vacant land
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2021 ◽  
pp. 117-128
Sepideh Karami

Mochamad Ari Saptari ◽  
Trisna Trisna

Actually,  Sawang is the largest sub-district in North Aceh, ±38,465 ha or 11.67% of the total area of North Aceh. Consists of thirty nine villages. 3,449 ha are paddy fields and 35,016 ha are non-paddy fields. The use of non-rice field land is usually used by the surrounding community for gardens, forests, and ponds of 27,997 ha. In order to support government programs in improving people's welfare and creating job opportunities, it can be done by developing the potential of agriculture and plantations. Therefore, integrated and complete information is needed regarding the characteristics of land in North Aceh, especially Sawang Sub - District, which is suitable for planting certain types of plants in support of optimal and sustainable land use policies. The purpose of this study is to analyze the nature of the land that is suitable for use as an agricultural area or plantation of superior commodities. The specific purpose of the research is to provide recommendations to local governments to determine policies for the use of vacant land with appropriate plant types. The research steps include preliminary studies, identification of superior commodities, mapping of vacant land, testing of land suitability parameters, determination of land suitability, policy recommendations. Based on the results of the research that has been carried out, the researchers conclude that cocoa is considered the most appropriate plant among several other options, referring to the results of several parameters and observations that have been made, either through spatial studies based on mapping techniques, using special software, or the study of chemical elements, as a support for plant growth, through the results of laboratory tests that have been carried out by the research team.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (11) ◽  
Setya Etika Mulyasari ◽  
Suyanto Suyanto ◽  
Gusti M. Hatta ◽  
Bambang Joko Priatmadi

Banjarbaru City is one of the cities in South Kalimantan Province which is developing quite rapidly from year to year. Hence,  it is necessary to research and study changes in land use and their suitability with the city development plan. The purpose of this study is to examine changes in the area and types of land use changes in Banjarbaru City within a period of 8 years, from 2013 to 2021, determine the rate of land use change, and assess the suitability of land use changes to the applicable Banjarbaru City spatial plan. This research method is an overlay to see changes in land use and the suitability of changes in land use with the direction of spatial functions in the Regional Spatial Plan. The result of this research is that in an area of ​​16,414.00 ha (53.7%) there is a change in land use in Banjarbaru City in the period 2013-2021. The biggest land use changes are dry land agriculture, vacant land, wetland agriculture, housing, and villages. The use of dry land  and agricultural land has the largest decrease in area, which is 15,090.71 ha or a decrease of 365.5%. The use of vacant land increased in an area of ​​14,715.684 hectares or an increase of almost 4 times. Wetland agriculture has decreased in an area which is reduced by 986.55 ha or decreased by 65.8%. The use of land for housing/residential in the form of housing or villages has also undergone considerable changes. The use of residential land has increased by 528.105 hectares (44.626%) and the village area to 444.32 ha (21.2%). The suitability of land use with the RTRW in Banjarbaru City is 16,742.86 ha (54.8%) categorized as appropriate, while an area of ​​13,779.69 ha (45.2%) is categorized as not in accordance with the applicable RTRW.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 54-62
Ichsan luqmana Indra Putra ◽  
Tasya Aulia Putri ◽  
Haris Setiawan

The conversion of land functions can result in a decrease of environmental quality, which can reduce the diversity of butterflies. This study aimed to determine the diversity level and to find the most abundant and less abundant butterfly species around campus 4 UAD. The sampling was done at campus area, vacant land, rice fields and housing sites. Each of these sites had 2 plots and consisted of 5 subplots, respectively. Sampling was carried out four times, which was done in the morning at 08.00 - 11.00 and in the afternoon at 15.00 - 17.00. Butterflies caught using a sweep net. The data were analyzed by inferential analysis, namely Pearson correlation test. The calculation of the diversity level of butterflies was carried out by calculating the importance value index, the diversity Shannon-Wiener index, and the Simpson dominance index. The results showed that the diversity level of Shannon Wiener index of butterflies around the campus 4 UAD showed a low level (0.67). The species of butterflies found around campus 4 UAD were Acraea violae, Aphrissa statira, Appias libythea, Appias olferna, Catopsilia pyranthe, Catopsilia Scylla, Danaus Chrysippus, Elymnias hypermnestra, Junonia almana, and Junonia atlites. The most abundant butterfly was C. pyranthe with 125 individuals whereas the least abundant was A. libythea with 1 individual. This suggested that the ecosystem around campus 4 UAD is disturbed category; causing instability of the diversity that exists, including butterflies.

