scholarly journals Engaging English Learners Through Literature, Fairy Tales, and Drama

Alison Larkin Koushki

Use of literature in the English language classroom deepens student engagement, and fairy tales add magic to the mix. This article details the benefits of engaging English learners in literature and fairy tales, and explores how drama can be enlisted to further mine their riches. An educator’s case studies of language teaching through literature and drama projects are described, and the research question driving them highlighted: What is the impact of dramatizing literature on students’ engagement in novels and second language acquisition? Research on the effects of literature, drama, and the fairy tale genre on second language education is reviewed. Reading and acting out literature and fairy tales hones all four language skills while also enhancing the Seven Cs life skills: communication, creativity, critical thinking, collaboration, commitment, compromise, and confidence. Adding the frame of project-based learning to the instructional strengths of literature and drama forms a strong pedagogical triangle for second language learning. Fairy tales are easily enacted. English educators and learners can download free fairy tale scripts and spice them with creative twists of their own creation or adapted from film and cartoon versions. Providing maximum student engagement, tales can be portrayed with minimum preparation. Using a few simple props and a short script, English learners can dramatize The Three Bears, Little Red Riding Hood, Cinderella, or Snow White in class with little practice. Engagement increases when teams act out tales on stage for an audience of family, friends, classmates, and educators. In fairy tale enactment projects, whether in class or on stage, students apply their multiple intelligences when choosing team roles: script-writing, acting, backstage, costumes, make-up, sound and lights, reporter, advertising, usher, writer’s corner, or stage managing. The article concludes with a list of engaging language activities for use with fairy tales, and a summary of the benefits of fairy tale enactments for English learners.

2015 ◽  
Vol 8 (11) ◽  
pp. 47
Mahishi Ranaweera

<p>Theoretical and empirical data support that the feedback given in small group activities promote second language acquisition. There are many studies that have examined the impact of interaction on second language acquisition in controlled language situations. This study examines the small group activity ‘conversation partner’ in order to find out how much feedback takes place in an out of classroom activity such as conversation partner where the language is not controlled. The conversations were recorded and examined for instances of interactional feedback. Later a tailor made test was given to find out whether the participants remembered the language items that they received feedback on. The results show that feedback in natural speech among learners occurs relatively at a low level but the learners remember whatever language that was used in feedback instances.</p>

Syahfitri Purnama

When speaking or reading a foreign language, Students always doing mispronunciations. When speaking or reading a foreign language. They are errors in encoding at the productive phonological level. They still do not know the system of the target language sounds which are different from their first language but the fact that few second language learners are able to speak a second language without showing evidence of the transfer of pronunciation features of their native language is evidence of the difficulty of acquiring a native like pronunciation, but also of the goals learners set for themselves. Many learners are quite comfortable to show evidence of their native language on their second language phonology, since it is sometimes viewed as a core part of their cultural identity. The research question is how to improve the students’ pronunciation competence in a second language learning through the implementation of lesson study? The lesson study team meets to plan a research lesson to discuss the research lesson and in which classroom it will be taught. They decide what data the team will collect and how to collect it. This phase happens one day to one to make the syllabus design through the lecturers collaboration with the purpose is to learn successful teaching techniques and behaviors from other lecturers, to improve students learning based on observation. This research is qualitative research and data are taken from the students’ pronunciation while they are presenting paper in the classroom. The lecturer found some mispronounce words, they did not pronounce well for dental [θ] for think, labio- dental [f] for phoneme, cluster [kj] for occurrence, diphthong [ai] for phsychology. They did interlingual and intralingual processes. For helping the students better in pronouncing, it is done by using the lesson study by doing; plan, do, check and acts. Lesson Study is appropriate to encourage a learning community consistently and systematically and also can help lecturers and students in their competences.

2013 ◽  
Vol 34 (2) ◽  
pp. 417-417 ◽  

The open access copyright line contained within this page was not included in the original FirstView article or the print article contained within this issue. We sincerely regret these errors and any problems they may have caused.

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (4) ◽  
pp. 471-481
Anne Heinze

A look at entrepreneurship education research shows that there are basically two types of entrepreneurship courses: First, courses for entrepreneurship and second, courses about entrepreneurship such as lectures, formal seminars, individual essays etc. Most of the latter courses can be characterized as teacher-centric where the student involvement is passive. From a more modern perspective and in order to train entrepreneurs trying, experimenting and learning about one's own experience is crucial. More innovative approaches, such as project-based learning, action-based learning and experiential learning, therefore, are gradually appearing on the scene In this context, within the last few years some universities have introduced training firms, mostly for students of economics and business. In Germany, due to a lack of legal possibilities training firms at public universities are still a rarity and therefore under-researched. Thus, the research question for the present contribution is how informal learning can be structured using training firms, and what effects this has on the preparation of learners for later professional practice and / or self-employment. Therefore, the methodology for this paper is first to review the literature related to entrepreneurial learning in order to better understand the informal learning experience in training firms. Second, the case of a communication design agency for students around HTW Berlin, a public university for applied sciences, is analyzed to gain insight into the impact that practice firms can have on entrepreneurship education in general, and in particular in non-business subjects. For this purpose, a case study has been developed based on interviews, which include both the perspective of the students and of the trainer. Overall, the results will show a best practice example of entrepreneurial training and learning in a university context, which can be useful for those involved in the development of course concepts for entrepreneurship education.

