trimester abortion
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2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (12) ◽  
Lien Gruwier ◽  
Aaron Sprenkels ◽  
Sofie Hulsbosch ◽  
Anne Vankeerberghen ◽  
Reinoud Cartuyvels

Background. Sneathia amnii (formerly designated as Leptotrichia amnionii ) was first described in 2002 in the USA. Members of the genus Sneathia can be part of the normal flora of the genitourinary tract, but have been implicated in invasive (mostly gynaecological) infections. Case presentation. To the best of our knowledge, here we present the first case of S. amnii infection in Belgium, in a young woman presenting with fever leading to second trimester septic abortion. Conclusions. Despite its pathogenicity, S. amnii remains an underrated cause of infections due to inherent difficulties with conventional laboratory methods. By extracting the bacterial DNA directly from the blood culture broth and performing a 16S ribosomal RNA gene sequence analysis we succeeded in identifying S. amnii as the most probable cause of the septic abortion in our patient.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (12) ◽  
pp. 85-90
Deepali Srivastava ◽  
Sandeepa Srivastava ◽  
Pratibha Kumari ◽  
Deepanshi Srivastava

Background: The women who have been pregnant more than four times are fewer than 18or over 35-years-old, or have at least one medical issue before or during pregnancy, the pregnancy is considered high-risk. Increased maternal and foetal mortality and morbidity are linked to these risk factors. MTP in itself is a blind and risky procedure and performing it in High Risk Pregnancy (HRP) is a challenge for obstetrics and gynecology personnel. When performed with all pre, intra and post-op precautions, results are good and patient-friendly. Aims and Objectives: Aims of the study were to calculate the number, high-risk factors, method used, and its outcome of MTP in HRP. Materials and Methods: The present study was a retrospective observational study done at QMH, KGMU, Lucknow performed on subjects admitted for MTP from January 2018 to December 2018. Total admitted patients seeking MTP were 450 out of which 93 belonged to High-Risk Group who underwent surgical and medical abortion accordingly. All precautions and norms defined by Govt. of India were taken care of. Cases were evaluated on the basis of high-risk factors- Age, parity, obstetrical and medical illnesses, and interval since last delivery. Results: Out of 93 high-risk cases, 88 cases were of 1st trimester and 5 were of 2nd trimester abortion. Six cases required suction evacuation while seven cases were managed medically using medical abortion kit. Contraception was given to all subjects according to their needs. Seventy-one women were of more than 35 yrs, while two were teenagers. 21 women were grand multipara. Women of obstetrical risk were 17 while the rest were having medical illnesses. Conclusion: This study concludes that there are a large number of high-risk groups for MTP again showing unmet need and lack of specialized counseling of HR patients according to their mental and physical condition. Early recognition of pregnancy and timely intervention can be lifesaving in these women and proper contraceptive counseling is required to prevent future pregnancies.

2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (1) ◽  
O. Somefun ◽  
D. Constant ◽  
M. Endler

Abstract Background The availability of modern contraception including long-acting reversible contraceptives (LARC), is a fundamental component of postabortion care. Findings from a recent randomized controlled trial (RCT) in South Africa comparing immediate to delayed insertion of the copper intrauterine device (IUD) after medical abortion (MA) at 17-20 gestational weeks showed that immediate insertion resulted in higher IUD use at 6 weeks postabortion, but that expulsion rates were significantly higher than for delayed insertion. This study aims to explore barriers, facilitators, and context-specific factors relevant to the implementation of immediate IUD provision after second trimester medical abortion. Methods We performed a qualitative study alongside the RCT in which we conducted in-depth interviews with 14 staff providing healthcare to study participants and 24 study participants. Research questions explored barriers and facilitators to implementation of immediate IUD insertion, contraceptive decision-making, and the impact of context and supplementary trial activities on service provision. Interviews were recorded and transcribed, with translation into English if needed. We performed a triangulated thematic analysis at the level of the transcribed interview text. Results Contraceptive counselling at the abortion facility by a study nurse improved knowledge, corrected misconceptions, and increased demand for the IUD postabortion. Women expressed a clear preference for immediate insertion. Convenience, protection from pregnancy and privacy issues were paramount and women expressed preference for engagement with staff who knew their abortion history, and with whom they had an established connection. Doctors and nurses were generally in favour of immediate insertion and said it could be incorporated into standard care if women wanted this. This contrasted with the need for interventions by the research team to reinforce adherence by staff to provide contraception as allocated during the trial. Conclusions Women and staff favour immediate IUD insertion after second trimester medical abortion, but service delivery may require structures that ensure timely insertion postabortion, continuity of care, communication that mitigates loss to follow-up and training of staff to ensure competence.

