1959 ◽  
Vol 35 (3) ◽  
pp. 203-211 ◽  
D. P. Fowler

This paper reports the results of some work done to develop a rapid germination technique suitable for small quantities of valuable white pine seed.It was found that by removing the seed coat from fresh seed, germination was more rapid and yielded a higher per cent germination than seed stratified for 20 days at 40 °F. Three types of soaking (aerated water, changed water, and unchanged water) and three durations of soaking (3, 7 and 10 days) were tested. Soaking seed in aerated water for three, seven or ten days was almost as good as 20 days stratification. Aerated water was superior for soaking treatments than water which had been changed twice daily, which in turn was better than water which was not changed. Seed germination decreased as the length of soaking period increased except for seeds which had been soaked in aerated water.Attempts to germinate seed directly from cones which had not been allowed to dry were not successful. Apparently embryos in these seeds were not fully developed.The implications of the results are discussed briefly.

2011 ◽  
Vol 148-149 ◽  
pp. 305-308
Tao Xu ◽  
Yue Hua Wang

Ternstroemia gymnnanthera is an important plant for industrial raw material of tanning. The systematic artificial breeding techniques are studied. The seeds and the cutting propagation had been carried out in our lab for two years,There is dormancy period of 3 to 4 months for the mature seeds.we found the dormancy is related to its seed coat and red aril. The seed’s nutrients are stored in the cotyledons. The seed coat artificially broken and GA3 (700mg/L) or NAA (100mg/L) treatment can promote seed germination rate. The seed germination is a good way for seedling nursery. The different treatments had done for cuttings to make the seedling nursery and the treatment with NAA (100mg/L) and ABT can significantly improve the cuttings survival rate of two years.Three wild populations of this species were studied in field. We found it adapted to sun environment better than the half shade or shade environment, as in the shade environment, it can not be normally flowering and bearing fruit.

2021 ◽  
Vol 62 (1) ◽  
Chih-Hsin Yeh ◽  
Kai-Yi Chen ◽  
Yung-I. Lee

Abstract Background Vanilla planifolia is an important tropical orchid for production of natural vanilla flavor. Traditionally, V. planifolia is propagated by stem cuttings, which produces identical genotype that are sensitive to virulent pathogens. However, propagation with seed germination of V. planifolia is intricate and unstable because the seed coat is extremely hard with strong hydrophobic nature. A better understanding of seed development, especially the formation of impermeable seed coat would provide insights into seed propagation and conservation of genetic resources of Vanilla. Results We found that soaking mature seeds in 4% sodium hypochlorite solution from 75 to 90 min significantly increased germination. For the culture of immature seeds, the seed collection at 45 days after pollination (DAP) had the highest germination percentage. We then investigated the anatomical features during seed development that associated with the effect of seed pretreatment on raising seed germination percentage. The 45-DAP immature seeds have developed globular embryos and the thickened non-lignified cell wall at the outermost layer of the outer seed coat. Seeds at 60 DAP and subsequent stages germinated poorly. As the seed approached maturity, the cell wall of the outermost layer of the outer seed coat became lignified and finally compressed into a thick envelope at maturity. On toluidine blue O staining, the wall of outer seed coat stained greenish blue, indicating the presence of phenolic compounds. As well, on Nile red staining, a cuticular substance was detected in the surface wall of the embryo proper and the innermost wall of the inner seed coat. Conclusion We report a reliable protocol for seed pretreatment of mature seeds and for immature seeds culture based on a defined time schedule of V. plantifolia seed development. The window for successful germination of culturing immature seed was short. The quick accumulation of lignin, phenolics and/or phytomelanins in the seed coat may seriously inhibit seed germination after 45 DAP. As seeds matured, the thickened and lignified seed coat formed an impermeable envelope surrounding the embryo, which may play an important role in inducing dormancy. Further studies covering different maturity of green capsules are required to understand the optimal seed maturity and germination of seeds.

