scholarly journals Adaptation of the Global Physical Activity Questionnaire (GPAQ) into Turkish: A validation and reliability study

2021 ◽  
Vol 67 (2) ◽  
pp. 175-186
İlker Adıgüzel ◽  
İsabel Raika Durusoy Onmuş ◽  
Aliye Mandıracıoğlu ◽  
Zeliha Aslı Öcek

Objectives: The aim of this study was to adapt the World Health Organization’s (WHO) Global Physical Activity Questionnaire (GPAQ) into Turkish and evaluate its reliability and validity among Bornova Municipality employees. Patients and methods: The questionnaire was given its final Turkish form after its translation by two independent translators, a consensus meeting with both translators and the revision of the back-translation. An expert panel was organized for face validity and expert opinions were collected for content validity. The data of the study were collected in Municipality of Bornova district, Izmir province of Turkey between August 2016 and November 2016. Test-retest was used for reliability, International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ) was used for concurrent validity, and a pedometer was used for criterion validity. Among a total of 2,137 workers, a sample size of 352 employees was determined using 33% prevalence with 5% error margin, 95% confidence interval, and 20% non-response rate. The participants were selected with systematic sampling and 287 (81.5%) workers (183 males, 104 females; mean age: 38.9±8.5 years; range, 22 to 63 years) participated in the study. Results: Reliability coefficients were substantial, near perfect (Kappa 0.74-0.87, p<0.001; Spearman rho 0.77-0.91, p<0.001). A substantial, near perfect relationship was found between IPAQ and GPAQ (r=0.79-0.94, p<0.001). For criterion validity, a fair relationship was found between the pedometer results and GPAQ (r=0.32, p=0.001). As for discriminant validity, the participants with physically active jobs had higher levels of physical activity compared to others (median: 3,240, 960 metabolic equivalent [MET]-min/per week, p<0.001). Those with an income below the poverty line had median 2,400 MET-min/week compared to 1,200 for participants above the poverty line (p<0.001). A significant difference was found among different education duration of employment groups. Conclusion: The Turkish version of GPAQ is reliable and valid. Further validity and reliability studies of the GPAQ among non-working groups such as housewives, students, and unemployed ones can be recommended. Based on these findings, the GPAQ can be used as a valid and reliable tool in the Turkish population.

Ciencia Unemi ◽  
2017 ◽  
Vol 9 (21) ◽  
pp. 116-124
Graciela Mercedes Alvarez ◽  
Mariana Guadalupe Vargas ◽  
Herminia Morales Murillo ◽  
Mariana Guadalupe Vargas ◽  
Herminia Morales Murillo ◽  

En el presente artículo se plantea como objetivo caracterizar el nivel de sedentarismo y actividad física, que realiza el personal administrativo de diferentes instituciones del sector público de la ciudad de Milagro, Ecuador, considerando algunos espacios como el lugar de trabajo, forma de traslado y tiempo libre. Se trata de una investigación de tipo descriptiva de corte transversal, con una muestra de 240 participantes, de los cuáles el 48,5% son de sexo masculino (109) y 51,5% femenino (131). Como instrumento se utilizó el Global Physical Activity Questionnaire (GPAQ), elaborado por la Organización Mundial de la Salud, aplicado en la versión corta en español-2002: Cuestionario Internacional de Actividad Física (IPAQ), que consta de 7 preguntas. Entre los principales resultados están que más del 54% del personal permanece sentado entre 7 y 12 horas diariamente. El 39% realiza una actividad moderada en su lugar de trabajo, el 8.8% actividad intensa y en su tiempo libre, el 67% de los participantes no realiza ningún deporte. Finalmente se concluye que al menos la mitad de los empleados administrativos de las empresas públicas en estudio, no realiza ninguna actividad que les permita disminuir el estado de sedentarismo.  ABSTRACTThis study aims to characterize the level of sedentary behavior and physical activity, of the administrative staff of various Organism of public sector at the city of Milagro, Ecuador, considering some areas as: the workplace, way of transportation, and their spare time. This is a descriptive research cross-section, with a sample of 240 participants, of which 48.5% are male (109) and 51.5% are female (131). The instrument that was used is the Global Physical Activity Questionnaire (GPAQ), prepared by the World Health Organization, implemented in the short Spanish version -2002: International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ), which consists of 7 questions. As main results are that more than 54% of staff remains seated between 7 and 12 hours daily. The 39% perform moderate activity in their workplace, 8.8% intense activity and in their spare time, 67% of participants did not perform any sport. Finally it was concluded that at least half of the administrative employees of public companies in the city of Milagro, do not perform any activity that allows them to reduce the state of inactivity.

