scholarly journals Sob o signo da morte: poligamia e subalternidade feminina em Niketche , de Paulina Chiziane

Sérgio Sousa

In Niketche, Paulina Chiziane, in a sociocultural and ideological context in which monogamy does not present itself in terms of an entirely consensual reality (Mozambique), problematizes the feminine condition. With an undeniable emancipatory spirit, she not only explicitly denounces the way in which the ancestral custom of polygamy subjugates the woman, but she also suggests the end of polygamy. How? Associating it with a whole semantic of death.

2019 ◽  
Vol 39 (61) ◽  
pp. 145
Naira Almeida Nascimento

Resumo: Enquadrado no bojo da produção identificada como “literatura dos retornados”, o interesse principal de Ana de Amsterdam (2016a), de Ana Cássia Rebelo, não recai nas imagens traumáticas do retorno ou na violência praticada entre colonizadores e colonizados, como é recorrente no gênero. De forma até sintomática, as lembranças de África são esporádicas na menina de cinco anos que deixou Moçambique junto à família. Em seu lugar, a exuberância de uma Índia portuguesa sonhada e projetada por ela ocupam as lacunas de um presente insatisfatório, dividido entre a criação dos três filhos de um casamento em crise e o emprego burocrático desempenhado numa Lisboa pouco atrativa. Em ambos, tanto na Goa portuguesa como no trajeto para o trabalho, despontam narrativas de mulheres que constituem a síntese entre o diário íntimo de Ana e a escrita testemunhal da diáspora. Numa primeira parte do estudo, recupera-se a gênese do romance no formato do blog assinado pela autora, evidenciando a “escrita do eu”, nos moldes dos estudos de autobiografias, diários e afins. O segundo momento volta-se para a escrita testemunhal no lastro da narrativa pós-colonial e também da pós-memória. Em comum, os dois planos tratam da perspectiva feminina, seja na batalha contemporânea da cosmopolita Lisboa, seja nos desdobramentos silenciados do pós-colonialismo, em meio às histórias duplicadas de outras tantas Anas.Palavras-chave: Ana de Amsterdam; Ana Cássia Rebelo; diário íntimo; literatura de testemunho; blogs.Abstract: Framed in the center of the production identified as “literature of the returnees”, the main focus of Ana de Amsterdam (2016a) by Ana Cássia Rebelo, does not lie in the traumatic images of the return or in the violence practiced between colonizers and colonized, as it is usually the case in this genre. Somehow, even symptomatically, African memories are sporadic in the five-year-old girl who left Mozambique with her family. Instead, the exuberance of a Portuguese India, dreamed and projected by her, occupies the gaps of an unsatisfactory present, dividing herself to raise three children of a marriage in crisis and work in the bureaucratic employment situated in an unattractive Lisbon. In both, Portuguese Goa and on the way to work, narratives of women emerge and represent the synthesis between Ana’s private diary and the testimonial writing of the diaspora. In a first part of the study, the genesis of the novel is recovered in the form of a blog signed by the author, emphasizing the “writing of the self”, in the molds of autobiographies, journals and etc. The second moment turns to the testimonial writing in the basis of the postcolonial narrative and also of the post-memory. In common, the two plans deal with the feminine perspective, whether in the contemporary battle of cosmopolitan Lisbon or in the silenced developments of postcolonialism, in the middle of the duplicate stories of so many Anas.Keywords: Ana de Amsterdam; Ana Cássia Rebelo; diary; testimonial literature; blogs.

2016 ◽  
Vol 43 (2) ◽  
pp. 142-180
Mircea Platon

Astolphe de Custine’s collection of letters La Russie en 1839, first published in France in 1843, was rediscovered by Henri Massis in 1946. Massis re-introduced Custine’s by then long forgotten letters on Russia to the French public. Once American Cold Warriors such as George Kennan and General Walter Bedell-Smith discovered the book, they promptly promoted it to the status of the most prophetic book on the “Russian soul.” Denounced as “fictional,” by many nineteenth-century writers and by a host of twentieth-century scholars, Custine’s book was accepted as canonical by a large reading public and, more importantly, by successive generations of us policy makers. This article contributes to the historiography of Cold War propaganda by looking first at the context in which the book was initially resurrected by Massis, and then by analyzing the ways in which Cold War propaganda constructed its “relevance,” “actuality” and “prophetic” character. The article begins by taking a look at the way in which Massis, the first popularizer of the book, fitted it into his own ideological pattern. In a second movement, the article analyzes the ways in which the book functioned in the post-wwii ideological context, seeking to discover if the alleged relevance of the book had anything to do with the survival into the postwar world of the European Right’s interwar tangle of received ideas and patterns of prejudice.

