scholarly journals Ideoloogia tõlketeooria ja tõlkeloo dialoogis / Field of ideology in a dialogue between theory and history of translation

2020 ◽  
Vol 20 (25) ◽  
Peeter Torop

Artikkel on pühendatud tõlketeooriat ja tõlkelugu ühendavale ideoloogia mõistele. Jälgitud on ideoloogia mõistevälja dünaamikat 21. sajandi tõlketeoorias ja tõlkeloos. Vaatluse all on tõlketeaduslikes käsiraamatutes loodud terminiväljade muutumist ideoloogia mõiste hägustumisest uute mõistete juurutamiseni. Artikkel osutab olukorrale tõlketeaduses, kus tõlketeoreetiline kirevus on nii suur, et tõlkeloolastel on raske nii metodoloogilist kui praktilist tuge leida. Samas osutab tõlketeooria areng üldisele mõttelaadi dünaamikale tõlkekultuuriga seoses ja selles toimuvaid protsesse on võimalik tõlkeloo analüüsimeetodite täiustamisel ära kasutada.   If there is a wish to understand translation, it is necessary to consider all its aspects also from the point of view of ideology. The process of translation should be seen as a complex of interlinguistic, intralinguistic, and intersemiotic translations, on the one hand, and as a complex of linguistic, cultural, economic, and ideological activities, on the other hand. Translators work on the boundaries of languages, cultures, and societies, and position themselves between the poles of specificity and adaptation, in accordance with the strategies of their translational behaviour: they either preserve the otherness of the Other (foreignisation) or transform the Other into Self (domestication). By the same token, they cease to be simple mediators for, in a semiotic sense, they are capable of generating new languages to describe a foreign language, text, or culture, and renewing a culture or influencing a culture’s capacity for dialogue with other cultures as well as with itself. In this way, translators work not only with natural languages, but also with metalanguages, languages of description. As mediators between languages, translators are important creators of new metalanguages. Different parameters should be observed in the process of translation, among which economic and ideological aspects of translation hold the first place. In turn, these are associated with professional ethics or with the professional ethics of the translator. The practice of translation is even more complex, and the behaviour of translators and the quality of their work do not depend solely on their linguistic or literary abilities. The translator is simultaneously a mediator, a creator, a producer, a manager, a critic, as well as an ideologue. All of these roles constitute various aspects of cultural behaviour and can be correlated with the entire textual corpus of a culture. An actualisation of the various cultural and social roles of the translator reflects the general effort, made in analysis, to reach a complex understanding of the phenomenon of translation in the processes of culture. It is difficult to observe the issues of ideology and economics in isolation, since the concept of the market in itself combines both the local and the global aspects. The confluence of the economic and the ideological is especially characteristic of mass literature, and sholars studying the translation of the latter have been exploring, among other things, concepts such as collective translation (team translation), standardisation (of theme, language, style, size, weight), ignoring of authorial idiosyncrasies (the so-called sacredness of the author), commercial calculations (definite market, deadlines, no revision), selection of texts (reusability), the repeated publication of old translations (the recycling strategy), marketing strategies and pseudotranslations. The ideological issues arising in translation activities have gained significance both on an empirical and on a theoretical level. The very introduction of an author into a culture is an ideologically and politically coloured act, and the ideological aspect of translation activity is one of the factors involving translation within the process of the culture’s historical autocommunication. All in all, the historical identity of translation cannot be restricted to either the historical existence of translations, or to the history of translation. The history of translation is only one way of observing translation in time, as well as in ideological space. History of translation does have a significant influence on translation studies, but is simultaneously dependent on the latter as well, which is why the category of ideology is of major significance as concerns the notion of translation.

