Kreacja postaci Świętego Jerzego w wybranych tekstach polskich

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (23) ◽  
pp. 167-182
Katarzyna Czarnecka

The work relates to the creation of Saint George – a dragon slayer emerging from the selection of texts published in the Polish language since the beginning of the 20th century. Analytical considerations are preceded by an outline of the history of the hagiographic message about Saint George, taking into account symbolic functioning of this character in various areas of culture. Works differentiated in genological terms and taken from various sources (classical literature, folklore texts, poetic songs) were selected as the research material. Saint George’s creation was characterized in four ways: 1. A pious knight, 2. A dragon slayer, 3. A character from artistic concepts, 4. A hero deprived of his legend. The article is finalized by conclusions regarding the differentiation of the plot, the way of taking into account the religious element (from the paraenetic pattern to desacralization), and literary references to visual arts.

2013 ◽  
Vol 10 (11) ◽  
pp. 7411-7422 ◽  
P. G. Brewer

Abstract. This review covers the development of ocean acidification science, with an emphasis on the creation of ocean chemical knowledge, through the course of the 20th century. This begins with the creation of the pH scale by Sørensen in 1909 and ends with the widespread knowledge of the impact of the "High CO2 Ocean" by then well underway as the trajectory along the IPCC scenario pathways continues. By mid-century the massive role of the ocean in absorbing fossil fuel CO2 was known to specialists, but not appreciated by the greater scientific community. By the end of the century the trade-offs between the beneficial role of the ocean in absorbing some 90% of all heat created, and the accumulation of some 50% of all fossil fuel CO2 emitted, and the impacts on marine life were becoming more clear. This paper documents the evolution of knowledge throughout this period.

LingVaria ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 13 (25) ◽  
pp. 205-217
Mirosław Skarżyński

Contributions to the History of the Society of Friends of the Polish LanguageTowarzystwo Miłośników Języka Polskiego (‘Society of Friends of the Polish Language’) is the oldest such society and greatly distinguished for the popularization of knowledge about the language, and also for the knowledge about Polish itself. The few publications devoted to it, written mostly on the occasion of anniversaries, tend to overlook the figure of Andrzej Gawroński (1885–1927), an outstanding expert in Sanskrit, a linguist, and a professor of the Lviv University, despite the fact that archive materials show that he played a very significant role in the creation of the Society, and even penned the preliminary version of its charter. This paper presents Gawroński’s part in the forming of TMJP; it is based on extant letters from A. Gawroński to Kazimierz Nitsch from years 1919–1921 (Archive of Science of PAN and PAU in Cracow), letters from K. Nitsch to linguists Henryk Ułaszyn and Antonina Obrębska-Jabłońska, and also on the few printed materials from years 1918–1927.

Avetik E. Grigoryan

The history of educational activity and linking the education with research in the aerospace-related areas in Armenia is presented – all the way from the creation of an extra-curricular study group for school students dubbed the "AYAS" Aerospace Club to the foundation of the "AYAS" Aerospace Society.

Slovo ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol How to think of literary... (Varia) ◽  
Tomasz Krupa