2010 ◽  
Vol 21 (03) ◽  
pp. 311-319 ◽  

The rupture degree of an incomplete connected graph G is defined by [Formula: see text] where w(G - S) is the number of components of G - S and m(G - S) is the order of a largest component of G - S. For the complete graph Kn, rupture degree is defined as 1 - n. This parameter can be used to measure the vulnerability of a graph. Rupture degree can reflect the vulnerability of graphs better than or independent of the other parameters. To some extent, it represents a trade-off between the amount of work done to damage the network and how badly the network is damaged. Computing the rupture degree of a graph is NP-complete. In this paper, we give formulas for the rupture degree of composition of some special graphs and we consider the relationships between the rupture degree and other vulnerability parameters.

2007 ◽  
Vol 64 (3) ◽  
pp. 308-313 ◽  
Eniel David Cruz ◽  
José Edmar Urano de Carvalho ◽  
Rafaela Josemara Barbosa Queiroz

Seed coat impermeability to water occurs in many species, including Schizolobium amazonicum Huber ex Ducke. To promote germination in seeds with coat impermeability the use of sulphuric acid (H2SO4) is recommended. The objective of this study was to identify a better time for the scarification with sulphuric acid for S. amazonicum seeds. The effect of scarification with sulphuric acid for 20, 40 and 60 min on germination and speed germination was studied for seeds that were either sowed immediately after scarification or after a 24-hour period of immersion in water. Seeds were sown on a mix of sand and sawdust (1:1). The experimental design was completely randomized with four replications of 50 seeds. The statistical analysis of germination was carried out at six, nine, 12, 15, 18, 21 and 24 days after sowing, in a factorial scheme. For speed germination the means were compared by the Tukey test. There was an interaction between treatments to overcome dormancy and immersion time after scarification in most evaluations. Immersion in water accelerated the beginning of germination. All treatments to overcome dormancy promoted seed germination. However, scarification for 60 min, showed better germination, 92% when immediately sown and 86.5% when sown after 24 hours. Speed germination index was highest for scarified seeds for 60 min followed by immersion in water. Scarification for 60 min was the most efficient treatment to promote germination in S. amazonicum seeds.

1988 ◽  
Vol 2 (4) ◽  
pp. 499-504 ◽  
Randall S. Currie ◽  
Thomas F. Peeper

Seed of three weed species collected from the grain bins of combines while standing hard red winter wheat was harvested germinated better than hand-harvested seed. Combine-harvested curly dock seed germinated from 4 to 24% more than hand-harvested seed. Curly dock seed harvested with a commercial-type combine germinated better than those harvested with a small-plot combine. Harvesting slimleaf lambsquarters and Venice mallow seed with a commercial-type combine also enhanced germination compared to hand-harvested seed.

2014 ◽  
Vol 56 (1) ◽  
pp. 77-91 ◽  
Mieczysław Karaś

In the germinating rape embryo the columella and basal part of hypocotyl undergo earliest activation. Its first ultrastructural symptom is the appearance of numerous ER vesicles after 3-6 h of seed swelling. Their number is the highest in the external layers of the columella and decreases in basipetal direction. Dermatogen cells in the basal zone of the hypocotyl contain the greatest amount of ER structures, whereas decreasing amounts are found in both directions along the embryo axis and centripetally. Further changes in the ER spread in a similar order. The vesicles merge and form a tubular and plate-like ER. Then, they disappear and are replaced by tubular and vesicular forms. The changes in the ER are gradually followed by ultrastructural symptoms of activation of mitochondria, plastids and dictyosomes. The highest number of ER structures and other organelles accumulate in root cells shortly before piercing of the seed coat. After germination their amount decreases and remains almost stable.