1886 ◽  
Vol 3 (8) ◽  
pp. 359-367
J. H. Collins

My argument that at Porthalla there is a “passage” from hornblende-schist to serpentine; or rather that some beds of a common series have been changed into serpentine, others into hornblende-schist, and others again into a substance of intermediate character, is, I think, much strengthened by the fact that many such “apparent passages” are admitted to exist by all those who have examined the Lizard Coast with any degree of detail. De la Beche's description of that seen near the Lizard Town is as follows, and it would apply equally well to the others. “The hornblende slate,” he says, “supports the great mass of the Lizard serpentine with an apparent passage of the one into the other in many places—an apparent passage somewhat embarrassing,” that is, from his point of view; from mine it is perfectly natural. He goes on to say: “Whatever the cause of this apparent passage may have been, it is very readily seen at Mullion Cove, at Pradanack Point, at the coast west of Lizard Town, and at several places on the east coast between Landewednack and Kennick Cove, more especially under the Balk … and at the remarkable cavern and open cavity named the Frying-Pan, near Cadgwith.” At Kynance some of the laminse of serpentine are not more than one-tenth of an inch in thickness for considerable distances.

2019 ◽  
Vol 30 (1) ◽  
Tautvydas Vėželis

This article examines the problem of overcoming nihilism in Heidegger’s dialogue with Jünger. It is suggested that nihilism is manifested in various forms and is the deep logic of the whole history of European civilization. One of the main aims of this paper is to outline the relationship of nihilism and Nothing in Heidegger’s dispute with Jünger, viewing how Heidegger distinguishes his approach from Jünger’s point of view. Heidegger, on the one hand, treats nihilism as consummation of the Western metaphysical tradition, on the other hand, identifies Nothing itself as the shadow of Being, which cannot be overcome in the traditional dialectical thinking manner.

2001 ◽  
Vol 25 (3) ◽  
pp. 423-433
John Trappes-Lomax

Chaplains in penal times were on occasion employed as stewards, though perhaps not as frequently as is sometimes supposed; from the point of view of their employers this is not entirely surprising; on the one hand chaplains might reasonably be expected to be literate, numerate and honest; on the other hand the restrictions under which Catholic priests worked might well leave them a sufficiency of spare time for secular affairs. The interest of the letter which follows lies not in the mere fact of such a stewardship, but in the extraordinarily vivid picture it gives of what it was like for a professed Religious to be involved in running an estate—particularly when his employer was of questionable sanity. Some light is incidentally thrown on the history of Catholicism in Linton-on-Ouse.

Slovene ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 134-178 ◽  
Dzhamilia N. Ramazanova

The article discusses the history of translation by the 18th-century Serbian translators of the Greek treatise “Πέτρα σκανδάλου” (“Rock of Offence”) written by the theologian and preacher Elias Meniates (1667–1714) in which he deals with the causes of interconfessional polemic between the Orthodox and the Catholic Churches. The history of these translations is placed within the context of interest in Meniates’ works, evidenced in Europe and in the Christian East throughout the 18th century. The vivid style and argumentation of Meniates inspired Stefan Pisarev, inter alia, to translate “Πέτρα σκανδάλου” into Russian, which he did in 1744. In the focus of our research are manuscripts stored in several Serbian libraries and archive collections, namely, manuscripts of “Πέτρα σκανδάλου” translations made by Jovan Mladenović (in 1742) and Vićentije Rakić (in 1797/98). In the study we present, the biographies of the two authors of these unpublished translations are traced and defined more accurately. At the final stage of the study, we correlate the historical settings and probable reasons motivating Mladenović and Rakić to make the Serbian translations of the Greek treatise “Πέτρα σκανδάλου”, on the one hand, and the factors leading to the emergence of a Russian translation of the same treatise by Pisarev, on the other. As believed by the author of this article, the aforementioned translations will serve as a valuable linguistic source for historians of Slavic languages and letters in their comparative studies.

2013 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 7-20
Fernanda Henriques

This paper explores the thought of Paul Ricœur from a feminist point of view. My goal is to show that it is necessary to narrate differently the history of our culture – in particular, the history of philosophy – in order for wommen to attain a self-representation that is equal to that of men. I seek to show that Ricoeur’s philosophy – especially his approach to the topics of memory and history, on the one hand, and the human capacity for initiative, on the other hand– can support the idea that it is possible and legitimate to tell our history otherwise by envisioning a more accurate truth about ourselves. 

