scholarly journals La Enfermería escolar: contenidos y percepciones sobre su pertinencia en las escuelas inclusivas

2019 ◽  
Vol 18 (4) ◽  
pp. 291-323
Alba-Elena Martínez-Santos ◽  
Eva Tizón Bouza ◽  
Carmen Fernández-Morante ◽  
Lorena Casal Otero ◽  
Beatriz Cebreiro

Introduction: The School Nursing service has existed in many countries around the world for decades. In Spain, the presence of Nursing in schools is isolated and not uniformly regulated. The promotion of health and Health Education plays a key role in students’ current health.Objective: To determine experts’ degree of consensus on public and child and youth health in terms of aspects related to School Nursing, with the aim of establishing the priority contents that should be developed in the care giving function and in Health Education. Materials and methods: A two-round prospective study with a qualitative approach (the Delphi method), based on a sample of 17 experts. An online baseline questionnaire was prepared, asking for opinions and proposals on School Nursing. The second round included the response percentages and proposals subject to prioritization by means of expert assessment and consensus. Results: Most endorse some type of physical presence of nurses in schools, which would contribute to improving educational inclusion and attention to diversity. Its role in the promotion of health and prevention, early identification of diseases, and attention to mental health is pointed out.Conclusions: The school environment should be taken into account as a new and differentiated operating environment for Nursing. Nursing staff becomes a necessary innovation agent in school health, looking after the entire educational community (students, teachers and family). Introducción: La Enfermería escolar existe en diversos países del mundo desde hace décadas. En España la presencia de Enfermería en los centros es aislada y no está regulada de manera uniforme. La promoción de la salud y Educación para la Salud juegan un papel clave en la salud actual de los escolares.Objetivo: Determinar el grado de consenso de expertos en salud pública e infantojuvenil sobre aspectos relacionados con la Enfermería escolar para establecer los contenidos que se deben desarrollar en la función asistencial y en Educación para la Salud. Materiales y métodos: Estudio prospectivo con enfoque cualitativo (técnica Delphi) en dos rondas con una muestra de 17 expertos. Se elaboró un cuestionario basal online pidiendo opiniones y propuestas sobre la Enfermería escolar. En la segunda ronda se incluyeron los porcentajes de respuesta y propuestas que se sometieron a priorización mediante valoración y consenso de los expertos. Resultados: La mayoría refrendan algún tipo de presencia física de enfermeras en los centros escolares, que contribuiría a mejorar la inclusión educativa y la atención a la diversidad. Se resalta su papel en materia de promoción de la salud y prevención, identificación precoz de enfermedades y atención a la salud mental.Conclusiones: Es preciso tener en cuenta el ámbito escolar como un nuevo y diferenciado entorno de actuación para Enfermería. El personal de Enfermería se convierte en un necesario agente de innovación en salud escolar que cuida de toda la comunidad educativa (escolares, profesorado y familia).

2020 ◽  
Vol 14 ◽  
Maurilo De Sousa Franco ◽  
Maryanna Tallyta Silva Barreto ◽  
José Willian De Carvalho ◽  
Pallysson Paulo Da Silva ◽  
William Caracas Moreiras ◽  

