holstein breed
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Pathogens ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 85
Konstantinos V. Arsenopoulos ◽  
Eleftherios Triantafillou ◽  
Athanasios I. Gelasakis ◽  
Elias Papadopoulos

Fly infestation remains a universal problem for dairy cattle herds, affecting the animals’ health and welfare status. Pre-weaned dairy calves are significantly challenged by the direct and indirect consequences of severe fly infestation, heat-stress and their interaction, which contribute to a stressful and fatiguing environment. Among several physiological, behavioral, clinical and biochemical traits, serum cortisol (SC) and creatine kinase (CK) levels, as well as feed consumption can be used as valid indicators of potential stressful and fatiguing conditions and, therefore, can be efficiently used for stress analysis studies. Hence, the objective of the study was to assess the fly-repellency effect of deltamethrin on pre-weaned dairy calves exposed to heat stress conditions, as well as its association with SC, CK concentrations and feed consumption. Two commercial dairy cattle herds of the Holstein breed in Central Macedonia (Greece) were involved in the study during summer months and under heat stress conditions. Deltamethrin administration resulted in (i) a decreased fly population (100% Musca domestica) landing on pre-weaned dairy calves, (ii) a reduced SC (stress indicator) and CK (fatigue indicator) concentration, and (iii) an increased consumption of feedstuff in deltamethrin treated animals compared to the untreated ones.

2022 ◽  
Vol 354 (11-12) ◽  
pp. 27-31
M. V. Dovydenkova

Relevance. The breeding stock and young cattle in the conditions of industrial technology of animal husbandry experience an increased antigenic load, which leads to disturbances in the immune status and the development of inflammatory processes manifested by endometritis and mastitis, diarrheal and respiratory syndromes. It was relevant to conduct a comprehensive assessment of the immunological reactivity of the animal’s body according to the state of resistance in cattle with clinical and subclinical mastitis, depending on the age of lactation. As a result of complex studies, the specific and nonspecific reactivity of the body of cattle in different periods of lactation was studied.Methods. The object of the study were cows of a black-and-white Holstein breed (n = 450). Groups of animals were formed according to the age of lactation:1st lactation, 2–3rd lactation, 3–4th lactation and for health reasons: clinically healthy animals, with subclinical mastitis and clinical mastitis. Milk samples were taken from cows to count the number of somatic cells, and blood to determine the quantitative content of IgG immunoglobulin and indicators of nonspecific resistance.Results. It was found that with mastitis in cows of different lactation ages, almost identical changes in the immune status were observed. Quantitative determination of IgG levels in animal blood serum is the basis for assessing the immunity of cattle. The immune status in clinically healthy animals was characterized by a higher level of the total amount of IgG immunoglobulin in the blood serum (amounted to 22.25 ± 0.70 mg/ml), whereas in cows with a subclinical form of mastitis, the level of IgG immunoglobulin decreased by 12.3%, with a clinical form of mastitis — by 17.2%. The results also showed that in cows of different lactations with subclinical and clinical mastitis, the bactericidal activity (by 10.8%) and the lysozyme activity of the blood increased significantly (by 8.22%). In cows with clinical mastitis — by 8.6% and 9.7% respectively, compared with the indicators in groups of healthy animals. Thus, mastitis, occurring in acute and subacute form, leads to a decrease in the resistance of the cows’ organism.

N. Kovalyuk ◽  
N. Altukhova ◽  
M. Glushchenko ◽  
A. Solovykh

Purpose: to determine the potential of the Russian subpopulation of the Holstein breed in relation to selection by loci of beta-and kappa-casein.Materials and methods. For loci CSN2 and CSN3, 1,539 Holstein cattle were genotyped, including 1,242 cows and heifers and 297 sires, and information on CSN2 and CSN3 genotypes of 297 US bulls was analyzed (World Wide Sires, Ltd).Results. It has been established that in the last two years there has been an increase in the percentage of sires in WWS with CSN2 genotypes A2A2 and CSN3 genotypes BB. Thus, sires allele frequency in the 2019 catalog was 0.51 and 0.29, respectively; and in the 2021 catalog was 0.68 and 0.31, respectively.Genotyped sires of domestic breeding organizations, which are mostly foreign origin, were characterized by predominance of the A2 allele CSN2; in this group the frequency of the allele was 0.63. However, the CSN3 B allele in the group of sires belonging to domestic organizations was found with a frequency of 0.34, which is 1.6 times lower than that of sires of American origin.In the genotyped group of Holstein cows and heifers (n = 1242) belonging to 3 large farms in the Krasnodar Krai, the gene frequency CSN2 allele A2 was minimal (0.57), and the CSN3 allele B (0.40) was higher than the allele frequency in the sires group of domestic breeding enterprises.Conclusion. At present, Russian breeding enterprises and farms are lagging behind in these indicators, however, by conducting targeted selection in accordance with the indicated trend, by selecting the appropriate breeding bulls, it is possible in the next generation to increase the proportion of animals carrying valuable genotypes.