2016 ◽  
Vol 50 (1) ◽  
Lazarus E. Kanniah ◽  
Carel F.C. Coetzee

The following study seeks to investigate the impeccability of Christ from a historical-theological point of view. Two camps emerge on either side of the debate. The one camp is those who hold to the posse non peccare view, which is to say the ability not to sin, otherwise known as the peccability view. The other camp holds to the non posse peccare view which is to say inability to sin, otherwise known as the impeccability view. While both camps affirm the sinless perfection of Christ they oppose each other about whether he could have sinned if he had wanted to. It boils down to a case of ‘could have but did not’ or ‘did not because He could not have’. It is the view of this article that the non posse peccare view squares with historical theology. By surveying church councils up to the present time, we aim in the introduction to prove that the history of this issue matters in that it establishes the relationship between Christology and history in relation to the origin of sin. In the first section of the main body we survey and evaluate the position from a peccability viewpoint while, at the same time, proposing and validating our points of departure. In the second section we assess and acknowledge the argument for impeccability by proving the necessity of it for the exoneration of Christ’s Person.

Translationes ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 92-107
Alina Pelea

Abstract It may be too much to say that a picture is worth a thousand words, but no one can deny the informative potential of visual representations. Considering that the history of translation would also benefit from their use, we propose an intervention that will try to look at these resources in order to shed additional light on the status of the interpreter and its evolution. We analyze visual resources dating back to the 17th and 18th centuries (works of art) and others from 2018 (potentially more objective) to see how they reflect, on the one hand, the status of the dragomans of the Sublime Porte and, on the other hand, that of today’s interpreters. In conducting this research, we also look at how new technologies can contribute to the study of different media.

2013 ◽  
Vol 72 (4) ◽  
pp. 328-350
Stefan Van den Bossche

De naam van heimatauteur Omer Wattez refereert meestal aan het door hem gecreëerde geografische begrip 'Vlaamsche Ardennen'. Literair-historisch gezien viel hij echter door de mazen van het net. Vandaag zou de literatuurwetenschap hem als een middlebrow-schrijver typeren: een exponent van het middenveld waarin de literatuur sterke democratiserende doelen dient. De breuklijn in Wattez' leven en werk is die tussen de Germaanse en Romaanse cultuur. De auteur verdiepte zich in de Duitse en Oud-Germaanse cultuur en zou talloze publicaties over het thema leveren, veeleer van pedagogische aard en met de bedoeling de contemporaine verfransing van het Vlaamse cultuurleven te counteren. De schrijver besteedde op nogal eenzijdige wijze aandacht aan de Germaanse kant van de Vlaamse cultuur, iets waar zijn lidmaatschap van het Brusselse kunstgenootschap De Distel niet vreemd was. Meteen na de oprichting in 1881 was daar al een germanofiele instroom merkbaar. Het genootschap viel op door verscheidene Duitsgezinde acties die geleidelijk overgingen in een politiek pangermanisme, de droom om Germaanse volkeren onder één vlag te verzamelen. Omstreeks 1900 trad Wattez opt als een van de leidinggevende figuren van het tijdschrift Germania (1898-1905), een initiatief van Alduitse oorsprong. Eerder had hij zich bij voorkeur als dichter en novellist gemanifesteerd. Hoe dan ook zal vooral zijn boekwerk De Vlaamsche Ardennen blijven de tand des tijds doorstaan. Het koppelen van uiteenlopende toeristische facetten en oden aan het onbezoedelde landschap van zijn jeugd enerzijds en literaire cultuur anderzijds lijkt typisch te zijn aan een flink deel van Wattez' oeuvre.________The legacy of a literary centipede. About the regional author Omer Wattez (1857-1935)The name of regional author Omer Wattez is usually mentioned in reference to the geographical concept of the ‘Flemish Ardennes’ that he created. However, it is difficult to pinpoint him from a literary historical point of view. At present the history of modern literature would characterise him as a middlebrow-author: an exponent of the mainstream in which literature serves strong democratising objectives. The fault line in Wattez' life and work lies between German and Romanic culture. The author delved into the German and Old-German culture and was to produce numerous publications on that topic, which were of a rather pedagogical nature and intended to strike back at the contemporary Frenchification of Flemish cultural life. The author paid attention to the German side of Flemish literature from a rather one-sided point of view, which might well be explained by his membership of the Brussels art society De Distel. Immediately after its foundation in 1881, a Germanophile influx was already noticeable. The society attracted attention by engaging in several pro-German actions, which gradually turned into a political Pan-Germanism, the dream to unit all German nations under one flag. Circa 1900 Wattez acted as one of the protagonists of the periodical Germania (1898-1905), an initiative of All-German origin. Previous to this, he had manifested himself preferably as a poet and novelist. At any rate, it will be in particular his book The Flemish Ardennes that will stand the test of time. The linking of a variety of tourist aspects and odes to the untarnished landscape of his youth on the one hand and literary culture on the other hand appears to characterise a large part of the works of Wattez.