International audience The case of Sorana Gurian (1913‑1956) allows to examine the situation of multiple exclusion in the 20th century European society: she is a Jewish woman, a stranger accused of espionage and collaboration and her body, disabled and affected by cancer, becomes the main culprit of this plural banishment. The author is a tragic figure: not only because of her life, but also due to the oblivion that her oeuvre fell into – yet original and contemporarily recognized – counting six volumes in French and Romanian and dozens of press publications. In the paper, I propose to read chosen literary chronicles commenting on two Gurian’s editions published in Romania in 1945‑1946 – Zilele nu se întorc niciodată [Days that never return] and Întâmplări între amurg și noapte [Adventures between twilight and night]. These chronicles show the way in which the Other was perceived, in this case – a woman writer, a disabled woman or a Jewish woman in the 20th century. Such perspective aims to show the non‑ aesthetic conditions (gender, corporality, social class, political convictions, ethnic origin, etc.) which have determined Gurian’s appearance and disappearance in the literary scene, and which still influence the way of perceiving her texts in Romania. At the end of this study, I reflect on the possibility of rehabilitating this figure in the history of European literature, that could renew the Romanian literary canon of the 20th century, in which women writers haven’t still found their place. Le cas de Sorana Gurian (1913-1956) permet d’examiner la situation d’une multiple exclusion au sein de la société européenne du xxe siècle : elle est à la fois femme, juive et étrangère, accusée d’espionnage et de collaboration, et son corps, handicapé et touché par le cancer, devient le principal coupable de ce bannissement pluriel. L’auteure est une figure tragique : non seulement par sa vie, mais aussi par l’oubli dans lequel est tombée son œuvre – pourtant originale et reconnue à l’époque –, comptant six volumes en roumain et en français et des dizaines de publications dans la presse. Dans le présent article, je propose une lecture de quelques chroniques littéraires portant sur deux éditions de Gurian parues en Roumanie en 1945-1946 : Zilele nu se întorc niciodată [Les jours ne reviennent jamais] et Întâmplări între amurg și noapte [Aventures entre crépuscule et nuit], qui témoignent de la manière dont on percevait l’Autre, en l’occurrence une femme écrivain, une femme infirme ou bien une femme d’origine juive au xxe siècle. Cette perspective a pour but de montrer les conditionnements autres qu’esthétiques (genre, corporalité, classe sociale, convictions politiques, origine ethnique, etc.) qui ont déterminé l’apparition et la disparition de Gurian sur la scène littéraire, et qui influencent toujours la manière de percevoir ses textes en Roumanie. À la fin de cette étude, je réfléchis à la possibilité de réhabiliter cette figure dans l’histoire de la littérature européenne, ce qui pourrait permettre de rediscuter le canon littéraire roumain du xxe siècle, où les femmes écrivains ne trouvent toujours pas leur place. Przypadek Sorany Gurian (1913‑1956) pozwala zbadać sytuację wielokrotnego wykluczenia w xx‑wiecznym społeczeństwie europejskim: jest ona jednocześnie kobietą, Żydówką, obcą, oskarżoną o szpiegostwo i kolaborację, zaś jej ciało, niepełnosprawne i chore na raka, staje się głównym winowajcą tego mnogiego wygnania. Autorka jest postacią tragiczną nie tylko ze względu na jej życie, lecz również ze względu na zapomnienie, w jakie popadła jej oryginalna i uznana przez współczesnych twórczość, na którą składają się sześć wydań w językach francuskim i rumuńskim oraz dziesiątki publikacji w prasie. W niniejszym artykule odczytuję wybrane kroniki literackie komentujące dwa teksty opublikowane przez Gurian w Rumunii w latach 1945‑1946 – Zilele nu se întorc niciodată [Dni nigdy nie powracają] oraz Întâmplări între amurg și noapte [Zdarzenia między zmierzchem a nocą]. Kroniki te pokazują bowiem, w jaki sposób postrzegano Innego, w tym przypadku – pisarkę, niepełnosprawną kobietę czy Żydówkę w xx wieku. Ta perspektywa ma na celu wskazać uwarunkowania nie‑ estetyczne (płeć, cielesność, klasa społeczna, poglądy polityczne, pochodzenie etniczne itd.), które zdecydowały o pojawieniu i zniknięciu Gurian na scenie literackiej, a które ciągle określają postrzeganie jej tekstów w Rumunii. Na końcu tego studium zastanawiam się nad możliwością rehabilitacji tej postaci w historii literatury europejskiej, co mogłoby z kolei przyczynić się do odnowienia rumuńskiego kanonu literackiego xx wieku, w którym nadal nie ma miejsca dla pisarek. Cazul Soranei Gurian (1913‑1956) ilustrează situația unei excluderi din considerențe multiple în societatea europeană din secolul xx‑lea. Fiind femeie, evreică și străină, acuzată de spionaj și de colaborare, trupul său, cu handicap și atins de cancer, devine principalul vinovat al acestei exilări plurale. Autorea este un personaj tragic: nu numai din cauza vieții sale, ci și din cauza uitării în care a căzut opera sa, totuși originală și recunoscută de către contemporanii ei, compusă din șase volume în limba franceză și în română, precum și de zeci de publicații în presă. În acest articol, propun o lectură a unor cronici literare privind cele două ediții ale Soranei Gurian publicate în România în anii 1945‑1946 – Zilele nu se întorc niciodată și Aventuri între amurg și noapte. Aceste cronici reflectă modul în care se percepe Celălalt, în acest caz – o scriitoare, o femeie cu handicap, o evreică în contextul secolului xx. Această perspectivă are să identifice diferite condiționări (gen, corporalitate, clasă socială, convingeri politice, etnie șamd), care au determinat atît apariția, cît și dispariția lui Gurian de pe scenă literară și care încă înfluențează modul de percepere al textelor sale în România. La sfîrșitul acestui studiu, propun o reflecție asupra posibilității de reabilitare a acestei figuri în istoria literaturii europene, ceea ce ar putea conduce la rediscutarea canonului literar românesc al secolului xx, unde scriitoarele încă nu‑și găsesc locul.

10.34690/26 ◽  
2019 ◽  
pp. 170-189
А.С. Максимова

Исследовательским материалом статьи послужили письма Н. Слонимского к В. Дукельскому из Коллекции Вернона Дюка Библиотеки Конгресса США. Впервые публикуются фрагменты писем с 1937 по 1969 год, в которых Н. Слонимский высказывался о музыкальной жизни ХХ века. Кратко освещена история знакомства (1918) и общения Н. Слонимского и В. Дукельского. Тема избранной для статьи переписки - судьбы профессии композитора в США, включая взаимоотношения композитора и дирижера, проблему творческого успеха. В статье освещены некоторые подробности визита Слонимского в СССР. The research material of the article comprise Nicolas Slonimskys letters to Vladimir Dukelsky from the Vernon Duke Collection of the Library of Congress (USA). Large fragments from the letters of 1937 to 1969 which contain Slonimskys thoughts on the 20th century music are being quoted for the first time. The author briefly observes the history of the two musicians acquaintance (1918) and contacts. The correspondence selected for the article embraces such topics as: the profession of composer in the USA, arrangements between composers and conductors, and a problem of public success. The article also contains some details on Slonimskys visit to the USSR.