2021 ◽  
Tao Chen ◽  
Jia Li ◽  
Yan Zhu ◽  
AnWei Lu ◽  
Li Zhou ◽  

Abstract Purpose To explore the oncological and obstetric results after radical trachelectomy in early-stage cervical cancer. Methods Retrospective analysis of the oncological and obstetric results to 23 patients with early cervical cancer (stage IA2-IB3; International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics 2018) accepting radical trachelectomy in The Maternal and Child Health Care Hospital of Guiyang from Oct 2004 to Sep 2018. Results Among those patients with tumor size>4cm (up to 5cm) three patients who wished to preserve fertility accepted radical trachelectomy after neoadjuvant chemotherapy. 23 patients had cervical tumors of the histological type squamous cell carcinoma (SCC). All of the patients retained reproductive function. The mean time of the follow-up was 112.87±55.75months(36-199months). The median tumor size was 2.00±1.35cm (invisible by eyes-5.00cm). No occurred recurrence in any of the cases. Pregnancy outcomes are described as follows: 17 cases attempted to pregnancy, in which 8 cases (47.06%) conceived 12 times. First-trimester abortion and voluntary abandonment of pregnancy occurred in 4 cases (33.33%) respectively, one among patients who choose to abandon pregnancy being induced at 24 weeks of gestation. Second-trimester abortion occurred in3 cases (25.0%), and the reason for abortion was chorioamnionitis. Premature delivery at 32 weeks occurred once (8.33%). Conclusion Radical trachelectomy is a safe and effective treatment for young women with early-stage cervical cancer. Neoadjuvant chemotherapy and Radical trachelectomy provides the possibility of preserving pregnant ability for patients with cervical tumor>4cm. However, it is worth further exploration.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
Prabhu Sah ◽  
Sangita Mishra ◽  
Binod Singh ◽  
Anju Deo ◽  
Rinku Shah

Introduction: Second-trimester abortion comprises 10-15% of total cases worldwide because of maternal disease, fetal anomalies, and delay in obtaining first trimester services during unintended pregnancies. The availability of legal safe abortion services with skilled hands is limited in rural hilly areas of Nepal. Unsafe and delays in seeking abortion services in resources poor countries like Nepal are contributing to maternal mortality and morbidity. This study aims to describe the demographic profile of patients, indications, and methods of second-trimester abortion with possible complications and family planning acceptance in the rural hilly areas of Nepal. Methods: A retrospective cross-sectional study was conducted at Ilam District Hospital in Province 1 of Nepal. The study sample comprises 75 patients who were admitted for abortion services in 1 fiscal year period from 16th July 2017 to 15th July 2018. Data for all the patients who received second-trimester abortion services were retrieved from Health Management Information System (HMIS) logbook maintained by the Hospital. Descriptive analysis was performed. Ethical approval for this study was obtained from the Nepal Health Research Council (Ref. No- 1921). Results: Most common age group seeking second-trimester abortion were 20-24 years(26.66%)  and the majority of women who participated in this study were literate up to secondary level education(58.66%). Most participants belonged to janajati/adibasi caste(73.33%) and were from Ilam districts(72%).Most of the cases were in the early second trimester (62.66%) and were multiparous (60%). Common indications for termination of pregnancy were mental/maternal cause(82.66%) and medical induction was most (69.33%) common method.  No major complications were found following abortion. The majority of participants chose short-term contraception (36%) following the termination of pregnancy. Conclusions: Awareness and availability of legal safe abortion services at local health facilities can reduce delays in seeking abortion services, prevent unsafe abortion practices, and reduce maternal morbidity and mortality.

2021 ◽  
Fred Yao Gbagbo ◽  
Renee Aku Sitsofe Morhe ◽  
Emmanuel Komla Senanu Morhe

Abstract Background Despite a liberal abortion law, access to safe second trimester abortion services in Ghana are challenging for many women. This study sought to examine providers, methods employed, cost, and other determinants of availability of second-trimester abortion services in health facilities in Accra, Ghana in 2019 to inform policy and program decisions. Methods A two-stage mixed quantitative and qualitative study designs were employed in the conduct of this study. The first stage was a short interaction of the mystery client with a clinical care provider to identify health facilities that provide second trimester induced abortion, the cost, and referral practices, where the facility did not have the service. The second stage was in-depth interviews of second-trimester abortion care providers and non-providers in various health facilities. For internal validity, it also explored the procedure cost, referral, and other practices at the health facilities included in the study, independent of what was captured in the mystery client survey. Results Second-trimester abortion services in Accra, Ghana are widely unavailable even in most facilities that provided abortion services. Referral policies and practices indicated by the service providers at various facility levels were inadequate. Criminalization of the procedure, social stigma, and fear of complications are the main factors that adversely influence the availability of second-trimester abortion in health facilities in Accra. Conclusions Albeit increasing demand for second-trimester abortion in health facilities in Accra, services are not readily available due to the ambiguity of the law, its interpretation, and limited flow of accurate information on providers. Policies and programs that limit access to Second-trimester abortions in Ghana are amendable to ensure safe services.

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