activation technique
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2022 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 65-68
Sachin Gupta ◽  
Shikha Jaiswal ◽  
Rudhra Koul

Third molars are known for morphological variations and atypical anatomy. Although these teeth pose difficulty in root canal treatment due to limited accessibility however, retaining third molars has gained importance in the present scenario due to their crucial role in serving as an abutment or in auto transplantation cases. This case report presents a case of Radix Paramolaris in mandibular third molar with severe curvatures of root canals in different planes and discusses its management with controlled memory files and tactile-controlled activation technique. Keywords: Radix Paramolaris, Curved canals, Controlled memory files, Tactile-controlled activation technique.

Energies ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 112
Ieva Kiminaitė ◽  
Aurimas Lisauskas ◽  
Nerijus Striūgas ◽  
Žilvinas Kryževičius

Electrical power generation by means of electrochemical systems utilizing wastewaters is a global energy challenge tackling technique for which a creation of novel eco-friendly electrode materials is in high relevance. For this purpose a Rhodophyta algae derived activated biochar anode bound with a flaxseeds mucilage binder (5, 10, 20, 30 wt.%) was formed and characterized by thermogravimetric, Brunauer-Emmett-Teller (BET) analysis as well as conductivity and mechanical resistance determination. Activation technique with KOH prior to carbonization at 800 °C of algae was employed to obtain biocarbon with a large surface area. The highest specific surface area of 1298.49 m2/g was obtained with the binder-free sample and had a tendency to decrease with the increase of the binder content. It was estimated that biochar anodes are thermally stable at the temperature of up to 200 °C regardless of binder concentration. The concentration of the binder on the other hand had a significant influence in anodes mechanical resistance and electrical conductance: anode with 30 wt.% of the binder had the highest compressive strength equal to 104 bar; however, the highest conductivity was estimated in anode with 5 wt.% of the binder equal to 58 S/m. It is concluded that anode with 10 wt.% mucilage binder has the optimal properties necessary in MFC utilization.

2021 ◽  
Vol 0 (0) ◽  
Md Shuza Uddin

Abstract The cross sections of the reactions 70Zn(n,2n)69mZn,74Ge(n,α)71mZn and 90Zr(n,2n)89m,gZr in the energy range of 13.82–14.71 MeV were measured by the activation technique in combination with HPGe detector γ-ray spectroscopy. The measured results were compared with other experimental data and with the data given in the library TENDL-2019. A nuclear model calculation based on the code TALYS-1.8 was also performed after adjustment of an input parameter for the spin distribution of level density. The results of this work strengthen the database and could be useful in further evaluation of the data.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (5) ◽  
pp. 11-13
Watfaa A. Abduljabar ◽  
Hayder A. L. Mossa ◽  
Muayad S. Abood

Background: Platelet –Rich Plasma (PRP) is a novel therapeutic agent used in multiple medical fields and one of these fields is the reproduction for best spermatozoa preparation and activation for upgrading activity and motility of the spermatozoa and filtered with glass wool filtration to eliminate any round cells and leukocytes from the sample. Objectives: The aim of this research is to study some sperm characteristics in two groups, the normozoospermic infertile men and th asthenozoospermic infertile group before and after activation with Glass wool Filtration and PRP and compare between both. Patients and Methods: In this study 60 infertile men were enrolled and divided into 2 groups,15 normozoospermic infertile men, and 45 ashenozoospermic infertile men during their attendance to the Infertility Clinic in High Institute for Infertility Diagnosis and Assisted Reproductive Technologies Al-Nahrain University. The collected semen samples, and seminal fluid analysis were assessed, each semen sample was divided into 3 tubes and labelled as the 1st tube which was before activation, the 2nd tube was after glass wool filtration activation technique and the 3rd tube was for semen activated by adding PRP to the medium used for glass wool filtration activation. Results: Both techniques showed increased and improved sperm motility, but the PRP was superior to the glass wool alone in upgrading Sperm Grade A Motility %, Sperm Grade B Motility % and decreasing Sperm Grade C Motility %, and Sperm Grade D Motility (Immotile Sperm). Conclusion: The PRP was significantly effective in improving the sperm activity and upgrading sperm motility more than Glass Wool Filtration technique.

Materials ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (17) ◽  
pp. 5038
Rizwan Jouhar

This study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of conventional and sonic activation techniques on push-out bond strength of fiber post cemented with two different monomers containing self-adhesive resin cement (SARC). Four groups (n = 19 each) were made based on the type of SARC (Rely X U200 and Panavia SA) and technique (conventional and sonic activation). After placing the fiber post, each root was sectioned into 2 mm coronal, middle, and apical portions, and a push-out bond strength test was performed using a universal testing machine. The least push-out bond strength (13.0 ± 0.9 MPa) was found in Rely X U200 conventional technique and highest with Panavia SA sonic activation technique (15.4 ± 0.9 MPa). A significant difference was found in push-out bond strength at coronal (p = 0.002), middle (p = 0.002), and apical (p = 0.001) root sections using Rely X U200 cement with sonic activation as compared to the conventional technique. However, no difference (p > 0.05) was noticed between conventional and sonic activation techniques in Panavia SA cement at any root level. Sonic activation can be used as an adjunct with a manual technique to increase bond strength. However, it was noted that 10-MDP monomer containing SARC performed well regardless of techniques.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 29-35
Tu Anh Trinh Thi ◽  
Danh Hung Nguyen ◽  
Dang Quyet Pham ◽  
Ngoc Son Pham

In this research, dose calculation and measurement from B10 (n, α) Li7 reaction usingfiltered neutron beam at the Nuclear Research Institute have been reported. Calculation was carried out by Monte Carlo method using MCNP5 code. Neutron activation technique using vanadium foil was employed to determine neutron flux at various positions in phantom from which neutron dose has been calculated using conversion factor. These calculations are basics for the dose determination research of the Boron Neutron Capture Therapy (BNCT) in Vietnam.

Milan Stefanik ◽  
Eva Simeckova ◽  
Pavel Bem ◽  
Jan Stursa ◽  
Vaclav Zach ◽  

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-10
Thiep Tran Duc ◽  
An Truong Thi ◽  
Hue Bui Minh ◽  
Cuong Phan Viet ◽  
Ha Nguyen Hong ◽  

The isomeric ratio (IR) of isomeric pair 109m,gPd, produced in 110Pd(γ, n)109m,gCd reaction and 108Pd(n, γ)109m,gPd neutron capture reactions, induced by thermal, epithermal and mixed thermal-epithermal neutrons have been determined. The off-line activation technique using a spectroscopic system consisting of a HPGe semiconductor detector with high energy resolution and a PC based 8192 channel analyzer (CANBERRA) was applied. The investigated samples were prepared from the 99.99 % purity PdO and irradiated at the electron accelerator Microtron MT-25 of the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research Dubna, Russia. The data analysis and necessary corrections were made to upgrade the precision of the experimental method. The obtained results were discussed, compared and combined with those from other authors to point out the role of the reaction channels in nuclear reactions.

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