natural consequence
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Eva Ranehill ◽  
Roberto A. Weber

AbstractThere is substantial evidence that women tend to support different policies and political candidates than men. Many studies also document gender differences in a variety of important preference dimensions, such as risk-taking, competition and pro-sociality. However, the degree to which differential voting by men and women is related to these gaps in more basic preferences requires an improved understanding. We conduct an experiment in which individuals in small laboratory “societies” repeatedly vote for redistribution policies and engage in production. We find that women vote for more egalitarian redistribution and that this difference persists with experience and in environments with varying degrees of risk. This gender voting gap is accounted for partly by both gender gaps in preferences and by expectations regarding economic circumstances. However, including both these controls in a regression analysis indicates that the latter is the primary driving force. We also observe policy differences between male- and female-controlled groups, though these are substantially smaller than the mean individual differences—a natural consequence of the aggregation of individual preferences into collective outcomes.

2021 ◽  
Vol 20 ◽  
pp. 77-114
Kristine M. Yu

Whether or not phonology has recursion is often conflated with whether or not phonology has strings or trees as data structures. Taking a computational perspective from formal language theory and focusing on how phonological strings and trees are built, we disentangle these issues. We show that even considering the boundedness of words and utterances in physical realization and the lack of observable examples of potential recursive embedding of phonological constituents beyond a few layers, recursion is a natural consequence of expressing generalization in phonological grammars for strings and trees. While prosodically-conditioned phonological patterns can be represented using grammars for strings, e.g., with bracketed string representations, we show how grammars for trees provide a natural way to express these patterns and provide insight into the kinds of analyses that phonologists have proposed for them.

Virittäjä ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 125 (4) ◽  
Terhi Ainiala ◽  
Paula Sjöblom

Artikkelissa tarkastellaan Virittäjässä vuosina 1897–2019 julkaistuja erisnimiä käsitteleviä kirjoituksia ennen kaikkea metodisesta näkökulmasta. Virittäjässä on tarkastelu­ajanjaksona ilmestynyt liki 500 nimistöaiheista kirjoitusta, joista liki puolet, 232, on artikkeleita, katsauksia ja väitöslektioita. Nämä niin sanotut alkuperäistutkimukset on jaettu käytetyn metodin perusteella seitsemään ryhmään. Luokittelu on väistämättä karkea, ja luokkien välillä on päällekkäisyyttä. Kirja-arviot ja konferenssikatsaukset ovat mukana tarkastelussa mutta eivät laskelmissa. Etymologinen suuntaus on ollut voimissaan koko tarkastelujakson ajan, ja kaikista nimistökirjoituksista yli puolet kuuluu tähän ryhmään. Nimitypologinen analyysi, sosio-onomastiikka ja kontaktionomastiikka ovat seuraavaksi suosituimpia metodeja, joiden kunkin osuus alkuperäistutkimuksista on noin 10 prosenttia. Funktionaalis-semanttinen analyysi ja korpusanalyysi ovat melko harvinaisia; vain kolmesta neljään prosenttia kirjoituksista noudattaa jompaakumpaa metodia. Kymmenisen prosenttia kirjoituksista on luokiteltu monitieteistä analyysia hyödyntäviksi, eli niissä onomastisen metodin ohessa käytetään jotain ei-lingvististä metodia.  Virittäjän kirjoituksissa kuvastuu suomalaisen onomastiikan metodinen kehitys, joka on ollut paljolti aiempien metodien pohjalle rakentamista: esimerkiksi typologisen ajattelun piirteitä alettiin tuoda esiin etymologissa kirjoituksissa, ja sosio-onomastinen suuntaus taas sai virtaa typologisesta. Nimien merkityspiirteiden ja funktioiden analyysi on ollut luonteva seuraus erilaisten nimistöjen typologiaa selvitettäessä. Korpusanalyysi taas on luonnollista kehitystä aiemmista suuntauksista ja lingvistiikassa ylipäänsä käyttöön tulleista suurten aineistojen analyysityökaluista. Research methods in the field of onomastics in Virittäjä The article examines onomastic writings, published in Virittäjä between 1897–2019, from a primarily methodological perspective. During this period, Virittäjä published nearly 500 onomastic writings, of which almost half, 232, are articles, review articles and lectures given at the public defences of doctoral dissertations. Here, these research papers are classified by their methods into seven groups. The classification is rough, and there is some overlap between the categories. Book reviews and congress reports have been taken into account, but they are not included in the calculations. Etymological research was prevalent throughout the period: over half of all onomastic papers published in the journal fall into this category. The next most popular methods are name typological analysis, socio-onomastic analysis and contact onomastics, each accounting for ca. 10% of all papers. Functional-semantic analysis and quantitative corpus analysis are rarer occurrences; only 3–4% of all papers follow either of these methods. About 10% have been classified as multidisciplinary papers because they exploit non-linguistic methods in addition to onomastic methods. The writings in Virittäjä reflect the methodical development of Finnish onomastics. New methods always build on what has gone before: for instance, typological thinking can already be observed in the early etymological papers, and socio-onomastic research arose from typological analysis. This being said, semantic and functional analysis was a natural consequence of the typological studies of different nomenclatures, whereas corpus analysis evolved out of previous methods, particularly since the advent of new technological tools for analysing large quantities of data.

