scholarly journals Pengaturan dan Penegakan Hukum Pedagang Kaki Lima di Kota Denpasar

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (3) ◽  
pp. 553-559
I Ketut Cahaya Rai Siwi ◽  
I Wayan Arthanaya ◽  
Luh Putu Suryani

Although unlike big cities in Indonesia where the control of street vendors (PKL) is much highlighted by the local government to maintain cleanliness and public order, Denpasar City should start taking into account the presence of street vendors (PKL). For this reason, it is very important to regulate, organize and enforce the law for street vendors (PKL) so that there is order and firmness in its implementation. The purpose of this study is to analyze the regulation of street vendors in Denpasar City and the law enforcement of street vendors in Denpasar City. The type of research used in this research is normative legal research using primary and secondary legal materials. The collection of legal materials is done by reading, researching, understanding and analyzing books or literature, legal provisions, essays, magazines or other forms of information which are then analyzed systematically. The results of the study indicate that the regulation of street vendors in Denpasar City is regulated in the Denpasar City Regulation Number 2 of 2015 concerning PKL. The scope of regulation includes structuring and empowering street vendors. Law enforcement for street vendors includes Preventive Efforts which include providing suggestions or solutions to find vacant land owned by residents who have not been utilized, Counseling by Satpol PP officers. Repressive efforts include actions to stop violations of regional regulations in addition to waiting for the leadership's decision, in this case the mayor's decision and violators of regional regulations to be investigated directly by the PPNS for further processing in the Minor Crime Court

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 86-98
Muhsin Muhsinhukum

Efforts to implement the implementation of the Regional Regulation regarding the retribution for waste and sanitation services in Indragiri Hilir Regency certainly require support from many parties, both from the local government and the community who are classified as obligatory levies. The problems in this study are (1) How is the Implementation of Collection of Regional Retribution in the Sector of Waste and Cleanliness Based on Regional Regulation Number 15 of 2011 Indragiri Hilir Regency, (2) What are the Inhibiting Factors in the Implementation of Collecting Regional Levies in the Sector of Waste and Cleanliness Based on Regional Regulation Number 15 of 2011 Indragiri Hilir Regency. (3) What are the Efforts in Implementing Regional Retribution Collectors in the Sector of Waste and Cleanliness Based on Regional Regulation Number 15 of 2011 Indragiri Hilir Regency This research method uses empirical/sociological legal research, the nature of this research is descriptive, that is, it provides a clear picture. It can be concluded that (1) Implementation of Collection of Regional Levies in the Sector of Waste and Cleanliness Based on Regional Regulation No. 15 of 2011 Indragiri Hilir Regency begins with collecting data and mandatory registration of user fees clearly and correctly and collecting using SKRD which is carried out once a month turns into two times in one month. month. (2) Inhibiting factors in this implementation can be seen from the lack of supervision, factors from the law itself, law enforcement factors, facilities and facilities and community factors. (3) Efforts are made by increasing the supervision carried out by DLHK together with Bapenda, issuing regulations further implementing regulations as a basis for implementing additional regulations, involving Satpol PP who act as regional regulations enforcers and the formation of PPNS as part of investigators who are authorized to take action on cases of regional regulations violations committed by retribution obligations that do not implement regulations.      

Rika Ekayanti

The discussion in this thesis raised regarding Legal Protection against Justice Collaborator in the handling of corruption in Indonesia. The objectives of this study are to be analyzed with both forms of regulation and identify the type of protection provided by the laws of the State of Indonesia justice collaborator and determine the accuracy of the strength of the evidential value of the testimony in the trial of a justice collaborator, by analyzing the legal provisions in the legislation other law relating to witnesses. This type of research is used in a scientific journal this is the kind of normative legal research, because there is disharmony norm based research in the form of a legal vacuum regarding the setting justice collaborator in formal laws and regulations in Indonesia, as well as the legal ambiguities in the text of the legislation on Article 10 paragraph (2) Law No.. 13 of 2006 on the Protection of Witnesses and Victims of the justice collaborator testimony that can be used as consideration to give the judge for leniency. Having regard to the development of the current law that requires courage and willingness of law enforcement in combating corruption as an extraordinary crime, it is necessary to break the law through the use of an instrument justice collaborator.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 139-154
Edi Tuahta Putra Saragih ◽  
Muhammad Citra Ramadhan ◽  
Isnaini Isnaini

This research aimed to: (a) obtain the forms of copyright infringement of songs and/or music (with or without lyrics); (b) understand the role of the police, in this case the Police Precinct, in the law enforcement; (c) identify the factors that influenced the law enforcement. The research method used the normative-empirical legal research, with the initial stages of specifying norms in order to get the proper picture, and then specifying empirical events in order to get the real picture. The research results showed several matters: 1) The forms of copyright infringement of songs and/or music (with or without lyrics) found included: the distribution of the works or the copies, the performances of the works, and the announcements of the works; 2) Police Precinct did notultimately carry out their role as a law enforcer for the copyright infringement of songs and/or music (with or without lyrics); and 3) The factors that influenced the law enforcement on the copyright infringement of songs and/or music (with or without lyrics), namely: legislation factor, in the matter of complaint offenses; law enforcement factor, in terms of the capacity of members; less supportive factor of facilities and infrastructure; legal awareness factor, in the problem of the lack of legal counseling; and cultural factor, related to the differences in norms in the copyright law between those in society and those in regulations. 

