scholarly journals Aprender conectados: un estudio sobre las redes personales de aprendizaje de estudiantes universitarios

2021 ◽  
Vol 39 (2) ◽  
pp. 41-60
José Antonio García-Martínez ◽  
Graciela Herrera-Villalobos ◽  
Manuel Arturo Fallas-Vargas

Entender como aprenden los estudiantes en la actualidad es de vital importancia para la toma de decisiones. En este sentido, la incorporación de las TIC está modificando las dinámicas de enseñanza y aprendizaje tanto formales como no formales e informales. El objetivo de este estudio es analizar las interacciones a través de diferentes recursos tecnológicos que contribuyen a la formación de estudiantes universitarios. Los entornos personales de aprendizaje (PLE) son considerados como un entramado de herramientas, actividades, finalidades y conexiones que las personas utilizan para su aprendizaje. En este trabajo se retoman las redes personales de aprendizaje (PLN) como parte imprescindible de estos, destacando así el carácter social del aprendizaje. El estudio parte de un enfoque cuantitativo a través de un diseño no experimental y transaccional. La muestra (n=1187) fue seleccionada de forma probabilística y queda representada por estudiantes universitarios de los últimos años de todas las carreras de las Universidad Nacional (Costa Rica). La recogida de datos se llevó a cabo a través de un cuestionario elaborado ad hoc. Los resultados muestran que los estudiantes interactúan en mayor medida con los compañeros y el profesorado a través de la comunicación móvil y el correo electrónico. Destaca la escasa conexión con profesionales, así como el uso limitado de herramientas que permiten ampliar las redes de aprendizaje. Por otro lado, se han encontrado diferencias en las interacciones de acuerdo con el rendimiento académico, dejando entrever la importancia de enriquecer los PLE en general y las PLN en particular. Understanding how students are currently learning is of vital importance for the decision-making process. In that sense, the incorporation of ICT is modifying formal, non-formal and informal teaching and learning dynamics. This study’s objective is to analyse the interactions through different technological resources that contribute to the education of university students. The personal learning environments (PLE) are viewed as a set of tools, activities, aims and connections that people use in their learning process. In this paper, the personal learning networks (PLN) are taken up as an indispensable part of them, thus highlighting the social nature of the learning process. The study takes a quantitative approach through a non-experimental and transactional design. The sample (n=1187) was selected by strata in a probabilistic way and is represented by last year university students from all programs at the Universidad Nacional (Costa Rica). The data collection was carried out through an ad hoc developed questionnaire. The results demonstrate that the students interact with their classmates and teachers to a greater extent via mobile communication and email. It highlights the scarcity of connections to professionals as well as the utilization of tools through which learning networks are amplified. On the other hand, differences have been found in the interactions according to academic performance, pointing to the importance of enriching the PLE in general and the PLN in particular.

Yadira Xiomara Corrales Lima ◽  
Yelena del Carmen Puerto Viera ◽  
Yenisleydys Domínguez Sánchez

