ductile flow
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2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
Atsushi Okamoto ◽  
Ryosuke Oyanagi ◽  
Kazuki Yoshida ◽  
Masaoki Uno ◽  
Hiroyuki Shimizu ◽  

AbstractMore than one teramole of carbon per year is subducted as carbonate or carbonaceous material. However, the influence of carbonation/decarbonation reactions on seismic activity within subduction zones is poorly understood. Here we present field and microstructural observations, including stable isotope analyses, of carbonate veins within the Higuchi serpentinite body, Japan. We find that the carbon and oxygen isotope compositions of carbonate veins indicate that carbonic fluids originated from organic materials in metasediments. Thermodynamic calculations reveal that carbonation of serpentinite was accompanied by a solid volume decrease, dehydration, and high magnesium mobility. We propose that carbonation of the mantle wedge occurs episodically in a self-promoting way and is controlled by a solid volume contraction and fluid overpressure. In our conceptual model, brittle fracturing and carbonate precipitation were followed by ductile flow of carbonates and hydrous minerals; this might explain the occurrence of episodic tremor and slip in the serpentinized mantle wedge.

2021 ◽  
Markus Rast ◽  
Jonas Ruh

<div> <div> <div> <p>Strain weakening is a prerequisite for localization of strain and therefore crucial for the understanding of shear zone evolution. In the context of progressive deformation of multi-phase aggregates, it is unclear whether the change in geometry and orientation of the involved phases leads to structural or geometric strain weakening and thus may control strain localization. Consequently, the question arises how the ductile flow of two-phase rocks can be described or determined. To contribute to a better understanding of the knowledge gaps outlined above, two-dimensional numerical shear experiments of quartz-biotite aggregates were conducted at varying temperatures, background strain rates and fluid pressure ratios. Textural variations after a shear strain of <em>γ </em>≈ 10 appear to be dependent on the viscosity contrast between the minerals involved. To estimate whether a numerical experiment is undergoing strain weakening or strain hardening (or both), the temporal evolution of the mean second invariant of the deviatoric stress tensor was tracked. The results suggest that strain weakening occurs if biotite-inclusions are distinctly isolated and that it is more effective under conditions with larger viscosity contrasts between matrix and inclusions. However, the stress drops in numerical experiments with purely structural / textural strain weakening are rather low (−1.1 to −6.4%) compared to other strain weakening processes. It appears that phase rearrangement and change in phase geometry with evolving strain is of minor importance for the occurrence of strain weakening. Based on the numerical experiments and assuming a power-law relationship between stress and strain, the flow-law parameters of quartz-biotite aggregates with different biotite contents were determined. The results are in the range of existing experimental and analytical mixed-aggregates flow-laws. However, the variations between the different flow-laws show that further research is required, for which numerical models as used in the present study could serve as basis.</p> </div> </div> </div>

2020 ◽  
Marie Baisset ◽  
Loic Labrousse ◽  
Alexandre Schubnel

<p><span>When implicated in convergence zones, granulites of the lower continental crust are expected to eclogitize at depth.When exposed in the field such units show a bimodal rheological behavior between fracturing of the protolith rock (granulites) and ductile flow of the transformed parts (eclogites). It seems therefore that a competition exists between the rate at which the rocks are loaded in stress and the rate at which they transform, i.e. the overall eclogitization kinetics. The aim of the work presented here is to quantify the kinetics of the metamorphic reactions involved in eclogitization by estimating the reaction rates in plagioclase-bearing assemblages<span>  </span>submitted to different P-T conditions over different time spans. For this, experiments have been performed in piston-cylinder apparatus on aggregates derived from natural granulites. Special attention is paid to the location where nucleation starts and how it propagates in and between the grains. In this prospect, the presence of garnet and cpx in the plagioclase matrix is a first order control on the reaction process. This work follows previous experimental studies (e.g. Shi et al., 2017, Incel et al., 2018) which show that reaction-enhanced embrittlement may be key for fracturing at high pressure. It has been proposed that transient properties of the rocks induced by the very beginning of the reaction (e.g. volume change, small grain size nucleation products) can lead to brittle instabilities. As we assume that the rheological behavior of the crust is controlled by a competition between reaction rate and strain rate, experiments involving deformation of granulites while undergoing eclogitization are required. Preliminary results performed on Griggs-type apparatus, which constitutes the best tool for that, will also be presented.</span></p>

2020 ◽  
Nikolai M. Shapiro ◽  
Oleg Melnik ◽  
Vladimir Lyakhovsky ◽  
Natalia Galina ◽  
Olga Bergal-Kuvikas