2022 ◽  
Nour Elhouda Bakri ◽  
M’Naouer Djemali ◽  
Francesca Maria Sarti ◽  
Mohamed Benyedder ◽  
Camillo Pieramati

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (24) ◽  
pp. 147-151
Zilda Cristiani Gazim ◽  
Orlando Seiko Takemura ◽  
Luiz Cláudio Monteiro da Silva ◽  
Carlos Massambani ◽  
Roberson Eduardo Moraes ◽  

The present paper presents the results of homeopathic treatment of 25 Holstein breed cows aged 3 to 8 years old diagnosed with subclinical mastitis through California Mastitis Test (CMT). Animals were divided into 3 groups according with infection level. A homeopathic complex was developed on the grounds of clinical aspects, including Phosphorus 30x, Phytolacca 30x, Silicea 30x, Sulphur 30x, Belladona 30x, Bryonia alba 30x, Pulsatilla 30x, Calendula 30x and biotherapic of Staphylococcus aureus 200x. The remedy was added to salt and was administered to cattle 100g/cow/day for 75 days. CMT were carried out every 2 weeks to control incidence and severity of mastitis; somatic cells count (SCC) was performed at the beginning and the end of treatment. CMT showed significant improvement in regression of infection level all throughout the study; final SCC showed decrease in 82% of animals, signaling thus efficacy of the homeopathic treatment. Keywords:  Subclinical mastitis; Dairy cows; Homeopathy; California Mastitis Test, Somatic Cells Count.   Estudo preliminar do tratamento homeopático da mastite subclínica avaliado por contagem de células somáticas (SCC) e California Mastitis Test (CMT) Resumo Este artigo apresenta os resultados do tratamento homeopático de 25 vacas raça Holstein entre 3 e 8 anos de idade diagnosticadas com mastite subclínica através do California Mastitis Test (CMT). Os animais foram divididos em 3 grupos de acordo com o nível da infecção. Foi preparado um complexo homeopático com base nos achados clínicos, composto de: Phosphorus 30X, Phytolacca 30x, Sulphur 30x, Belladona 30x, Bryonia alba 30x, Silicea 30x, Pulsatilla 30x, Calendula 30x s 30X, Phytolacca 30x, Sulphur 30x, Belladona 30x, Bryonia alba 30x, Silicea 30x, Pulsatilla 30x, Calendula 30x e bioterápico de Staphylococcus aureus 200x. O complexo foi acrescentado no sal e administrado na dose de 100g/vaca/dia. O CMT foi realizado a cada 2 semanas a fim de monitorar a incidéncia e gravidade da mastitie; a contagem de células somáticas (SCC) foi realizada ao início e no final do tratamento. Os valores do CMT mostraram melhora significativa no sentido de regressão do nível da infecção ao longo do estudo; o valor final da SCC diminuiu em 82% dos animais, apontando para a eficácia do tratamento homeopático. Palavras-chave:  Mastite subclínica; Vacas leiteiras; Homeopatia; CMT, contagem de células somáticas.   Estudio preliminar del tratamiento homeopático de la mastitis sublínica evaluado mediante recuento de células somáticas (SCC) y California Mastitis Test (CMT) Resumen Este artículo presenta los resultados del tratamiento homeopático de 25 vacas raza Holstein entre 3 e 8 años de edad diagnosticadas com mastitis sucblínica mediante California Mastitis Test (CMT). Los animales fueron divididos en 3 grupos según el nível de la infección. Fue compuesto un complejo homeopático con base en la presentación clínica, incluyendo Phosphorus 30X, Phytolacca 30x, Sulphur 30x, Belladona 30x, Bryonia alba 30x, Silicea 30x, Pulsatilla 30x, Calendula 30x y bioterápico de Staphylococcus aureus 200x. El complejo fue agregado en sal y administrado a los animales en la dosis de 100g/vaca/día. CMT fue realizado cada 2 semanas para monitorizar la incidencia y gravedad de la mastitis; recuento de células somáticas (SCC) fue realizado al inicio y al final del tratamiento. CMT mostró mejoría significativa en el sentido de regresión del nivel de la infección a lo largo del estudio; el valor final del SCC disminuyó en 82% de los animales, apuntando para la eficacia del tratamiento homeopático. Palabras-clave:  Mastitis subclínica; Vacas lecheras; Homeopatía; CMT, recuento de células somáticas.   Correspondence author:  Zilda Cristiani Gazim, [email protected] How to cite this article:  Barzon CD, Medeiros F, Moraes RE, Silva LCM, Massambani C, Takemura OS, Gazim ZC. Preliminary study of homeopathic treatment of subclinical mastitis evaluated through somatic cells count and California mastitis test. Int J High Dilution Res [online]. 2008 [cited YYYY Mmm DD]; 7(24): 147-151. Available from: http://journal.giri-society.org/index.php/ijhdr/article/view/292/364.  

