rigorous analysis
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2021 ◽  
Vol 55 (3) ◽  
pp. 7-17
Muhammad Rahim Ejaz

THE AIMS OF THE PAPER The core objectives of this paper are to understand constantly changing consumer choices over time and the manufacturing of flexible products to answer the problem. The flexible products with multiple utility choices can help consumers from every segment to fulfil their needs. The study has shed light on the flexible product manufacturing process and has also discussed launching strategies into the market with having considered various market factors in the process. METHODOLOGY A rigorous analysis of literature has been done to understand why flexible products should be preferred over standard products.  Literature related to flexible product strategy is being examined and explored its dimensions of price setting and product utility. MOST IMPORTANT RESULTS This study provides a road map for companies to shift their focus on developing new manufacturing processes in order to develop flexible products to address dynamic consumer preferences. This study also shed light on the fact the flexible products might be more profitable for the company. RECOMMENDATIONS The findings show that flexible products provide larger range of utility choices and with a right price; it can be more profitable than a standard product. Flexible products can go along with mass customisation of products which can enlarge utility choices for consumers to an unlimited level. 

Nonlinearity ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 35 (2) ◽  
pp. 889-915
Matteo Tanzi ◽  
Lai-Sang Young

Abstract In this paper we present a rigorous analysis of a class of coupled dynamical systems in which two distinct types of components, one excitatory and the other inhibitory, interact with one another. These network models are finite in size but can be arbitrarily large. They are inspired by real biological networks, and possess features that are idealizations of those in biological systems. Individual components of the network are represented by simple, much studied dynamical systems. Complex dynamical patterns on the network level emerge as a result of the coupling among its constituent subsystems. Appealing to existing techniques in (nonuniform) hyperbolic theory, we study their Lyapunov exponents and entropy, and prove that large time network dynamics are governed by physical measures with the SRB property.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 ◽  
pp. 1-6
Shane Keogh ◽  
Deirdre Laski

Background. Modern surgical research has broadened to include an interest into the investigation of surgical workflow. Rigorous analysis of the surgical process has a particular focus on distractions. Operating theatres are inherently full of distractions, many not pertinent to the surgical process. Distractions have the potential to increase surgeon stress, operative time, and complications. Our study aims to objectively identify, classify, and quantify distractions during the surgical process. Methods. 46 general surgical procedures were observed within a tertiary Irish hospital between June 2019 and October 2019. An established observational tool was used to apply a structured observation to all operations. Additionally, a nine-point ordinal behaviourally anchor scoring scale was used to assign an interference level to each distraction. Results. The total operative observation time was 4605 minutes (mean = 100.11 minutes, std. deviation: 45.6 minutes). Overall, 855 intraoperative distractions were coded. On average, 18.58 distractions were coded per operation (std. deviation: 6.649; range: 5–34), with 11.14 distractions occurring per hour. Entering/exiting (n = 380, 42.88%) and case irrelevant communication (n = 251, 28.32%) occurred most frequently. Disruption rate was highest within the first (n = 275, 32%) and fourth operative quartiles (n = 342, 41%). Highest interference rates were observed from equipment issue and procedural interruptions. Anaesthetists initiated CIC more frequently (2.72 per operation), compared to nurses (1.57) and surgeons (1.17). Conclusion. Our results confirm that distractions are prevalent within the operating theatre. Distractions contribute to significant interferences of surgical workflow. Steps can be taken to reduce overall prevalence and interference level by drawing upon a systems-based perspective. However, due to the ubiquitous nature of distractions, surgeons may need to develop skills to help them resume interrupted primary tasks so as to negate the effects distraction has on surgical outcomes. Data for the above have been presented as conference abstract in 28th International Congress of the European Association for Endoscopic Surgery (EAES) Virtual Congress, 23–26 June 2020.

María Jesús Perles Roselló ◽  
Juan Francisco Sortino Barrionuevo ◽  
Francisco José Cantarero Prados ◽  
Hugo Castro Noblejas ◽  
Ana Laura De la Fuente Roselló ◽  

The present research analyses the epidemiological bases, the methodology approach and the utility of the Geo-Covid Cartographic Platform to face COVID-19 transmission at an intra-urban scale.  Geo-Covid is based on the study of the main drawbacks and limitations of the current risk maps, and the proposed hazard mapping methodology is presented as an alternative approach with a high spatial-temporal accuracy. It is based on 1) the map of neighborhood active focuses of contagion, which are classified according to several hazard indexes, 2)  the map of highly-transited areas by potential asymptomatic positives cases and 3) the map of Points of Maximum Risk of contagion. In order to test the effectiveness of the proposed methodology for mapping COVID-19 hazard and risk, it has been applied to Málaga City (Spain) during several stages of the epidemic in the city (2020 and 2021). The neighborhood focus of contagion is proposed as the basic spatial unit for the epidemiological diagnosis and the implementation of mitigation and control measures. After the analysis, it has been concluded that the proposed methodology, and thus, the maps included in the Geo-Covid Cartographic Platform allow a realistic and rigorous analysis of the spatial distribution of the epidemic in real-time.

