employment sectors
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2022 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 92-101
Emil Adly ◽  
Wahyu Widodo ◽  
Anita Rahmawati ◽  
Yoga Aprianto Harsoyo

The role of tourism is a significant industry in the world, especially in Indonesia, which is a supporter of the economic sector that has speedy growth and provides a significant amount of employment sectors. In the current decade in Yogyakarta, tourism is growing and will become one of the main pillars of the country's economy. Mrisi Hamlet has advantages and natural characteristics that are good for being a location for leisure and sports. Lakes, rivers, and rice fields are natural resources attracted by tourists, supported by a strategic position, namely in the north of the Kasongan craft center and the south of the Madukismo sugar factory. The purpose of this service community is to assist tourism-aware groups to design facilities and infrastructure that can be developed for tourism to take advantage of nature, improve the economy of the region, and generate new jobs using the 3D SketchUp application. Hamlet tourism planning using 3D SketchUp produces excellent quality images because of the use of escape (real-time rendering and virtual reality), which significantly improves the existing condition. All facilities are designed in an artistic and modern style but adapted to natural and environmental conditions, clean toilets with natural designs, and a choice of andesite (natural) stone equipped with shower and rinse rooms. The facilities were also designed in a pleasing arrangement of playgrounds and gardens, swimming pools, and revitalizing the lake with a dike design as a jogging track area that is long enough with guardrails, tree hammocks, gazebos, and relaxing places exciting photo spots.ABSTRAKPeran wisata menjadi industri besar di dunia khususnya di Indonesia sebagai penunjang sektor ekonomi yang memiliki pertumbuhan sangat cepat serta menyediakan sektor dunia kerja yang banyak. Dekade saat ini di Yogyakarta, pariwisata kian berkembang dan akan menjadi salah satu pilar ekonomi negara yang menjanjikan. Dusun Mrisi memiliki kelebihan dan ciri khas alam yang baik untuk dijadikan lokasi pelesir dan olahraga. Danau, sungai, serta hamparan sawah merupakan kekayaan alam yang bisa diminati oleh wisatawan didukung dengan posisi yang strategis yaitu di utara pusat kerajinan Kasongan dan di Selatan pabrik gula Madukiso. Tujuan pengabdian ini adalah membantu kelompok sadar wisata untuk mendesain fasilitas sarana dan prasarana   yang bisa dikembangkan untuk pariwisata guna memanfaatkan alam, meningkatkan perekonomian masyarakat sekitar, dan membuka lapangan kerja baru dengan menggunakan aplikasi SketchUp 3D. Perencanaan Dusun wisata dengan menggunakan SketchUp 3D menghasilkan gambar dengan kualitas baik karena menggunakan enscape (real-time rendering and virtual reality), memberikan dampak perubahan yang signifikan pada eksisting codition. Semua fasilitas didesain dengan bentuk yang artistik dan modern namun disesuaikan dengan kondisi alam dan lingkungan, toilet yang bersih dengan desain natural dan pilihan batu andesit (alam) dilengkapi dengan ruang mandi dan bilas. Penataan taman bermain dan taman bunga yang baik, kolam renang, serta revitalisasi danau dengan desain tanggul sebagai area joging track yang cukup panjang dengan pagar pembatas, hammock pada pohon, gazebo, serta tempat santai dan spot foto yang menarik.

English Today ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. 1-10
Guyanne Wilson ◽  
Esther Zappe ◽  
Jonas Silbermann–Schön ◽  
Kai Guilliaume ◽  
Rebecca Altwicker ◽  

In Fiji, Ghana, Jamaica, and the Maldives, the tourism sector is an important source of economic wealth. For example, in the Maldives tourism accounts for around a quarter of total GDP and is a main source of employment (Meierkord, 2018: 5). Similarly, the role of tourism as one of Jamaica's main industries has been stated in Deuber (2014: 29), and Hundt, Zipp and Huber (2015: 691) also mention that tourism is one of the key industries and employment sectors in Fiji. While many of these destinations use traditional channels of advertising such as print magazines, a considerable amount of advertising is carried out online via social media.

2021 ◽  
pp. 003329412110091
Alicia L. Macchione ◽  
Donald F. Sacco

The current study extends previous work on gendered workplace attitudes by manipulating the workplace gender composition (CEO gender, employee gender) of traditional male and female employment sectors. Participants reported general financial investment interest in purported male-role congruent (science laboratory) and female-role congruent (daycare) start-up companies, where CEO gender and employee gender were orthogonally manipulated. Participants had more favorable investment attitudes toward daycares when the CEO was a woman, and especially favorable investment attitudes when both the CEO and employees were women. These findings were stronger for participants higher in hostile sexism. For science laboratories, participants reported equivalent investment attitudes, regardless of CEO gender, as long as the employee gender composition matched the CEO gender (i.e., female CEO + female employees). These findings suggest that social role expectations influence investment attitudes in predictable ways for traditional female employment sectors, but in more nuanced ways for traditional male employment sectors.

