output table
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2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 203-217
Akhmad Solikin

ABSTRACT Policy to open investment in alcoholic beverage invite pros and cons in the public. The proponents of the policy argue the importance of alcoholic investment from economic point of views. This article aims at analyzing the role of alcoholic beverage industry in Indonesian economy. The data was Input-Output Table of 2016 which was aggregated into 18 industries. Analyzes carried out were output multiplier, employment multiplier, and income multiplier as well as forward and backward linkages. The results of analyzes show that output multiplier is low, employment multiplier is high, and income multiplier is high. In addition, forward and backward linkages are both below one. From these results, it can be concluded that alcoholic beverage industry is not a leading sector in Indonesia and its role is relatively limited. Government should be cautious in opening up investment for the industry for investment, taking into account that the industry’s pulling factor to input providing industries as well as pushing factor to output using industries are relatively low. In addition, while employment multiplier is high, at present employment in alcoholic beverage is relatively limited. Keywords: Alcoholic beverage, Input output table, Output multiplier, Employment multiplier, Industrial linkage ABSTRAK Kebijakan untuk membuka investasi minuman beralkohol mengundang pro dan kontra di masyarakat. Pendukung kebijakan tersebut menyampaikan pentingnya investasi di sektor tersebut dilihat dari kepentingan ekonomi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis peran industri minuman beralkohol dalam perekonomian Indonesia. Data yang digunakan adalah Tabel Input-Output tahun 2016 yang diagregasi menjadi 18 industri. Analisis yang dilakukan adalah efek pengganda output, tenaga kerja dan pendapatan serta keterkaitan ke depan dan ke belakang. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa angka pengganda output rendah, angka pengganda tenaga kerja tinggi dan angka pengganda pendapatan tinggi. Selain itu, efek keterkaitan ke depan dan keterkaitan ke belakang kurang dari satu. Dengan hasil-hasil tersebut dapat disimpulkan bahwa industri minuman mengandung alkohol bukan merupakan sektor unggulan di Indonesia dan perannya relatif terbatas. Pemerintah perlu berhati-hati dalam membuka investasi atas industri tersebut, dengan pertimbangan bahwa daya tarik terhadap industri penyedia input dan daya dorong terhadap industri pengguna output relatif rendah. Selain itu, meskipun angka pengganda tenaga kerja tinggi, selama ini penyerapan tenaga kerja relatif rendah. Kata Kunci: Minuman beralkohol, Tabel input-output, Pengganda output, Pengganda tenaga kerja, Efek keterkaitan  

2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (2) ◽  
pp. 119
Armelly Armelly ◽  
Muhammad Rusdi ◽  
Esti Pasaribu

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui peranan  sektor  ekonomi termasuk  bagaimana  keterkaitan masing-masing  sektor tersebut mempengaruhi  ekonomi di Indonesia. Penelitian ini menggunakan  data Tabel Input-Output Indonesia  menurut  Harga Dasar Klasifikasi 17  Sektor yang  diagregasi  menjadi 9  sektor. Metode  analisis  dilakukan  menggunakan input-output  model  yang  penghitungannya dibantu  dengan menggunakan  program Microsoft Excel. Dari penelitian, didapatkan bahwa sektor  industri  pengolahan memperlihatkan keterkaitan langsung kedepan dengan nilai tertinggi. Hal ini dapat ditafsirkan bahwa pertumbuhan ekonomi Indonesia  lebih  banyak dipengaruhi  oleh pertumbuhan sektor  industri  pengolahan dan memberikan makna bahwa basis perekonomian Indonesia saat ini bertumpu pada sektor industri pengolahan. Lebih jauh lagi, sektor  industri  pengolahan memiliki hubungan besar dengan sektor pertanian dimana sektor ini merupakan penyumbang input antara terbesar bagi sektor pertanian. Dengan demikian, kemajuan pada sektor industri pengolahan akan serta merta memajukan sektor pertanian sebagai multiplier efeknya.This study aims to  analyze  the magnitude of the forward  and  backward linkages  of the any sector with others. The data used in this study were data from Indonesia Input-Output Table Domestic Transaction on the Basic Prices Classification of 17 sectors aggregated into 9 sectors obtained from Central Bureau of Statistics Republic of Indonesia (BPS). The method of analysis data was using the input-output model whose calculations assisted by Microsoft Excel program. The results showed that processing industry sector was a greatest total forward linkage. For that, we can say that economics growth in Indonesia still having processing industry as a leading sector. Further, this sector was having a big relationship with agricultural sector which contributed as a bigest input for agriculture. In conclusion, any development in processing industri sector will be develop agricultural sector as multiplyer effect.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (21) ◽  
pp. 12239
Chinhao Chong ◽  
Xi Zhang ◽  
Geng Kong ◽  
Linwei Ma ◽  
Zheng Li ◽  

