shared environment
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Eva Janoušková ◽  
Jessica Clark ◽  
Olumayowa Kajero ◽  
Sergi Alonso ◽  
Poppy H. L. Lamberton ◽  

Schistosomiasis is a parasitic disease acquired through contact with contaminated freshwater. The definitive hosts are terrestrial mammals, including humans, with some Schistosoma species crossing the animal-human boundary through zoonotic transmission. An estimated 12 million people live at risk of zoonotic schistosomiasis caused by Schistosoma japonicum and Schistosoma mekongi, largely in the World Health Organization’s Western Pacific Region and in Indonesia. Mathematical models have played a vital role in our understanding of the biology, transmission, and impact of intervention strategies, however, these have mostly focused on non-zoonotic Schistosoma species. Whilst these non-zoonotic-based models capture some aspects of zoonotic schistosomiasis transmission dynamics, the commonly-used frameworks are yet to adequately capture the complex epi-ecology of multi-host zoonotic transmission. However, overcoming these knowledge gaps goes beyond transmission dynamics modelling. To improve model utility and enhance zoonotic schistosomiasis control programmes, we highlight three pillars that we believe are vital to sustainable interventions at the implementation (community) and policy-level, and discuss the pillars in the context of a One-Health approach, recognising the interconnection between humans, animals and their shared environment. These pillars are: (1) human and animal epi-ecological understanding; (2) economic considerations (such as treatment costs and animal losses); and (3) sociological understanding, including inter- and intra-human and animal interactions.

2022 ◽  
Vol 3 ◽  
Agnes Axelsson ◽  
Gabriel Skantze

Feedback is an essential part of all communication, and agents communicating with humans must be able to both give and receive feedback in order to ensure mutual understanding. In this paper, we analyse multimodal feedback given by humans towards a robot that is presenting a piece of art in a shared environment, similar to a museum setting. The data analysed contains both video and audio recordings of 28 participants, and the data has been richly annotated both in terms of multimodal cues (speech, gaze, head gestures, facial expressions, and body pose), as well as the polarity of any feedback (negative, positive, or neutral). We train statistical and machine learning models on the dataset, and find that random forest models and multinomial regression models perform well on predicting the polarity of the participants' reactions. An analysis of the different modalities shows that most information is found in the participants' speech and head gestures, while much less information is found in their facial expressions, body pose and gaze. An analysis of the timing of the feedback shows that most feedback is given when the robot makes pauses (and thereby invites feedback), but that the more exact timing of the feedback does not affect its meaning.

2021 ◽  
Yishay Mansour ◽  
Alex Slivkins ◽  
Vasilis Syrgkanis ◽  
Zhiwei Steven Wu

In a wide range of recommendation systems, self-interested individuals (“agents”) make decisions over time, using information revealed by other agents in the past, and producing information that may help agents in the future. Each agent would like to exploit the best action given the current information but would prefer the previous agents to explore various alternatives to collect information. A social planner, by means of a well-designed recommendation policy, can incentivize the agents to balance exploration and exploitation in order to maximize social welfare or some other objective. The recommendation policy can be modeled as a multiarmed bandit algorithm under Bayesian incentivecompatibility (BIC) constraints. This line of work has received considerable attention in the “economics and computation” community. Although in prior work, the planner interacts with a single agent at a time, the present paper allows the agents to affect one another directly in a shared environment. The agents now face two sources of uncertainty: what is the environment, and what would the other agents do? We focus on “explorable” actions: those that can be recommended by some BIC policy. We show how the principal can identify and explore all such actions.

Bengt Zöller ◽  
MirNabi Pirouzifard ◽  
Peter J. Svensson ◽  
Björn Holmquist ◽  
Emelie Stenman ◽  

Background This is the first nationwide segregation analysis that aimed to determine whether familial venous thromboembolism (VTE) is attributable to inheritance and/or shared environment, and the possible mode of inheritance. Methods and Results The Swedish Multi‐Generation Register was linked to the Swedish patient register for the period 1964 to 2015. Three generational families of Swedish‐born individuals were identified. Heritability was examined using Falconer regression. Complex segregation analysis was conducted using the Statistical Analysis for Genetic Epidemiology software (version 6.4, 64‐bit Linux). Among the 4 301 174 relatives from 450 558 pedigrees, 177 865 (52% women) individuals were affected with VTE. VTE occurred in 2 or more affected relatives in 61 217 (13.6%) of the pedigrees. Heritability showed age and sex dependence with higher heritability for men and young individuals. In 18 933 pedigrees, VTE occurred only in the first generation and was not inherited. Segregation analysis was performed in the remaining 42 284 pedigrees with inherited VTE and included 939 192 individuals. Prevalence constraints were imposed in the models to allow for the selection of the pedigrees analyzed. The sporadic nongenetic model could be discarded. The major‐type‐only model, with a correlation structure compatible with some polygenic effects, was the preferred model. Among the Mendelian models, the mixed codominant (plus polygenic) model was preferred. Conclusions This nationwide segregation analysis of VTE supports a genetic cause of the familial aggregation of VTE. Heritability was higher for men and younger individuals, suggesting a Carter effect, in agreement with a multifactorial threshold inheritance.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (12) ◽  
pp. 2586
Mengfei Peng ◽  
Zajeba Tabashsum ◽  
Patricia Millner ◽  
Salina Parveen ◽  
Debabrata Biswas

