scholarly journals The Application of Problem-Based Learning Strategy to Increase High Order Thinking Skills of Senior Vocational School Students

2017 ◽  
Vol 10 (6) ◽  
pp. 123 ◽  
Edy Suprapto ◽  
Fahrizal Fahrizal ◽  
Priyono Priyono ◽  
Basri K.

This research is to apply and develop a strategy of problem-based learning to increase the ability of higher order thinking skills of senior vocational schools students. The research was done due to a fact that the quality of outputs of the senior vocational schools has not met the competency needed by the stakeholders in the field, that has made the outputs difficult to get jobs, or fail to run a private business of their own. This research is a quasi experiment applying Nonequivalent Control Group Design, done at X TKR 1 class of 38 students and X TKR 2 class of 38 students of Senior Vocational School II, Kupang, NTT Province, Indonesia. The normality and homogeneity of tests were done to obtain the test of analysis requirement. T-test was done to analyze the data obtained. The results show that: (1) the use of problem-based learning strategy is superior to the conventional study; (2) the application of problem-based learning strategies capable of improving high order thinking skills of students, which is implemented in problem solving skills, teamwork, and self-confidence better. (3) in the future, the high order thinking skills will be very important in winning the job competition, find solutions to problems in the workplace and establish good cooperation with others, so it will support the success of their careers in the future.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (5) ◽  
pp. 652-664
Mrs. Cik‘ani

Menurut peraturan Menteri Pendidikan dan kebudayaan No. 103 tahun 2014 mengenai pembelajaran di tingkat pendidikan dasar dan menengah pasal 2 ayat 1, menjelaskan pelaksanaan pembelajaran pada Pendidikan dasar dan menengah harus berbasis aktivitas, kreatifitas dengan karakteristik. Amanat pemerintah mengharapkan peserta didik dapat mencapai berbagai kompetensi dengan penerapan pembelajaran HOTS (Higher Order Thinking Skills) dan Keterampilan abad 21, dan hasil observasi dan wawancara di SMPN 2 Sukorejo aktivitas pembelajaran IPA, aspek pembelajaran berbasis masalah, tingkat berpikir HOTS dan keterampilan abad 21 masih rendah. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian PTK (Penelitian Tindakan Kelas) dengan 2 siklus masing-masing siklus ada empat tahap dengan jenis diskriptif kualitatif, instrumen yang digunakan berupa : 1)lembar observasi, 2)lembar catatan lapangan dan 3)soal tes dan soal lembar kerja. Berdasarkan hasil observasi dan wawancara di SMPN 2 Sukorejo ditemukan data bahwa pembelajaran berbasis aktifitas dengan karakteristik yang sesuai dengan amanat Permendikbud No 103 tahun 2014 pasal 2 ayat 1 pada proses pembelajaran masih belum maksimal sehingga peneliti tertarik untuk melakukan penelitihan dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui apakah penerapan model pembelajaran PBL(Problem Based Learning) dapat meningkatkan aktifitas dengan karakteristik dengan berorientasi pada pembelajajaran HOTS dan keterampilan abad 21. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan adanya peningkatan rata-rata persentase aktivitas belajar siswa yakni 68,28% pada siklus 1 menjadi 83,8,% pada siklus II artinya ada peningkatan sebesar 15,52%, sedangkan untuk tingkat pemecahan masalah dari 63,8 % pada siklus 1 menjadi 78,975 % pada siklus II artinya ada peningkatan sebesar 15,175 %i Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa penerapan model Problem Base Learning dengan berorientasi HOTS dan keterampilan abad 21 dapat meningkatkan aktifitas belajar dan keterampilan pemecahan masalah dengan karakteristik siswa.

Widya Accarya ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 61-69
IGA Mas Darwati ◽  
I Made Purana

Abstrak Pendidikan pada hakekatnya merupakan syarat mutlak bagi pengembangan sumber daya manusia dalam menuju masa depan yang lebih baik. Ketrampilan abad 21 menitikberatkan kepada kemampuan untuk berpikir kritis, menyelesaikan masalah, komunikasi, dan kerjasama yang merupakan bagian dari HOTS (High Order Thinking Skills) atau kemampuan berpikir tingkat tinggi yang sangat perlu dimiliki oleh peserta didik sebagai bekal dalam menghadapi tantangan global. Problem Based Learning (PBL) merupakan salah satu model pembelajaran yang menuntut aktivitas mental peserta didik untuk memahami suatu konsep pembelajaran melalui situasi dan masalah yang disajikan. Melalui PBL siswa dapat mengembangkan kemampuan yang dimiliki. Kemampuan yang dimaksud diantaranya berpikir kritis, inovatif, dan kreatif. Ketika PBL berlangsung, peserta didik dituntut untuk mampu menyelesaikan masalah sendiri dan bekerja mandiri, sehingga peserta didik dapat mengembangkan berpikir kritisnya. Peserta didik dapat dilatih mengembangkan ketrampilan berpikir tingkat tinggi dan pola berpikir kreatif.