2016 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 91-101
Зоряна Мацюк ◽  
Марія Фенко

У складних суспільних умовах дедалі більше розширюється коло проблем, які потребують педагогічного вирішення. Дієвий метод – казкотерапія, використовують для безпосереднього впливу на емоційно-почуттєву сферу особистості для зміни моделей поведінки, аналізу прихованих можливостей дітей. У статті обґрунтовано теоретичні засади використання казкотерапії в психолого-педагогічній практиці. Зокрема було визначено критерії та показники мовленнєвого розвитку дошкільників в ігрових казкових ситуаціях: 1) обізнаність із казками; уміння розповідати знайомі казки; уміння оцінювати свою розповідь і розповідь товариша; 2) самостійність складання дітьми сюжетів казкових ситуацій; оригінальність вигаданого казкового сюжету; наявність засобів творчого самовираження. Особливий акцент зроблено на творчому мовленнєвому самовиражені дітей, чому безпосередньо сприяє використання казкотерапії: відбувається занурення дітей у світ казки, що поглиблює максимальну мовленнєву активність дітей на навчально-виховному просторі дитячого навчального закладу; наявність позитивних емоційних стимулів у складанні творчих розповідей; створення ситуацій успіху в мовленнєво-ігровій діяльності; стимулювання мовленнєвого самовираження і творчої ініціативи дошкільників в казкових ситуаціях. Результати проведеного дослідження свідчать, що використання методу казкотерапії є доцільним і виправданим. Література References Алексеенко В. В. Играем в сказку. Воспитание и развитие личности ребенка 2–7 лет. – М.: РИПОЛ.Aleksеіenko, V.V. (2008). Igraem v skazku. Vospitanie i razvitie lichnosti rebionka 2–7 let. [Playing Fairy-Tale. Educating and Developing Personality from 2 -7]. Moscow: RYPOL. Бурчик О. В. Групова казкотерапія в особистісно-орієнтованому вихованні дітей // Высник Житомирського державного ун-ту ім. Івана Франка. – 2005, № 25. – С. 203-205.Bourchyk, O.V. (2005). Grupova kazkoterapia v osobystisno-orientovanomu vyhovanni ditej [Group Fairy-Tale Therapy in Personality-oriented Education of Children]. Visnyk Zhytomyrskoho derzhavnoho universytetu imeni I. Franka, 25, 203-205. Давыдова Т. Т. Сказка // Лит. Учеба. – 2003., № 1.Davуdova, T. T. (2003). Skazka [Сказка]. Lyt. Ucheba, 1. Деркач О. О. Педагогіка творчості: Арт-терапія та казкотерапія на допомогу вчителю, вихователю, праткичному психологу. Вінниця, 2003.Derkach, O. O. (2009). Pedahohika tvorchosti: Art-terapiia ta kazkoterapiia na dopomohu vchyteliu, vykhovateliu, praktychnomu psykholohu]. Vinnytsia. Кирилюк О. С. Універсалії культури і семіотика дискурсу : казка та обряд. – Одеса: ЦГО НАНУ, 2003. Kyryliuk, O. S. (2003). Universalii kultury i semiotyka dyskursu: kazka ta obriad [The Cultural Universals and Semiotics of Discourse: Fairy-Tale and Rite]. Odesa: TsHO NANU. Мелетинский Е. М. От мифа к литературе. – М.: РГГУ, 2000.Meletynskyij, E. M. (2000). Ot Mifa k Literature [From Myth to Literature]. Moscow: RGGU. Нассруллаева Н. Н. Влияние содержания и языковых средств народной сказки на образность и выразительность речи старшего дошкольника. – К.: Рад. школа, 1982.Nassrullaeva, N. N. (1982). Vlyianie soderzhansiia i yazykovykh sredstv narodnoij skazki na obraznost i vyraziytielnost rechy starsheho doshkolnyka [The Impact of Content and Linguistic Means of Folk-Tale on the Imagery and Expressiveness of Older Pre-schooler Speech]. Kyiv: Rad. Shkola. Померанцева Э. В. Русское народное поэтическое творчество. – М.: Учпедгиз, 1956.Pomerantseva, Е. V. (1956). Russkoe narodnoe Poetiycheskoe Tvorchestvo [Russian Folk Poetic Art]. Moscow: Uchpedgiz. Пропп В. Морфология волшебной сказки. Исторические корни волшебной сказки. – М.: АСТ, 1998.Propp, V. (1998). Morfolohyia volshebnoij skazki. Istoricheskie korny volshebnoij skazki [The Morphology of Fairy-Tale]. Moscow: AST. Соколов Д. Сказки и сказкотерапия. –М.: Экcмо-Пресс, 2001.Sokolov, D. (2001). Skazki i skazkoterapiia [Fairy-Tales and Fairy-Tale Therapy]: Moscow: Eksmo-Press. Вачков Я. Сказкотерапия: Развитие самосознания через психологическую сказку. –М.: Ос-89. – С. 144.Vachkov, Y. V. (2001). Skazkoterapiia: Razvitie samosoznanyia cherez psykholohycheskiju skazku [Fairy-Tale Therapy]. Moscow: Os-89. Великий тлумачний словник сучасної української мови/ Укл. і гол. ред. В. Т. Бусел. – К.; Ірпінь: Перун, 2004.Velykyj tlumachnyj slovnyk suchasnoi ukrainskoi movy (2004). V. Busel, Ed. [Great Explanatory Dictionary of Modern Ukarinain]. Kyiv; Irpin: Perun. Якименко С. І. Формування основ світогляду у дітей молодшого шкільного віку засобами казки: теорія і практика. – Київ: Знання, 1999.Yakymenko, S. I. (1999). Formuvannia osnov svitohliadu u ditej molodshoho shkilnoho viku zasobamy kazky: teoriia i praktyka [Формування основ світогляду у дітей молодшого шкільного віку засобами казки: теорія і практика]. Kyiv: Znannia. Зинкевич-Евстигнеева Т. Формы и методы работы со сказками. – СПб: Речь, 2006.Zynkevych-Evstyhneeva, T. D. (2006). Formy i metodu raboty so skazkami [Forms and Methods of Working with Fairy-Tales]. S.-Petersburg: Rech.

