knowledge gain
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2022 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 683
Tina Beranič ◽  
Marjan Heričko

Digitalisation nowadays impacts business environments significantly. Therefore, if higher education wants to educate students properly for a successful career path, the business and economics curriculum must be enriched with innovative teaching approaches covering actual topics, such as, for example, the implementation of the ERPsim business simulation, a representative of serious games. The ERPsim business simulation is based on SAP ERP, and is aimed at teaching ERP concepts. It covers different business processes, and allows students to learn using a hands-on approach, simulating real-life scenarios. The presented research focuses on using an ERPsim business simulation as the introduction to the course. The simulation was implemented to ease the introduction of ERP and IT concepts to the business and economic oriented students. Considering the positive effects of serious games and gamification, our research was formed and focused on knowledge acquisition and future student engagement. We researched whether participation in the introductory simulation results in significant knowledge gain and impacts students’ future course engagement. The data were gathered using a self-assessment questionnaire before and after an introductory simulation. The results were highly positive, confirming many positive aspects of business simulation, among others, significant knowledge increase in the domains of business process and ERP transactions, and in the domain of technical knowledge for SAP ERP. The results confirmed that the introductory simulation is appropriate for introducing ERP concepts to newcomers, and, nevertheless, confirmed the positive impact on their intent on future course engagement.

2022 ◽  
Vol 22 (1) ◽  
pp. 103-109
B. Deshpande ◽  
C. Divya ◽  
K. Hiremath

The study was undertaken to evaluate the impact of nutrition education on knowledge, attitude and practice levels of thirty volunteer osteoporotic subjects visiting orthopedic clinics of Davangere district of Karnataka state. Socioeconomic and nutritional status was assessed by standard procedures and nutrition education imparted on relevant aspects. A well-structured questionnaire of 15 statements with multiple answers was developed and used before and after one day counselling to determine knowledge, attitude and practice of the subjects. Hypertension was the common family medical history followed by diabetes mellitus and fractures. Absence of physical activities or exercises was evident. Rice was consumed on daily basis whereas ragi on weekly basis by maximum number of respondents. Grade I obesity was more prevalent among males (20%) than female (5%) whereas Grade II obesity was only observed in females (30%). Assessment of knowledge gain after nutrition education revealed that Per centage gain in knowledge was more among male subjects (54.8%) than female subjects (36.9%) and that of attitude for both the subjects was at a range of 35.6 to 36.5%. The per cent gain in practice was slightly higher among male subjects (19.3%) compared to female subjects (15.0%) The overall per centage gain of knowledge, attitude and practice for all subjects was 42.9 per cent, 37.4 per cent and 15.4 per cent respectively which was statistically significant (p<0.05) indicating the positive impact of nutrition education on KAP levels of the subjects.

2022 ◽  
Vol 22 (1) ◽  
pp. 50-54
Rewendra Kumar Sahu ◽  
M.L. Sharma ◽  
P. Mooventhan ◽  
M.A. Khan

The present study aims to analyze the effectiveness of the multimedia training modules in terms of knowledge gain among bio-control user’s farmers. The study was purposively conducted in Chhattisgarh where, a total of 200 biocontrol user’s farmers were selected randomly and divide into eight groups equally. Bio-control agents was selected as farm technology based on new and need based one. The Barsch learning style inventory was used to access the learning style of farmers and results showed that majority (67.67%) of them were preferred visual learning style. The knowledge was assessed through in-build knowledge test on the specific aspects. From the result, at Dhamtari district, the Group-I (Katalboard) has highest (144.37%) knowledge gain and in Raipur district Group-V (Baronda) has lowest (37.60%) knowledge gain. The overall knowledge gain ranges from 37.60 per cent to 144.37 per cent in the study area; this variation indicated that the farmers having different level of knowledge aspects in the biocontrol agents. There was also statistically significant gain in knowledge (t-test 23.91) from pre to post exposure mean scores which can be interpreted that the multimedia training module had significant effect on the knowledge gain on bio-control agents farming practices. The results of the study clearly indicate the importance of multimedia training modules in transfer of knowledge and skill on scientific farming practices.

