scholarly journals Distribution of the Beta-Casein Gene Variants in Three Cattle Breeds Reared in Benin

2022 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 86
Camus Mahougnon Adoligbe ◽  
Stéphanie Gloria Akpo ◽  
Santoze Adido ◽  
Marguéritte M’Po ◽  
Ange-Régis Zoclanclounon ◽  

The beta-casein gene is one of the most functional genetic candidate that affect milk quality and composition traits. Among its variants, the A1/A2 are the most common. Therefore, the aim of this study was to identify the distribution of the Beta-casein gene variants (A1/A2) in three different cattle breeds in order to determine which of the breed produce a better milk for consumers’ health. 152 blood samples which comprises 72 (Muturu), 40 (Azawak) and 40 Girolando were used to carry out this study. Genomic DNA was extracted from the blood samples and each variant was subsequently amplified from the extracted DNA samples using an Allele-Specific PCR technique and then confirmed by running the PCR products on 1% agarose gel. The result showed that there were three genotypes (A1A1, A2A1 and A2A2) in the three breeds. The average percentage genotypic frequencies obtained from this study were 42.76%, 31.58% and 25.66% respectively for A1A1, A1A2 and A2A2 genotypes while the percentage allelic frequencies were 58% and 42% respectively for A1 and A2 allele. The genetic parameters of Azawak breed were higher than that of the other breeds, what implies that there was a higher polymorphism and genetic diversity in the Azawak breed in the beta-casein gene compare to the other breeds. The A2 beta-casein variant in milk has been found to be desirable for milk consumer’s health and nutrition. This study therefore showed that the Azawak breed provides a good potential for increasing this favorable allele through appropriate breeding techniques of cattle.

A. Raja ◽  
R. Rajendran ◽  
P. Ganapathi

Background: Many genetic variants of beta-casein in different breeds of cattle have been reported. The A1 and A2 are the most common variants. The breeds of Zebu cattle have high frequency of A2 allele or monomorphic for A2 allele. The current study aimed to screen Indian Zebu cattle breeds, Bargur and Umblachery, for A1 and A2 alleles at beta-casein locus.Methods: A total of 48 Bargur and 42 Umblachery cattle were genotyped for β-casein (CSN2) gene using allele-specific PCR. The gene and genotype frequencies were estimated. The theoretical heterozygosity (Heexp), experimental heterozygosity (Heobs), polymorphism information content (PIC), expected homozygosity (E), effective number of alleles (ENA) and level of possible variability realization (V%) were calculated.Result: The investigation revealed the presence of both A1 and A2 alleles at beta-casein locus in both Bargur and Umblachery cattle breeds. The A1A1 genotype was not observed in both the breeds. The frequencies of A1A2 and A2A2 genotypes were 0.125 and 0.875 respectively in Bargur and 0.050 and 0.950 respectively in Umblachery breed. The study indicated the predominance of A2 variant in both the breeds. The frequencies of A1 and A2 alleles were 0.063 and 0.937 respectively in Bargur and 0.02 and 0.98 respectively in Umblachery breed. The values of experimental heterozygosity (Heobs), theoretical heterozygosity (Heexp), polymorphism information content (PIC), expected homozygosity (E), effective number of alleles (ENA), level of possible variability realization (V%) were 0.125, 0.1163, 0.1095,0.8837, 1.131 and 11.88 respectively in Bargur breed. These values were 0.048, 0.0468, 0.0458, 0.9532, 1.049 and 4.79 respectively in Umblachery population. The observed heterozygosity and PIC values revealed the existence of very low genetic variability in the tested populations. The present work will be a contribution to the study on beta-casein locus in Indian zebu cattle.

