scholarly journals Grundtvig-samlingen på Instituttet for dansk kirkehistorie

1958 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 84-98
K. E. Bugge

The Grundtvig Collection at the Institute of Danish Church History.By K. E. Bugge.In the autumn of 1956 a new Institute for Danish Church History was inaugurated under the auspices of the University of Copenhagen. Shortly afterwards there appeared several articles by the Head of the Institute, Prof. Hal Koch, in which, among other things, he called attention to the exceptionally fine Grundtvig collection belonging to the Institute. The purpose of the present article is to give a brief account of some of the rarities contained in the collection.The main part of it consists of the so-called “ Thorsen-Collection”, which was made by the late Inspector N. F. Thorsen, who died in 1946, and which was bought in 1947 by the University of Copenhagen with a view to its use by the proposed Institute for Danish Church History. The catalogue of the Thorsen Collection contains about 850 items, even if periodicals and works in several volumes are reckoned as single items. The size of the collection is partly due to the fact that Thorsen acquired not only one, but several copies of a single work of Grundtvig’s, if these were printed on different kinds of paper. Furthermore, he also endeavoured to get hold of uncut copies, copies with their original dust-jackets, and works containing dedications in Grundtvig’s own handwriting to members of his family or of his circle of friends. Finally, the collection also contains some copies of proof together with a small collection of books which belonged to Grundtvig.Besides books and articles the Thorsen collection also contains a series of cuttings from contemporary daily papers and periodicals. In addition, there is a fairly large collection of works dealing with Grundtvigianism and Grundtvig’s family. In 1950 the collection was supplemented by the purchase of a picture collection containing 83 pictures and with a collection of about 170 cuttings from newspapers and periodicals. Since then the collection has been further supplemented, partly by gifts and partly by purchases. The present article gives a survey of the way in which the Institute’s Grundtvig collection provides us with new information about Grundtvig’s life and literary work, and shows how on the basis of this material we can correct various things which had formerly been reckoned as facts.The most interesting feature of the part of the collection which is catalogued under the title, “Grundtvig’s ancestors and family” , is the books by and about F. L. Grundtvig. The Institute possesses a complete set of copies of the weekly “Brevduen” (“ The Messenger Dove” ) which F. L. Grundtvig issued as a boy together with Svend Høgsbro and the brothers Joakim and Niels Skovgaard. In addition, there are a good many books bearing the signature of F. L. Grundtvig; again, others have belonged to members of the inner family circle and are therefore adorned with dedicatory poems in F. L. Grundtvig’s own handwriting. Unfortunately none of these poems was known in 1955, when Høirup’s book on F. L. Grundtvig appeared.In the part of the collection which is catalogued under the title, “Grundtvig’s collection of books” , there are two books in particular which arouse our interest. The first is Grundtvig’s own copy of the book, “Cathecismi Forklaring” (“Explanation of the Catechism” ), 1779, by his father, Johan Grundtvig, which was presented to Grundtvig in January 1791. Here and there in the book various additions have been inserted in Grundtvig’s handwriting. Next may be named Ulfila’s Gothic translation of the Bible in the edition of 1805 by J. Christian Zahn. The book belonged to Grundtvig, and later to his son, Svend Grundtvig. Grundtvig provided the glossary in the latter part of the book with numerous notes, both in ink and in pencil. These notes give us an interesting insight into Grundtvig’s ideas about the etymology of different words. A real tit-bit for philologists!Finally we must mention two smaller sections of the Institute’s Grundtvig collection: first a collection of notes on Grundtvig’s hymns and poems, and then a collection of unpublished material concerning Grundtvig. The lastnamed collection contains, among other things, an unpublished letter, dated 28/4 1867, dealing “ inter alia” , with Grundtvig’s mental illness in 1867.The Institute’s Grundtvig collection is probably one of the three most complete Grundtvig collections which exist. Only the collections in the Royal Library and in the Grundtvig Library at Vartov can be compared with the one described here. These three great collections supplement each other admirably, since each of them contains Grundtvigiana which the two others do not possess.