Objetivo: relatar a experiência de estudantes do Curso de Enfermagem na implementação de intervenções educacionais para a promoção da saúde sexual e reprodutiva do adolescente escolar. Método: trata-se de um estudo descritivo, tipo relato de experiência, desenvolvida a partir das seguintes etapas: 1) Capacitação discente; 2) Apresentação do Projeto de Pesquisa; 3) Diagnóstico situacional no contexto escolar; 4) Seleção das temáticas; 5) Planejamento de estratégias e abordagens e 6) Execução e avaliação. As informações foram discutidas em concordância com a literatura. Resultados: notou-se a carência no conhecimento dos adolescentes escolares acerca da temática da saúde sexual e reprodutiva, entretanto, a intervenção no ambiente escolar mostrou ser um ambiente promissor para o processo de educação em saúde realizado, sobretudo, pelo enfermeiro no âmbito da Estratégia Saúde da Família com outros profissionais da saúde e da educação. Conclusão: enfatiza-se a necessidade de atividades no âmbito escolar a fim de promover o conhecimento e adoção hábitos e práticas saudáveis que impactem e assegurem aos estudantes riscos mínimos de injúrias à saúde sexual e reprodutiva. Descritores: Educação em Saúde; Promoção da Saúde; Serviços de Saúde Escolar; Saúde Sexual e Reprodutiva; Saúde do Adolescente; Enfermagem.AbstractObjective: to report the experience of Nursing Course students, in the implementation of educational interventions for the promotion of the sexual and reproductive health of adolescent students. Method: it is a descriptive study, of related experience type, developed from the following steps: 1) Student training; 2) Presentation of the Research Project; 3) Situational diagnosis in the school context; 4) Selection of themes; 5) Planning strategies and approaches and 6) Execution and evaluation. The information was discussed in accordance with the literature. Results: there was a lack of knowledge among adolescent students about the theme of sexual and reproductive health, however, the intervention in the school environment proved to be a promising environment for the health education process carried out, above all, by nurses within the scope of the Strategy Family Health with other health and education professionals. Conclusion: the need for activities at the school level is emphasized to promote knowledge and adoption of healthy habits and practices that impact and ensure students the minimum risk of injury to sexual and reproductive health. Descriptors: Health Education; Health Promotion; School Health Services; Sexual and Reproductive Health; Adolescent Health; Nursing. ResumenObjetivo: reportar la experiencia de los estudiantes del Curso de Enfermería en la implementación de intervenciones educativas para la promoción de la salud sexual y reproductiva del adolescente escolar. Método: es un estudio descriptivo, tipo de informe de experiencia, desarrollado a partir de los siguientes pasos: 1) Capacitación de estudiantes; 2) Presentación del Proyecto de Investigación; 3) Diagnóstico situacional en el contexto escolar; 4) Selección de temas; 5) Planificación de estrategias y enfoques 6) Ejecución y evaluación. Las informaciones fueron discutidas de acuerdo con la literatura. Resultados: hubo una falta de conocimiento entre los adolescentes escolares sobre el tema de la salud sexual y reproductiva, sin embargo, la intervención en el entorno escolar demostró ser un entorno prometedor para el proceso de educación sanitaria llevado a cabo, sobre todo, por el enfermero dentro del alcance de la Estrategia Salud Familiar con otros profesionales de la salud y la educación. Conclusión: se enfatiza la necesidad de actividades a nivel escolar para promover el conocimiento y la adopción de hábitos y prácticas saludables que impactan y aseguran a los estudiantes el riesgo mínimo de lesiones a la salud sexual y reproductiva. Descriptores: Educación en Salud; Promoción de la Salud; Servicios de Salud Escolar; Salud Sexual y Reproductiva; Salud del Adolescente; Enfermería.

2020 ◽  
Vol 73 (3) ◽  
Ligia Cordeiro Matos Faial ◽  
Rose Mary Costa Rosa Andrade Silva ◽  
Eliane Ramos Pereira ◽  
Cidllan Silveira Gomes Faial

ABSTRACT Objectives: to understand adolescents’ perceptions on school health. Methods: qualitative and descriptive research grounded on Maurice Merleau-Ponty’s phenomenology, which was developed with 90 adolescent students from a federal school of the state of Rio de Janeiro. Data were produced by gathering answers to the following question: what is your perception on school health? Those who chose to write their answer to the guiding question deposited the manuscripts in polls. Results: school health is linked to hygienist practices and to the hegemonic assistentialist model. Nevertheless, we assigned senses and meanings to the practice of physical activity and health education by integrating and expanding behavioral strategies and healthy habits. Final Considerations: a healthy school environment implies the protagonism of adolescents in school health promotion actions.

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 47-56
Putri Wulan Dini S

First Aid is a temporary relief and care effort against accident victims before getting more complete help from doctors or paramedics. This means that the help is not a perfect treatment or treatment, but only a temporary relief by the FIRST AID officer (medical officer or lay person) who first sees the victim. First Aid Purpose: 1 Prevent death, 2. Prevent more severe disability 3. Prevent infections, 4. Reduce pain and fear Correct FIRST AID action will reduce defects or suffering and even save the victim from death, but if FIRST AID action is done bad it can worsen due to accident and even kill the victim. In everyday life there is often an accident that befell someone or a group of people. Accidents can happen anywhere, at home, road, workplace or anywhere else. To anticipate the problem then the government launched the school health effort movement (UKS) which there is health education, health services and a healthy school environment. The purpose of this dedication is to train the students to be the first helpers to be able to perform first aid measures if necessary.

2019 ◽  
Vol 72 (4) ◽  
pp. 964-972
Ligia Cordeiro Matos Faial ◽  
Rose Mary Costa Rosa Andrade Silva ◽  
Eliane Ramos Pereira ◽  
Cidllan Silveira Gomes Faial

ABSTRACT Objective: To understand adolescents’ perceptions on school health. Method: Qualitative and descriptive research grounded on Maurice Merleau-Ponty’s phenomenology, which was developed with 90 adolescent students from a federal school of the state of Rio de Janeiro. Data were produced by gathering answers to the following question: what is your perception on school health? Those who chose to write their answer to the guiding question deposited the manuscripts in polls. Results: School health is linked to hygienist practices and to the hegemonic assistentialist model. Nevertheless, we assigned senses and meanings to the practice of physical activity and health education by integrating and expanding behavioral strategies and healthy habits. Final considerations: a healthy school environment implies the protagonism of adolescents in school health promotion actions.

