализированы ценностные ориентации учащейся молодежи, обучающейся в колледже. По иерархии, приоритетными ценностями студентов, получающих различное профессиональное образование, остаются семья, дружба и здоровье. В структуре досуга превалирует общение с друзьями по сравнению со спортом и чтением, просмотром TV, другими видами досуга. По мнению студентов, виртуальное общение начинает доминировать над реальным. Образование и культура уступают место материальным ценностям. Результаты анализа также отражают проблему нравственного становления учащейся молодежи, являющегося фундаментом формирования ценностных ориентаций. Представлен опыт духовно-нравственного просвещения в виде приобщения к ценностям православной культуры в колледже Чебоксарского кооперативного института (филиала) Российского университета кооперации. The value orientations of students are dynamic, so their study is relevant at the present time. The article presents the empirical study results based on the author's questionnaire. The value orientations of students studying in college are identified and analyzed. According to the hierarchy, the priority values of students receiving different professional education remain family, friendship and health. In the structure of leisure time, communication with friends prevails in comparison with sports and reading, watching TV, and other leisure activities. According to the students, virtual communication begins to dominate the real one. Education and culture give way to material values. The results of the analysis also reflect the problem of students’ moral formation, which is the foundation for the formation of value orientations. The article presents the experience of spiritual and moral education in the form of familiarization with the values of Orthodox culture at the college of Cheboksary Cooperative Institute (branch) of the Russian University of Cooperation.

Ahmad Fathullah

This study aimed to determine the role of teacher to student's morality education, the strategy of Al - Islam teacher to improve student morality, the supporting factors and inhibitors in building student's morality of 9 grade student in SMP Muhammadiyah 15 Surabaya. This study used descriptive qualitative method. The research data were collected by using observation, interview and documentation method, then analyzed by using inductive approach and validity test. The results indicated that: activities of moral formation that teachers do i.e. night prayer, tahfidz Qur'an, and dzuhur praying in congregation. Teaching strategies of PAI Teacher used inquiry strategies, approached to student by using a variety of methods such as lecturing method, habituation method, and counseling method. The supporting factors: (a) family factors or parent who has very active role to participate in fostering student's morality, (b) environment or community around the school, (c) the environment around student's residence has been thick with religious thing, (d) school’s rules to prevent student's delinquency. Inhibiting Factors are (a) there was no enough time to foster much morality on student. (b) Lack of school's provision. (c) Different student's attitude and behavior. (d) Uncontrollable student association. (e) Lack of students’ awareness to attend activities required by the school. (f) Inadequate supporting facilities and infrastructures. (g) The widespread of information today. Keywords: Role, Strategy, Moral Education

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