As a traditional agricultural system, integrated crop-livestock farms (ICLFs) involve the production of animals and crops in a shared environment. The ICLFs in the mid-Atlantic region of the United States practice sustainable manure aging or composting processes to provide an on-farm source of soil amendment for use as natural fertilizer and soil conditioner for crop production. However, crop fertilization by soil incorporation of aged manure or compost may introduce different microbes and alter the soil microbial community. The aim of this study was to characterize the influence of aged or composted manure application on the diversity of soil bacterial community in ICLFs. Soil samples from six ICLFs in Maryland were collected before (pre-crop) and during the season (2020–2021) and used to analyze soil bacterial microbiome by 16S rDNA sequencing. Results showed that both phylum- and genus-level alterations of soil bacterial communities were associated with amendment of aged or composted manure. Particularly, Proteobacteria and Actinobacteria were enriched, while Acidobacteria, Bacteroidetes, Planctomycetes, Firmicutes, and Chloroflexi were reduced after manure product application. Meanwhile, the relative abundance of Bacillus was decreased, while two zoonotic pathogens, Salmonella and Listeria, were enriched by manure amendments. Overall, animal manure amendment of soil increased the phylogenetic diversity, but reduced the richness and evenness of the soil bacterial communities. Although manure composting management in ICLFs benefits agricultural sustainable production, the amendments altered the soil bacterial communities and were associated with the finding of two major zoonotic bacterial pathogens, which raises the possibility of their potential transfer to fresh horticultural produce crops that may be produced on the manured soils and then subsequently consumed without cooking.

2021 ◽  
pp. 108886832110548
Chloe O. Huelsnitz ◽  
Rachael E. Jones ◽  
Jeffry A. Simpson ◽  
Keven Joyal-Desmarais ◽  
Erin C. Standen ◽  

Relationship partners affect one another’s health outcomes through their health behaviors, yet how this occurs is not well understood. To fill this gap, we present the Dyadic Health Influence Model (DHIM). The DHIM identifies three routes through which a person (the agent) can impact the health beliefs and behavior of their partner (the target). An agent may (a) model health behaviors and shape the shared environment, (b) enact behaviors that promote their relationship, and/or (c) employ strategies to intentionally influence the target’s health behavior. A central premise of the DHIM is that agents act based on their beliefs about their partner’s health and their relationship. In turn, their actions have consequences not only for targets’ health behavior but also for their relationship. We review theoretical and empirical research that provides initial support for the routes and offer testable predictions at the intersection of health behavior change research and relationship science.

2021 ◽  
Pavel Voinov ◽  
Günther Knoblich

We investigated whether prescribing an agreement can result in optimal inter-individual integration of perceptual judgments in absence of verbal communication. Participants in pairs performed a localization task in a virtual 3D environment, where the goal was to make projections from an upper plane to the target on the bottom plane. Partners were provided with complementary viewpoints and could be optimal if each took over one orthogonal dimension. In the Revision condition partners saw each other’s individual judgments and could rely on them. In the Agreement condition they provided a joint response. In both conditions communication was not allowed. We found that participants could optimally distribute the dimensions, but only when agreement was mandated. Without the agreement requirement, participants failed to properly rely on their partner on the dimension where the latter were more accurate. We also found, that prescription of agreement exerts a general positive effect on individual performance.Our results demonstrate that even in absence of verbal communication, interacting in a shared environment can result in optimal integration of perceptual information under the condition that an agreement is reached.