2020 ◽  
Vol 14 ◽  
Marhla Laiane De Brito Assunção ◽  
Camila Tahis Dos Santos Silva ◽  
Christiane Almeida de Macedo Alves ◽  
Mariana Mercês Mesquita Espíndola

Objetivo: investigar as principais estratégias de educação em saúde utilizadas no ambiente escolar pelos profissionais de enfermagem. Método: trata-se de um estudo bibliográfico, descritivo, tipo revisão integrativa de literatrua, na base de dados LILACS, de janeiro a fevereiro de 2018. Analisaram-se os dados de modo descritivo. Resultados: encontraram-se, a priori, 241 publicações, selecionando-se 39 artigos para leitura na íntegra com base nos critérios de inclusão. Identificaram-se, para amostra final, seis artigos que atenderam à questão principal desta pesquisa. Enfatizou-se a contrução coletiva de significados e aprendizado através da utilização de metodologias como rodas de conversas, oficinas, participação grupal para troca de experiências e o uso de jogo educativo como estratégias descritas nesse trabalho. Conclusão: identificou-se que as principais estratégias utilizadas no ambiente escolar pelos profissionais de enfermagem são voltadas para o trabalho colaborativo sendo o adolescente sujeito ativo e coparticipante no processo de educação em saúde. Traz-se, aqui, uma reflexão sobre a importância desses profissionais no ambiente escolar, principalmente dos enfermeiros, no acompanhamento dos discentes na prevenção e promoção de saúde de forma equitativa e integral. Descritores: Saúde do Adolescente; Promoção da Saúde Escolar; Educação em Saúde; Serviços de Saúde Escolar; Promoção da Saúde; Prevenção Primária. AbstractObjective: to investigate the main health education strategies used in the school environment by nursing professionals. Method: this is a bibliographic, descriptive, integrative literature review type, in the LILACS database, from January to February 2018. Data were analyzed in descriptive analysis. Results: 241 publications were found, a priori, selecting 39 articles to read in full based on the inclusion criteria. For the final sample, six articles were identified that answered the main question of this research. The collective construction of meanings and learning was emphasized through the use of methodologies such as conversation circles, workshops, group participation to exchange experiences and the use of educational games as strategies described in this work. Conclusion: it was identified that the main strategies used in the school environment by nursing professionals are aimed at collaborative work, with the adolescent being an active and co-participant subject in the health education process. Here, a reflection is brought about the importance of these professionals in the school environment, especially nurses, in monitoring students in preventing and promoting health in an equitable and comprehensive manner. Descriptors: Adolescent Health; School Health Promotion; Health Education; School Health Services; Health promotion; Primary Prevention.ResumenObjetivo: investigar las principales estrategias de educación sanitaria utilizadas en el entorno escolar por los profesionales de Enfermería. Método: este es un estudio de tipo de revisión bibliográfica, descriptiva e integradora, en LILACS, entre enero y febrero de 2018. Los datos se analizaron de forma descriptiva. Resultados: se encontraron 241 publicaciones, a priori, seleccionando 39 artículos para leer en su totalidad según los criterios de inclusión. Para la muestra final, se identificaron seis artículos que respondieron a la pregunta principal de esta investigación. Se enfatizó la construcción colectiva de significados y aprendizaje mediante el uso de metodologías como círculos de conversación, talleres, participación grupal para intercambiar experiencias y el uso de juegos educativos como estrategias descritas en este trabajo. Conclusión: se identificó que las principales estrategias utilizadas en el entorno escolar por los profesionales de Enfermería están dirigidas al trabajo colaborativo, siendo el adolescente un sujeto activo y coparticipante en el proceso de educación para la salud. Aquí, se reflexiona sobre la importancia de estos profesionales en el entorno escolar, principalmente de los enfermeros, en el monitoreo de los estudiantes para prevenir y promover la salud de una manera equitativa e integral. Descriptores: Salud del Adolescente; Servicios de Salud Escolar; Educación en Salud; Servicios de Salud Escolar; Promoción de la Salud; Prevención Primaria.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 87
Arie Rubrianto ◽  
Rakhmat Susilo

UKS (School's Health Clinic), widely known as school health clinic, has an important role in increasing the health status of students in school. However, in fact, the implementation of UKS has not been at its best due to several factors. Objective know out the description of the implementation of the trias UKS in Sokaraja District, Banyumas Regency in 2019. Method this study used a qualitative descriptive design. The purposive sampling and snowballing sampling were used to determine the subjects of this study. There were 5 research informants in the school consisting of the principal, the persons in charge of UKS and a little doctor, a term used to describe students who meet the criteria and have been trained to participate in carrying out some of the efforts to maintain and improve health at school. Data retrieval by observation and in depth interviews. Results health education in each school was always implemented directly during learning and during breaks by the little doctors. The health services carried out by UKS have been running well, but it is only limited to providing first aid to the sick students or teachers. There would be further examination only if the patient did not get better, the UKS would do some coordinations then take the patients to the Puskesmas or known as public health centre. The development of a healthy environment was carried out by the school by accustoming children to maintain the school environment to dispose of trash in its place. In addition, UKS has also routinely checked the condition or health status of students by checking their height, weight and dental health. School health units in triassic good schools namely by implementing health services for each student , healthful environmental health education and guidance. Keywords: Public Elementary School, TRIAS UKS

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