Animals ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (9) ◽  
pp. 1487
Slawomir Gonkowski ◽  
Liliana Rytel ◽  
Krystyna Makowska ◽  
Jaroslaw Calka

Several methods of surgical treatments have been used in the history of Polish veterinary medicine, many of which have now been forgotten. In the present study, a review was conducted of Polish-language veterinary medicine books published from the 16th century (when the first books in Polish were printed) to the 20th century. The article contains a description of the most popular surgical methods used in animal treatment in Poland over the centuries including, among others, bloodletting, setons, fonticulus and cauterization. This article reviews historical veterinary methods and traces the development of Polish veterinary medicine from ancient cures often based on humoral theory to a modern branch of biologic science.

2019 ◽  
Vol 27 (1) ◽  
pp. 3-22 ◽  
Harriet Hawkins

It is claimed that our current environmental crisis is one of the imaginations: we are in desperate need of new means to understand relations between humans and their environment. The underground was once central to the evolution of Western environmental imaginations. Yet, this has waned throughout the 20th century as eyes and minds turned up and out. After outlining some of the history of the underground as a site from which to evolve environmental imaginations, the article will explore how the underground might propagate environmental imaginations fit for pressing contemporary environmental concerns. It will do so using examples of three caves evolved through an ongoing arts practice-based research collaboration with artist Flora Parrott. Exploring these three caves, I will explore how the underground offers a powerful site for doing the imaginative work that our current environmental crisis requires, focusing in particular on the challenges of engaging lively earths and deep times (pasts and futures) that have become commonplace in the Anthropocene. To close, the article begins to reflect on the possibilities of collaborative creative geographies as a means to rethink the idea of the imagination within geography, as not just something that might be studied but that these creative practices might enable the creation of much-needed new imaginations.

2015 ◽  
Vol 27 (1) ◽  
pp. 89-116 ◽  
José Luis Blas Arroyo ◽  
Javier Vellón Lahoz

AbstractBased on a corpus of ego-documents (private letters, diaries, memoirs) from the 19th and the first half of the 20th centuries, this paper presents a variationist comparative study to determine the fate of the modal periphrasishaber de + infinitive in the history of modern Spanish. Detailed analysis of the envelope of variation enables us to show that, despite an abrupt decline in the selection ofhaber derelative totener que, both ‘to have to’, grammatical environments that favor its use remain in the mid-20th century. Many of the factor groups and the hierarchy of constraints during this period are similar to those that operated in previous periods. Nevertheless, a generalized decrease in the explanatory power of these factor groups, as well as some divergent patterns within several of these groups are also observed, mainly as a result of the fact thathaber de + infinitive is increasingly relegated to some restricted areas of the grammar and lexicon. Based on these results, some theoretical implications for changing rates and constraints in language change and grammaticalization are discussed.

2016 ◽  
Vol 54 (2) ◽  
pp. 38-44
Kateřina Dobrovolná

Saint John’s Museum in Nepomuk, which is dedicated to the Saint of the same name (who was a local native), was reopened in March 2015. It’s original name was the Museum of St. John’s and other religious monuments and the museum was founded in 1930 by Father Jan Strnad. The institution was subsequently closed in the mid-20th Century. The study cursorily reveals the history of the Museum and the overall history and architecture of the building, where the Museum is located and its present status and particularly the reconstruction and the equipment of the Museum’s interior from the point of view of the Museum’s employees, specifically in regard to any problematical display cases. Three semistructured interviews were conducted with people who had contributed to the Museum in varying degrees, focused on the reconstruction of the Museum. This critical study can be of service not only to the Museum staff but also for other professionals from this area during the reconstruction of exhibitions or the creation of new ones.

2012 ◽  
Vol 20 (1) ◽  
pp. 91-108 ◽  
Frank Zelko

Abstract Human attitudes to various nonhuman animals have varied considerably across cultures and throughout time. While some of our responses are undoubtedly instinctive and universal—a visceral fear of large carnivores or the feeling of spontaneous warmth for creatures exhibiting high degrees of neoteny—it is clear that our attitude toward specific species is largely shaped by our innate anthropomorphism: that is, when we think about animals, we are also thinking about ourselves. There are few better examples of this than the shifting attitudes toward whales and dolphins throughout the 20th century, particularly among citizens of Western democracies. This article narrates the cultural history of this development and demonstrates how the current enchantment with whales and dolphins is primarily the result of two broad—and related—cultural developments: the modern entertainment complex, particularly cinema, television, and aquatic theme parks; and the 1960s counterculture, with its potent blend of holistic ecology, speculative neuroscience, and mysticism. The result was the creation of what we might think of as the “metaphysical whale,” a creature who has inspired the abolitionist stance toward whaling.

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