2021 ◽  
Vol 26 (3) ◽  
pp. 403-412
Maurice Windleburn

While a familiar term in art history, philosophy and cultural studies, ‘hyperrealism’ is rarely applied to music. This is despite Noah Creshevsky’s use of the term to describe his unique compositional process and aesthetic approach. A composer of electroacoustic music and founder of the Brooklyn College Center for Computer Music, Creshevsky has described his musical hyperrealism as a ‘language constructed from sounds that are found in our shared environment (“realism”), handled in ways that are somehow exaggerated or excessive (“hyper”)’. In this article, I summarise the ideas behind Creshevsky’s hyperreal music and compare them to philosopher Jean Baudrillard’s theorisation of the hyperreal. Numerous similarities between Creshevsky and Baudrillard’s ideas will be made evident. The first half of this article focuses on Creshevsky’s sampling of sounds as ‘simulacra’ and how the interweaving textures and melodies that Creshevsky makes out of these samples are similar to ‘simulations’. In the article’s second half, Creshevsky’s creation of disembodied ‘superperformers’ is addressed and related to Baudrillard’s transhumanism. Towards the end of the article, Creshevsky’s aesthetic more broadly and what he calls ‘hyperdrama’ are linked to Baudrillard’s ‘transaesthetics’, before a concluding note addressing Baudrillard and Creshevsky’s different dispositions towards hyperrealism.

2021 ◽  
Matthew Ritchie

<p>Deeply rooted with cultural and historic ties, the coastline is inherently linked to the New Zealand way of life. The coast belongs to ‘the people’ and has been legislated so that land adjacent to the sea falls within public ownership. Most New Zealanders take for granted their ability to access the coast and firmly believe coastal access should be unrestricted. As a result, there is signifcant public opposition to a built-up waterfront.  The quality of the coastal environment relies on more than natural qualities. In an urban and suburban setting, the built environment determines which activities and functions can occur and the levels of social engagement that can be experienced. Consequently, the root concern for the future of the waterfront may be a fear of ill-designed developments, escalated by fears of spoiling the water’s edge.  The New Zealand Coastal Policy Statement (NZCPS) recognises there is a need for social, economic and cultural development in the coastal marine area. Acting as stimulus for activity, architecture enhances the way the waterfront is utilised. It fosters economic venture and defnes the character of the region. The waterfront faces growing pressure from real estate exploitation.  Having to suitably balance the social, economic and cultural needs that come with the location. Impactful decisions concerning the preservation or destruction of historic remnants and the natural condition of the environment must be made. The balance of public and private use of coastal land should also be considered. Arousing local and international contention, these ideologies are at the heart of waterfront debate.  ‘Collective Coast’ explores Wellington’s coastal condition and the intersecting desires of public, private, cultural, economic and environmental interests through a mixed residential design proposal. The proposal tests the application of this wide breadth of research, and stretches across many disciplines and design scales. The proposed project is set in Shelly Bay, along Wellington’s Miramar Peninsular. The site allows for a breadth of possibilities gathered from a wide range of literature to be explored. Given the importance of the waterfront as both a destination for the public and a highly sought after residential zone, the project presents major challenges in planning, urban design, infrastructure and community formation. The desired outcome is to create a coastal community that both engages and facilitates the wider public’s engagement with the shared environment.</p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
Grace W. Goryoka ◽  
Virgil Kuassi Lokossou ◽  
Kate Varela ◽  
Nadia Oussayef ◽  
Bernard Kofi ◽  

Abstract Background Zoonotic diseases pose a significant threat to human, animal, and environmental health. The Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) has endured a significant burden of zoonotic disease impacts. To address zoonotic disease threats in ECOWAS, a One Health Zoonotic Disease Prioritization (OHZDP) was conducted over five days in December 2018 to prioritize zoonotic diseases of greatest regional concern and develop next steps for addressing these priority zoonoses through a regional, multisectoral, One Health approach. Methods The OHZDP Process uses a mixed methods prioritization process developed by the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. During the OHZDP workshop, representatives from human, animal, and environmental health ministries from all 15 ECOWAS Member States used a transparent and equal process to prioritize endemic and emerging zoonotic diseases of greatest regional concern that should be jointly addressed by One Health ministries and other partners. After the priority zoonotic diseases were identified, participants discussed recommendations and further regional actions to address the priority zoonoses and advance One Health in the region. Results ECOWAS Member States agreed upon a list of seven priority zoonotic diseases for the region – Anthrax, Rabies, Ebola and other viral hemorrhagic fevers (for example, Marburg fever, Lassa fever, Rift Valley fever, Crimean-Congo Hemorrhagic fever), zoonotic influenzas, zoonotic tuberculosis, Trypanosomiasis, and Yellow fever. Participants developed recommendations and further regional actions that could be taken, using a One Health approach to address the priority zoonotic diseases in thematic areas including One Health collaboration and coordination, surveillance and laboratory, response and preparedness, prevention and control, workforce development, and research. Conclusions ECOWAS was the first region to use the OHZDP Process to prioritize zoonotic disease of greatest concern. With identified priority zoonotic diseases for the region, ECOWAS Member States can collaborate more effectively to address zoonotic diseases threats across the region using a One Health approach. Strengthening national and regional level multisectoral, One Health Coordination Mechanisms will allow ECOWAS Member States to advance One Health and have the biggest impact on improving health outcomes for both people and animals living in a shared environment.

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