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 28-33

Law Enforcement of Criminal Forests and Land Fire in Kabupaten Indragiri Hilir, Province of Riau Forest and land fires are not a rare phenomenon in Indonesia, especially in Riau Province. This study aims to explain the law enforcement of forest and land fire crimes in Kabupaten Indragiri Hilir, Province of Riau. The method used in this research is sociological legal research. Based on Article 50 Paragraph (3) Letter d of Law Number 41 of 1999 it is stated that everyone is prohibited from burning forests. In line with that, based on Article 69 Paragraph (1) Letter h of Law Number 32 Year 2009 it is stated that everyone is prohibited from clearing land by burning. However, in 2019 there will still be forest and land fires in Kabupaten Indragiri Hilir, Province of Riau covering an area of approximately 827 Ha. The implementation of Law No. 41/1999 and Law No. 32/2009 concerning forest and land fires in Kabupaten Indragiri Hilir has not run as expected. Burning forests and land is a crime. Law enforcement against forest and land fires in Kabupaten Indragiri Hilir based on Article 78 Paragraph (3) of Law Number 41 Year 1999 states that anyone who intentionally burns a forest can be threatened with a maximum of 15 years imprisonment and a maximum fine IDR 5,000,000,000. Pursuant to Article 108 of Law Number 32 Year 2009 it is also emphasized that everyone who burns a land shall be sentenced to a maximum imprisonment of 3 (three) years and a maximum of 10 (ten) years, and a fine of at least Rp. 3,000,000,000.- (three billion rupiah) and a maximum of Rp 10,000,000,000 (ten billion rupiah).

Ni Nyoman Budi Sentana

The local government of Bali Province issued a policy that was formulated in The Local Regulation of Bali Province Number 9 of 2009. In appendix of The Local Regulation Number 9 of 2009 is described a 12-year compulsory education. This study discusses the effectiveness of The Local Regulation of Bali Province Number 9 of 2009 related to the implementation of 12-years compulsory education in Bali Province and the factors that influence the effectiveness of the implementation of The Local Regulation Number 9 of 2009 related to the implementation of 12-years compulsory education in Bali Province. This research is empirical legal research. The nature of research is descriptive. The data in this study include primary data that was collected through interview techniques and secondary data that was collected through the study of literature. The research location is in Bali Province with sample in Denpasar and Bangli regency. The data collected was analyzed qualitatively and descriptively presented analytically. Effectiveness of The Local Regulation of Bali Province Number 9 of 2009 related to the implementation of 12-years compulsory education in Bali Province is not optimal in some areas. The factors that influence the effectiveness of the implementation of The Local Regulation Number 9 of 2009 related to the implementation of 12-years compulsory education in Bali Province are legal factors, law enforcement factor, means and facilities in law enforcement factor, community factors and cultural factors

2018 ◽  
Vol 52 ◽  
pp. 00003
Agustining ◽  
Ningrum Natasya Sirait

Purchasing motor vehicles with instalment (credit) is currently becoming favourite choice by many people including people who live in plantation and agriculture area. There are several reasons, such as easy pre-requirements, low down payment and saving time. The financing institutions that generally deal with motor vehicle credit are financing companies and banks. Although, they are different in their operational legal basis, in practice, financing company and bank fall under the category of fiduciary warranty agreements. This study focus on the potential fraud on law in financing of capital goods. This study used the normative and empirical legal research methods. In the end of the study, it found that it used loan financing with fiduciary guarantee not a lease agreement. As a consequence, the use of fiduciary warranty by financing company in a lease does not accord with the law and considered to be illegal. Last but not least the study found that Ministry of Finance and the Financial Services Authority (Otoritas Jasa Keuangan/OJK) as supervisory agencies financing business must to ensure law enforcement, certainty and effective oversight. OJK should provides sanctions for financing companies which do not comply in accordance with the legal provisions.