Н.А. ПОПОВ ◽  

В статье рассмотрены цифровой формат оценки племенной ценности инбредных быков-производителей по качеству потомства и ее влияние на последующие поколения животных. Выявление инбредного гетерозиса у производителей помогает сделать оценку быков по качеству потомства более информативной за счет определения глубины изменения параметров генетической структуры популяции и степени увеличения частоты рецессивных генов в подконтрольных популяциях. Одной из причин значительной разницы в удое, МДЖ и МДБ российских и американских коров голштинской породы являлась их удаленность от родоначальника. Другой причиной считается стремление селекционеров к инбридингу на выдающихся предков, однако в случае инбредного гетерозиса высокие показатели родителей быстро затухают в последующих поколениях потомков. Исследования были проведены в хозяйствах Московской области малой и средней производственной мощности. Для сравнения проанализированы результаты оценки быков-производителей из США и других стран с высокоразвитым молочным скотоводством. Методами изучения были имитационный и регрессионный анализ данных первичного зоотехнического учета и собственных исследований. Эксперимент показал, что быки-производители с высокими степенями родства уменьшали изменчивость признаков молочности среди дочерей: по удою — на 77,9%; по МДЖ — на 33,4%; по МДБ — на 36,0%, по сравнению с отцами, имеющими низкие степени родства. При этом в их поголовье в первом поколении повышается генетический тренд по удою на 14,3—21,4%, а племенная ценность — на 10,8—26,8%. В настоящее время в зарубежных популяциях голштинской породы широко применяют геномный метод оценки племенной ценности, при котором не требуется информация о родословных животных и не учитывается степень их родства, что отрицательно влияет на получение высококачественного потомства. Повышение племенной ценности по признакам в популяции сыновей и внуков быков-лидеров породы угасает, если в генофонде родителей имел место инбредный гетерозис. The article considers of the inbred breeding bulls breeding value by offspring quality and its impact on subsequent generations of animals’ digital format assessing. Identification of inbred heterosis helps to make the bulls’ assessment by the offspring quality more informative, by determining the depth of changes in the genetic structure of the population parameters and the recessive genes at populations frequency degree increase controlling. One of the reasons for the significant difference in milk yield, MJ and MDB of Russian and American Holstein cows was their distance from the ancestor. Another reason is considered to be of the breeders to inbreeding for outstanding ancestors’ desire, but in the case of inbred heterosis, high rates of parents quickly fade in descendants in subsequent generations. The research was carried out in the farms of the Moscow region of small and medium production capacity. For comparison, the results of the evaluation of breeding bulls in the United States and other countries with highly developed dairy cattle breeding were analyzed. The research methods were simulation and regression analysis of primary zootechnical accounting data and authors’ own research. Experimental data showed that breeding bulls with high degrees of relation reduced the variability of milk production among daughters by milk yield in 77.9%: for MJ in 33.4%; for MDB in 36.0% in compared with fathers with relation’s low degrees. At the same time, in livestock’s first generation, the genetic trend in milk yield increases in 14.3—21.4%, and the breeding value in 10.8—26.8%. Currently, the genomic method of assessing the breeding value is widely used in foreign populations of the Holstein breed, which does not require information about the pedigrees of animals, and does not take into account the degree of their kinship, which negatively affects the production of high-quality offspring. The breeding qualities of the sons of the bull leaders of the breed are quickly disabled the surge of increased breeding value by signs in the population of sons and grandchildren of bulls-leaders of the breed is fading if inbred heterosis took place in the parents' gene pool.