<p>Deep Long Period (DLP) earthquakes have been observed in many volcanic regions and are often considered as one of the important precursors to volcanic eruptions. At the same time, the physics of the source of these earthquakes remains unclear. We focus our study on Klyuchevskoy group of volcanoes in Kamchatka, Russia, one of the World’s most active volcanic system. The DLP earthquakes in this region occur at the limit between the lower crust and the upper mantle at depths of 30-35 km where ductile flow is expected to dominate rock deformation. Their occurrence also appears to correlate with the eruptive activity. Therefore, this is natural to consider that their generating mechanism is not related to brittle mechanism but rather to pressure fluctuations in the magmatic system as often suggest for the LP seismicity in general. We suggest a possible generating mechanism related to the rapid pressure changes caused by nucleation and growth of gas bubbles in response to the slow decompression of over-saturated magma. The pressure variation is simulated using the mathematical model of bubble nucleation and growth accounting for multiple dissolved volatiles (H<sub>2</sub>O-CO<sub>2</sub>) and diffusive gas transfer from magma into growing bubbles. Results of simulations show that fast pressure increase followed by its relaxation almost to its initial level is not very sensitive to the assumptions on the values of governing parameters. Typical pressure changes of a few tens of MPa in a volume of 3500 m<sup>3</sup> occurring on time scales of fractions of a second to a second following bubble nucleation and growth can generate seismic waves with amplitudes similar to those recorded by seismographs in the vicinity of the Klyuchevskoy volcano.</p>

Geology ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 47 (12) ◽  
pp. 1127-1130 ◽  
Gabriel G. Meyer ◽  
Nicolas Brantut ◽  
Thomas M. Mitchell ◽  
Philip G. Meredith

Abstract The so-called “brittle-ductile transition” is thought to be the strongest part of the lithosphere, and defines the lower limit of the seismogenic zone. It is characterized not only by a transition from localized to distributed (ductile) deformation, but also by a gradual change in microscale deformation mechanism, from microcracking to crystal plasticity. These two transitions can occur separately under different conditions. The threshold conditions bounding the transitions are expected to control how deformation is partitioned between localized fault slip and bulk ductile deformation. Here, we report results from triaxial deformation experiments on pre-faulted cores of Carrara marble over a range of confining pressures, and determine the relative partitioning of the total deformation between bulk strain and on-fault slip. We find that the transition initiates when fault strength (σf) exceeds the yield stress (σy) of the bulk rock, and terminates when it exceeds its ductile flow stress (σflow). In this domain, yield in the bulk rock occurs first, and fault slip is reactivated as a result of bulk strain hardening. The contribution of fault slip to the total deformation is proportional to the ratio (σf − σy)/(σflow − σy). We propose an updated crustal strength profile extending the localized-ductile transition toward shallower regions where the strength of the crust would be limited by fault friction, but significant proportions of tectonic deformation could be accommodated simultaneously by distributed ductile flow.

Abhinav Gautam ◽  
Prabir Kumar Sarkar

This paper presents an experimental estimation of the ductile behavior and low-cycle fatigue life for widely used structural steels AISI 1020 and AISI 1030 based on continuum damage mechanics approach. This method identifies the deterioration in stiffness of a material arising from micromechanisms of formation, growth, and coalescence of microvoids. This helps the characterization of the ductile flow behavior of metals through a damage variable D, evaluated via load–unload cyclic tensile test. The influence of strain hardening exponent, commonly treated as a constant in ductile flow characterization, is also explored in the current investigation. Its determination uses the Hollomon constitutive relation. Estimated D at different strain levels defines the corresponding effective stress. Application of this stress to the strain equivalence theory then enables the prediction of the stress–strain curve. The model-based results closely approximate the experimental stress–strain curve up to the onset of necking. The agreement of experimental results for fatigue life of the materials from low-cycle fatigue tests with damage-based low-cycle fatigue model demonstrates the correctness of the experimental findings. The damage-based model additionally helps in the prediction of microcrack nucleation and crack propagation life separately. Fractographic examinations of test specimen exhibit usually observed morphology of involved failure mechanisms. The present study emphasizes the experimental means of damage-based ductile flow assessment involving strain hardening exponent term and also the low-cycle fatigue life estimation. The significance of varying strain hardening exponent is further expressed in terms of the corresponding damage magnitude. The material data obtained from this study depicts the damage state at different levels of plastic strain that may serve as a useful information for metal-forming process design.

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