Hatred ◽  
2020 ◽  
pp. 199-238
Berit Brogaard

In its new guidelines to help psychologists address male violence, sexism, and misogyny, the American Psychological Association suggests that misogyny stems from the masculinity ideology our culture adheres to. While the masculinity dogma is part of what inspires men to hate women, two other ideologies are needed to explain the misogyny incarnate in contemporary culture: doctrines here called “the feminine ideal” and “the myth of female filth.” It’s imprinted into the minds of little girls that they need to live up to society’s standards of femininity. Women who deviate from traditional gender norms become the targets of misogynistic hatred. The flipside of the feminine ideal is that women’s implicit association with bodily “stuff,” manipulation, and irrationality makes all women prone to misogynistic contempt. Along the way, this chapter shows how sexism differs from hateful and contemptuous misogyny, and why women who belong to multiple marginalized or stigmatized groups are particularly prone to misogynistic attacks.

2007 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 189
Flavyana Silva dos Santos ◽  
Oliana Cristina Ferraz Lima ◽  
Ednaldo Cavalcante de Araújo ◽  
Eliane Maria Ribeiro de Vasconcelos

RESUMOEstudo exploratório e descritivo, de natureza quantitativa, com o objetivo de identificar a opinião dos adolescentes de um colégio público federal da cidade de Recife (PE) sobre métodos contraceptivos, com enfoque na pílula anticoncepcional e nos preservativos masculino e feminino. A população compreendeu 431 estudantes e a amostra, do tipo intencional, foi composta por 72 adolescentes, de ambos os gêneros, com idade entre os 10 aos 14 anos, que respondeu um questionário com 29 questões, no período de julho a agosto de 2006, após aprovação do projeto de pesquisa pela Comissão de Ética em Pesquisa do Hospital Agamenon Magalhães. Os dados foram tabulados e organizados por meio do programa Excel, que após análise foi identificado que 65,0% dos adolescentes não tinham o conhecimento sobre os benefícios da pílula anticoncepcional; 74,0% não sabiam dos efeitos adversos da pílula anticoncepcional; 43,0% não sabiam a finalidade da pílula anticoncepcional; 94,0% ainda não usaram preservativos, pois não iniciaram a vida sexual; 57,0% opinaram que a maneira de abrir a embalagem do preservativo seria com a tesoura; 40,0% assinalaram que a camisinha feminina deveria ser usada ao mesmo tempo com a camisinha masculina. Diante desses resultados, considera-se importante a implantação de ações de saúde que enfatizem assuntos relacionados aos métodos contraceptivos, de modo a contribuir com a melhoria das informações desses adolescentes.Descritores: Conhecimento; Adolescentes; Métodos contraceptivos; Sexualidade. ABSTRACTDescriptive and exploratory study, of quantitative boarding, with the aim at identifying the adolescents opinion of a school public federal at Recife (PE) city, about contraceptive methods, based on contraceptive pill and feminine and masculine condoms. The intentional sample was composed from 72 adolescents of both genders, with age from 10 to 14 years, which had answered a questionnaire with 29 questions, from July to August of 2006, after approval of the project of research for the Commission of Ethics in Research of the Hospital Agamenon Magalhães, whose data had been analyzed and presented in tables. In accordance with the results, it was identified that adolescents 65,0% hadn’t any knowledge about contraceptive pill benefits; 74,0% did not know about contraceptive pill adverse effect; 43,0% did not know the contraceptive pill purpose and had designated that the contraceptive pill would only be taken to prevent the pregnancy; 94,0% didn’t use both the condoms, therefore they hadn’t initiated the sexual life; 57,0% had answered that the way to open the packing of the condom would be with the shears; 40,0% had designated that the feminine condom would used at the same time with the masculine condom. Ahead of these results, health actions implementation is considered important that emphasize subjects related to the contraceptive methods, in order to contribute with the adolescent’s information improvement.Descriptors: Knowledge; Adolescents; Contraceptive methods; Sexuality.RESUMENEstudio descriptivo y exploratorio, de enfoque cuantitativo, con el objetivo de identificar la opinión de los adolescentes de una escuela público federal en la ciudad de Recife (el PE), sobre los métodos anticonceptivos, basados en píldora anticonceptiva y condones femeninos y masculinos. La muestra intencional fue compuesta de 72 adolescentes de ambos los géneros, con edad de 10 a 14 años, que habían contestado a un cuestionario con 29 preguntas, de julio a agosto de 2006, después de la aprobación del proyecto de la investigación para la Comisión de Ética en la investigación del Hospital Agamenon Magalhães. Los datos habían sido analizados y presentados en tablas. De acuerdo con los resultados, fue identificado que 65,0% de los adolescentes no tenían ningún conocimiento sobre ventajas anticonceptivas de la píldora; 74,0% no sabían sobre efecto nocivo de la píldora anticonceptiva; 43,0% no sabían el propósito anticonceptivo de la píldora y lo habían señalado que la píldora anticonceptiva sería tomada solamente para prevenir el embarazo; 94,0% no utilizaron ambos los condones, por lo tanto no habían iniciado la vida sexual; 57,0% habían contestado a que la manera de abrir el embalaje del condón estaría con los esquileos; 40,0% habían señalado que el condón femenino utilizado al mismo tiempo con el condón masculino. Delante de estos resultados, se considera importante puesta en práctica las acciones de la salud que acentuar los temas relacionados con los métodos anticonceptivos, para contribuir con la mejora de la información del adolescente. Descriptores: Conocimiento; Adolescentes; Métodos anticonceptivos; Sexualidad.   

