scholarly journals Biochemical and cytological features of onion bulbs and leaves collected from various ecogeographical origins

2021 ◽  
Vol 53 (4) ◽  
pp. 543-560
V.I. Nemtinov ◽  
Y.N. Kostanchuk ◽  
V.S. Pashtetskiy ◽  
S.M. Motyleva ◽  
A.I. Bokhan ◽  

Against the background of global climate change, drought stress has become one of the environmental limiting factors that can significantly influence the growth and development of crop plants. Drought stress conditions also cause changes in plant physiological and metabolic processes. The influence of soil drought on the mineral composition of the leaves of two Actinidia species with С3-type photosynthesis, namely, Actinidia argutа (Siebold & Zucc.) Planch. ex Miq. cultivar ‘Taezhny Dar’ and Actinidia kolomikta (Maxim. & Rupr.) Maxim. cultivar ‘Narodnaya’, was studied through energy dispersive spectrometry. The investigations were carried out during 2020 to 2021 at the Department of Genofonde and Bioresources of Plants, Federal Scientific Center for Horticulture, Moscow. The present research revealed that actinidia leaves contained the following major elements: K (11.19 mass% to 13.84 mass%), Ca (7.83% to 12.08 mass%), Cl (6.20 mass% to 7.33 mass%), and Mg (2.98 mass% to 3.44 mass%). Low values were recorded for Mo (1.19 mass% to 4.49 mass%) and P (0.83 mass% to 1.25 mass%). In both species, the mineral elements K and Ca were present at high levels. A positive correlation was observed between Mg–P, K–Mn, Mn–Se, Cu-Se, P–Si, Na–Mo, and Si–Mn in the leaves of A. argutа and between Cl–Ca, Mo; P–Si, Mo; and K–Ca in the leaves of A. kolomikta. Under stress conditions, the ratios of K/Ca and K/P declined to 0.9 and 6.3, respectively, whereas those of K/Cl, K/Mg, and K/Mo increased to 3.8, 4.4, and 2.7, respectively. The present studies confirmed that actinidia leaves contained high concentrations of minerals, especially K, Ca, P, and Mg, and that the accumulation of mineral elements in actinidia plant leaves under drought conditions varied depending on the species.

2021 ◽  
Vol 53 (4) ◽  
pp. 710-722
N.V. Tetyannikov ◽  
N.V. Кozak ◽  
D.V. Panischeva ◽  
M.E. Mertvischeva ◽  
М.S. Gins ◽  

Against the background of global climate change, drought stress has become one of the environmental limiting factors that can significantly influence the growth and development of crop plants. Drought stress conditions also cause changes in plant physiological and metabolic processes. The influence of soil drought on the mineral composition of the leaves of two Actinidia species with С3-type photosynthesis, namely, Actinidia argutа (Siebold & Zucc.) Planch. ex Miq. cultivar ‘Taezhny Dar’ and Actinidia kolomikta (Maxim. & Rupr.) Maxim. cultivar ‘Narodnaya’, was studied through energy dispersive spectrometry. The investigations were carried out during 2020 to 2021 at the Department of Genofonde and Bioresources of Plants, Federal Scientific Center for Horticulture, Moscow. The present research revealed that actinidia leaves contained the following major elements: K (11.19 mass% to 13.84 mass%), Ca (7.83% to 12.08 mass%), Cl (6.20 mass% to 7.33 mass%), and Mg (2.98 mass% to 3.44 mass%). Low values were recorded for Mo (1.19 mass% to 4.49 mass%) and P (0.83 mass% to 1.25 mass%). In both species, the mineral elements K and Ca were present at high levels. A positive correlation was observed between Mg–P, K–Mn, Mn–Se, Cu-Se, P–Si, Na–Mo, and Si–Mn in the leaves of A. argutа and between Cl–Ca, Mo; P–Si, Mo; and K–Ca in the leaves of A. kolomikta. Under stress conditions, the ratios of K/Ca and K/P declined to 0.9 and 6.3, respectively, whereas those of K/Cl, K/Mg, and K/Mo increased to 3.8, 4.4, and 2.7, respectively. The present studies confirmed that actinidia leaves contained high concentrations of minerals, especially K, Ca, P, and Mg, and that the accumulation of mineral elements in actinidia plant leaves under drought conditions varied depending on the species.