2018 ◽  
Vol 25 (03) ◽  
pp. 49-56
Undarmaa S ◽  
Davaasuren N ◽  
Nyamgarav B ◽  
Tserennadmid L ◽  
Batnasan T ◽  

The endogenous jaagsiekte retrovirus (exoJSRV) is integrated into the sheep genome as result of long coevolution of the virus and host and transmitted vertically. The exogenous jaagsiekte retrovirus (endoJSRV) is transmitted from infected sheep and induce ovine pulmonary adenocarcinoma. The differential diagnosis of endoJSRV from the exogenous oncovirus (exoJSRV) is based on unique nucleotide sequences of exoJSRV which is characterized by a digestion of Sca I restriction endonuclease while endo JSRV not. We used the routine diagnostic method for determination of both JSRV in healthy and affected sheep in Mongolia as rest of the world. The 229 bp long PCR product of the Gag region of the virus was amplified in all 81 sheep blood samples from central regions but not digested by Sca I restriction endonuclease which indicate the presence of endoJSRV. The nucleotide sequence of two PCR products of khalkh sheep breed were clustered with viral strains from India and China, respectively. The lung tumor nodule was present in sheep with breeding problems, the hematoxylin and eosin staining of the affected lungs showed strong tumor cell proliferation sites and decreased number of alveoli. The 229 bp PCR product of viral Gag region was digested by Sca I restriction endonuclease which indicate the presence of exogenic JSRV, the oncovirus. The LTR (long terminal repeat) specific PCR of the exoJSRV resulted as positive in two tumor lung samples except non-tumor lung samples and blood samples which validated our results strongly. Монгол хонины эндоген болон уушигны хорт хавдар үүсгэгч онковирусийг ялган оношлосон нь Хураангуй: Хонины эндоген жаагсиектэ ретровирус (Jaagsiekte retrovirus -хJSRV/ЖРВ) нь олон жилийн турш эзэн амьтан болон вирусийн хам эволюцийн явцад эзэн амьтны геномд нэгдэн хонинд удамшдаг болсон байна. Харин ЖРВ-ийн эксоген хэлбэр нь өвчтэй малаас удамшлын бус замаар малд халдварлан уушигны хорт хавдар-аденоматозыг үүсгэдэг онковирус тул ЖРВ-ийн эдгээр хэлбэрийг ялган оношлох нь Монгол орны малын халдварт өвчний үнэн бодит шинжилгээнд зайлшгүй чухал юм. xЖРВ-ийн энэхүү 2 хэлбэр нь хоорондоо төстэй боловч нуклеотидийн дараалал, ялангуяа вирусийн gag хэсгийн 229 хос суурь урттай хэсэг нь Scal эндонуклеаз ферментээр таслагдах эсэхээрээ ялгагддаг нь бусад орны судлаачдын үр дүнгээр тогтоогдсон байна. Бидний цуглуулсан 81 толгой хонины цусны бүх дээжинд 229 хос суурь урттай ДНХ-ийн судал илэрсэн боловч ScaI эндонуклеаз ферментээр хэсэгчлэн таслагдаагүй мөн нуклеоитидийн дарааллыг секвенсингээр тогтооход энэ нь ЖРВ-ийн эндоген хувилбар болох нь нотлогдов. Эмнэлзүйн үзлэгээр амьсгаа нь давхацсан, уушиг хэржигнэсэн шуугиантай хонины уушигны баруун хэлтэр нь 2-3 дахин томорсон, цайвар өнгөтэй болж, хатуурсан, эмгэг бие бүтцийн шинжилгээгээр уушигны цулцангийн ханын шүүрлийн хучуур эс хорт хавдрын эс болон хувирч олшрон үржлийн голомтууд үүсгэн агаарын хийн солилцооны гуурс руу түрэн орж хөхөлгөр ур үүсгэсэн нь ажиглагдав. Энэ судалгаагаар бид эндонуклеаз фермент ашиглан уушигны аденоматоз, хорт хавдар үүсгэгч эксоген ЖРВ-ийн халдварыг бүх хонинд удамшдаг эндоген ЖРВ-ээс ялган оношлох боломжийг нотолсон арга боловсруулав. Мөн LTR хэсгийн өвөрмөц хос праймер ашиглан эксоген ЖРВ-йиг ПГУ-аар илрүүлэх боломжтойг баталгаажуулав. Түлхүүр үг: Жаагсиектэ ретровирус (ЖРВ), онковирус, эксоген ЖРВ, эндоген ЖРВ, хонины уушигны аденоматоз, эндонуклеаз фермент, gag, LTR-long terminal repeat, хөхөлгөр ур

3 Biotech ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (9) ◽  
Shiven Patel ◽  
Tejas Shah ◽  
Pritesh Sabara ◽  
Dhruv Bhatia ◽  
Ketankumar Panchal ◽  


2002 ◽  
Vol 3 (3) ◽  
pp. 221-225

In recent months a bumper crop of genomes has been completed, including the fission yeast (Schizosaccharomyces pombe) and rice (Oryza sativa). Two large-scale studies ofSaccharomyces cerevisiaeprotein complexes provided a picture of the eukaryotic proteome as a network of complexes. Amongst the other stories of interest was a demonstration that proteomic analysis of blood samples can be used to detect ovarian cancer, perhaps even as early as stage I.


