scholarly journals Pengaruh Pemberian Ekstrak Fusarium equiseti terhadap Hewan Mus musculus dengan Pendedahan Akut Melalui Subkutan

2021 ◽  
Vol 45 (2) ◽  
Silvia Rachmy ◽  
Jenny Anna Margaretha Tambunan

Fungi dari genus Fusarium menghasilkan termasuk tricothecene yang merupakan jenis mycotoxin berbahaya karena sifatnya yang mampu menembus kulit hewan dan masuk ke dalam sistem tubuh (Miller, 2003). Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pemberian ekstrak Fusarium equiseti yang diberikan secara akut melalui subkutan pada hewan mencit selama 48 jam pertama. Dalam percobaan ini digunakan dua puluh ekor mencit jantan strain SW sebagai hewan model dari toksisitas suatu senyawa pada manusia. Ekstrak Fusarium didedahkan kepada mencit secara subkutan. Setiap mencit diamati pada 1 jam, 2 jam, 4 jam, 8 jam, 12 jam, 24 jam, dan 48 jam setelah perlakuan. Pada setiap jam tersebut, diamati parameter dan kematian yang terjadi. Parameter yang diamati antara lain adalah diam, kejang-kejang, kehilangan koordinasi, menjulurkan lidah, dan feses yang cair. Setiap mencit yang mati selanjutnya ditimbang berat badannya dan dibedah dengan menggunakan alat bedah untuk ditimbang berat organ hati dan limfanya. Pemberian ekstrak Fusarium pada mencit yang diberikan secara akut melalui subkutan menyebabkan munculnya ketidakaktifan, kejang-kejang, kehilangan koordinasi, menjulurkan lidah, dan feses cair yang frekuensi terjadinya meningkat sesuai dengan konsentrasi perlakuan yang diberikan, hingga kematian. Selain itu, massa organ hati dan limfa relatif terhadap berat badan meningkat sesuai dengan konsentrasi perlakuan yang diberikan.

Plant Disease ◽  
2014 ◽  
Vol 98 (6) ◽  
pp. 847-847 ◽  
M. Lazarotto ◽  
M. F. B. Muniz ◽  
R. F. dos Santos ◽  
E. Blume ◽  
R. Harakawa ◽  

Pecan [Carya illinoinensis (Wangenh.) K. Koch] is an important producing nut tree that has been intensively cultivated in the state of Rio Grande do Sul (Brazil) in recent decades. This species is commonly grown in association with other crops and more often with cattle or sheep. An elevated incidence of the fungal genus Fusarium was observed during a quality control seed assay of pecan seeds obtained from orchards in the city of Anta Gorda (28°53′54.7″ S, 52°01′59.9″ W). Concomitantly, seedlings of this species, cultivated in a nursery, showed foliar necrosis, wilt, and root rot. The fungus was thereafter isolated from the seeds (from original seeds lots) and subcultured from single spores. Cultures were purified in order to perform pathogenicity tests. The isolated Fusarium sp. was increased on autoclaved wet corn kernels that were incubated for 14 days (1), and then were mixed with commercial substrate (sphagnum turf, expanded vermiculite, dolomitic limestone, gypsum, and NPK fertilizer) in plastic trays (capacity 7 L), with drainage holes. Twenty seeds were sowed and 90 days later, evaluations were undertaken. Forty percent of the seedlings presented symptoms, i.e., foliar necrosis and wilt owing to root rot. Fusarium sp. was re-isolated from the affected roots by transferring hyphal tips to potato dextrose agar (PDA) and carnation leaf agar (CLA) medium in petri dishes in order to identify the species morphologically. On PDA, the colony pigmentation was yellowish brown and the aerial mycelium was whitish to peach; macroconidia were relatively long and narrow (31.75 × 4.02 μm), with 5 septa on average, and whip-like bent apical cells (2). Chlamydospores were not observed on PDA or CLA. Primer pairs ITS1 and ITS4 (3) and EF1-T and EF1-1567R (4) were employed to amplify the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) and elongation factor-1α (TEF 1-α) regions, respectively. The resulting DNA sequences showed 99% for ITS and 98% for TEF 1-α similarity with Fusarium equiseti (Corda) Sacc. and phylogenetic analysis grouped it with sequences of this species. The consensus sequence was submitted to GenBank and received the accession numbers KC810063 (ITS) and KF601580 (TEF 1-α). The pathogen was re-isolated on PDA and CLA substrate in order to complete Koch's postulates. The pathogenicity test was repeated with the same conditions described before and the results were confirmed. No symptoms were observed on the control seedlings. This species is considered a weak parasite (2); however, it has been reported causing wilt in Coffea arabica in Brazil (5). This pathogen could cause serious damage and high losses to seedling in commercial nurseries. Besides that, it could also carry the disease to the field causing further damage on established plants. To our knowledge, this is the first to report of F. equiseti causing foliar necrosis and wilt on C. illinoinensis in Brazil. References: (1) L. H. Klingelfuss et al. Fitopatol. Brasil. 32:1, 2007. (2) W. Gerlach and H. Nirenberg. The Genus Fusarium – a Pictorial Atlas. Biologische Bundesanstalt für Land- und Forstwirtschaft, Braunschweig, Germany, 1982. (3) T. J. White et al. Page 315 in: PCR Protocols: A Guide to Methods and Applications, Academic Press, San Diego, CA, 1990. (4) S. A. Rehner and E. A. Buckley. Mycologia 97:84, 2005. (5) L. H. Pfenning and M. F. Martins. Page 283 in: Simpósio de Pesquisa dos Cafés do Brasil, 2000.