2021 ◽  
Vol ahead-of-print (ahead-of-print) ◽  
Pulin Goyal ◽  
Sanjay Bhattacharya ◽  
Aradhana Gandhi

PurposeThe purpose of this study is to apply grounded theory in management research in the context of gender-based pay disparity and showcase the applicability of the method in deriving a new theory toward describing the factors responsible for the slow career advancement of women compared to men across various employment sectors. This study is focused mainly in the northern part of India.Design/methodology/approachA cross-sectional qualitative study was conducted across participants chosen by purposive sampling. Data were collected through in-depth interviews after taking informed consent with an inclusion criterion of some years of work experience. Grounded theory method was used to analyze the data found through qualitative research.FindingsThrough the grounded theory research method, an in-depth understanding of factors responsible for pay disparity as faced by women at work has emerged. Also, factors responsible for the slow career advancement of women employees viz. social construct of gender, workplace representation of gender, perceptions/perspectives of managers regarding genders, lack of multi-step affirmative actions have also emerged from the data.Research limitations/implicationsGreater understanding has been gained toward the applicability of grounded theory as a method for expounding various aspects of management and theorizing them.Practical implicationsGreater understanding has been gained toward the applicability of grounded theory as a method for expounding various aspects of management and theorizing them.Originality/valueThis particular work showcases the intent and applicability of the grounded theory research method in management research by studying gender-based pay disparity. Through this method, barriers faced by women in pay parity across various employment sectors in the northern part of India were ascertained, leading to the emergence of various probable solutions as well.

Evans Yeboah ◽  
Rose Gyamea Kyeremeh

As foreign direct investment (FDI) contributes to economic growth and development of the host country, it also serves as a basis of employment creation in an economy. Over the past years, FDI has helped accumulate capital for developmental projects in most developing and least developed countries. This study provides an overview of job creation through FDI inflow within the Ghanaian economy by considering the number of jobs allocated to the various sectors. The study makes use of a descriptive statistical method that quantitatively supports data analysis. The results show that as the total FDI registered projects decrease, the number of expected jobs to be created also declines. The outcome also revealed that the service sector enjoys a higher percentage of the FDI registered project and the total number of employments generated within the selected period. The result further indicates that about 84% of the aggregate jobs created were for Ghanaians. The outcome also showed that the tourism and export trade sectors’ performance towards job generation from FDI inflow is lower than other sectors of the economy. It is suggested that the government should continue to put in a great effort to make the country’s business environment much friendly for investors.   Keywords: FDI, employment, sectors, Ghana, economic growth, trade inflow.

2021 ◽  
Vol ahead-of-print (ahead-of-print) ◽  
Vincenzo Alfano ◽  
Giuseppe Gaeta ◽  
Mauro Pinto

PurposeThis paper contributes to the empirical analysis of PhD holders' transition into the non-academic labor market (i.e. their intersectoral mobility). The research focuses on doctoral graduates specialized in a field of study supposed to have notable non-academic applications, namely Industrial and Information Engineering. We inspect whether these doctoral graduates experience lower satisfaction with PhD knowledge use on the job when they work outside universities and non-public research centers.Design/methodology/approachWe use cross-sectional survey data collected by the Italian National Institute of Statistics in 2014. Ordinary least squares and ordered logit analyses provide baseline results; furthermore, we apply a multinomial endogenous treatment model to control for potential bias arising from self-selection into employment sectors.FindingsWe find evidence that for PhD holders Industrial and Information Engineering being employed in the industrial and services sector implies lower satisfaction with the use of doctoral knowledge than that reported by their counterparts working in universities or public research centers.Originality/valueThese results complement and extend previous evidence about PhD holders' career outcomes by focusing on the intersectoral mobility issue and on a specific group of doctoral graduates whose intersectoral mobility potential is expected to be high. Our findings call for policies that might trigger a better alignment between doctoral education and non-academic jobs.

2021 ◽  
pp. 216507992098800
Rocío de Diego-Cordero ◽  
Manuel Romero-Saldaña ◽  
Ana Jigato-Calero ◽  
Bárbara Badanta ◽  
Giancarlo Lucchetti ◽  

Background: Spain hosts the fourth largest number of immigrants in Europe, resulting in a large proportion of migrant workers. To date, few studies have examined the working conditions of immigrants in Southern Spain who are known to be at risk for adverse working conditions. This study aimed to investigate the patterns of work and working conditions of immigrants living in southern Spain and to understand how these factors may affect their health. Methods: A qualitative study using semi-structured interviews was conducted throughout 2019 and included 93 immigrants. Transcription, literal reading, and theoretical categorization were performed and a narrative content analysis was carried out. Results: Three themes emerged on working conditions of this study population, including social and labor-related characteristics, working conditions, and occupational health issues. Four employment sectors were most commonly occupied by these immigrants, including caregiving and food service for women and agriculture and construction for men. Most immigrants were from Latin America, unemployed or working part-time jobs, and not hired under an employment contract. Most worked in low-qualified jobs, and were exposed to occupational hazards such as falls from heights, manual handling of materials, and psychological strain. The lack of training on occupational risk prevention and labor rights was related to a low identification of work situations having a negative impact on the health of immigrants. Conclusions/Application to Practice: These findings should be taken into account by the government and public health managers to provide better assistance to immigrant workers in Europe.

Linda McKie ◽  
Marjut Jyrkinen

In this article, we present an analysis of data from four focus groups conducted in Finland and Scotland with women in managerial roles from a range of employment sectors. Increasing longevity has led to burgeoning care needs while necessitating more years in the workplace given financial challenges and career aspirations. We conclude that gendered presumptions about caring, and flexible working, remain prevalent and impact on the life and career courses of women managers. The article contributes to the literature and debates on the ebbs and flows of caring and working across women’s lives.

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