Modern Italy ◽  
1999 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 59-78 ◽  
Penny Sparke

SummaryThis article sets out to outline the way in which existing narratives dealing with the development of modern design in post-1945 Italy have ignored those aspects of the story which do not concur with a characterization of that phenomenon that relies on the concepts of rationality, mass production and the impact of new materials. By focusing on and elaborating a number of ‘other’ themes—namely those of nature, craft, domesticity and the culture of consumption—this study sets out to redress this imbalance and to introduce the possibility of a new reading of modern design in Italy which can be seen to be rooted in a set of cultural values which are more obviously feminine’ in nature.

2018 ◽  
Vol 19 ◽  
pp. 67-82 ◽  
Maite Garbayo-Maeztu

Si la condición precaria está ligada a los cuerpos en tanto cuerpos, ¿cómo hablar de precariedad desde fuera del cuerpo, sin estar física y materialmente atravesados por la condición precaria? ¿Cómo escribir sobre precariedad y arte contemporáneo desde una posición objetiva cuando todos los ámbitos de tu vida se ven afectados por ella? En este artículo entiendo la precariedad como desprotección y vulnerabilidad, pero también como posición generadora de alianzas y como lugar de producción y enunciación teórica. Mi propuesta, a partir del trabajo de autoras como Butler, Ettinger, Lorey o Saldaña, es que la precariedad y la vulnerabilidad pueden convertirse en espacios de resistencia y posibilitar otras formas de subjetivación. El cuidado y la interdependencia desafían las nociones de autonomía e independencia en las que se asienta el sujeto político (blanco y masculino) heredado de la modernidad y abren la vía a subjetivaciones articuladas desde posiciones femeninas, desde otras lógicas posibles y otras sensibilidades. If the condition of precarity is tied to bodies as bodies, ¿how to speak of precarity from outside of the body, without being physically and materially traversed by it? ¿How to write about precarity and contemporary art from an objective position when all areas of your life are affected by it? In this article I understand precarity as a lack of protection, insecurity and vulnerability, but also as a position that generates alliances and as a place of production and theoretical enunciation. My proposal, following the work of authors such as Butler, Ettinger, Lorey or Saldaña is that precarity and vulnerability can become spaces of resistance and enable other forms of subjectivation. Care and interdependence challenge the notions of autonomy and independence in which the political subject (white and masculine) inherited from modernity is based and open the way for forms of subjectivation that are articulated on the feminine position, and on other possible logics and sensitivities.