2018 ◽  
Vol 6 (3) ◽  
pp. 26-30
Тимур Чукаев ◽  
Timur Chukaev

The Article is devoted to the theoretical and legal heritage of the prominent Russian lawyer Vasily Nikolaevich Leshkov (1810–1881), his ideas about society as a subject of public administration, about the interaction of civil society and the police as subjects of the implementation of the law enforcement function. The methodological basis of the research is general scientific (historical, systemic, functional) and special (formal-legal, historical-legal, comparative-legal) methods of legal research. A theoretical legacy, V. N. Leshkov, which contemporaries did not understand, and the descendants of the forgotten, to comprehend the researchers in the twenty-first century.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 77-86
Kadek Fransisca Siba ◽  
Anindito R. Wiraputra

The problem of illegal immigrants has threatened the security and sovereignty of the Indonesian state. Even in 2013, the trend of illegal immigrants entering Indonesia increased by 12%. Most of them come from conflict-affected countries. Therefore, to prevent the increasing number of illegal immigrants from entering Indonesian territory, Indonesian immigration needs to strengthen border controls at the immigration checkpoints by continuing to implement immigration policy, namely selective policy. This policy only allows foreigners who provide benefits and does not endanger security and public order to be allowed to enter and reside in Indonesian territory. This policy supports the implementation of the immigration function, namely law enforcement and state security, particularly in preventing illegal immigrants who intend to enter Indonesian territory. The research method used is qualitative normative legal research with data analysis sourced from books, writings, scientific papers, and laws and regulations that are related to research.

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 231
Unik Desthiani

Abstrak-Komunikasi merupakan hal penting dalam kehidupan manusia, dengan berkomunikasi manusia dapat memahami satu sama lain, mengenai keinginan, kebutuhan dan juga tujuannya. Untuk dapat memperoleh pemahaman satu sama lain dan mencapai tujuan, komunikasi harus dilakukan dengan efektif jika tidak dilakukan secara efektif, maka yang timbul adalah kesalahpahaman dan konflik. Komunikasi dapat dilakukan diberbagai lingkungan, baik itu keluarga, masyarakat maupun perusahaan. Dalam lingkungan perusahaan, komunikasi merupakan salah satu faktor penting untuk dapat mewujudkan tujuan perusahaan. Komunikasi dalam suatu perusahaan dapat terjadi antara: pemimpin dengan pemimpin, pemimpin dengan bawahan, sesama bawahan, staf perusahaan dengan pelanggan atau masyarakat. Salah satu profesi yang sangat membutuhkan komunikasi yang baik adalah Satuan Polisi Pamong Praja (Satpol PP), profesi ini berhubungan langsung dengan masyarakat luas di mana Satpol PP memiliki kewajiban untuk menegakkan peraturan pemerintah daerah, misalnya: mengenai ketertiban umum   yang melarang pedagang kaki lima untuk berjualan di trotoar, untuk itu seorang Satpol PP harus dapat berkomunikasi dengan baik untuk memberikan pengertian dan pemahaman kepada Pedagang Kaki Lima agar tidak menimbulkan konflik atau kerusuhan. Penulisan ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui peran komunikasi Satpol PP dalam memberikan pembinaan kepada pedagang kaki lima. Kata kunci: Komunikasi, Satpol PP, Pembinaan Pedagang Kaki Lima  Abstract-Communication is an important thing in human life, by communicating humans can understand each other, about their wants, needs and goals. To be able to gain understanding of one another and achieve goals, communication must be done effectively if not done effectively, then what arises is misunderstanding and conflict. Communication can be done in various environments, be it family, community or company. In the corporate environment, communication is one of the important factors in achieving company goals. Communication within a company can occur between: leader with leader, leader with subordinates, fellow subordinates, company staff with customers or the community. One of the professions that really need good communication is the Civil Service Police Unit (Satpol PP), this profession deals directly with the wider community where Satpol PP has an obligation to enforce local government regulations, for example: regarding public order which prohibits street vendors from selling on the sidewalk, for that a Satpol PP must be able to communicate well to provide understanding and understanding to street vendors so as not to cause conflict or riots. This writing aims to determine the communication role of Satpol PP in providing guidance to street vendors. Keywords: Communication, Satpol PP, Guiding Street Vendors

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 129-143

Children are the next generation of the nation, the existence of children is very important because the child is a potential fate of the nation as well as a mirror attitude of life of the nation in the future. A child who is a superior seed and has the widest hope to prepare for his future as a milestone of success of a nation in the future should not fall in the world of evil. It is unfortunate that children at an early age have been involved in criminal offenses and past their youth behind bars, increasingly contaminated with other inmates. This research was empirical legal research, that is the research on the provisions of the legislation in the national law concerning restorative approach in the imposition of action sanctions against children in conflict with law in order to keep children away from imprisonment and negative stigma in society . Addressing the issue of a child in conflict with the law should be done in a familial approach and avoiding children from prison as much as possible. The sanction of action for the child contained in Article 82 of Law Number 11 of 2012 on Criminal Justice System for Children expected to prevent the child from the negative stigma in society and keep the children from bad effects of prison. Thus the current restorative model of punishment is more applicable in handling child offenders. It is expected that law enforcement officers to pay attention to the provisions of the rules that apply to children in conflict with the law in terms of imposition of more sanctions toward education and character development of children so that the threat of imprisonment becomes the last alternative in imposing sanctions for children

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