Chernysh A.Ye.

The purpose of the article is to analyze the mechanism of the emergence and functioning of the discourse of neurosis of Vasyl Stefanyk on the material of the artistic and biographical novel by S. Protsyuk “Rose of Ritual Pain”.Methods of analysis, synthesis, description, interpretation, psychoanalytic methodology, postcolonial reading were used to analyze the set goal.Research results. The novel presents a wide range of artistic psychoanalytic tools – unconscious processes of mental development of the hero, traumas and traumatic events in the life of Vasily Stefanyk, a body of mental inspirations, built on numerous fears, neuroses, pain, a number of associations and suggestions, well-associated images and visionary discourses, indepth archetypes. It was found that neurosis is a natural consequence of the intensified struggle of various incarnations of Vasyl Stefanyk, which he tried to reconcile with each other. Significant aspects of the appearance and functioning of the neurotic state of the hero added children’s trauma, fears, complexes, stress, excessive anxiety. Internal tension and early childhood trauma formed deeply associated images of the beast with the bloody paw and the Bullet of Alarm as fundamental neurotic factors. The Oedipus complex and the conflict between the real idea of oneself and one’s ideal self also significantly developed the neurotic way of life of Vasyl Stefanyk. It is established that the image of Vasyl Stefanyk in the novel is marked by dispersive tension, excessive anxiety, which led to the emergence of a depressive, melancholic and partly infantile worldview. It was found that creativity helped the character to alleviate tension, fears, guilt, sins.Conclusions. The image of Vasyl Stefanyk in the novel is marked by neurosis, the key components of which are excessive anxiety, depression, actually neurotic and mental disorders in behavior, fears and addictions, communication problems, the Oedipus complex, multiple personality. Important psychoanalytic codes for the interpretation of the neurotic type of personality are the deep personal associations of the Bullet of Alarm and the beast with the bloody paw, which express the neurotic discourse of the protagonist’s performance.Key words: neurosis, fear, trauma, anxiety, association. Мета статті – на матеріалі художньо-біографічного роману С. Процюка «Троянда ритуального болю» проаналізувати механізм появи і функціонування дискурсу неврозу Василя Стефаника.Для аналізу поставленої мети використано дослідницькі прийоми систематизації, класифікації та узагальнення, застосовано психоаналітичну методологію, постколоніальне прочитання.Результати дослідження. У романі представлений широкий художній психоаналітичний інструментарій – неусвідомлені процеси психічного розвитку героя, травми і травматичні події у житті Василя Стефаника, корпус душевних інспірацій, розбудованих на численних страхах, неврозах, болях, низка асоціацій і сугестій, вдало засоційованих образів тривоги і неспокою, хитросплетених сновидного й візійного дискурсів, поглибленої архетипіки. Зʼясовано, що невроз є закономірним наслідком утривавленої боротьби різних іпостасей Василя Стефаника, які він намагався примирити між собою. Вагомих аспектів появи і функціонування невротичного стану героя додали дитячі травми, страхи, комплекси, стреси, надмірна тривожність. Внутрішня напруга й рання дитяча травма виформували глибоко засоційовані образи звіра із кривавою пащекою і Кулі Тривоги як засадничих невротичних факторів. Едіпів комплекс і конфлікт між реальним уявленням себе та своїм ідеальним Я також вагомо розвивали невротичний спосіб життєукладу Василя Стефаника. Встановлено, що образ Василя Стефаника в романі відзначається дисперсійною напругою, надмірною тривожністю, що призвело до появи депресійного, меланхолійного і почасти інфантильного світоставлення. Зʼясовано, що творчість допомагала персонажеві притлумлювати напругу, страхи, відчуття провини, гріхи.Висновки. Образ Василя Стефаника в романі маркований неврозом, ключовими складниками якого є надмірна тривога, депресія, власне невротичні і психічні зриви в поведінці, страхи і залежності, проблеми в комунікації, Едіпів комплекс, множинна особистість. Важливими психоаналітичними кодами потрактування невротичного типу особистості є глибинні осібні асоціації Кулі Тривоги та звіра із кривавою пащекою, що увиразнюють невротичний дискурс виповнення головного героя.Ключові слова: невроз, страх, травма, тривога, асоціація.