2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 116-125
Dahlan Dahlan ◽  
Iqbar Iqbar ◽  
Eka Puspita Sari ◽  
Nizamuddin Nizamuddin

Abstrak. Sempadan sungai merupakan kawasan penyangga antara ekosistem perairan (sungai) dan daratan. Sungai Krueng Lamnyong terletak di Kota Banda Aceh dan Kabupaten Aceh Besar yang merupakan daerah hilir dari sungai Krueng Aceh. Sempadan sungai Krueng Lamnyong telah dimanfaatkan oleh berbagai pihak untuk berbagai peruntukan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi kesesuaian peruntukan lahan sempadan sungai Krueng Lamnyong berdasarkan peraturan perundang-undangan. Identifikasi serta evaluasi peruntukan lahan di sempadan sungai Krueng Lamnyong menggunakan perangkat lunak Sistem Informasi Geografis (SIG). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan sempadan sungai Krueng Lamnyong diperoleh 10 jenis penggunaan lahan. Penggunaan sempadan sungai Krueng Lamnyong yang teridentifikasi sesuai dengan peruntukan yaitu sebesar 110,91 Ha atau 68,13% yang terdiri dari irigasi, jalan, sawah, rerumputan, tanaman palawija dan tanah kosong. Penggunaan yang tidak sesuai peruntukan sebesar 51,88 Ha atau 31,87% yang terdiri dari ruang terbangun, kebun, vegetasi mangrove dan kanopi pohon.Evaluation of Land Use Suitability in Aceh Province's Krueng Lamnyong River BorderAbstract. The river border is a buffer area between aquatic ecosystems (rivers) and land. The Krueng Lamnyong River is located in Banda Aceh City and Aceh Besar District which is the downstream area of the Krueng Aceh river. The Krueng Lamnyong river border has been used by various parties for various purposes.  This study aims to evaluate the suitability of the land use of the Krueng Lamnyong river border based on the legislation. Identification and evaluation of land use in the Krueng Lamnyong river border using Geographic Information System (GIS) software. The results showed that the use of the Krueng Lamnyong river border obtain 10 types of land use. The use of the Krueng Lamnyong river border identified according to its designation is 110.91 Ha or 68.13% consisting of irrigation, roads, rice fields, grass, crops, and vacant land. The use that is not in accordance with the designation is 51.88 Ha or 31.87% consisting of build space, gardens, mangrove vegetation, and tree canopies.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (3) ◽  
pp. 553-559
I Ketut Cahaya Rai Siwi ◽  
I Wayan Arthanaya ◽  
Luh Putu Suryani

Although unlike big cities in Indonesia where the control of street vendors (PKL) is much highlighted by the local government to maintain cleanliness and public order, Denpasar City should start taking into account the presence of street vendors (PKL). For this reason, it is very important to regulate, organize and enforce the law for street vendors (PKL) so that there is order and firmness in its implementation. The purpose of this study is to analyze the regulation of street vendors in Denpasar City and the law enforcement of street vendors in Denpasar City. The type of research used in this research is normative legal research using primary and secondary legal materials. The collection of legal materials is done by reading, researching, understanding and analyzing books or literature, legal provisions, essays, magazines or other forms of information which are then analyzed systematically. The results of the study indicate that the regulation of street vendors in Denpasar City is regulated in the Denpasar City Regulation Number 2 of 2015 concerning PKL. The scope of regulation includes structuring and empowering street vendors. Law enforcement for street vendors includes Preventive Efforts which include providing suggestions or solutions to find vacant land owned by residents who have not been utilized, Counseling by Satpol PP officers. Repressive efforts include actions to stop violations of regional regulations in addition to waiting for the leadership's decision, in this case the mayor's decision and violators of regional regulations to be investigated directly by the PPNS for further processing in the Minor Crime Court

2021 ◽  
Julia Cardwell

Abstract Acquisition of flood risk properties is becoming an increasingly common practice for floodplain risk management. While these buyout programs are often seen as highly effective in achieving their primary goal—reducing flood risk—there are additional variables that should be considered when assessing overall effectiveness of these programs. These variables include equity concerns and post-buyout land use. This study examines the floodplain buyout program in Charlotte, North Carolina with special consideration for these additional variables, including the social variables that may impact the secondary success of floodplain buyout programs. The floodplain buyout program in Charlotte is seen as effective in reducing flood risk, but specific community and neighborhood experience with the buyout program differs significantly. While some communities feel that the flood buyouts were equitable and just, and are able to ascribe land uses to the vacant land that add community value, some communities have differing experiences. The study indicates the continued importance of community-specific examination fof the effectiveness of recovery programs.

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