2012 ◽  
Vol 40 (01) ◽  
pp. 64-69
C. Kiesow ◽  
C. Ellenberger ◽  
B. Stief

ZusammenfassungEs werden die Fälle einer disseminierten letalen Toxoplasmose bei einer Farbmaus (Mus musculus) und einem Roten Panda (Ailurus fulgens) vorgestellt. Es handelte sich um eine als Haustier gehaltene Farbmaus und einen Roten Panda aus einem sächsischen zoologischen Garten. Die pathologische Untersuchung ergab bei beiden Tieren eine systemische Toxoplasmeninfektion. Eine hochgradige nekrotisierende Hepatitis stellte in beiden Fällen den histologischen Hauptbefund dar. Parasitenzysten fanden sich massenhaft in der Leber, in mäßiger Zahl im Gehirn und in geringer Zahl in anderen Organen. Mittels PAS-Reaktion waren diese Zysten bei der Farbmaus kaum darstellbar, beim Roten Panda dagegen sehr deutlich. PCR bzw. Immunhistologie bestätigten die Diagnose.

2016 ◽  
Vol 29 (1) ◽  
pp. 172-184
Sami J. Al-Maliki ◽  
Ali A. A. Al-Ali ◽  
Salma S. Abbas

2011 ◽  
Vol 16 (2) ◽  
Arum Setiawan ◽  
Mammed Sagi ◽  
Widya Asmara ◽  
Istriyati Istriyati

Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui jumlah sel Purkinje cerebellum anak mencit umur 21 hari (pascasapih) setelah induksi Ochratoksin A selama periode organogenesis. Tiga puluh ekor mencit bunting dibagi secara acak menjadi 5 kelompok perlakuan dengan masing-masing 6 ulangan. Ochratoksin A dilarutkan dalam Sodium Bicarbonat, diberikan secara oral pada saat kebuntingan hari ke 7 sampai hari ke -14. Dosis perlakuan Ochratoksin A adalah 0,5 ; 1,0; 1,5 mg/kg bb dan sebagai kontrol tidak diberi perlakuan, serta kontrol placebo diberi perlakuan pelarut Sodium Bicarbonat. Induk mencit dipelihara sampai melahirkan. Pada umur ke 21 hari (pascasapih), anak mencit dikorbankan dan diambil bagian otaknya. Otak mencit selanjutnya dipreparasi dengan metode parafin dan pewarnaan menggunakan pewarnaan Haematoksilin Eosin. Data jumlah sel Purkinje dianalisis dengan Anava Satu Arah dan dilanjutkan dengan uji DMRT untuk mengetahui beda nyata antar perlakuan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Ochratoksin A yang diberikan pada mencit bunting selama periode organogenesis menyebabkan terhambatnya pertumbuhan jumlah sel Purkinje mencit perlakuan yang ditandai dengan semakin menurunnya jumlah sel Purkinje dibandingkan dengan kontrol dan kontrol placebo.