Juan Pablo Martínez Martínez

A lo largo de la historia de la filosofía, el problema del mal ha sido enfocado o desde un punto de vista moralizante o desde un punto de vista metafísico, que difícilmente puede dar respuesta a la pregunta por el origen del mal radical en el hombre. Partiendo de la distinción entre mal sufrido y mal cometido o mal moral —que establece Paul Ricoeur—, se tratará de mostrar que el mal sufrido realmente no es un mal. Por su parte, la experiencia genuina del mal sufrido que se concreta en la pregunta al aire del justo sufriente nos permitirá, por un lado, deslindar las concepciones de sufrimiento y mal mediante el uso del concepto dolor, y por otro lado, una revisión antropológica del problema del mal, que cuadra perfectamente con la línea de propuesta de Paul Ricoeur, cuya teoría acerca de la experiencia del mal será comentada y ampliada desde un antropología trascendental, no desde una metafísica, ni desde la perspectiva simbólica de Ricoeur.Throughout the history of philosophy the problem of evil has been examined either from a moral or a metaphysical point of view, neither of which can answer the question of the radical origin of evil in human life. By distinguishing between suffered evil and committed or moral evil —a distinction that Paul Ricoeur established— we will try to show that suffered evil is not really an evil. On the one hand, the genuine experience of suffered evil, which takes form in the questions of the just man who suffers, will allow us to make a distinction between suffering and evil through the concept of pain. On the other hand, it will also help us to conduct an anthropologic review of the problem of evil. This approach fits perfectly with Paul Ricoeur’s line of thought, since his theory about the experience of evil will be studied and delved into through a transcendental anthropology, not from a metaphysical approach, and not from Ricoeur’s symbolic perspective.

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
Silvia Bordini

The involvement of art in tv devices is examined from a double point of view: on the one hand, the use of tv as a divulgation tool that compares the history of art, entertainment and spectacularization; and on the other, the interpretation of tv as a tool for artistic experimentation. The hypothesis of a cultural use of the potential of audiovisual communication is elaborated in particular by numerous art historians, with different initiatives that reflect the variants of the very notion of art history and art criticism. The hypothesis of TV as a possible tool for making art according to unprecedented linguistic modulations starts from Lucio Fontana in the context of spatialist theories and then develops autonomously in the specific of new technological languages: the programs, the devices and the physicality of the television itself were in fact the first "material" that the artists used to elaborate what went down in history as "videoart". In the paths outlined in this short essay, television has taken on the significance of a strongly symbolic medium, in the alternation of different and often contrasting messages and models, linked to a variety of cultural and ideological positions.

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