THE FORMATION OF THE PROFESSIONAL AT PRESENT-DAY ENTREPRENEURIAL TENDENCIES. ECOLOGICAL AND SOCIOAMBIENTAL MARKETINGRESUMENLas exigencias de los nuevos mercados al cumplimiento de los requerimientos sociales y medioambientales, ha impulsado el desarrollo y concreción de ciencias asociadas al campo del marketing no lucrativo. En tal sentido se puede mencionar el marketing ecológico, cuyo enfoque es la comercialización de productos de forma respetuosa con el medio ambiente. En una incursión más reciente aparece el marketing socioambiental que incide en “la modificación de los comportamientos que afectan de forma negativa a los recursos naturales del planeta”. (MIER-TERÁN, 2006). Ambas tendencias no solo son importantes para la conservación de nuestros recursos futuros sino para que la actividad comercial del presente sea sostenible. Se impone entonces crear en los profesionales del futuro una mentalidad consecuente con esta necesidad desde su formación de pregrado como parte de la educación ambiental. Es por ello que se pretende en la investigación apoyar, con la propuesta de la incorporación del marketing ecológico y socioambiental, a la formación integral de los estudiantes universitarios. Como resultado, los elementos teóricos que se ofrecen pueden ser utilizados como material de apoyo para la realización de investigaciones similares. Del mismo modo pueden servir para enriquecer el proceso de enseñanza aprendizaje en la universidad cubana actual. Los métodos y técnicas utilizados, nacen desde el marketing ecológico y el socioambiental como instrumento tanto para la creación e implementación de campañas orientadas a modificar y promover comportamientos pro-ambientales como a contribuir desde la planificación y gestión empresarial a una economía sostenible.PALABRAS CLAVE: marketing ecológico; marketing socioambiental; formación integral; estudiantes universitariosABSTRACTThe new requirements of markets to the fulfilment of social requests and environmental, it has impulsed the development and concretion of sciences correlated to non-profit marketing's. The ecological marketing can be mentioned in such sense, whose focus is the commercialization of products of respectful form with the ambient. In a most recent incursion appears marketing socio environmental that has an effect on the modification of the behaviours that affect of negative form the natural resources of the planet. (Mier Terán, 2006). Both tendencies not only are important for the conservation of our future resources but for that the commercial activity of the present be sustainable. He imposes himself then to create for oneself in the professionals of the future a consequent intention with this need from his formation of pre-grade like educational environmental part. The fact that it is attempted in this investigation is his integral formation, with the proposal of the incorporation of ecological marketing and socio environmental, at university students. As a result, the elements that are offered can be used as backup material for the realization of similar investigations. In the same way they can be useful for enriching the Cuban university’s learning process. Methods and utilized techniques, they are born from ecological marketing and the socio environmental like instrument for the creation and implementation of orientated campaigns to modify and to promote pro-environmental behaviours for a sustainable economy.KEYWORDS: Ecological marketing; marketing socio environmental; integral formation; university students.

2017 ◽  
Vol 35 (2) ◽  
pp. 389 ◽  
Jose Antonio García Martínez ◽  
Mercedes González Sanmamed

<p class="RESUMENCURSIVA">Buscar y gestionar la información constituyen componentes fundamentales de los Entornos Personales de Aprendizaje (PLE). En este estudio se analiza el nivel de conocimiento, uso y capacitación de los estudiantes de Educación de la Universidad Nacional de Costa Rica, así como las finalidades que se pretenden y las actividades que se desarrollan cuando manejan herramientas tecnológicas para el acceso a la información.</p><p class="RESUMENCURSIVA">Basándose en un diseño ex post facto de carácter transeccional, se aplicó un cuestionario construido ad hoc en el que participaron 381 alumnos. Los resultados muestran como los PLE de estos estudiantes necesitan un mayor desarrollo acorde con la vertiginosa evolución de la tecnología. Destaca su desconocimiento de ciertas herramientas, especialmente web 2.0, así como el escaso uso y la limitada capacitación que poseen. Se recomienda fortalecer la formación tecno-pedagógica de los estudiantes de manera que se pueda enriquecer su PLE en su doble vertiente de usuarios y futuros formadores.</p><em><strong></strong></em>

2012 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 122-140
Magaly Rodríguez-Calvo