1989 ◽  
Vol 42 (3) ◽  
pp. 341-366
A. I. C. Heron

In 1988 the Reformed Church in Bavaria commemorated the life and work of August Ebrard (1818–1888), the first Professor Ordinarius of Reformed Theology in the University of Erlangen. Ebrard is today almost completely forgotten; Karl Barth is reported to have opined that his theology was ‘deader than dead’. Yet he was a remarkable man, successively Professor in Erlangen, Konsistorialrat in Speyer, independent author and lecturer, finally minister of the French Reformed congregation in Erlangen (as his father had been long before). He contributed considerably to the maintenance and strengthening of the Reformed witness in Germany in the nineteenth century, took up the cudgels to defend the faith against D. F. Strauss on the one hand and Haeckel's Darwinism on the other, and published voluminous theological works, from biblical exegesis through church history to dogmatics, apologetics and practical theology, including liturgies, hymnology and sacramentalia. His interests were wider still; he was a kind of nineteenth century ‘renaissance man’, his studies extending inter alia to geology, mineralogy, musical theory and linguistics; learned, cultivated, busily writing up to the day of his death. Alongside his specifically theological works stand historical novels (written under the pen-name Gottfried Flammberg), poems, travel reports, an autobiography of Herculean proportions and such special gems as a System of Musical Acoustics and a Handbook of Middle Gaelic. Ground enough there alone for a Scot occupying Ebrard's chair a century after his death to look more closely at the man and his writings! Ebrard's papers are preserved in the Erlangen City Archives.

2017 ◽  
Vol 15 (19) ◽  
Airi Liimets

Artikkel analüüsib huvitavat epistolaarset materjali Teise maailmasõja aastatest ja sellele järgnenud ajast – kasvatusteadlase Enn Koemetsa kirju õepoeg Heino Liimetsale, kellest sai hiljem samuti pedagoogikaõppejõud ja akadeemik. Kirjades võib tähele panna Koemetsa teoreetilisi seisukohti õppimisest ja õpetamisest ning nende rakendamist eesmärgiga kasvatada õepojast teadlast ja õppejõudu. Tervikuna ja koos kommentaaridega ilmuvad kuus Koemetsa kirja aastatest 1942–1943. When discussing Estonian educational science, we need to talk about the Koemets-Liimets family where six people from three generations have been or still are active in this field. Such career choice was first made by the pedagogue, educational scientist and psychologist Enn Koemets (1911–1973). 50 letters, found in the personal home archive of the author of the present article, offer interesting material for a theoretical treatment of Enn Koemets’ biographical data as well as of the growing of Heino Liimets’ into a scientist.The present article publishes in full six letters which Koemets wrote in Tartu from 1942–1943 and sent to Valga to his nephew Heino Liimets (1928–1989), who studied at the Valga Gymnasium and was 14 years old in 1942. Later, Heino Liimets became a pedagogue, educational scientist and a professor as well.First, the article discusses why and how can such continuity of choosing again and again one and the same specialty develop in a family. Looking at it from the viewpoint of educational philosophy, we could answer that this could well be caused by such phenomena as education and growth development. A person does not become a scientist only by studying at some educational institution and passing some specific curriculum, but they have to grow and be raised into being a scientist due to certain conditions or, due to the fact that people of different generations live in the same spiritual space, communicating with each other based on certain ideas, values and principles.Enn Koemets’ letters to his nephew show, on the one hand, the spiritual reality full of ideals and, on the other hand, the real, everyday environment centred on home. We can say without doubt that Koemets attempted to live his real life according to the pedagogical and psychological ideas which he had formulated in his studies. He knowingly and purposefully raised his nephew to be a scientist, a teacher and a colleague at the university.Eleven letters originate from the earlier period of the correspondence (1942–1945), from the time Heino Liimets was a gymnasium student. All these letters are characterised by the fact that Enn Koemets inspired and invited his nephew to enter his own spiritual space. According to the ideas he had published in his research, he taught the young man in the way that would activate his self-education. Koemets wrote to the boy very seriously about the books he was reading and topics he was studying because he knew that the existence of a model and the direct immediate inspiration are essential for the emergence of ideals and higher spiritual aspirations. We can see that Koemets had undertaken the task of teaching the young man to study “in a right way” and to acquire skills and tools (foreign languages, skills for thorough and long-time concentration and for doing research, time management, etc.) necessary for a scientist. He consistently guided the young man in widening his cultural horizons, suggested reading materials and information sources, knowing that a good scientist cannot do without such knowledge and skills. The roots of Koemets’ own aspirations and values should be searched for at the Valga All-boys Gymnasium where he had studied from 1924–1929.Among Koemets’ friends at the gymnasium and at the university was the writer Bernard Kangro, who immigrated to Sweden in 1944. Thanks to Kangro’s novels of the Tartu series, we can find both the Koemets-Liimets’ age-old family residence—the Koemetsa Farm in the Koemetsa Village in Võrumaa County—and Enn Koemets himself captured in a fictional reality. The Enn Koemets, who has been depicted as one of the main characters of Kangro’s novels—the energetic and bright Pärdijaak—was in his letters a similar inspirer and model for his nephew Heino Liimets.

