Village health volunteers (VHVs) are key factors to improve and maintain health status in the Thai population, especially in rural areas. Knowledge in rational drug use of VHVs is essential to help Thai people use medicines appropriately. Therefore, this study aimed to investigate the literacy of VHVs relating to rational drug use in a municipal hospital, Nakhon Si Thammarat province, Thailand. The literacy score was assessed using the questionnaire that was developed based on the Rational Drug Use Manual by the Ministry of Public Health. This questionnaire consists of 5 aspects, including the understanding of drug labels, advertisement evaluation, drug purchasing and using, understanding the meaning of medical terms, and access to drug information. The results were analyzed and described as frequency and percentage. Of all 139 VHVs who participated in the questionnaires, the average score of rational drug use literacy was 16.51 (SD = 5.79) out of 28 (58.96%), which was defined as poor level. Considering by aspects, it was found that the scores in the drug label literacy and understanding of the medical terms were at good levels. Drug purchasing and using aspect was at a moderate level. The advertisement assessment aspect was at a poor level. In conclusion, the results in this study indicated that VHVs in a municipal hospital, Nakhon Si Thammarat province, Thailand, should strengthen the knowledge relating to evaluation of advertising media and purchasing and using of drugs.