2022 ◽  
Vol 75 (2) ◽  
Fernanda Letícia da Silva Campanati ◽  
Laiane Medeiros Ribeiro ◽  
Izabel Cristina Rodrigues da Silva ◽  
Paula Regina de Souza Hermann ◽  
Guilherme da Costa Brasil ◽  

ABSTRACT Objectives: to evaluate students’ knowledge gain after the implementation of clinical simulation in Nursing Fundamentals disciplines. Methods: a quasi-experimental intervention was carried out with 60 students, distributed in comparison and intervention groups, who underwent traditional teaching and traditional teaching associated with simulated teaching, respectively. Pre-test and post-test instruments were applied to both groups. Results: after analyzing the students’ performance through the applied instruments, both groups had a cognitive evolution along with the taught content, however, when compared, the intervention group obtained a higher knowledge gain than the comparison group (p = 0.016), demonstrating progressive and increasing improvement with the use of the methodology. Conclusions: simulated teaching significantly helps students in gaining technical-cognitive knowledge. Therefore, it is recommended to adhere to the use of this methodology for teaching Nursing Fundamentals.

2022 ◽  
pp. 1-12
Dan Zhao ◽  
Cristina Hava Muntean ◽  
Adriana E. Chis ◽  
Gregor Rozinaj ◽  
Gabriel-Miro Muntean

Pharmacy ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 8
Rand Hussein ◽  
Zhoushanyue He ◽  
Julia Bareham ◽  
Tejal Patel ◽  
Rosemary Killeen ◽  

Background: Computer-based education has been widely implemented in healthcare professional development education. However, there has been little examination of the potential for computer-based education to enhance pharmacists’ knowledge. This study aims to assess the effectiveness of computer-based education on improving pharmacists’ knowledge compared to printed education material. Methods: This study was a web-based randomized controlled trial. Participants were randomly allocated to either an intervention group where they had access to the computer-based education module on or to a control group where they had access to printed educational material. Knowledge gain was assessed using a pre- and post-knowledge test. Results: A total of 120 pharmacists were recruited and 101 completed the post-knowledge test (50/60 in the intervention group; 51/60 in the control group). Both groups showed a significant increase in knowledge gain (intervention group: pre-test mean score 19.35 ± 3.56, post-test mean score 22.42 ± 3.812, p value < 0.001; control group pre-test mean score 19.22 ± 3.45, post-test mean score 23.29 ± 3.087, p value < 0.001). However, the difference in knowledge change was not significant between the two groups (22.42 vs. 23.29, p value = 0.333). Conclusions: In this study, a computer-based education module enhanced pharmacists’ knowledge to a similar degree to printed education material. Efforts should be made to provide computer-based education as an option to support pharmacists’ professional development.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (12) ◽  
pp. 3725-3731
R.K. Verma ◽  
L. Kaur ◽  
N. Kaur

The current era is the golden era of Artificial Intelligence. Machine learning is used mostly in all Applications of Artificial intelligence(AI). Machine learning is proven as a great tool to make AI strong. As an advanced form of machine learning, the popularity and success of Deep Learning is proven in different applications is at the top level. As the accuracy in forecasting is high as well as it is very important for the corporate world. The leadership of deep learning cannot be underestimated. It is used to develop systems that mimic the human knowledge gain process using neural networks. In this paper, we are going to discuss innovative developments in application areas of deep learning.