Ramya M. R. ◽  
Vinayak Kamath ◽  
Hemapriya S.

Background: Physical inactivity is considered as a major independent modifiable risk factor for chronic diseases and is one of the most important causes of obesity. Considering the increasing prevalence of chronic diseases in India, the physical activity plays an important role. Taking this into consideration we conducted a study to assess the physical activity levels using the global physical activity questionnaire among obese and non-obese individuals. Methods: A cross sectional study was conducted among adults 20-60 years age-group in rural and urban field practice areas of a medical college in Puducherry by simple random sampling method to select 237 individuals from each area. The level of physical activity was analysed using the global physical activity questionnaire. Results: Among the study population, 61.39% belong to low physical activity level. Among 97 obese individuals, 53.61% belong to low physical activity and no statistical significance was noted between the levels of physical activity and obesity. The prevalence of obesity was 36.13% among those who reported walking and bicycle usage and statistical significance was noted among obese and non-obese individuals (p<0.001). Statistical significant difference was observed in duration of physical activity (minutes/day) among obese and non-obese individuals. Conclusions: The prevalence of obesity seems to be lower among the people who practice simple day-to-day habits such as walking and usage of bicycles as evidenced from our study. Such simple and replicable behavioural modifications need to be brought about at a societal level, if we want to minimise the danger of the looming obesity epidemic. 

2018 ◽  
Vol 43 (2) ◽  
pp. 105-109 ◽  
Van Dinh Tran ◽  
Van Vuong Do ◽  
Ngoc Minh Pham ◽  
Chung Thanh Nguyen ◽  
Nguyen Tuyet Xuong ◽  

This is the first study in the Asia-Pacific region to examine the criterion validity of the self-reported International Physical Activity Questionnaire–Short form (IPAQ-SF) using accelerometers, in terms of achieving the World Health Organization’s (WHO) recommended physical activity guidelines for health benefits. Vietnamese adults aged 40–65 years ( n = 240) wore an ActiGraph GT3X+ accelerometer for at least 5 days and completed the Vietnamese version of the IPAQ-SF. Correlations between IPAQ-SF and accelerometer-measured physical activity intensities varied from .087 to .232. Mean difference in moderate–vigorous physical activity was 0.699 min/day (95% limits: [−107, 109]). Agreement on the classification of achieving the WHO’s physical activity guidelines was 69.16%. The IPAQ-SF identified 71.86% of adults who met the guidelines, whereas 56.09% of those not meeting the guidelines were classified correctly. The IPAQ-SF was found to have acceptable criterion validity and is a useful instrument to classify Vietnamese adults as achieving or not achieving the WHO’s physical activity guidelines for health benefits.

2021 ◽  
Vol 37 (06) ◽  
pp. 260-268
Oliver Walle

Zusammenfassung Hintergrund Bewegungsmangel gehört zu den führenden Risikofaktoren für gesundheitliche Probleme, weshalb allgemeine Empfehlungen von mindestens 150 Minuten pro Woche moderater oder 75 Minuten intensiver körperlicher Aktivität sprechen. Bereits vor der Corona-Pandemie zeigte sich in nationalen und internationalen Untersuchungen ein unzureichendes Bewegungsverhalten der Menschen; in den Untersuchungsgruppen traf dies teilweise sogar auf über 50% der Proband*innen zu. Infolge der Pandemie kam es aufgrund des Infektionsschutzes und der damit einhergehenden Kontaktbeschränkungen zur verstärkten Homeoffice-Tätigkeit. Dies führte zu einer veränderten Arbeits- und Lebenssituation und demnach auch zu einem veränderten Gesundheitsverhalten. In der vorliegenden Studie wurde daher den Fragen nachgegangen, welche Auswirkungen die Homeoffice-Tätigkeit auf die körperliche Aktivität der Beschäftigten hatte, welche Faktoren dabei eine Rolle spielten und welche Erkenntnisse sich für die Betriebliche Gesundheitsförderung (BGF) ableiten lassen. Methodik Im Juni 2021 wurde eine Online-Befragung durchgeführt unter Verwendung des GPAQ-Fragebogens (GPAQ=Global Physical Activity Questionnaire) der World Health Organization (WHO) sowie ergänzender Fragen zu Veränderungen des Bewegungs- und Sitzverhaltens und deren Gründen, zu Aktivitätsbeispielen und Wünschen für Maßnahmen. Die Auswertung erfolgte für den GPAQ-Fragebogen auf Basis der WHO-Leitlinie und anschließender deskriptiver Kennwerte und Häufigkeiten. Die weiteren Variablen wurden primär mit Häufigkeitsverteilungen sowie Freitextantworten nach der Methode der qualitativen Datenanalyse (QDA) ausgewertet. Ergebnisse An der Befragung nahmen 193 Beschäftigte unterschiedlicher Unternehmen und Branchen teil, davon konnten 183 gültige Datensätze für eine Aktivitätsauswertung herangezogen werden. 25% wiesen ein geringes, 51% ein moderates und 24% ein hohes Aktivitätsniveau auf, die durchschnittlichen Sitzzeiten lagen bei 8,9 Stunden pro Tag. Es zeigte sich sowohl eine Erhöhung des Aktivitätsverhaltens bei einigen während der Pandemie als auch eine Verringerung bei anderen. Insgesamt war in Bezug auf die Sitzzeiten eine deutliche Zunahme zu erkennen. Die qualitativen Daten zeigen Gründe für die Veränderungen im Bewegungsverhalten auf, zugleich werden Möglichkeiten zur Förderung der körperlichen Aktivität genannt. Schlussfolgerungen Die Studie liefert Erkenntnisse zu den Auswirkungen der Homeoffice-Tätigkeit während der Corona-Pandemie. Zugleich werden Potenziale für die BGF im Homeoffice deutlich.