Joaquim Prats

Resum: La universitat de Cervera, fundada per Felip V, suposà una fita important per a Catalunya: per un costat, naixia com un projecte borbònic de futur i, per un altre, significava que les universitats catalanes històriques havien estat abolides, en virtut de la política repressora del nou monarca. El present article analitza aquella institució i el fracàs d’aquell projecte. La creació de la Universitat ha de situar-se en un context reformista de tall centralista, propi de les noves monarquies europees que van prendre com a imatge la cort i l’acció en política interna de Lluís XIV. Tanmateix, amb el pas dels anys, aquella proposta es va veure frustada. Paraules clau: Universitat de Cervera, orígens, declivi, Catalunya, segle XVIII Abstract: The University of Cervera, founded by Philip V, was an important milestone for Catalonia: on the one hand, it was born as a Bourbon project for the future and, on the other, it meant that historic Catalan universities had been abolished, under the policy repressive of the new monarch. This article discusses that institution and the failure of that project. The creation of the University must be situated in a reformist context of a centralist nature, typical of the new European monarchies that took as their image the court and action in domestic politics of Louis XIV. However, over the years, that proposal was thwarted. Key words: University of Cervera, foundation, declivity, Catalonia, 18th. century

1994 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 38-47
Oria Gemo

The first of three papers presented at the one-day PNG Council of Churches seminar on the Role of the Media in Papua New Guinea at the University of PNG, 19 August 1994.

Ciro Portella Cardoso ◽  
Tiago Anderson Brutti ◽  
Marcelo Cacinotti Costa ◽  
Gabriela Dickel das Chagas ◽  
Deivid Jonas Silva da Veiga ◽  

The present work is the result of the reflections provided by the classes of the Postgraduate Program in Sociocultural Practices and Social Development, at the University of Cruz Alta - UNICRUZ (RS). Thus, the proposal of analyzing and explaining the literary work "The House of Spirits" by the Chilean writer Isabel Allende was brought forward. Book that became a bestseller in Brazil, after its release in April 1984. This work aims to examine the construction of Isabel Allende's success in the 1980s, through the biographical and historical analysis of the representations of Chile, the Chilean military dictatorship and the reference to the female gender, elements that appear in her writings. The history of the work "The House of Spirits" portrays the life of the Trueba family, which over four generations was part of the social and political movements of Chile. The main figures of the plots are always women, especially the one who embodies the role of the writer, with the function of organizing and recreating the memory of the family in a text that allows establishing deep connections with other narratives of Latin American women.