2011 ◽  
Vol 16 (2) ◽  
Salomo Hutahaean ◽  
Soesanto Mangkoewidjojo ◽  
Mammed Sagi ◽  
Widya Asmara

Telah dilakukan percobaan untuk menentukan tahapan palatogenesis pada mencit (Mus musculus L.) yang rentan terhadap efek polutan 2,3,7,8-Tetraklorodibenzo-p-dioksin (TCDD). Percobaan dirancang mengikuti Rancangan Acak Lengkap dengan pola faktorial (4X3). Empat puluh delapan ekor mencit bunting dicekok TCDD dengan dosis 0 (kontrol), 5, 10, atau 20 μg/kg bb. Perlakuan diberikan pada hari kebuntingan (Hk) 9−10, 11−12, atau 13−14. Mencit kontrol dicekok pelarut saja (98,5% minyak wijen + 1,5% DMSO). Pada Hk 18 mencit dibius lalu dibunuh dengan teknik cervical dislocation, persentase fetus cleft palate (cp) dihitung, derajat penutupan palatum diberi skor, preparat dengan ketebalan 6 µm dibuat, dan mikrostruktur kraniofasial diamati. Hasil menunjukkan, pemberian TCDD antara hari ke 9 dan 12 menginduksi cacat cp, dengan kecenderungan hasil tertinggi pada pemberian Hk 910. Perlakuan TCDD dosis 10 atau 20 μg/kg bb pada Hk 910 menghasilkan fetus cacat cp >90%. Persentase fetus cp tetap tinggi pada pemberian Hk 1112, khususnya pada kelompok dosis 20 μg/kg bb (87,3%). TCDD dosis terendah (5 μg/kg bb) menginduksi cp dominan bercelah sempit, menunjukkan adanya hambatan pada tahap fusi. Dosis 10 dan 20 μg/kg bb menginduksi cp bercelah sedang atau lebar, mengisyaratkan terjadi hambatan pada tahap inisiasi atau elevasi. Disimpulkan, seluruh tahapan palatogenesis rentan terhadap efek TCDD, namun tahap paling rentan adalah tahap fusi palatum.

BioScience ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 61
Elsa Yuniarti

Patients withdiabetes mellitus (DM) continues to grow because prosperity and people's lifestyles.Treatment of diabetes often usei njections of insulin and oral antidiabetic drugs. Thetreatment has no side effects. Therefore, it is necessary to find effective drugs using plants thatred betel leaf (Piper crocatum Ruiz & Pav.). Red betel leaf contains flavonoids which are antioxidants. This study aims to determine the effect and dose of extract of red betel leaf (Piper crocatum Ruiz & Pav.) The most effective agains blood glucose in mice(Mus musculusL.) male induced sucrose.This study was an experimental study. The research was conducted in October 2015 in the Division of Laboratory Animal and Zoology Department of Biology, State University of Padang. The subject of research in the form of mice (Mus musculus L.) males totaled 24 tails. The design used was completely randomized design (CRD) with 6 treatments and 4 repetitions. The treatment is given as follows: treatment I: the diabetes control without any treatment given, treatment II: as a negative control (sucrose 3 g/kg bw), treatment III: sucrose+suspension of red betel leaf extract (dosage 0,7 g/kg bw), treatment IV: sucrose+suspension of red betel leaf extract (dosage 1,4 g/kg bw), treatment V: sucrose+suspension of red betel leaf extract (dosage of 2,1 g/kg bw) and treatment VI: sucrose+suspension extracts red betel leaf (dosage 2,8 g/kg bw).The results showed that the extract of red betel leaf (Piper crocatum Ruiz & Pav.) at a dose of 0,8 g/kg bw 1,4 g/kg bw 2,1 g/kg bw and 2,8 g/kg bw can lowers blood glucose in mice. However, the most appropriate dose in lowering blood glucose in mice (Mus musculus L.) at 2,8 g/kg bw in mice.

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Dini Kesuma

Synthesis of the 4-chlorobenzoylthiourea compound was carried out by acylating thiourea with 4-chlorobenzoyl chloride. The 4-chlorobenzoylthiourea compound  will increase the lipophilic and the electronic properties other than the lead compounds of benzoylthiourea in order to, by expectation, raise the central nervous system depressant as well. The lipophilic would affect the ability of the compounds in penetrating biological membranes, which is highly dependent on the solubility of the drug within lipid/water. Log P is the most common method used in determining the parameter value. This experiment was to mix two dissolvents (octanol and water) which are immissible. The both levels of the compounds were carefully observed by a spectrophotometer UV-Vis. From the test, the result of log P value of the 4-chlorobenzoylthiourea compound was 2.32, while the theoretical log P value of the compounds, by using the π Hansch-Fujita method is 1.62 and the f Rekker-Mannhold method is 2.225. Consequently, the result of the test shows that there is a significant difference between the progress experiment and both theoretical log P methods. Moreover, in the test of the central nervous system depressant through the potentiation test to thiopental using mice indicates that the 4-chlorobenzoylthiourea compound have potentiation effects to thiopental compared to the lead compounds of benzoylthiourea.

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