2021 ◽  
Vol 59 (Autumn 2021) ◽  
Rebecca Koetz ◽  
Veronica Bullock ◽  
Nicholas Burgmeier ◽  
Angie Manuel ◽  
Rod Williams

Partnerships between natural resources agencies and Extension have existed for years and Extension has served in many roles. These roles include writing grants, facilitating meetings, training, and designing collaborative programming. Herein, we highlight a partnership between Purdue Extension and the Indiana Division of State Parks (IDSP) where Purdue Extension used an existing partnership to create programming about eastern hellbenders in a format presentable by interpretive naturalists, Extension educators, and K-12 teachers. The program increased pre/post knowledge gain scores for attendees by 129.27%. This model has successfully expanded Purdue Extension’s outreach efforts while satisfying a need expressed by IDSP. Forming reciprocal partnerships with nontraditional partners can have a tremendous positive impact on the success of outreach and education efforts.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (Supplement_1) ◽  
pp. 434-434
Jenni Mathews ◽  
Faith Helm

Abstract Ongoing evaluations of innovative educational programs provide opportunities for quality improvement. This paper reports results from a Project ECHO series on lifelong IDD and dementia. Participant responses (n = 85) were collected from spoke sites in various settings across the US. Using a 5-point (5 very effective) Likert scale, data were collected from assessment items on 4 didactic presentations and 5 case studies representing essential components of the ECHO model. Overall scores by spoke sites for satisfaction with the didactic and case presentations ranged from 3.94 to 4.94; relevance of case studies to the work setting ranged from 4.0 to 4.75. Knowledge gain questions showed consistently positive directionality. As a result of their participation, spokes rated intent to provide better care for patients (57% to 88%), train staff (62% to 81%), and educate family/caregivers (57% to 88%). Implications of findings for the application of quality improvement methods are discussed.

2021 ◽  
Vol 73 (1) ◽  
Elliot Sefton-Nash ◽  
Guillaume Thébault ◽  
Olivier Witasse ◽  
Detlef Koschny ◽  
Beatriz Sánchez-Cano ◽  

AbstractThe surfaces of the Martian moons, Phobos and Deimos may offer a stable environment for long-term operation of platforms. We present a broad assessment of potential scientific investigations, as well as strategic and operational opportunities offered by long-term operation of an instrumented lander. Studies using observations of Mars’ moons, and the detailed new findings expected from the JAXA Martian Moons eXploration (MMX) mission, International Mars Sample Return (MSR) Campaign and other upcoming Mars missions, provide a driver for feasibility and trade studies for follow-on missions that would build on the knowledge gain from those missions. We discuss the scientific questions and operational objectives that may be pertinent for landed platforms on the martian moons, including (1) monitoring and scientific investigations of Mars’ surface and atmosphere, (2) scientific investigations of the martian moons, (3) monitoring and scientific investigations of the space environment, (4) data relay for Mars surface assets or interplanetary missions and 5) use in a Mars navigation/positioning system. We present results from visibility calculations performed using the SPICE observation geometry system for space science missions, and a Phobos shape model. We compute as a function of location on Phobos, visibility quantities that are most relevant to science and operational objectives. These include visibility from Phobos of the Sun, Earth, Mars surface and atmosphere, Deimos, and Jupiter. We also consider occultation events by the Mars atmosphere of Earth and Deimos that may provide opportunities for radio science. Calculations are performed for a study period spanning one Mars year in a hypothetical future operational scenario (1 Jan 2030–18 Nov 2031). We combine visibility metrics to identify locations on Phobos most suitable for long-term operation of a platform. We find the Mars-facing side of Phobos, and limited areas on the leading and trailing sides, satisfy the most requirements defined for Mars and Phobos science, space environment monitoring, and data relay/navigation. We demonstrate that compliance with requirements related to visibility of Mars and its atmosphere are not mutually exclusive with those that are better satisfied on Phobos’ anti-Mars side, such as those aided by maximizing their cumulative view factor to the ecliptic plane (i.e. visibility to the Sun, Earth or outer solar system). Finally, our methodology allows to assess the extent to which combined visibility metrics can meet mission requirements. The process we describe can be used to support landing site identification and selection on planets, moons and small bodies. Graphical Abstract

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