medical terms
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2022 ◽  
pp. 000992282110703
Ellen Wagner ◽  
Omar Jamil ◽  
Bethany Hodges

While discussing obesity with pediatric patients and their families can be difficult, it is an essential step toward appropriate weight management. There is paucity of data regarding language preferences when discussing obesity in this population. In this pilot qualitative study, we interviewed 8 parents of patients diagnosed with obesity to identify language and communication preferences for discussing their child’s weight. Interviews were analyzed for emerging themes. Important trends appeared revealing that parents prefer neutral, medical terms discussed at well-child checks or obesity-specific visits. Providers should frame lifestyle changes as positive for all patients and set achievable goals with the help of visual aids. Our analysis uncovered several important communication strategies that can better equip providers to discuss obesity with their pediatric patients. This research may serve as a foundation for larger studies into the topic.

2022 ◽  
Vol 2161 (1) ◽  
pp. 012034
Pratyaksh Jain ◽  
Karthik Ram Srinivas ◽  
Abhishek Vichare

Abstract Depression is a common type of mental illness that can impair performance and lead to suicide ideation or attempts. Traditional techniques used by mental health experts can assist in determining an individual’s type of depression. Machine learning and NLP were used to understand how to predict posts that indicate depression in people and their accuracy. For this work, we have used a dataset from reddit. Reddit is an ideal destination to use as a supplement to the traditional public health system because of its punctuality in exchanging ideas, versatility in presenting emotions, as well as compatibility to use medical terms. We examined the comments and posts about suicidal ideation. We used NLP to gain a better understanding of interdisciplinary fields which are related to suicide. We discovered two help groups for depression and suicidal thoughts: r/depression and r/SuicideWatch. The famous “SuicideWatch” subreddit is commonly used by people who have thoughts of suicide and gives significant signals for suicidal behavior. A brief scan through the articles discloses that the subreddits are legitimate online spots to seek assistance and provide honest text data about people’s mental state. We have used multiple ML algorithms such as Naïve Bayes, SVM. To address the research problem, we have considered two subreddits that provided us with appropriate information to track people at risk. We achieved results of 77.29 % accuracy and 0.77 f1-score of Logistic Regression, 74.35 % accuracy and 0.74 f1-score of Naïve Bayes, 77.120% accuracy and 0.77 f1-score of Support Vector Machine, 77.298% accuracy, and 0.77 f1-score of Random Forest.

2021 ◽  
pp. 172-178
 Дмитрий Вадимович Любимов

Рецензируемая книга Александра  Михайловича  Терехина «Сумасшествия в  музыкальном театре: опера, балет», изданная в  2020 году, уникальна во  многих отношениях. Во-первых, интерес вызывает личность самого автора. Профессиональная и  творческая деятельность Терехина связана с  медициной и  музыкой. Врач-психиатр с  сорокалетним стажем, Терехин более четверти века работал в Мариинском театре в качестве артиста миманса. Во-вторых, тема сумасшествия (безумия) еще не  становилась самостоятельным предметом изучения в российских музыковедческих исследованиях. В-третьих, оригинальность книги составляют медицинские заключения. В центре внимания врача — тексты оперных и балетных либретто, на основе которых автор раскрывает причины помешательства и  ставит различные диагнозы персонажам музыкального театра. Рассматривая конкретные клинические случаи, Терехин прибегает к профессиональным медицинским терминам. Среди диагнозов отметим такие, как реактивный параноид у Лючии («Лючия ди Ламмермур» Г. Доницетти), шизофрения у Мельника («Русалка» А. С. Даргомыжского, интоксикационный (гашишный) психоз у Солора («Баядерка» Л. Минкуса). Книга А. М. Терехина, не претендуя на всеохватность освещения темы сумасшествия (безумия), открывает музыковедам новые грани междисциплинарного подхода в изучении оперного и балетного репертуара. Alexander Mikhailovich Terekhin’s peer-reviewed book Madness in Musical Theater: Opera, Ballet, published in 2020, is unique in many ways. Firstly, the author’s personality is of interest. Terekhin’s professional and creative activity is connected with medicine and music. A psychiatrist with forty years of experience, Terekhin worked for more than a quarter of a century at the Mariinsky Theater as a mimance artist. Secondly, the theme of madness (insanity) has not yet become an independent subject of study in Russian musicological studies. Thirdly, the originality of the book is based on medical reports. The doctor focuses on the texts of opera and ballet librettos, on the basis of which the author reveals the causes of insanity and makes various diagnoses to the characters of the musical theater. Considering a specific clinical case, Terekhin resorts to professional medical terms. Among some diagnoses we can mention: reactive paranoid in Lucia (Lucia di Lammermoor by Donizetti), schizophrenia in Melnik (Rusalka by Dargomyzhsky, intoxicational (hashish) psychosis in Solor (La Bayadere by Minkus). Without claiming to cover the topic of insanity (insanity) comprehensively the book by Terekhin, opens up new facets of the interdisciplinary approach in studying opera and ballet repertoire to musicologists.