2018 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 139 ◽  
Wartono Wartono ◽  
Johannis Takaria ◽  
John Rafafy Batlolona ◽  
Sascha Grusche ◽  
Muhammad Nur Hudha ◽  

Inquiry-discovery learning plays an important role in improving high-order thinking skills (HOTS) and scientific literacy (SL). In this HOTS and SL research, it was designed with Inquiry-discovery based learning. The purpose of this study was to promote Inquiry discovery models in empowering higher-order thinking skills and scientific literacy in physics with different classes. This research used Quasi-Experimental Design research, and Pretest-Posttest Control Group Design. The research analysis design matrix used two-way ANOVA. The sample was taken from two classes, namely the experimental and control classes of 68 students. The results of the study prove that Inquiry discovery can improve HOTS and SL physics of students. Thus, inquiry-discovery can be recommended to increase student's HOTS and SL physics when compared to conventional classes. The novelty of this study is that inquiry-discovery learning models are more likely to reconstruct students' scientific knowledge of physics on aspects of HOTS and SL with real-world life.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 40-48
Arif Munandar

Keterampilan abad 21 menitikberatkan kepada kemampuan untuk berpikir kritis, menyelesaikan masalah, komunikasi dan kerjasama yang merupakan bagian dari HOTS (High Order Thinking Skills) atau kemampuan berpikir tingkat tinggi yang sangat perlu dimiliki oleh peserta didik sebagai bekal dalam menghadapi tantangan global. Salah satu tujuan khusus Pendidikan Pancasila dan Kewarganegaraan (PPKn) dalam Kurikulum 2013 adalah mengembangkan peserta didik agar mampu berpikir secara kritis, rasional, dan kreatif serta memiliki semangat kebangsaan serta cinta tanah air yang dijiwai oleh nilai-nilai Pancasila, Namun masalah yang terjadi adalah peserta didik lebih banyak menerima begitu saja materi yang diberikan oleh guru tanpa mempertimbangkan dengan lebih cermat, sehingga kurang mendorong peserta didik berpikir kritis. Oleh karena itu pembelajaran kimia dibutuhkan model pembelajaran yang berorientasi pada peserta didik sehingga mampu mengembangkan kemampuan berpikir kritis dan memecahkan masalah yang dihadapi dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Problem-Based Learning (PBL) merupakan salah satu model pembelajaran yang dapat diterapkan pada pembelajaran kimia Kurikulum 2013 karena dapat mendorong peserta didik untuk berpikir kritis, keterampilan menyelesaikan masalah, menghubungkan pengetahuan mengenai masalah-masalah, dan isu-isu dunia nyata.

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 29-34
Yeni Sarif ◽  
Noor Fadiawati ◽  
M. Mahfudz Fauzi Syamsuri

This study aimed to describe the effectiveness in project-based learning of waste cooking oil recycling to improving students’ high order thinking skills. The research design used was the The Matching-Only Pretest-Posttest Control Group Design. The population in this research was all of students in grade XI MIA one of Senior High School in Bandarlampung. The sample of the research was the students of class XI MIA 4 and XI MIA 6. The data analysis technique used was non parametric statistic test using Mann Whitney U to postestt value. The results of this study it can be seen from postest value. Postest value in the experiment class that is greater than the postest value in the control class as well as the <g> on the medium categorized in the experimental class and in the low control class indicate that project-based learning of waste cooking oil recycling can improve students' high order thinking skills. Keywords: high order thinking skills, waste cooking oil, project-based learning                                                               

Ayu Rahayu ◽  
Retno Utaminingsih

This research aims to determine the effectiveness of effective questioning technique in IPA 1 subject in improving high order thinking skills of students. Besides that, the research aims to determine the improvement of high order thinking skills of students that follow the instruction based on effective questioning technique in IPA 1 subject. The research method used isquasi experimental research with control-group pre-test post-test design. The population of this research is students of Elementary School Teacher Education Department that attends IPA 1 subject in the academic year 2014/2015. Research sample determines by simple random sampling techniques with 50 students in experiment class and 47 students in control class. Technique of data analysis which is used in this research is test of high order thinking skills. Hypothesis testing method used is Mann Whitney test. The result showed that the effective questioning techniqueis effective to improve higher-order thinking skills of students. The improvement of high order thinking skills of students who follow the instruction based on effective questioning technique in IPA 1 subject is 88,03% with the effect size of the use of effective questioning technique in experiment class is 54,47%.Key words: effective questioning technique, high order thinking skills   , IPA 1

Firda Firda ◽  
Rizki Hadiwijaya ◽  
Fajar Nugraha

<p><em>This research was motivated by the low level of high-order thinking skills of students on the material of human respiratory organs at SDN Cibungbun, Tasikmalaya Regency, of 27 students only 9 students who completed getting high-order thinking skills scores, with very high criteria of 5 people, high criteria of 2 people. and the criteria are enough for 2 people. Based on this, the researcher applied the Problem Based Learning (PBL) learning model. This study used a Classroom Action Research (CAR) model. Data collection obtained through tests, observation, and documentation. The results obtained: 1) The application of the Problem Based Learning model increases Higher Order Thinking Skills. The results of the value of teacher activity in the first cycle increased from 78% in the good category, and in the second cycle to 93% in the very good category. 2) Increasing the results of students' higher order thinking skills. The results of students' high-order thinking skills in pre-cycle 63, then in cycle I with an average value of 72, while in cycle II with an average value of 83. The results of research on teacher activity, student activity, and results of Higher Order Thinking Skills have changed towards a better direction, it can be concluded that the use of the PBL learning model can increase Higher Order Thinking Skills in class V SDN Cibungbun, Rajapolah District.</em></p>

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