2016 ◽  
Vol 21 (2) ◽  
pp. 71
Untung Susanto ◽  
M. Y. Samaullah ◽  
R. H. Wening ◽  
M. J. Mejaya

<p>Perubahan iklim global menyebabkan meluasnya daerah dengan risiko kekeringan. Cekaman kekeringan pada tanaman padi terutama terjadi di lahan gogo, tadah hujan, dan irigasi terbatas. Perakitan varietas yang cocok untuk daerah-daerah tersebut diharapkan dapat meningkatkan hasil padi secara nyata. Padi umur genjah efektif untuk mengantisipasi cekaman kekeringan fase generatif di akhir musim hujan melalui mekanisme escape. Namun demikian, kekeringan yang tidak dapat diprediksi yang dapat terjadi pada awal, tengah, maupun akhir musim tanam memerlukan varietas yang betul-betul toleran terhadap cekaman kekeringan. Penggabungan sifat umur genjah dan toleran kekeringan diharapkan mampu mengantisipasi kondisi cekaman kekeringan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui respons 23 genotipe padi umur genjah yang terdiri atas 3 varietas unggul, 10 varietas lokal, dan 10 galur introduksi yang diberi perlakuan optimum, tercekam kekeringan pada fase vegetatif (diairi hingga 7 hari setelah tanam dan diairi kembali ketika cek peka mengering), dan generatif (diairi hingga 28 hari setelah tanam dan diairi kembali hanya jika cek peka mengering). Penelitian dilakukan di Kebun Percobaan BB Padi di Sukamandi pada MK 2009. Genotipe yang diuji diberi perlakuan pengairan tersebut di atas tanpa ulangan untuk mengetahui secara deskriptif kondisi karakter-karakter penting genotipe-genotipe yang diuji pada ketiga kondisi pengairan tersebut. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa berdasarkan karakter hasil, Indeks Cekaman Kekeringan (IKK; Drought Sensitifity Index, DSS), Nilai Relatif (Relative Values, RV), dan keragaan agronomi, galur OM 1490 teridentifikasi toleran terhadap cekaman kekeringan fase vegetatif dan generatif dengan hasil 28,17 g/tanaman, 24,11 g/tanaman, dan 24,72 g/tanaman pada kondisi optimum, tercekam vegetatif, dan generatif. OM 1490 telah dilepas sebagai varietas Inpari 13 pada tahun 2010 dan varietas ini telah digunakan dalam kegiatan pemuliaan tanaman menghasilkan galur-galur harapan yang baru.</p><p> </p><p><strong>Abstrak</strong></p><p>Global climate change has caused the spread of drought prone areas. Drought stress for rice mostly happen in upland, rainfed, and limited irrigation lowland areas. Development of varieties suitable for those areas would significantly increase rice yield. Early maturing genotypes are useful to anticipate predictable early or terminal drought by escape mechanism. Nevertheless, unpredictable drought happening during early, mid season and final planting season results in the need of genuinely droughttolerant genotypes. Combining early maturing and drought tolerant seems to be highly powerful to anticipate drought. This research was aimed to study the response of 23 early maturing rice genotypes consisting of 3 released varieties, 10 local varieties, and 10 introduced lines. The genotypes were exposed to vegetative (watered until 7 days after transplanting and rewater when the susceptible check was drying) and generative phase (watered until 28 days after transplanting and rewatered only if susceptible check was drying), drought stress conditions, and also optimum condition. The experiment was conducted in ICRR Experimental Station in Sukamandi during Dry Season (DS) of 2009. The genotypes were treated with three watering conditions mentioned above without replication to initially see the descriptive statistics of some agronomic traits of the genotypes under the mentioned conditions. The results showed that based on yield, Drought Sensitifity Index (DSS), Relative Values (RV), and agronomic performance, OM 1490 had been identified as tolerant to vegetative and generative drought stresses. It yielded 28.17 g/plant, 24.11 g/plant, and 24.72 g/plant at optimum, vegetative, and generative drought condition, respectively. OM 1490 had been released as Inpari 13 in 2010 and it had beed utilized for further breeding effort resulting new promising lines.</p>