2021 ◽  
Rita Suluhian Kuyumjian

The article covers the last 17 years of Komitas’s life. Constantinople Armenians who took care of Komitas, on the advice of Dr. Vahram Torkomian, seeing no improvement in Komitas’s mental health, while he was treated at Hopital de la Paix in Istanbul, decided to send him to Paris, hoping for better treatment and outcome. The article describes Komitas’s medical care, both psychiatric and physical until his death in 1935 when Komitas was in custodial care in Paris sanatoriums. It describes and analyses the findings from Komitas’s medical files at Ville- Evrard and Ville- Juif Hospitals. It reviews the psychiatric consultations, and explains the medical terms used at the beginning of the 20th century and its implications for psychiatric diagnosis used in Western psychiatry of today. Finally it describes his death due the bone infection in his foot and his funeral arrangements. Սույն հոդվածը նկարագրում է Կոմիտասի կյանքի և հիվանդության փարիզյան շրջանը մինչև իր մահը 1935 թ․ հոկտեմբերին։ 1918 թ. Զինադադարից հետո Կոմիտասի ընկերները բժիշկ Վահրամ Թորգոմյանի խորհրդով նրան բուժման նպատակով ուղարկում են Փարիզ։ Կոստանդնուպոլսի Լա Բե հիւանդանոցում Կոմիտասի առողջությունն անփոփոխ էր մնում, և լավացում չէր արձանագրվում։ Հոդվածն անդրադառնում է Փարիզի Վիլ Էվրար և Վիլ Ժուիֆ բուժական հաստատություններում Կոմիտասի բժշկական խնամքին։ Վերլուծության են ենթրկվում բժշկական թղթապանակը, բժշկական խորհրդատվությունները, համեմատվում են քսաներորդ դարասկզբին գործածված բժշկական ախտորոշիչ եզրույթները՝ ներկայիս գործածվող տարբերակների հետ։ Քննարկվում են նաև նրա ոտքի ոսկորի հիվանդությունն ու ֆիզիկական հյուծման պատճառով մահվան պարագան, ապա նաև թաղման կազմակերպումը։

Наталия Октябревна Золотова ◽  
Людмила Константиновна Гордеева

В статье обсуждаются верифицированные на основе метода субъективного шкалирования результаты свободного ассоциативного эксперимента, проведенного с участием студентов медицинского вуза, которым в качестве стимулов были предложены медицинские термины, называющие болезни. Особое внимание уделяется динамике эмоционально-оценочной составляющей значения медицинского термина, которая обусловлена разным уровнем профессиональных компетенций воспринимающих термин испытуемых. The article discusses the results of two psycholinguistic experiments: free associative experiment and subjective scaling with the participation of medical university students who worked with medical terms naming diseases as stimuli. Special attention is paid to the dynamics of the emotional-evaluative component, represented in the psychological structure of the meaning of the medical term, associated with different levels of professional competencies of the subjects perceiving the term.