Представлены результаты исследований частоты встречаемости аллельных вариантов А1 и А2 гена бета-казеина (CSN2) у животных голштинской породы (n=510), принадлежащих пяти племенным хозяйствам Российской Федерации. Анализ ДНК проводился методом полимеразной цепной реакции с искусственно созданным сайтом рестрикции (ACRS-ПЦР). В среднем, по всему исследованному поголовью частота генотипов составила: A1A1—15% (n=78), A1A2—41 % (n=210), A2A2—44% (n=222). Частота желательного аллельного варианта А2 в среднем по всем стадам достигла 0,641 и превысила частоту аллеля А1 (0,359). Генотип А2А2 чаще встречается в группе племенных животных, импортированных из Дании. Им обладают 77% особей из 40 исследованных. Частота аллеля А2 в стаде исследуемого племенного хозяйства Курской области в 7 раз превысила частоту аллеля А1 и достигла 0,875. На 2-ом месте по частоте аллеля А2 находится маточное поголовье, завезенное из США. В племенном хозяйстве Московской области 42% животных из 354 исследованных имеют желательный генотип А2А2, частота аллеля А2 составила 0,640. В Камчатском крае отмечена сходная частота аллеля А2 (0,635) у племенных особей голштинской породы североамериканской селекции. В группе скота венгерской селекции, принадлежащей племенному хозяйству Рязанской области, частота аллеля А2 гена CSN2 ниже (0,611).  В другом хозяйстве этого региона у голштинской породы канадского происхождения частота аллеля А1 (0,522) превысила частоту аллеля А2 (0,478). По исследованному поголовью оценки наблюдаемой (Ho) и ожидаемой (He) гетерозиготности имеют сходные значения и составляют 0,430 и 0,460 соответственно. The results of studies of the frequency of occurrence of allelic variants A1 and A2 of the beta-casein gene (CSN2) in Holstein animals (n=510) belonging to five breeding farms of the Russian Federation are presented. DNA analysis was performed by polymerase chain reaction with an artificially created restriction site (ACRS-PCR). On average, the frequency of genotypes for the entire studied population was: A1A1-15% (n=78), A1A2—41% (n=210), A2A2—44% (n=222). The frequency of the desired A2 allele variant reached 0.641 on average across all herds and exceeded the frequency of the A1 allele (0.359). The A2A2 genotype is more common in a group of breeding animals imported from Denmark. It is possessed by 77% of the 40 individuals studied. The frequency of the A2 allele in the herd of the studied breeding farm of the Kursk region was 7 times higher than the frequency of the A1 allele and reached 0.875. On the 2nd place in the frequency of the A2 allele is the breeding stock imported from the United States. In the breeding farm of the Moscow region, 42% of the 354 animals studied have the desired genotype A2A2, the frequency of the A2 allele was 0.640. In the Kamchatka Territory, a similar frequency of the A2 allele (0.635) was observed in cows of the Holstein breed of North American selection. In the group of Hungarian-bred cattle belonging to the Ryazan Region breeding farm, the frequency of the A2 allele of the CSN2 gene is lower (0.611). In another farm in this region, the Holstein breed of Canadian origin had the frequency of the A1 allele (0.522) higher than the frequency of the A2 allele (0.478). For the studied livestock, the estimates of observed (Ho) and expected (He) heterozygosity have similar values and are 0.430 and 0.460, respectively.

BioTechniques ◽  
2001 ◽  
Vol 31 (4) ◽  
pp. 766-771 ◽  
Petra Wolffs ◽  
Rickard Knutsson ◽  
Robert Sjöback ◽  
Peter Rådström

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