scholarly journals The Influence of Absent/Present Mothers on Daughters in Fadia Faqir’s My Name Is Salma and Willow Trees Don’t Weep

2019 ◽  
Vol 11 (4) ◽  
pp. 30
Amal Adnan Al-Khayyat

This study demonstrates the influence of absent/present mothers on their daughters in Jordanian-British Fadia Faqir’s novels My Name Is Salma (2007) and Willow Trees Don’t Weep (2014). It manifests the difference between the positive and negative impacts of the mothers of Salma and Najwa, the two heroines in the two novels under discussion, respectively. The study also exposes the difference between Salma and Najwa based on their fragmentation and its intricate interconnection with their mothers, the way they deal with their mothers’ belongings, and the effect of the memories of their mothers on their self-formation. As it does so, the study highlights how each one of these heroines utilizes her mother’s influence on her to achieve self-formation in her own way as she crosses borders. Through its focus on the mother-daughter bond in both novels, the study concludes that despite the mother’s physical absence, her evident presence turns out to be inescapable; the positive influence of Salma’s absent mother helps Salma recollect herself, and the negative influence of Najwa’s absent mother helps Najwa shape her new identity.

2021 ◽  
Vol 301 ◽  
pp. 04006
Archana Kumari ◽  
Evgeny Kuzmin ◽  
Vikas Kumar

Researchers of hysteresis outline the long-term change in growth paths of economies. It entails the post-crisis change in growth paths of economies through the change of macroeconomic indicators, such as employment and output. Recessionary shocks might have positive or negative impacts on economies’ growth paths which in turn affects convergence and divergence in economies. In this research, hysteresis is explored in convergence across 110 countries induced by the global financial recession of 2007. Findings suggest that as a post-crisis change, hysteresis in convergence is in place. The difference arises in adaptability of economies to changes. The reason for convergence of poor and rich countries might be more intensive foreign investments in developing nations. These investments have a positive influence on economic performance in developing countries by increasing employment rates.

2019 ◽  
Vol 18 (2) ◽  
pp. 52
Chotimah Chotimah ◽  
Wulansari Wulansari

<p><strong><em>Abstract</em></strong><strong></strong></p><p><strong><em>Purpose </em></strong><em>–</em><em>The purpose of this study is to examine the difference of stock return between financial distress and non-financial distress firms and to examine the influence of financial health, financial leverage, liquidity, profitability, book to market equity and size to stock return on the manufacturing firms listed at Indonesia Stock Exchange in the period 2012-2016.</em><em></em></p><p><strong><em>Des</em></strong><strong><em>ign</em></strong><strong><em>/Met</em></strong><strong><em>hodology</em></strong><strong><em>/</em></strong><strong><em>Approach</em></strong><em>- </em><em>The dependent variable in this study is the stock return (SR), while the independent variable are financial health, financial leverage, liquidity and profitability while the variable control are book to market equity and size. The method used is a non-parametric difference test using mann-whitney U and multi-regression panel data with dummy variable using fixed effect model.</em></p><p><em></em><strong><em>Findings</em></strong><em> - </em><em>The findings obtained this study indicate that there is difference of stock return between financial distress and non-financial distress company, financial distress and financial leverage has a negative influence to stock return and there is positive influence profitability and size to stock return, while liquidity and book to market equity has no impact on stock return. The firms need to increase the level of financial health and increase corporate profits by reduce the level of corporate debt so it will increase the stock return.</em></p><p> </p>

2014 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 123-133
Roxana-Ema Dreve

The linguistic diversity in The Thief, a novel written by the Swedish author, Göran Tunström, has as a central element the negative influence of the father figure. The evolution of the characters is profoundly connected to childhood and to the difference between the way they speak at home and the way they express themselves in society or among friends and teachers. The insertion of dialects as well as the use of comparisons and metaphors regarding the sacred / profane world, seem to point that cultural identity and unity is, paradoxically, acquired through diversity. We intend to tackle the relationship between the individual and the group / the family by using linguistic analysis of various fragments. Our aim is to show that the transition from childhood to adolescence is not only revealing for the child itself, but also for the entire community, as it insists on how we all have multiple social roles, while we never cease to be our true selves.

Arnis Rachmadhani

A study of qualitative research with data obtained from interviews, in-depth observation, and literature study was conducted in Pontianak City, West Kalimantan Province, describes the general social interaction in Pontianak City that leads to an associative form of interaction, although there is also a potential that leads to dissociative. Assositive interactions include accommodation in the form of a fairly tolerant attitude of religious life; assimilation in the form of cultural assimilation, especially the assimilation between religion and culture that strengthens the relationship of two things, and which strengthens the relationship between families, where cultural interaction strengthens inter-citizen harmony, especially among religious followers; as well as cooperation in the implementation of cultural activities antaretnik. However, dissociative interactions also occur that is the emergence of competition in the form of contradictions. The social systems in Pontianak influence the harmony between religious and inter-ethnic communities. These social systems are social systems built from ethnic Malay, Dayak, Bugis, Madurese, Javanese, and other ethnic groups. The process of working the social system on interethnic religious harmony in Pontianak City, West Kalimantan Province due to the diversity of ethnic groups that can have positive and negative impacts. Positive influence because strengthening the unity of ethnic intern and its negative influence is able to bring up the problem.