The input–output table and input–output method have been widely used to understand complex economic structures and are often used in cross-disciplinary research between economics and other disciplines, such as analysis of embodied energy, carbon footprints, the water–food nexus, etc. However, when researchers present these results to audiences, especially policymakers, they often lack an effective visualization tool to present (1) the full picture of the input–output table; (2) the complicated upstream–downstream nexus, and (3) the input–output relationships between the economic sectors. Therefore, a better visualization method is developed to solve this problem. We propose mapping an input–output table into a Sankey diagram, a so-called monetary allocation Sankey diagram. We first designed the mapping structure of a monetary allocation Sankey diagram according to the general structure of an economic monetary input–output table to establish the correspondence nexus between the table and diagram. We used China as a case study to demonstrate the usage of the monetary allocation Sankey diagram. The purpose of the monetary allocation Sankey diagram is to help people understand the input–output table in a short time and quickly grasp the big picture of the economic system. To verify whether this goal is achieved, we presented and applied these Sankey diagrams on different occasions and obtained evaluations from scholars from different academic backgrounds. The evaluation shows that the monetary allocation Sankey diagram is not only a visualization result of the input–output table but also a miniature model of the economic system, which allows people to “truly observe” the complex input–output relationship and upstream–downstream nexus in the economic system. Researchers can quickly grasp the main features of the economic system by observing the miniature model, or they can use this miniature model as an auxiliary tool to introduce the economic system and its inherent complex relationships to the audience.

2021 ◽  
Benjamin Leiva

Abstract Despite the extended use of the input-output framework, its acceptance among economists is limited due to lack of microfoundations and imposed omission of economic rent. A new input-output table is built from basic neoclassical profit maximization, which explicitly considers economic rent. The new table holds eight differences with conventional open input-output tables which enhances the framework’s theoretical basis, allows for economic rent, and yields new insights into economic structures.JEL Codes: C67, D57

You Jia ◽  
Ren Qi

This paper investigates the effects of Chongqing’s rural and urban residents and total resident population on economic development based on the residents’ consumption structure and analyses of economic development theories concerned by using the input-output table of Chongqing during 2002–2017 and SDA (Structure Decomposition Analysis) model. The study found that, compared with the previous years, the direct consumption of the primary industry’s unit output to the industrial products has decreased significantly in 2017, while the direct consumption to the tertiary industry has increased significantly; The direct consumption per unit output of the second industry is basically equal to that of the products of the industry, while the direct consumption of the products of the third industry has increased; The direct consumption per unit output value of the tertiary industry is basically equal to that of the primary industry. In the long run, the changes in consumption structure of rural and urban residents and total resident population and the increase in proportion of tertiary industry accelerate the transformation and upgrading of industrial structure. However, the effect of consumption structure on GDP (Gross Domestic Product) varies from year to year. On the whole, the changes of residents’ consumption have a positive effect on GDP (Gross Domestic Product).

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 1924-1941
Rodrigo da Rocha Gonçalves ◽  
Gustavo Inácio De Moraes ◽  
Jacó Braatz

O objetivo deste artigo é estimar matrizes insumo-produto para as mesorregiões do Rio Grande do Sul para o ano de 2011. Em paralelo, encontrar os indicadores de impacto (multiplicadores e índice de ligação) de cada mesorregião, auxiliando na formulação de políticas públicas do tipo top-down, principalmente com ênfase nas atividades de transporte. Os resultados indicaram que os setores com maior efeito na produção na maior parte das mesorregiões são: fabricação de calçados e couro; manutenção, reparação e instalação de máquinas e equipamentos e outros equipamentos de transporte. No segmento de transporte, destacaram-se em todas as mesorregiões os transportes rodoviários de cargas e passageiros. 

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