Nuttakritta Chotipaktanasook ◽  
Hayo Reinders

Massively multiplayer online role-playing games (MMORPGs) have been dramatically used in language education and identified in computer-assisted language learning (CALL) research as playing a central role in second language acquisition (SLA). This chapter addresses the integration of a commercially developed MMORPG Ragnarok Online into a language course as a basis for digital game-based language learning and reports on its effects on second language (L2) interaction. Thirty Thai learners of English who enrolled in a 15-week university language course were required to complete 18 face-to-face classroom lessons and six gameplay sessions. Learners' language use in both text and voice chats during gameplay was recorded and analysed to measure the effects of the game. The findings show that participating in MMORPG resulted in a significantly more considerable increase in L2 interaction that used a wider range of discourse functions compared with English interaction in the classroom. The authors discuss some of the theoretical and pedagogical implications of these findings.

Joan Lachance

Graduate level teacher candidates preparing to work with English learners participate in coursework related to theory and practice for many aspects of second language acquisition. In this presentation the author describes and discusses an innovative capstone project, completed in the context of the second language acquisition course, which conceptualizes and embodies performance-based assessments. What makes this exceptional is that teacher candidates demonstrate deep insight regarding the authenticity of using performance-based assessments with K-12 English learners while simultaneously connecting the concepts to their own pre-service teaching performance-based assessments; Portfolios2.

2017 ◽  
Vol 10 (8) ◽  
pp. 145
Mardziah Shamsudin ◽  
Moomala Othman ◽  
Maryam Jahedi ◽  
Dalia Aralas

The present study investigated the impact of two instructional methods, Debate and Philosophy Inquiry (PI), in enhancing Willingness to Communicate (WTC) among two groups of English as a Second Language (ESL) learners who were randomly selected. In each group there were sixteen participants. The researchers used independent samples t-test and paired samples t-test to analyze the collected data. The data analysis using paired samples t-test showed that both methods of instruction have a significant effect on learners’ WTC. However, the learners’ WTC increased more in Debate group comparing to the Philosophy Inquiry classroom discussion group. The results indicate that Debate is more effective than Philosophy Inquiry classroom discussion in enhancing ESL learners’ WTC.

2015 ◽  
Vol 38 (1) ◽  
pp. 50-65
Jarrad R. Merlo ◽  
Paul A. Gruba

Despite an increased emphasis on form-focused instruction (FFI), the use of the computer as a grammar tutor has remained largelyunexamined for nearly two decades. With new technologies at hand, there is a need to take a fresh look at online grammar tutors andlink designs more strongly to contemporary second language acquisition (SLA) principles and the concept of a teaching presence. Theaim of this study, therefore, is to investigate the potential of using a purpose-built digital video series as a virtual grammartutor. To achieve this aim, we used a pre-test, post-test, and delayed post-test to evaluate the impact of a purpose-built grammar video on 62 EFL university students. The results of the study demonstrate that purpose-built video has strong potential for use as a virtual grammar tutor. Consequently, it may be possible to improve the state of Tutorial CALL from a drill-based approach to one that is more substantive through the development of a series of step-based video tutorials that tutor, allow for the practice of and evaluate second language (L2) grammar skills.

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