2018 ◽  
Vol 18 (5) ◽  

This study examines whether board diversity affects firm performance. We investigate this study using panel data of a sample of S&P 500 firms during a 12 year period. After controlling for industry, firm size, and other board composition variables, we find that all three board diversity variables of interest – gender, ethnicity, and age have a significant influence on firm performance. While ethnicity and age have a positive influence on firm performance, it was found that gender has a negative influence. Implications for future research are discussed.

2020 ◽  
Vol 22 (3) ◽  
pp. 341-361
Gonzalo Grau-Pérez ◽  
J. Guillermo Milán

In Uruguay, Lacanian ideas arrived in the 1960s, into a context of Kleinian hegemony. Adopting a discursive approach, this study researched the initial reception of these ideas and its effects on clinical practices. We gathered a corpus of discursive data from clinical cases and theoretical-doctrinal articles (from the 1960s, 1970s and 1980s). In order to examine the effects of Lacanian ideas, we analysed the difference in the way of interpreting the clinical material before and after Lacan's reception. The results of this research illuminate some epistemological problems of psychoanalysis, especially the relationship between theory and clinical practice.

2019 ◽  
Vol 10 (9) ◽  
pp. 861-879
Edson Roberto Vieira ◽  
Daniel Henrique Alves Reis ◽  

The objective of this study is to analyze the determinants of Brazilian exports by levels of technological intensity in the period 2000-2015. Gravity models were estimated for total of the exports and for each type of exports by levels of technological intensity, using the PPML-estimator. The study indicates that there is a process of concentration of Brazilian exports in low technology and medium-low technology products, at the same period in which China's share of total Brazilian shipments abroad grew. Estimates of empirical gravity models have shown that the income and size of the consumer market of Brazil’s trading partners seem to have the greatest positive influence on the Brazilian exports. Indications of this study are that the Brazil should continue to diversify its trading partners to minimize the impacts of a possible reduction of the economic growth of large trading partners (such as China and the US) on its exports and increase its exports of products with greater technological intensity. The results also highlight the need for Brazil to make greater efforts to increase its competitiveness in the international market to reduce the negative impacts of transport costs on the final prices of products exported by the country.

2015 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 53-72
Ahmad Fathoni

The object of the study of the knowledge of the variety of the Quranic reading  is the  Qur'an itself. The focus is on the difference of the reading and its articulation. The method is based on the riwayat or narration which is originated from the Prophet (Rasulullah saw) and its use is to be one of the instruments to keep the originality of the Qur’an. The validity of the reading the Qur’an is to be judged based on the valid chain  (sanad ¡a¥ī¥)  in accord with the Rasm U£mānÄ« as well as with the  Arabic grammar. Whereas the qualification of its originality is divided into six stages as follow: the first is mutawātir, the second is masyhÅ«r, the third is āhād, the fourth is syaz, the fifth is maudū‘, and the six is mudraj. Of this six catagories, the readings which can be included in the catagory of mutawātir are Qiraat Sab‘ah (the seven readings) and Qiraat ‘Asyrah  (the ten readings). To study this knowledge of reading the Qur’an (ilmu qiraat), one is advised to know about special terms being used such as  qiraat  (readings), riwayat (narration), tarÄ«q (the way), wajh (aspect), mÄ«m jama‘, sukÅ«n mÄ«m jama‘ and many others.

2017 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 193-214
Afifur Rochman Sya'rani

Most of traditional Muslim exegetes interpret Q. 4:34 in terms of maintaining the superiority of men over women. Some progressive Muslim scholars then insist a contextual approach to the verse to criticize gender inequality. Among some progressive Muslim scholars, this article comparatively examines the interpretations of Amina Wadud and Mohammed Talbi of Q. 4:34. Although both of them propose a contextual reading of the verse, they have different intellectual background, approach and method in interpreting the Qur’ān. The questions are to what extent the similarities and differences of both Wadud’s and Talbi’s interpretation of Q. 4:34 and how far their interpretations reflect their respective intention and perspective? Applying Gadamer’s hermeneutical approach, the article concludes that [1] Both Wadud and Talbi argue that the verse does not establish the superiority of men over women, but acknowledges duties division among married couple; [2] the difference among their interpretations is on the status of relationship among married couple; [3] Wadud’s and Talbi’s interpretations represent their respective hermeneutical situations and the way they define ontologically the nature of  interpretation and Qur’anic hermeneutics affect on producing the meanings of the verse.

Abraham A. Singer

This chapter reviews the development of transaction cost economics and unpacks its theory of the firm. The chapter begins with the marginal revolution in economics and how it altered the way economists understood the corporation. It then reviews the work of Ronald Coase and Oliver Williamson, explaining how they provided a novel account of firms. Transaction cost economics emphasizes how firms use hierarchy and bureaucracy to overcome problems of opportunism and asset-specific investment to coordinate some types of economic activity more efficiently than markets can. The transaction cost account of the corporation’s productivity component is shown in tabular form in comparison with its historical forerunners reviewed in the previous chapter.

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