Las Olimpiadas Costarricenses de Ciencias Biológicas (OLICOCIBI) potencian el nivel cognitivo mediante competencias académicas dirigidas a estudiantes y docentes de secundaria, donde se optimiza el proceso de enseñanza aprendizaje mediante la aplicación biotecnológica de la biología. Parte de los objetivos es que la población académica segundaria, mediante este tipo de actividades,pueda fortalecer y mejorar la educación científica en Costa Rica. Estas olimpiadas promueven el estudio activo, participativo y significativo de las ciencias biológicas a nivel de la enseñanza media y preuniversitaria. Además, es una actividad que abre espacios de participación a todas los centros educativos, tanto públicos, como privados, y abarca todas las sedes regionales del país. Estas justas se dividen en dos categorías;la A para estudiantes de X, XI y XII nivel y la B para estudiantes de VIII, IX y X nivel.La organización de este evento requiere de la estructuración y coordinación de un trabajo integral y en equipo de varias instancias del gobierno como lo son: Universidad Nacional (UNA), Universidad Estatal a Distancia (UNED), Universidad de Costa Rica (UCR), Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología (MICIT), Ministerio de Educación Pública (MEP) y otras instituciones emblemáticas en el campo social, científico y biológico del país.Los antecedentes de OLICOCIBI se iniciaron en el 2007 y la recalcada labor que se ha realizado año tras año, ha impulsado la participación de Costa Rica en la Olimpiada Iberoamericana de Biología (OIAB), obteniendo desde el año 2008 destacados resultados como medallas de bronce, plata y oro, logrando posicionar a Costa Rica en los más altos niveles cognitivos. Es por ello que esta actividad fue declarada de interés institucional por las Universidades Públicas, y de interés educativo por el Ministerio de Educación.Palabras clave: Olimpiadas de Biología, educación secundaria, calidad educativa, estrategias metodológicas, procesos de enseñanza y aprendizaje, docentes y estudiantes.Abstract The Costa Rican Biological Sciences Olympics (OLICOCIBI), enhance the cognition level through academic competitions directed by students and high school teachers, where the teaching learning process is optimized through the biotechnology application of biology. Part of the goal is that the academic high school population can increase and develop a better scientific education in Costa Rica with those kinds of activities.The Olympics promote an active, participatory and significant study method of biological sciences when it comes to middle or secondary and pre-university education. Also, is an activity that opens up alcoves of participation to every single educational school both public and private ones, as well as regional headquarters of the country. The same are divided in two categories; A for students of X, XI, XII level and B for students of VII, IX and X level. The organization of this event, requires the structuring and coordination of an integral unity and a team of several government agencies such as: Universidad Nacional (UNA), Universidad Estatal a Distancia (UNED), Universidad de Costa Rica (UCR), Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología (MICIT) Ministeria de Educación Pública (MEP) and other emblematic institutions from the social, scientific and biological field. The background of OLICOCIBI stared in 2007 and the crimped work that has been done year after year, has increase the partaking of Costa Rica in the Iberoamerican Biology Olympics (OIAB); acquiring since the year of 2008, distinguish results like bronze, silver and gold medals, achieving to put Costa Rica as one of the highest cognitive levels; therefore, this type of activity was declared as an institutional interest by Public Universities and also as an education interest by the Ministry of Education (MEP). Keywords: Biology olympics, high school education, education quality, methodological strategies, teaching and learning process, teachers and students.

Janejira Arsarkij ◽  
Thanomporn Laohajaratsang

This research aimed to design a novel teaching and learning process in the professional experience training. The Successive Approximation Model (SAM) was applied in the design steps. The attainment of the designed framework derived from numbers of theoretical reviews, as well as the analytical data collected from the expert interviews. The proposed framework included the components of a Personal Learning Network (PLN), the process of PLN, and the professional experience procedure. The components of PLN were: learning resources, learning tools, learning content, and learning activities. In addition, the process of PLN consisted of Creation, Connection, Cognition, and Contribution. The professional experience incorporated nine main activities particularly, enrolling in the course, joining three compulsory seminars, doing two major periods of internship, mentor visiting, submitting assignments, and completing the course. These three concepts were combined into the framework of integrated learning activities, which occurred in social networking tool, Course Networking (CN). It operated as the learning tool utilized the newly created addable badges as a part of gamification features. The assessment results from the eleven experts revealed that the teaching and learning practice using personal learning networks on social networking tools with gamification in the professional experience proved to have high levels of standard evaluation, innovative attributes, design process, teaching and learning procedure, and teaching and learning activities.

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (4) ◽  
pp. 469-491
Hannes Weber ◽  
Marc Schwenzer ◽  
Steffen Hillmert

AbstractStudents’ personal learning networks can be a valuable resource of success in higher education: they offer opportunities for academic and personal support and provide sources of information related to exams or homework. We study the determinants of learning networks using a panel study among university students in their first and second year of study. A long-standing question in social network analysis has been whether the tendency of individuals with similar characteristics to form ties is a result of preferences “choice homophily” or rather selective opportunities “induced homophily”. We expect a latent preference for homophilic learning partnerships with regard to attributes, such as gender, ability, and social origin. We estimate recently developed temporal exponential random graph models to control for previous network structure and study changes in learning ties among students. The results show that especially for males, same-gender partnerships are preferred over heterogeneous ties, while chances for tie formation decrease with the difference in academic ability among students. Social origin is a significant factor in the crosssectional exploration but does appear to be less important in the formation of new (strong) partnerships during the course of studies.