2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (2) ◽  
pp. 31-45
Dagmar Koláříková

The Reflection of the COVID-19 Pandemic in Dictionaries of the French Language. Languages adapt to reflect changes taking place in the life of users. The COVID-19 pandemic, by its specificity, has had an enriching effect on the French language, which quickly created and borrowed simple and complex lexical units, a new specialized vocabulary reflecting the transformations that have occurred in the society. Medical terms like coronavirus (type of virus) and COVID-19 (disease caused by SARS -CoV-2) became a part of everyday conversation. New words and new meanings are usually added to dictionaries once editors have enough evidence to demonstrate continued historical use; therefore, they must be used over a significant period of time to earn their place in dictionaries. Based on the above, the question arises: how has the epidemic impacted dictionary editors? The present study attempts to investigate the new French words and expressions that emerged in the wake of the COVID-19 crisis and were added to dictionaries of the French language. The corpus collected within this study comprises neologisms (the concept of neologism can be misleading here, because the lexicography theory characterizes neologisms as words which have not been included in current dictionaries) from various fields, new words or expressions and new meanings which have been added to the Petit Robert and the Petit Larousse illustré and the online dictionaries Grand dictionnaire terminologique and Wiktionnaire. The French dictionary Le Petit Robert has added 26 new words and meanings to its 2022 dictionary, and 48 new words and meanings, from cluster to coronapiste (a cycle lane introduced during the COVID-19 crisis), have entered the French dictionary Le Petit Larousse 2022. The present study shows how French dictionaries have been able to adapt to the changes brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic. During this health crisis, the French language has been extraordinarily dynamic.

Nijolė Litevkienė ◽  

Medical terminology has an extensive and rich history in Latin and Greek languages. When Romans conquered Greece, the knowledge and language of both cultures merged, resulting in new medical concepts regarding disease treatment and containment. Medical records were chronicled by hand, creating medical terms and books. Although medical terms have been drawn from many languages, a large majority originate from Greek and Latin. Terms of Greek origin occur mainly in clinical terminology, while Latin terms make up the majority of anatomical terminology. Another reason for a large number of Greek medical terms is that the Greek language is quite suitable for building compound words. The article discusses the current state of anatomical terminology in Lithuania. The history of the Lithuanian nomenclature of anatomy dates back several centuries, during which the most frequently used Lithuanian anatomical terms were gradually developed. Every time, writing and publishing textbooks, methodological aids, and other anatomy books in the Lithuanian language, the authors interpreted various Latin anatomy terms in their own way and introduced new equivalents in the Lithuanian language. However, they often did not agree on the translation of various Latin terms into Lithuanian and their application to define various structures. The development and perfection of medical terminology is a long process. The most significant contribution in regulating Lithuanian anatomical terminology was made by Jurgis Žilinskas. The terms that we currently use can be found in his textbooks “Osteologija ir syndesmologija” (“Osteology and syndesmology”) (1932) and “Splanchnologija” (“Splanchnology”) (1934) (Litevkiene, Korosteliova 2012, 208). He initiated term regulation in his first textbook, “Lectures of Neurology” (1923), containing only Latin terms, well-formed according to Baseler’s nomenclature. The nomenclature of anatomy compiled by him was applied in other anatomy textbooks and the Dictionary of Medical Terms.

2021 ◽  
Vol 19 (1) ◽  
pp. 173-202
Olesia Lazer-Pankiv ◽  
Iuliia Pysmenna

Summary The article deals with the phonetic and orthographic adaptation of Latin terms in English clinical terminology in the context of Latin terminological competence formation of foreign medical students with English as the language of instruction. About 8,000 of the most common clinical terms selected from various lexicographic English sources have been studied on the basis of etymological and comparative approaches to demonstrate the grade of inconsistency in the reflection of Latin terms in modern English medical terminology. The quantitative analysis allowed us to determine and classify the main tendencies in the process of phonetic and orthographic development of Latin terms: (1) imitation of classical Latin spelling; (2) ‘simplification’ of classical Latin spelling; (3) syncretism of the first and second tendencies (parallel use of classical Latin and ‘simplified’ variants as synonyms). The analysis has also identified in some cases the phenomenon of ‘hypercorrectness’. The lack of a unified norm is reflected in all the analyzed reference sources, complicating the lexicographic description of medical terms as well as the process of teaching / learning the medical terminology. The proposed solution is to develop and implement some unified criteria for phonetic and orthographic adaptation of Latin terms in English. The possible ways to solve the problem are either to adhere to the etymological principle, returning ad fontes of medical terminology, and to use only non-monophthongized and non-simplified forms or to use monophthongized and phonetically and graphically simplified forms following the norms of modern English. Consistent adherence to one system of rules for the development of Latin terms is a needed requirement for the proper formation of terminological competence in medical students and correct use of terminology in their further professional activity.

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