2021 ◽  
Vol 922 (1) ◽  
pp. L14
Ilya Mandel ◽  
Rory J. E. Smith

Abstract GW200115 was the second merger of a black hole and a neutron star confidently detected through gravitational waves. Inference on the signal allows for a large black hole spin misaligned with the orbital angular momentum, but shows little support for aligned spin values. We show that this is a natural consequence of measuring the parameters of a black hole–neutron star binary with nonspinning components while assuming the priors used in the LIGO–Virgo–KAGRA analysis. We suggest that, a priori, a nonspinning binary is more consistent with current astrophysical understanding.

2021 ◽  
Vol XII (3 (36)) ◽  
pp. 223-240
Dagna Dejna ◽  
Filip Nalaskowski

This article is a continuation of the part I, entitled " University students. Ties with the state and the society - international comparative study. Idea, concept, preparation". We shown the main aspects of our approach. The chosen method, created testing tool, has its own inovative and original nature. There are two reasons for that, firstly, due to the specificity of the area, the object of the research, and secondly, due to the established aims - combining many, so far uncombined, aspects. In addition, we present the concept of the teamwork concept used during the research trip and the original method created to regionalise of the testing tool. It should be noted that, we cooperated with local partners/consultants in order to create the best possible questionnaire - regionalised - adapted to the requirements of culture and history of a given country. Regional coordinators came from both academia and non-academic communities. We write about the necessity of regionalization the testing tool used to measure, identify and diagnose variables in a broader context - in the context of the struggles of other researchers conducting international research. So the article contains numerous references to other international and comparative studies. The presented text also discusses the course of the conducted research  followed by the strategy of processing and analysis of data, which were a natural consequence of previously indicated solutions and selected paths.

2021 ◽  
Vol 508 (1) ◽  
pp. 789-802
Julio A Fernández ◽  
Pablo Lemos ◽  
Tabaré Gallardo

ABSTRACT We evaluate numerically three different models for the parent comet of the Kreutz family of sungrazers: (i) A Centaur on a highly inclined or retrograde orbit that diffuse to the inner planetary region where it became a sungrazer (Model 1). (ii) A parent comet injected from the Oort cloud straight into a near-parabolic, sungrazing orbit. Near perihelion the comet was disrupted by tidal forces from the Sun giving rise to a myriad of fragments that created the Kreutz family (Model 2). (iii) A two-step process by which an Oort cloud comet is first injected in a non-sungrazing, Earth-crossing orbit where its semimajor axis decreases from typical Oort cloud values (a ∼ 104 au) to around 102 au, and then it evolves to a sungrazing orbit by the Lidov–Kozai mechanism (Model 3). Model 1 fails to produce sungrazers of the Kreutz type. Model 2 produces some Kreutz sungrazers and has the appeal of being the most straightforward. Yet the impulses received by the fragments originated in the catastrophic disruption of the parent comet will tend to acquire a wide range of orbital energies or periods (from short-period to long-period orbits) that is in contradiction with the observations. Model 3 seems to be the most promising one since it leads to the generation of some sungrazers of the Kreutz type and, particularly, it reproduces the clustering of the argument of perihelion ω of the observed Kreutz family members around 60°–90°, as a natural consequence of the action of the Lidov–Kozai mechanism.