2021 ◽  
Vol 48 (3) ◽  
pp. 281-288
Radomira Videva ◽  

The teaching and learning Spanish legal language as a foreign language for professional and academic purposes has been studied in the present article. The autor departs from trying to examine its main characteristic features and the most common difficulties in the learning process resulting from them. Afterwards, the use of some didactic tools based on learner's profile, specific needs and expectations are explained. These tools don't require a language immersion environment outside the classroom and are designed to help teaching and learning Spanish legal language to university students and professionals such as lawyers, philologists, interpreters and translators.

2016 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
Fernando Emilio Valladares Fuente ◽  
Luis Enrique Hernández Amaro

El método proyectos en la formación de los estudiantes universitarios, tiende a lograr un papel más activo y comprometedor en la adquisición de sus conocimientos y actitudes en el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje del Inglés, aspecto que en este artículo se debate para lograr la educación ambiental de forma investigativa, colaborativa y transformadora. Palabras Clave: método proyecto; educación ambiental ABSTRACT The project based method in the formation of university students tends to have a more active and compromising role in the acquisition of their knowledge and attitudes in the teaching-learning process of English, a topic that is debated in this article to achieve an environmental education focused on research, cooperation and transformation. Keywords: method based on projects; environmental education Recibido: septiembre de 2016Aprobado: noviembre de 2016

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 28-38
Novianti Arif ◽  
I Iskandar ◽  
A Muliati ◽  
Andi Anto Patak

This research identified types of politeness strategies used by a male and female lecturer in the EFL classroom based on the theory of Brown and Levinson. This research also investigated students’ perception toward the use of lecturers’ politeness strategies in the EFL classroom. This research applied the descriptive qualitative research design to describe the phenomena of politeness strategies. The subjects of this research were two English lecturers and fifteen university students. All of them chosen by using purposive sampling. The instrument of this research was observation and interview.  The observation was conducted three meetings for every lecturer by using an audio recorder and field notes. The audio recorder was used to record lecturers’ utterances in the teaching and learning process. The field notes were used to obtain more accurate data. The interview was conducted to get the data from the students. The interview is done to find out about the students’ perception toward the use of politeness strategies in the classroom. The result of this research showed that male and female lecturers used four types of politeness strategies namely bald on-record, positive politeness, negative politeness, and off-record. Furthermore, the students perceived that male and female lecturer was polite. The students perceived that the male lecturer was more formal while the female lecturer was friendly.

2018 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 169
Maryani Maryani ◽  
Lewinna Christiani Aguskin

This research examined university students’ cultural understanding based on cultural activities that they had experienced. The data were gathered from 20 Indonesian university students who were attending American culture class through a questionnaire and ten learning logs. These students had experienced four different types of cultural activities. They were asked to share the experiences they have had regarding the cultural activities in the questionnaire and their gained knowledge related to each cultural activities in the learning log. The qualitative data were analyzed manually and classified into tables. The findings were used to explore student’s understanding of the use of cultural activities in learning and understanding American culture. In conclusion, the students gain deeper understanding after experiencing the cultural activities regarding American culture. The cultural activities practiced in this research can be used and developed for other subjects to enhance teaching and learning process in the classroom, especially to increase students’ comprehension of the particular subjects.

2020 ◽  
Vol 29 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-20
Artëm Ingmar Benediktsson ◽  
Hanna Ragnarsdóttir

The aim of this paper is to present and analyze how university students experience teaching methods of Icelandic as a second language and communication with teachers during the learning process. The theoretical framework includes multicultural education theory and second language teaching and learning theories. The findings are based on qualitative interviews with twelve students who study Icelandic as a second language at the University of Iceland. The analysis of the interviews revealed that the participants were generally satisfied with the learning environment and had positive experiences of communication with the majority of the teachers. Nevertheless, the participants described themselves as being rather passive recipients of knowledge in the courses where explicit teaching of grammar was applied, and lacking active participation in the learning process. Additionally, the participants encountered several challenges during the learning process such as issues related to task-based and group assignments and, in some cases, teachers lacked understanding of different students’ needs, such as that of providing extra learning materials.

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