2021 ◽  
Chih-Hsin Yeh ◽  
Kai-Yi Chen ◽  
Yung-I Lee

Abstract Background: Vanilla planifolia is an important tropical orchid for production of natural vanilla flavor. Traditionally, V. planifolia is propagated by stem cuttings, which produces identical genotype that are sensitive to virulent pathogens. However, sexual propagation with seed germination of V. planifolia is intricate and unstable because of the extremely hard seed coat. A better understanding of seed development, especially the formation of impermeable seed coat would provide insights into seed propagation and conservation of genetic resources of Vanilla.Results: We found that soaking mature seeds in 4 % sodium hypochlorite solution from 75 to 90 min significantly increased germination and that immature seeds collected at 45 days after pollination (DAP) had the highest germination percentage. We then investigated the anatomical features during seed development that associated with the effect of seed pretreatment on raising seed germination percentage. The 45-DAP immature seeds have developed globular embryos and the thickened non-lignified cell wall at the outermost layer of the outer seed coat. After 60 DAP, the cell wall of the outermost layer of the outer seed coat became lignified and finally compressed into a thick envelope. These features matches the significant decreases of immature seed germination percentage after 60 DAP. Conclusion: We report a reliable protocol for seed pretreatment of mature seeds and for immature seeds culture based on a defined time schedule of V. plantifolia seed development. The thickened and lignified seed coat formed an impermeable envelope surrounding the embryo, and might play an important role in seed dormancy of V. plantifolia.

1971 ◽  
Vol 24 (3) ◽  
pp. 423 ◽  
JR Mcwilliam ◽  
PJ Phlllips

Under special conditions where soil-moisture diffusivity and seed-soil contact are non-limiting, the osmotic and matric potentials of the substrate were found to be equivalent in their effect on the germination of seeds of ryegrass and dehulled phalaris over a range of water potentials from 0 to -15 bars. However, with intact phalaris seeds it appears that the seed coat constitutes a large resistance to the absorption of soil water, and under these conditions the equivalence between osmotic and matric potential no longer holds, and results of germination under osmotic stress must be used with caution in predicting the germination behaviour of seeds in dry soil.

2010 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 41-45 ◽  
Vinay Madhukar RAOLE ◽  
Aruna Girish JOSHI ◽  
Sandhya Kiran GARGE ◽  
Rinku Jitendrakumar DESAI

The district of Kachchh contains many culturally important plants. However, their conservation status is little known due to direct and indirect human activities. This study was undertaken with the aim of contributing to the conservation of the native species of these semi-arid regions through germination trials under laboratory conditions. Mature fruits of ten selected species were collected randomly from the known habitats to obtain viable seeds. These seeds were pre-treated with growth regulators singly or in combination after acid scarification or without scarification. Seeds were found to be dormant due to presence of thick seed coat or due to low level of endogenous hormonal level. Most of these seeds required different storage period to mature. Only seeds of Capparis cartilaginea germinated without treatment while the other species required treatments. Addition of growth regulators has enhanced seed germination in few taxa singly and in some plant cases in combination.

2017 ◽  
Vol 16 (5) ◽  
pp. 437-445 ◽  
Amrit Lamichaney ◽  
Pradip Kumar Katiyar ◽  
Vijay Laxmi ◽  
Aditya Pratap

AbstractMungbean seeds, despite being protected inside the pod, are susceptible to pre-harvest sprouting (PHS) following rainfall due to lack of fresh seed dormancy (FSD), which deteriorates the quality of the seed/grain produced. Therefore, development of mungbean cultivars with short (10–15 days) period of FSD has become important to curtail losses incurred by PHS. In this study, we investigated variations in PHS, fresh seed germination (FSG) and activity of α-amylase enzyme in diverse mungbean genotypes. There was a wide variation in PHS tolerance and FSG among 163 genotypes examined and 14 genotypes were found to be tolerant (<20%) to PHS. Seed germination in a pod, a measure used to evaluate PHS, varied from 7.14% in germplasm accession Chamu 4 to 82.52% in cultivated variety IPM 2–3. There was a marked increase in α-amylase activity in genotypes showing high FSG and PHS, especially at 48 and 72 h after germination as compared with PHS tolerant genotypes. Therefore, α-amylase can be used as an effective biochemical marker to evaluate a large number of mungbean genotypes for FSD and PHS. Also, the variation in seed germinability as found in this study could be further used for mungbean improvement programme.

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