Planta Medica ◽  
2014 ◽  
Vol 80 (10) ◽  
F Nabbie ◽  
O Shperdheja ◽  
J Millot ◽  
J Lindberg ◽  
B Peethambaran

2019 ◽  
pp. 1-23
А.В. Семенютина ◽  
С.Е. Лазарев ◽  
К.А. Мельник

Представители родовых комплексов Robinia (Робиния), Gleditsia (Гледичия) относятся к экономически важным и перспективным, для деградированных ландшафтов засушливого региона, видам растений. Несмотря на это до последнего времени отсутствуют сведения по многим видам этих родовых комплексов, связанные с вопросами экологических основ семеноведения и их репродуктивной способности в условиях светлокаштановых почв Волгоградской области. Все это направлено на выявление и расширение перспективных ареалов культивирования для лесомелиорации и озеленения населенных пунктов. Цель исследований изучение репродуктивной способности представителей родовых комплексов Robinia (Робиния), Gleditsia (Гледичия) в коллекциях ФНЦ агроэкологии РАН и выявление особенностей их селекционного семеноведения для лесомелиорации и озеленения населенных пунктов в сухостепных условиях. Объектами исследований являлись виды и формы рода Robinia: R. viscosa Vent. R. neomexicana Gray. R. pseudoacacia L. R. neomexicana х pseudoacacia, и Gleditsia (G. triacanthos L., G. triacanthos L. f. inermis, G. caspica Desf, G. texana Sarg., G. aquatica, G. japonica, G. caspica, G. sinensis), произрастающие в кластерных участках коллекций ФНЦ агроэкологии РАН, кадастр 34:34:000000:122, 34:34:060061:10. Разработка основ селекционного семеноведения базируется на изучении репродуктивных особенностей выделенных для целевого использования собственных биоресурсов с учетом возможностей всестороннего изучения генеративных качеств и оценки биологического потенциала. Выявлено, что стабильность плодоношения фиксируется через несколько лет после вступления в генеративную фазу: у Robinia и Gleditsia 67 лет. Первое цветение у Gleditsia triacanthos и G. texana, G. aquatica наблюдалось в возрасте 5 лет, G. japonica 6, G. caspica и G. sinensis 8 лет. Завязываемость плодов зависит не только от возраста растения, но и от погодных условий во время цветения. На семенную продуктивность влияет количество выпавших осадков и сумма активных температур в период созревания плодов. Формирование более крупных плодов и семян наблюдается в возрасте до 15 лет. В результате исследований (20172019 гг.) выявлено влияние лимитирующих факторов на биологический потенциал цветения, плодоношения и семенную продуктивность для определения ареалов их культивирования. Representatives of generic systems Robinia, Gleditsia are economically important and promising for degraded arid landscapes of the region, types of plants. Despite this, until recently, there is no information on many types of these generic complexes related to the environmental foundations of seed and their reproductive capacity in light chestnut soils of the Volgograd region. All this is aimed at identifying and expanding promising areas of cultivation for forest reclamation and greening of settlements. The aim of the research is to study the reproductive capacity of representatives of ancestral complexes Robinia, Gleditsia in the collections of the Federal scientific center for Agroecology Russian Academy of Sciences and the identifying features of their selection of seed for forest reclamation and landscaping of settlements in the dry steppe conditions. The objects of research were species and forms of the genus Robinia: R. viscosa Vent. R. neomexicana Gray. R. pseudoacacia L. R. neomexicana x pseudoacacia and Gleditsia (G. triacanthos L., G. triacanthos L. f. inermis, G. caspica Desf, G. texana Sarg., G. aquatica, G. japonica, G. caspica, G. sinensis), growing in the cluster areas of collections of FSC Agroecology RAS, cadastre 34:34:000000:122, 34:34:060061:10. The development of the principles of seed breeding is based on the study of reproductive characteristics of the allocated for the targeted use of their own bioresources, taking into account the possibilities of a comprehensive study of generative qualities and assessment of biological potential. It was found that the stability of fruiting is fixed a few years after entering the generative phase: Robinia and Gleditsia 67 years. The first flowering in Gleditsia triacanthos and G. texana, G. aquatica was observed at the age of 5 years, G. japonica 6, G. caspica and G. sinensis 8 years. Fruit setability depends not only on the age of the plant, but also on weather conditions during flowering. Seed productivity is affected by the amount of precipitation and the amount of active temperatures during the ripening period. The formation of larger fruits and seeds is observed in the age of 15 years. As a result of studies (20172019), the influence of limiting factors on the biological potential of flowering, fruiting and seed production to determine the areas of their cultivation was revealed.