Evgeniy Kharitonov

The trials were performed on 20 multiparous cows of Holstein breed (39.7 ± 0.75 kg of milk) at the end of the first phase of lactation this different milk fat (4.1-2.8%). The aim of the research was to study the characteristics of nutrition, metabolism and biosynthesis of milk components in highly productive dairy cows with normal and low milk fat levels and the timing of their productive use. Study the characteristics of fermentation of scar formation substrates and their use in energy metabolism and biosynthesis of the milk components. Found that low fat milk is not associated with a lack of formation of acetate in the rumen (6.1 vs. 6.6 mmol/dl in the contents of the rumen, р>0.05) and the non change in the hormonal profile, but depends on the reduction of fatty acids synthesis de novo in mammary gland, regulated by conjugated higher fatty acids. The result is a reduction in the need of cows in the exchange energy (reduction of heat transfer by 6.2 MJ), a shorter service period (109.5 vs.139 days) and the prolongation of their productive use (the number of lactations correlated back with the level of fat in milk (r=-0.68, p<0.05, n=1300).

O. V. Nazarchenko ◽  
A. N. Rusanov

Breeding work with dairy cattle in the Kurgan region is aimed at breeding animals that combine the adaptive properties and valuable traits of cattle of Black-and-White breed with a high proportion of genes of Holstein breed. Such animals are characterized by high productivity and suitability for intensive technology of their housing. The purpose of the research was to determine the indicators of milk productivity of first-calf heifers of different generations of Holstein breed, imported to the pedigree farms of the Kurgan region, as well as to determine the degree of realization of the genetic potential of animals. Scientific research has been carried out in the herd of CJSC “Glinka” (Kurgan), where highly productive cattle of Black-and-White and Holstein breeds are bred. The subject of research was the first-calf heifers of the imported Holstein breed of German selection of different generations, as well as the herdmates of Black-and-White breed. It has been found that the realization of the genetic potential for milk yield in Holstein cows of German breeding was higher and amounted to 76,4 %, in cows of Black-and-White breed 69,9 %. The highest milk yield for 305 days of lactation has been observed in the second generation of Holstein heifers 8905 kg, which exceeded the milk yield of herdmates of the second and third generations by 113 kg or 1,26 % and 174 kg or 1,95 %, respectively. The mass fraction of fat in German Holsteins of different generations ranged from 3,99 to 4,21 % (P < 0,001), while the mass fraction of protein in the milk of first-calf heifers varied slightly in the range from 3,18 to 3,20 %. In terms of live weight, the animals of the third generation slightly exceeded the herdmates of the 1st and 2nd generations by 19 kg or 3,25 % and 20 kg or 3,43 %, respectively. The largest profit has been received from the first-generation first-calf heifers of Holstein breed of German selection, where the level of profitability of milk production was 50,7 %, which was higher than that of the herdmates of the second and third generations by 3,9 and 7,9 %, respectively.

2021 ◽  
Vol 935 (1) ◽  
pp. 012008
N Malkova ◽  
M Ostyakova ◽  
S Shcherbinina ◽  
V Irkhina

Abstract The article presents data on the study of metabolism in calves two weeks before diarrhea at the age of 19-52 days of life. For this purpose, three groups of conditionally healthy animals of the Holstein breed were formed at the age of 19, 30, 52 days of life. To assess the metabolic status of young cattle, biochemical and general clinical blood tests were carried out. In the course of a laboratory blood test in young cattle, two weeks before disease manifestation, disorders of mineral and protein metabolism, a decrease in liver function were established. At the same time, with the increase in the age of the calves, the imbalance in protein metabolism was aggravated against the background of a change in diet and mineral metabolism improved as a result of the maturation of the digestive system.

A. Abilov ◽  
P. Kozmenkov ◽  
В. Iolchiev

Purpose: Study of the results of the use of bull-producers imported from the United States in the conditions of the Nizhny Novgorod region.Materials and methods. The work was performed in 2018-2019 in the farms of the Nizhny Novgorod region. The object of study - the heifers of the Holstein breed, which reached 360-380 kg of a living mass aged 13 months and above. Total experience used 495 heifers. Feeding chubs was carried out in accordance with feeding norms, taking into account the physiological state of animals. The insemination of the heifers was carried out by the rectocervical way after synchronization of hunting. We studied the number of seeds, the pregnancy from one insemination, the number of abortions and the number of repeated pubs within a month after the hotel. Statistical analysis of the data obtained was carried out in the SPSSV.15.0 program.Results. It has been established that more than 70% of the heifers were invented at the age of 13-15 months. The pregnancy from one insemination was 58%. The best result (72.2%) was obtained in the group of heifers aged 19 months and above. The results of the study show that the seed season plays an essential role in seeding. The best indicators were obtained in the summer period - 60%, in autumn - 54% and in winter - 56%.Conclusion. The data obtained give reason to believe that the optimal age of the insemination of the heifer is 13-15 months. The result of artificial insemination of the heifer has an influence of the season of the year in the insemination and season of birth of heifers, while the birth season as a factor has a higher value.

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