2021 ◽  
Vol 39 (3) ◽  
pp. 209-234
Belinda Uxach Molina

La presente investigación pretende aunar los esfuerzos de distintos investigadores realizados en los últimos 5 años (2016-2020) sobre el análisis del efecto producido por los Smartphones en la educación reglada, concretamente en el ámbito universitario. En relación con la metodología seguida se tomó como referencia las fases recomendadas por Meca (2010). Los estudios incluidos en este meta-análisis han sido seleccionados de entre los que se obtuvieron como respuesta en la búsqueda de las siguientes bases de datos: Scopus, WoS, Eric y Dialnet, y cumplían con los criterios determinados a priori basados en las necesidades del estudio. Finalmente 25 artículos configuraron la población de este meta-análisis tras haber sido sometidos un total de 2286 a riguroso análisis. Durante la investigación se consideró necesario analizar la influencia del tiempo, al que estuvo cada grupo expuesto a la metodología m-learning y las posibles diferencias entre estudios sobre idiomas u otros ámbitos en la magnitud del efecto. Los resultados obtenidos, en cuanto a la magnitud del efecto y los análisis realizados, muestran una clara influencia positiva de la metodología m-learning en el rendimiento académico de los alumnos. Por tanto, se considera congruente la implementación de la metodología m-learning en las aulas universitarias y la profundización en el estudio de su efecto explorando otros niveles y áreas de conocimiento. This study aims to bring together the efforts made by different researchers over the last 5 years (2016-2020) regarding the analysis of the effect produced by Smartphones in formal education, specifically in university settings. In relation to the methodology followed, the phases recommended by Meca (2010) were taken as a reference. The studies included in this meta-analysis were selected through a search in the following databases: Scopus, WoS, Eric and Dialnet, and met the criteria determined a priori based on the needs of the study. The final selection included 25 articles, after a total of 2286 articles were subjected to rigorous analysis. During the investigation, the authors considered necessary to analyze (i) the influence of time of exposure of each group to the m-learning methodology and (ii) the possible differences between studies on languages or other aspects in the magnitude of the effect. In terms of the magnitude of the effect and the analyses conducted, the results show a clear positive influence of the m-learning methodology on students’ academic performance. Therefore, implementing m-learning methodology in university classrooms and to study its effect in depth by exploring other levels and areas of knowledge is considered congruent.

Gleidson Sobreira Leite ◽  
Adriano Bessa Albuquerque ◽  
Plácido Rogerio Pinheiro

With the growing concern about the spread of new respiratory infectious diseases, several studies involving the application of technology in the prevention of these diseases have been carried out. Among these studies, it is worth highlighting the importance of those focused on the primary forms of prevention, such as social distancing, mask usage, quarantine, among others. This importance arises because, from the emergence of a new disease to the production of immunizers, preventive actions must be taken to reduce contamination and fatalities rates. Despite the considerable number of studies, no records of works aimed at the identification, registration, selection, and rigorous analysis and synthesis of the literature were found. For this purpose, this paper presents a systematic review of the literature on the application of technological solutions in the primary ways of respiratory infectious diseases transmission prevention. From the 1139 initially retrieved, 219 papers were selected for data extraction, analysis, and synthesis according to predefined inclusion and exclusion criteria. Results enabled the identification of a general categorization of application domains, as well as mapping of the adopted support mechanisms. Findings showed a greater trend in studies related to pandemic planning and, among the support mechanisms adopted, data and mathematical application-related solutions received greater attention. Topics for further research and improvement were also identified such as the need for a better description of data analysis and evidence.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (10) ◽  
pp. 96882-96893
Marcelo Araujo Da Silva ◽  
Paulo Henrique dos Santos Matos

This work aims to find a procedure to obtain an alternative formulation that represents the first mode of vibration of slender steel poles considering the effect of geometric non-linearity, using the Reyleigh-Ritz method, trigonometric formulations with optimization techniques and a finite element mathematical model. The application was on an existing polygonal steel pole. In order to consider the geometric non-linearity in the calculation of the natural frequencies of the respective structure, the concept of initial stiffness, geometric stiffness and effective stiffness, computed by the Rayleigh method for vibration problems in mechanical systems, was used. So, to optimize the computational time to obtain the modal response in dynamic analysis of the described structure, without neglecting the precision of the results of a rigorous analysis with sophisticated methodologies, alternative formulations to those described in NBR 6123 (1988) will bepresented in this work.

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