2018 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
Made Pharmawati ◽  
Ni Nyoman Wirasiti ◽  
Luh Putu Wrasiati

Abstrak Cekaman kekeringan merupakan faktor pembatas penting bagi pertumbuhan dan produktivitas tanaman termasuk padi.      Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis respon padi IR64 terhadap cekaman kekeringan dengan pemberian polietilen glikol (PEG) pada fase reproduktif.  Penelitian juga bertujuan menganalisis ekspresi gen aquaporin akibat cekaman kekeringan.  Bibit padi ditanam dalam pot dan perlakuan PEG dengan konsentrasi 108g/L (-0.25MPa) dan 178g/L (-0.52 MPa) diberikan saat munculnya panikula. Perlakuan diberikan selama 2 minggu, kemudian tanaman disiram kembali.  Ekspresi gen diamati pada akhir perlakuan dengan semi kuantitatif real time PCR.  Ekstraksi RNA menggunakan RNeasy plant mini kit, sedangkan sintesis cDNA menggunakan Transcriptor First Strand cDNA Kit.  Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa jumlah malai dan berat total malai berkurang akibat cekaman kekeringan.  Persentase gabah kosong mencapai 84,6% pada perlakuan PEG-0,52 MPa, sedangkan pada perlakuan PEG -0,25 MPa persentase gabah kosong sebesar 67,8%.  Pada kontrol persentase gabah kosong adalah 10,3%.  Ekspresi gen OsPIP2;7 sedikit menurun pada perlakuan PEG -0,52 MPa.Kata kunci: ekspresi gen, IR64, kekeringan, padi, PEG  Abstract Drought stress is one of the limiting factors of plant growth and productivity including rice.  The aim of this study was to analyze responses of IR64 rice to polyethylene glycol (PEG)-induced-drought stress at the reproductive stage.  This study also aimed to analyze the expression of aquaporin under drought stress.  Rice seedlings were grown in pot system and PEG treatment at concentration of -0.25MPa (108g/L) and -0.52 MPa (178g/L) were given when the panicles arose.  Treatments were conducted for 2 weeks, after that the plants were rewatered.  Gene expression was evaluated at the end of PEG treatment using semi quantitative real time PCR. RNA was extracted using RNeasy plant mini kit, while cDNA synthesis was done using Transcriptor First Strand cDNA Kit.  The results showed that the number and weight of rice ear were less in plant treated with PEG than in control.  The percentage of empty rice grain reached 84.6% at PEG -0.52 MPa, while at PEG -0.25 MPa the percentage of empty grain was 67.8%.  In control plant, the percentage of empty grain was 10.3%.  Drought stress did not alter the expression of OsPIP2;7.  Keywords: drought, gene expression, IR64, PEG, rice

Geoderma ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 404 ◽  
pp. 115223
You Jin Kim ◽  
Junge Hyun ◽  
Sin Yee Yoo ◽  
Gayoung Yoo

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