2016 ◽  
Vol 24 (23) ◽  
Kathrine Thisted Petersen

In Old Danish (c800-c1525), masculine, feminine, and neuter nouns were used to denote humans, animals, things, and abstract categories. In Early Modern Danish (c1525-c1700), however, the masculine and the feminine merged into a common gender, confining the anaphoric and cataphoric personal pronouns han ‘he’ and hun ‘she’ to nouns denoting humans. This paper points out an early pragmatically based use of gender in the Scanian text Sjælens Trøst ‘Comfort of the Soul’ in manuscripts C 529 and A 109 from c1425. From a Christian point of view, the noun afgudh ‘idol’ is used as a neuter and thereby objectified, unlike the masculine noun gudh ‘God’. This use of the neuter is in all likelihood one of the first steps on the way from a primarily morphologically based three-gender system to a primarily semantically based two-gender system which distinguishes between human and non-human nouns.

Sarah Hickmott

The final chapter brings together all three thinkers and demonstrates the way in which they all – albeit in different ways – inherit and deploy aspects of a Romantic and idealist conception of music. It considers their writings on Wagner in order to ascertain more clearly how their different positions play out over a shared question: to what extent is Wagner’s music fascist or anti-Semitic? Rather than seek to solve this problem, the chapter argues that their positions on this question relate to their a priori understanding of the relationship between music and philosophy, their broader political-philosophical commitments, and their characterization of what is ‘essentially’ musical. The chapter also draws on Irigaray’s work in order to show how both Nancy and Lacoue-Labarthe reinstate a gendered foundationalism (specifically the musical maternal-feminine which logically and chronologically precedes the symbolic, language, and culture) that is so at odds with their broader projects; by contrast, though Badiou never identifies music ‘itself’ with the feminine, the way in which he constructs ‘truth’ nonetheless rehabilitates a certain feminine exceptionalism alongside a pervasive misogyny in his work. The concluding analytic argues for multiply intersecting planes of mediation and a non-reductive approach to both music and gender that refuses to attribute a single essence to either.

Teresa Rabazas Romero ◽  
Sara Ramos Zamora

In this paper we consider gender as a category of analysis to study the educational speeches that the “Sección Femenina" (political organization for women) addressed to women during Franco’s dictatorship. Following the new approaches of contemporary historiography that requires another type of sources and methods our analysis focuses in the feminine magazine “Consigna”. This publication was the vehicle that the “Sección Femenina” used to spread their educational slogans, that is to say, the way that this pro-Franco institution was dedicated to the indoctrination of women, especially female teachers, due to their multiplying influence in education circles.

2017 ◽  
pp. 183-197
Inês Cardoso

Resumo: Pensar a erotização do corpo feminino na poesia portuguesa da segunda metade do século XX exige a revisitação de uma nova imagem da mulher, que à altura se apresentou espelhada numa visão libertária da sexualidade feminina e na ação reivindicativa da luta feminista. Partindo das três primeiras obras de Alberto Pimenta, cuja publicação coincidiu, em território nacional, com o período de vigência do Estado Novo, este artigo procura compreender o modo como as figuras femininas emergem num fazer poético onde o erotismo sempre caminhou a par de uma denúncia profundamente cáustica e irreverente.Palavras-chave: Alberto Pimenta, poesia portuguesa, poesia erótica, figurações do feminino, erotismo. Abstract: In order to contemplate the eroticisation of the female body in Portuguese poetry from the second half of the twentieth century, it is necessary to re-visit the new image of woman, which at that time was reflected in a libertarian vision of female sexuality and in the increasing activism of the feminist struggle. Focusing on the first three works of Alberto Pimenta, whose publication coincided, in the Portuguese context, with the “Estado Novo” dictatorship, this article seeks to understand the way in which female figures emerge from a poetic practice where eroticism always appeared in tandem with a deeply caustic and irreverent social criticism.Keywords: Alberto Pimenta, Portuguese poetry, erotic poetry, representations of the feminine, eroticism.

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