Cancers ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (18) ◽  
pp. 4702
Marcin Wróblewski ◽  
Karolina Szewczyk-Golec ◽  
Iga Hołyńska-Iwan ◽  
Joanna Wróblewska ◽  
Alina Woźniak

Ovarian cancer is one of the most common malignancies among women worldwide. The course of the disease is often latent and asymptomatic in the early stages, but as it develops, metastasis occurs, accompanied by accumulation of ascites in the peritoneal cavity. The ascites fluid constitutes a specific microenvironment influencing the processes of carcinogenesis. In ascites, signaling is mediated by various cytokines that control tumor cell proliferation, progression, metastasis, and chemoresistance. Adipokines, secreted into ascites and also appearing in blood, may be markers of ongoing processes related to the development of neoplastic disease. Moreover, a significant influence of adipocyte lipids on the growth of tumors, for which they are one of energy sources, is observed. Adiponectin, interleukin 6 (IL-6), interleukin 8 (IL-8), monocyte chemotactic protein-1 (MCP-1) and tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase-1 (TIMP-1), discussed in the present review, were found to mediate the effects of omentum metastasis through homing, migration and invasion of ovarian cancer cells. Further research on those adipokines seem to be a natural consequence, allowing for a better understanding of the mechanisms of neoplastic disease and determination of the treatment procedure.

2021 ◽  
Vol 20 (2) ◽  
pp. 209-220 ◽  
Christian Jil Benitez

As a rehearsal of a “tropical imaginary” that attempts to accentuate the entanglement of literature with the material world, this essay ‘coincides’ Jose F. Lacaba’s 1965 poem “Ang Kapaguran ng Panahon” (“The Weariness of Time”) with the 2015 El Niño phenomenon in the Philippines­ and its violent culmination the following year in Kidapawan City, Cotabato Province, Mindanao. While time or panahon in the Philippine tropics is usually intuited as generative, this essay outlines the possibility of its being worn down, not simply as a “natural” consequence of the present climate emergency, but as a critical outcome of the predominant political infrastructures that practically prohibit the phenomenon of time from unfolding. As such, it becomes imperative to recognize that beyond the current conditions banally imposed as “arog talaga kayan” or “how things really are” is the urgent need for social reform—daring tropical imaginings through which Philippine time can possibly become anew.

2021 ◽  
Gregory C. Dachner ◽  
Trenton D. Wirth ◽  
Emily Richmond ◽  
William H Warren

Patterns of collective motion or 'flocking' in birds, fish schools, and human crowds are believed to emerge from local interactions between individuals. Most models of collective motion attribute these interactions to hypothetical rules or forces, often inspired by physical systems, and described from an overhead view. We develop a visual model of human flocking from an embedded view, based on optical variables that actually govern pedestrian interactions. Specifically, people control their walking speed and direction by canceling the average optical expansion and angular velocity of their neighbors, weighted by visual occlusion. We test the model by simulating data from experiments with virtual crowds and real human 'swarms'. The visual model outperforms our previous overhead model and explains basic properties of physics-inspired models: 'repulsion' forces reduce to canceling optical expansion, 'attraction' forces to canceling optical contraction, and 'alignment' to canceling the combination of expansion/contraction and angular velocity. Critically, the neighborhood of interaction follows from Euclid's Law of perspective and the geometry of occlusion. We conclude that the local interactions underlying human flocking are a natural consequence of the laws of optics. Similar principles may apply to collective motion in other species.

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