2021 ◽  
Vol 31 (2) ◽  
pp. 134-142
Nguyễn Văn Trung ◽  
Huỳnh Thị Hồng Thu ◽  
Lê Thị Kiều Xuân ◽  
Đặng Văn Thạch

Nghiên cứu nhằm mục tiêu mô tả mức độ vận động thể lực (VĐTL) theo khuyến cáo ở người bệnh tăng huyết áp tại bệnh viện đa khoa Trung tâm Tiền Giang năm 2020. Thiết kế mô tả cắt ngang trên 279 người bệnh tăng huyết áp điều trị ngoại trú bằng phỏng vấn trực tiếp với công cụ GPAQ (Global physical activity questionnaire). Kết quả cho thấy người bệnh tăng huyết áp trong nghiên cứu có cường độ VĐTL đạt mức khuyến cáo là 70,6%. Đối tượng có học vấn trung học phổ thông trở lên tham gia VĐTL đạt khuyến cáo cao hơn (77,6% so với 63,9%) có ý nghĩa thống kê (p = 0,03). Người bệnh có công việc buôn bán liên quan cường độ VĐTL thấp hơn tiêu chuẩn với p = 0,01. Nghiên cứu nhận định sự tuân thủ VĐTL ở người bệnh còn hạn chế trong quản lý bệnh tăng huyết áp. Các yếu tố liên quan như sự hỗ trợ xã hội, đặc điểm côngtrình an sinh công cộng và yếu tố tâm lý nên được khảo sát ở nghiên cứu tiếp theo.

2019 ◽  
Vol 27 (3) ◽  
pp. 44-55 ◽  
Junga Lee ◽  
Choae Lee ◽  
Jihee Min ◽  
Dong-Woo Kang ◽  
Ji-Young Kim ◽  

The goal of this study was to develop a Korean version of the Global Physical Activity Questionnaire (K-GPAQ) and to examine its reliability and validity. The English version of the GPAQ was translated to the Korean language (K-GPAQ) via forward–backward translation. Reliability of the K-GPAQ was evaluated using a one-week interval test–retest method with 115 individuals. Criterion-related validity of the K-GPAQ was examined with 199 participants using accelerometers. Cohen’s kappa and Spearman’s correlation coefficients were used to measure test–retest reliability and validity, respectively. A Bland–Altman analysis was used to assess agreement between physical activity (PA) levels measured via K-GPAQ and the accelerometer. Coefficients for the reliability of the K-GPAQ showed moderate agreement for recreational PA and slight agreement for work-related PA (Cohen’s kappa: 0.60–0.67 for recreational PA and 0.30–0.38 for work-related PA and Spearman’s rho: 0.27–0.47 for work-related PA and 0.53–0.70 for recreational PA). Criterion validity of the total amount of PA, as measured by the K-GPAQ and the accelerometer, showed a weak but significant correlation ( r = 0.34, p < 0.01). The K-GPAQ is a reliable and valid questionnaire to measure PA although K-GPAQ overestimated PA levels.

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