2014 ◽  
Vol 3 (3) ◽  
Sandy Campbell

Ellis, Kathryn.  Home in Time for Dinner.  Markham, ON: Red Deer Press, 2012. Print.From the author of the book Degrassi Junior High and scripts for the original Degrassi Junior High television show, comes a story about a thirteen-year-old boy who has grown up in Texas, not knowing that is father had abducted him from his Canadian mother in a nasty divorce and custody battle. Ellis is definitely in tune with teenage boys.  She flawlessly takes the reader through Chris Ramsey’s discovery that he is one of the “missing children” profiled on television,  his plan to escape and his flight to Canada.  By presenting the story through Chris’s eyes, Ellis draws the reader into the world of a confused and distressed, but determined teenager.Ellis masterfully responds to all of the obvious objections to the events in the story.  Why doesn’t Chris just go to the police?  His father has taught him to fear and avoid the police.  Chris makes terrible errors in judgement on his journey, but we know that his father has always controlled him, and not allowed him to make decisions, so he has little experience with it.  Remarkably, his mother still lives in the same apartment in Kingston, but Ellis tells us that she’s been waiting for him to return.  So while, objectively, the plot is too tidy, it doesn’t seem that way when you are reading the story.  The one point that really stretches the suspension of disbelief is Chris’ being easily smuggled across the border. While the plot line is simple, Ellis has a knack for getting at the essence of a situation in just a few words.  Whether the alcoholic former preacher who gives Chris a ride, the manipulative Moth who gives a him a place to sleep and then robs him or the moment when Chris’s mother recognizes her child who has been missing for years,  Ellis creates unforgettable characters and scenes.  This is one of the best young adult novels that I have read recently.  It is not a high literary work, but it is a good read and would be a great addition to public and junior high school libraries. Highly recommended:  4 stars out of 4 Reviewer:  Sandy CampbellSandy is a Health Sciences Librarian at the University of Alberta, who has written hundreds of book reviews across many disciplines.  Sandy thinks that sharing books with children is one of the greatest gifts anyone can give.

2009 ◽  
Vol 19 (2-3) ◽  
pp. 169-182
Peter J. Bloom

AbstractThis contribution examines how the discourse of “the primitive,” as an institutional point of reference developed by the philosopher Lucien Lévy-Bruhl (1857-1939), influenced the establishment of the Institute of Filmology at the University of Paris in 1948. Filmology, a term introduced by Gilbert Cohen-Séat, is described as a positive science with its own strategy of systematizing the study of film as object and institution with its own series of emerging methods. The present article describes the formulation of the “filmic fact” as a positive science indebted to Durkheimian methods, but also as a means of engaging with the multiple strands of “primitivism.” On the one hand, this article elaborates upon the significance of Lévy-Bruhl’s discussion of “primitivism” as an effective cosmology for causation and related inferences which asserts a space of difference to be further explored, and on the other, it explains how “primitivism” has been used to designate historical and psychological attributes within the institution of cinema as an emerging structure of producing meaning.

2017 ◽  
Vol 73 (4) ◽  
Wim A. Dreyer

The Faculty of Theology at the University of Pretoria went through a process of restructuring, resulting in the amalgamation of Dogmatics, Christian Ethics, Church History and Church Polity into one department under the name ‘Systematic and Historical Theology’. This contribution reflects only on the one aspect, namely Historical Theology. The point is made that a name change could not mean ‘business as usual’, but should be regarded as an opportunity to re-imagine the content and structure of Historical Theology. This is not an easy task. This contribution reflects on Historical Theology as theological discipline, the teaching content and how it could be relevant in Africa in the 21st century. It also has implications for restructuring the curriculum.

2017 ◽  
Arab World English Journal ◽  
Elham T. Hussein ◽  
Aida H. Al-Emami

This descriptive-analytic study aimed at identifying the most significant impediments to teaching English literature from the perspective of male and female instructors at The University of Hail (UoH). The study was conducted during the first semester of the academic year 2015-16. A questionnaire was used to collect data from 10 female and 12 male instructors. Data analysis revealed that the instructors consider the students’ level of language proficiency, the texts’ linguistic and stylistic degree of difficulty as well as the degree of cultural (un)familiarity to be crucial issues which impact the productivity of the teaching -learning process. Narrowing the distance between students and the text by relating the themes and characters of the literary work to the students’ personal experiences, on the one hand, and by making students read independently, on the other, were found to be the most important practices the participants followed in order to help students read, enjoy and comprehend literature.

J.A. Eades ◽  
E. Grünbaum

In the last decade and a half, thin film research, particularly research into problems associated with epitaxy, has developed from a simple empirical process of determining the conditions for epitaxy into a complex analytical and experimental study of the nucleation and growth process on the one hand and a technology of very great importance on the other. During this period the thin films group of the University of Chile has studied the epitaxy of metals on metal and insulating substrates. The development of the group, one of the first research groups in physics to be established in the country, has parallelled the increasing complexity of the field.The elaborate techniques and equipment now needed for research into thin films may be illustrated by considering the plant and facilities of this group as characteristic of a good system for the controlled deposition and study of thin films.

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